Do I Know You?

I've noticed a lot of new folks joining our People forum so I thought it would be great if we had a place to introduce ourselves and share a bit of personal info. How about we share 7 things about ourselves. You don't have to share the same things, just 7 facts about yourself that you don't mind other people knowing.
I'll start.
I'll start.
- My real name is Alex.
- I've been married for 21 years and have a beautiful daughter.
- I've been shooting seriously for about 7 years with a focus on People photography for about 4 of them.
- I do portrait work professionally but my day job is an IT Project Manager Nerd. I hope to shoot full-time when I retire, hopefully at 52.
- I live in Southern California.
- I have a dog named Potato and another named Meatball.
- I'm not shy and have been seen naked by thousands of strangers.
"I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
2) I named one of my 2 boys Alex in honor of our Mod.
3) I live in SF bay area and work at Broadcom
4) I do photography as a hobby mostly but have shot many "pro" gigs. I would never go to photography as a full time deal as I imagine it would take the fun out of it.
5) I have been meaning to stop by SmugMug HQ and take some shots for a long time
6) I plan to purchase a plug-in hybrid this year to get an HOV sticker
7) I am also 2nd degree kung-fu guy (Hung-Gar) who has been in a movie with Jet Li.
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
1) My name is Philip
2) I am employed full-time in my day job as an electrical engineering manager... I would still rather be in the lab though.
3) I have 4 kids and 1 on the way... one is adopted with special needs.
4) I play the Cello, Alto Sax and Flute in my church's praise band... not all at the same time.
5) I cut and split 10 full cords of wood each year for heat in the winter (it is cold in Iowa)
6) Photography is a hobby, along with graphic design, android development, web design, music, gardening, model aircraft (radio controlled), and wood working
7) I haven't owned a windows or mac computer in over 16 years (Linux nerd) and still can't figure out how people have time to watch TV!
So I cheated and might have combined a few. :-)
Go Shoot Something Already! - Flickr Photostream
Have you performed a few Random Acts of Parenting today?
2. The first of this year I got married.
3. I have been doing this whole photography thing for over two years now so obviously I've mastered it.
4. I work at a car dealership selling parts not cars, always have to make that distinction just in case you hate car salesman.
5. I play guitar..... kinda.
6. We foster dogs so currently we have 4 furry terrors running around the house.
7. When it comes to gear I often forget I am flat broke. :bluduh
2. I got married to my first and only husband in 1959 and we are still married
3. I have four children, 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild
4. I am retired from a checkered career - including swim teach coach, middle school science teacher and OSHA health inspector
5. I travel a lot - I have been to 49 countries. My current project is photo documentation of cemeteries.
6. I've been taking photos since at least 1948, and digital since 2000. I am not and probably will never be a professional photographer - it is too much work.
7. I've dabbled in needlepoint design, portrait painting and other arty type things.
My Site
My Facebook
2. I work as a technician for a dealership but I absolutely hate everything about it.
3. Photography is my real passion and I will continue to work my way into it no matter what
4. I love jeeps (my original passion) and now Im into Harleys. Own one of each.
5. I love music, mostly into post hardcore, rock, psychedelic, metal but lately Ive been hooked on Taylor Swift (favorite band is Coheed and Cambria)
6. I love cats
7. My life is pretty boring hahaha. Just trying to distance myself from the tech job and go finish my degree
1. My real name is Sandy even though my signature says Snady.
3. I have 3 grown children, a step granchild and my first biological grandbaby on the way.
4. My studio -Wings of Love Photography (now a full time one) was born because of many angel babies (those that live in heaven) whom I had the honor of photographing as a labor and delivery nurse for 16 years. I also sell real estate and love decorating, photoshop and facebook.
5. I live 1.5 hours north of New York City and never have the desire to go there.
6. Buying new gear and gadgets and all things techy are sucking up all of my studio profits.
7. I am obsessed with music, their lyrics and emoticons!
- My name is Gabriel
- I live in Boston
- I am a state employee by day, artisan by night
- Recently married
- Picked my first DSLR in January of 2012
- First live concert was Vanilla Ice (don't judge me I was dragged by my cousin who @ the time was a huge fan and had an extra ticket)
- I Have 2 best friends from child hood (@ different times) both named Luis w/ the nicknames "Wiso" also.... how ironic!
1. My name is Mike Jin
2. I'm 25 and lived in US for 17 years.
3. I began focusing on academics a bit too late, and will be graduating this summer.
4. I hope to be inside people's mouths!
5. Cars were my first hobby, but now second to photography.
6. Recently realized travelling is much better money spent than on material goods.
7. But still has gear-fetish!
16/2.8, f1.4G primes, f2.8 trio, 105/200 macro, SB900.
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Edited in 2016 to update!!
1. My name is Sherry.
2. I live in Central Texas near a really big Army base (not affiliated with military though).
3. I have been married over 35 years to the same wonderful guy and I have one 20-yr old daughter who is a grad student at Texas State University.
4. I have worked in the Finance/Comptroller/Business Office area at the local community college for over 32 years.
5. I got my first camera (a Kodak Instamatic) when I was 14 & was hooked. I got a dSLR about 10 or 11 years ago and started getting more serious with it a couple of years after that. I have just switched to Canon (from Olympus). It's killing me that I only have one lens for my Canon so I really need to work on that!
6. I really prefer taking pictures of flowers, scenery, or one of my 5 cats, but in the last 4 years I have sort of been the unofficial 'official' photographer of my daughter's former high school band. Great fun, plus they needed me to do a lot of stuff (like individual band portraits) that I just didn't have the lighting equipment or skill to do properly. I have learned a ton just doing this for them! I just don't enjoy editing out teenage acne though.
7. I don't want to be a full-time photographer (too much like work--no fun!), but I still get excited when I sell prints (usually to band parents).
Nice to 'meet' everyone.
2. I'm married and have a 14 year old daughter who Angevin here at dgrin dubbed "Mini-D" and it seems to have stuck
3. My life has been approximately equally divided between the UK and US - we returned the US just before our daughter was born.
4. I've been dabbling in photography since I got my first SLR (a Pentax ME Super) at 15, but in 2009 when I suddenly lost a string of contracts due to opera company recession-cancellations, I finally had the time to work on photographic technical skills - I'm nowhere near as proficient as I'd like, but I've come a long way.
5. In addition to the shooting I do for myself, I shoot performer headshots (and performances) professionally. While outside of NY and LA that's way too niche a market to become a reliable source of income - and, like many, I'm not sure I would want to become a full-time commercial photographer - it's a wonderful adjunct to my performing career and I really enjoy it as another artistic outlet.
6. We have a young brown Bearded Collie named Cooper who is completely nuts and LOADS of fun. We do quite a few activities with him: herding, K9 nosework, hoping to start some agility when he's a little older and has (hopefully!) matured and settled a bit. His breeder shows him and he's about halfway to his AKC championship.
7. My husband is also a musician, and we have a collection of over 2000 CD's. In a 900sf house. I long for some proper space to use as a studio (both music and photo!).
2. I live in beautiful Southern Utah, surrounded by the mormons, (and for now, I only have one wife)
3. I have two daughters, 17, and 19.:(: Both good and both enjoy being behind the camera as well.
4. I have an HVAC, Air Balancing and Insulation business. It keeps me busy busy.
5. My wife says I have hobby A.D.D. Photography, mountain & road biking, hiking, astronomy, SUPing etc...
6. I started photography in my teens in the mid 80's, two OM-4s, 10 lenses, worked in the darkroom, then gave it all up till I got the newly released D300 (whenever that was) then sold it waiting for something new and that never happened, then gave it all up again till the D800 came out.
7. I now (part part time) shoot for the local online news source, and really enjoy that. Then got my older daughter on as a full time videographer!
2. I am a big time lurker here, but have only rarely posted anything
3. We live in SW FL with our beagle
4. My hubby does IT too, hoping to retire in 7 yrs when our house is paid off - hope the photo business is going strong enough by then to make this happen
5. I am a 3rd grade teacher - I probably won't retire because I actually like my job
6. But, not sure how that will work because I do most of the stuff for the photo business (pretty much everything except take the photos) so if things really pick up, he's gonna have to figure some of this stuff out
7. We've got no kids (except our furry one), not by choice :nah
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
2. I am a skeptic, rationalist, and committed non-conformist – consequently, I get in trouble almost every day.
3. Ironically, I worked in the same building, for the same educational institution, for 32 years – I retired 2 years ago.
4. I desperately want to know if UFOs actually are full of beings from other planets.
5. For me, photography expresses the ancient human urge/activity to create representative images of the world.
6. I have been married for 31 years to the kindest, nicest, person I have ever met.
7. My Labrador Retriever, Billy, died 3 years ago and I still cry about it, and I believe my 3 cats understand everything I say to them.
8. I could not resist listing 8 items – see #2.
2.- I was born in Havana Cuba. 69 years ago.
3.- I practice some hobbies and sports, among them, my A+ preferred ones are Photography
fishing and hunting.
4.- Love big dogs such as German Shepherds and Black Labs.
5.- I have been a firearms instructor for about 30 years and proud of it.!!!!!!!!!!!
6.- I am married to the same person I met 50 years ago and intend to keep it that way.
7.- I am grouchy, get silly once in a while and get emotional when I see the American Flag.
8.- I went out of hell once and in my way out found 4 things, Love, God, freedom, and without
knowing, found myself too.
9.- I LOVE PEOPLE THE SAME WAY PEOPLE LOVE ME. (That's called reciprocity)
10.-Thanks to all of you I have learned a lot about photography.
11.- Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am also a Certified Air Conditioning Contractor from Florida DBPR.
2. I am a retired music teacher 33 yrs.
3. I play the trombone hence the name Hackbone
4. I've got two children Lindsey 32 and Jennifer 34
5. I love martial arts, weapons and motorcycles
6. Married to a great lady named Barbara since 1974
7. Still got lots to learn in photography.
AMEN Buddy! I too taught firearms classes, and still build the Port-A-Fold target modular target system that ships all over the world.
2. My portraits are mostly rust! Though I do Jazz concert shoots.
3. I was a Set Designer/Technical director in theatre for years.
4. Last 20 years i've been an Exhibit Builder at a Museum.
5. Shoot for myself. But have images hung in various gallery showings.
6. Cat person, but with out one since our 20 yr old died a while back.
7. With the same woman since '77. Married her in '84. No kids.
8. Climb trees in arborist gear for fun.
9. I do the Grand Canyon every 20 years, since '72.
10. Need to start posting here, though I don't do studio portraits.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
2. We have two daughters. The older one is looking at colleges already.
3. I teach preschool as well as upper school photography. I guess I like extremes.
4. I established my business a few years ago but still only do it part time. That will likely change in the next couple years.
5. I mostly shoot people.
6. I read a lot of non-fiction for fun and watch documentaries in my spare time.
7. I have been training in the aerial arts for a year and a half. I'm stronger than I ever thought possible and loving being a budding circus performer.
2) I married my high school sweetheart and we have one child -- who started diving into photography at the age of 9!
3) I am a proud board member of Fotowork Studios in Abilene, TX (read our article in the Oct-Nov Edition of Texas Professional Photographer's Association magazine (here:
4) My uncle was got me into photography at the age of 15 -- my first camera was a Pentax K1000 that I had to put on layaway!
5) I went semi-pro (not full-time) 3 years ago
6) In my "real" job, I'm an Operations Manager for a 501-A company that employees physicians
7) I was invited (and blessed) to attend the WORLD-PREMIER of the movie "An Evening Star" (the sequel to "Terms of Endearment") in Houston, Texas, and walked (and was photographed on) the red carpet.
Images of Him Photography
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
2) I have been happily married for 17 years and have 3 young children
3) My first camera (1984) was a Pentax Spotmatic and I developed all of my own film. I stopped shooting while in school and started again with a Nikon N70 when my first child was born in 2000. I have been shooting Nikon ever since, digital since 2008ish and really got more serious about it in the last couple of years.
4) I wear a suit to work, but have a large rock crawler in the driveway that I built (hand built, I fabricate & weld too)
5) I love macro, but have started shooting a lot more people lately and love that too which is why I am here.
6) I have 3 Labs and a Shepard mix (rescue) house dogs. Yes, its a zoo.
7) I live in a swamp (literally) but my favorite place to visit is the desert.
8) I spend about one weekend a month camping (Scouts and just for fun).
If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
2. I started in photography back when disco was popular. Gave it up for a long while found it again when I picked up a Digital SLR for the first time. I'm trying to get better at natural portrait photography but I love all styles of photography, especially Vivian Maier.
3. I live near the beach but hardly ever go. Too crowded this time of year and too hot in the summer.
4. For a short time I was a docent at the George Eastman House/International Photography Museum. Highly recommend, if you are ever in that neck of the woods.
5. I work as an Operations Excellence Manager for a transportation company.
6. In order to get inspired, or to understand other people's style of photography I like to look at "professional" photographers sites. I put that in quotes because acquaintances of mine just had their engagement photos done, went to the "professionals" website and was like, WHAT THE? No amount of presets can fix a bad photo. In spite of my inexperience, I think I could have done a better job.
7. I want to improve my technical skills, which is difficult because I am very math challenged. Some day it will all make sense; for now I will work on it hope that day comes soon!
8.One last thing, I think Digital Grin is a great forum for those of us starting or trying to understand Digital photography. While it's always a bit intimidating to "pull the trigger" and post, any time I have the feed back has been nothing but positive and helpful. I have learned a lot from this site, thank you (in advance)
2. My wife and I have been married for 31 years and have 2 grown boys that we're very proud of. They must like us because they keep coming back
3. My background is in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and have worked for the same company for over 32 years.
4. For no specific reason I purchased a Fuji Fujica camera in the 70's and became fascinated with it. I just loved the way it felt in my hands and how the world looked through the viewfinder. My son still uses it.
5. I just became interested in portrait photography and have a crazy idea of slowly building a business to work in after I retire.
6. We have 2 cats that are sisters, hate each other, and love us.
7. I wish we all lived closer and could share all this in person over nice glass of wine.
My Photos
My Facebook
2. I am single and intend to stay that way, unless the right one comes along and can persuade me to change my mind.
3. Presently, my day job is working at a machine shop thread grinding shanks on reamers.
4. Photography is a hobby at the present time, but would like get something started to supplement my income when I retire in about 2 years.
5. Have had just about every format of camera since the age of 7 or 8 thanks to mom & dad. The Nikon D300 is my current camera.
6. First love is photographing automobile racing. Had the opportunity to photograph the first several Miami Grand Prix races, first Miami Indy race, along with several 12 Hours of Sebring races, Drag Racing at Moroso Motorsports Park, and stock car racing at a small 1/3 mile flat track in Hialeah, all in Florida in the 80's.
7. Since it's been too cold to get outside and do some shooting, I've been obcessed with watching workshops on Creative Live, and buying photography books and reading, and of course upgrading equipment.
8. I mainly shoot available light, but want to learn other lighting techniques.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
2. I am married and have three kids and six grandchildren
3. I work at a major university
4. I live in sunny Southern California
5. I could have been a bonafide hippy if I was born a decade earlier
6. I was once a professional musician
7. I plan to shoot people when I retire
2. I once won a film festival for creating this stop motion back in high school:
3. I love the health field. I'm proud to say that I just got accepted into graduate school for Physical Therapy
4. I'm strangely talented at hitting a hacky sack.
5. I have never left the United States. Ever.
6. The ocean keeps me sane. Hurricane Sandy pretty much destroyed the Jersey shore, so this should be an interesting summer.
7. I used to be a coffee addict, and now I've been cold turkey for a month. Best decision I've ever made.
2. I am full time Fashion / Portrait photographer for about 7 years now - I'm a retired concert pianist
3. My wife and I run a Studio in the small town we live in called "KLinh Evelyn Grace photography"
4. We shoot almost exclusively with film and do all the developing ourselves
5. I am thankful everyday that I can do this full time but everyday I freak out because I'm doing this full time.
6. Am currently in panic mode because I can't find a replacement for Kodak Portra or TMAX film
7. Very much enjoy checking out the posts on Dgrin.
Klinh Evelyn Grace Photography
Fashion & Commercial
(2)Mamiya RZ67 IID, Mamiya 645 AFD II, Leaf Aptus 65, Profoto D1's, Capture One.