Do I Know You?



  • Registered Users Posts: 634 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2013
    I will play along, although I rarely contribute to this forum...

    1 - One can glean 7 bits of info about me by parsing my handle and siggy (the engineering is of the RF/analog electrical flavor and the dog is of the Bernese Mountain flavor - as seen in my avatar).
    2 - Yes, Cab is my real name; it's short for Cabell. I've never met anyone else IRL with my name, and only twice have I run across others online - and one of those spelled it differently than I do.
    3 - I met my wife by chance in a chatroom back in 2000. In November we will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.
    4 - We have a 6 y/o daughter and almost 3 y/o son. They are the greatest things in the world (except a nice mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich...).
    5 - In all honesty, shooting people is among my least favorite photographic activities. Other than my kids, of course. I do think that SP's are kind of cool, and I'm working on incorporating some into my 365 project, which is why I stopped by here today. I do like looking at and learning from photos of people, I'm just not a big portrait shooter.
    6 - I have spent roughly 1/3 each of my life in Northern California (Palo Alto - childhood until HS, much of my family is still there), the southwest (Albuquerque and Las Cruces, NM - HS and college years, my dad is still there), and New England (Boston metro area - since graduating in 1999). New England in the Fall is the bees knees.
    7 - I've always had a "thing" for photography, but honestly a lot of it has been how cool the gear is (if I had the scratch, I'd have a hard time controlling my Gear Acquisition Syndrome - for now my limited crop sensor kit will suffice, but I've got a long wishlist...). I love a well-made piece of kit (there's something about clicking on a lens that just feels right) and just can't get into shooting with point & shoots. I know it's the photographer not the equipment and great shots come from all kinds of devices, but I just don't get into it unless I'm using my DSLRs. I bought my first SLR when I graduated from college but just couldn't get seriously into it due to the lag between shooting and seeing the film. About 5 years ago we jumped into the DSLR world and I just love it. I love landscapes although I don't consider myself good at any of it. It's all for fun, and boy, is it ever!
    Father, husband, dog lover, engineer, Nikon shooter
    My site 365 Project
  • geoatkgeoatk Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited March 21, 2013
    1) My real name is Geoff
    2) I have been married for 6 years-we are a blended family and have 5 kids between us.
    3) I have been a special education preschool teacher for the last 15 or so years.
    4) I love taking pictures of people. Both little and big.
    5) My other hobbies include building vintage style trailers (only one completed so far), surfing, rock climbing, hanging out with my kids and anything else outdoors.
    6) I live in Southern California
    7) I can't wait to get better at taking pictures. I bought my first camera when I was 13 but haven't had time to really shoot a lot until recently.
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2013
    I haven't been posting for a while, but hey, I've been waiting for somebody new to catch up post-count-wise :-)...
    Anyway, here goes nothing mwink.gif
    1. I was born in USSR and lived there until my mid-thirties, then I moved to US. Talk about mid life crisis ;-)
    2. My first camera at 11yo was (I think) Kodak, Six-20 Junior camera, Model D c1934 (or something very similar), which my grand uncle brought from one of his trips abroad. After that I graduated to a (soviet) cheap rangefinder Smena-8M which I used for many years for both BW negatives and color slides. Developed/printed all that myself, of course. It was mostly family and trip snapshots, though. I started taking photography more or less seriously around 2003. These days I take my glorified snapshots of Hollywood models and southwest landscapes (or both together) with a couple of Canon 5D Mark III and some decent collection of L glass and AB/Profoto studio lights.
    3. Back in USSR I have worked as a university assistant professor, teaching mathematical physics and other various aspects of applied math. I began self-teaching myself computers after I have graduated the high school, and eventually became a full time software developer (MS stack). I still love teaching, though, as those of you who were careless enough to get near me can confirm ;-)
    4. After 25+ years I'm still married to the same woman, with two grown up daughters as a side-effect :-)
    5. I play six/twelve strings guitars, alto/tenor sax and recorders - very unprofessionally
    6. I still miss smugmug/dgrin shootouts (2005 Yosemite, 2006 Utah, 2007 Montana, 2008 Utah - hey guys wave.gif), as I met a lot of great people there, many of whom I'm proud to call my friends.
    7. You can take a guess what my real name is... mwink.gifrolleyes1.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • anonymouscubananonymouscuban Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,586 Major grins
    edited March 21, 2013
    HOLY CRAP! A Nikolai sighting!
    "I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."

    Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums

    My Smug Site
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited March 21, 2013
    1. My real name is Jeff.
    2. I've been married for 35 years and have two grown sons. One is still in school.
    3. I've been shooting since high school with film and about 5 years with digital.
    4. I work at the local electric utility and hope to retire at age 60 (3 more years).
    5. I live in northwest Indiana...for 3 more years!
    6. I'm taking care of a dog that belongs to my son in school. We also have a cat that belongs nobody. If you have a cat you'll understand that cats do not belong to humans.
    7. My real passion is motorcycling. We have a Honda Goldwing that we've ridden in 27 states.
  • luckyrweluckyrwe Registered Users Posts: 952 Major grins
    edited April 28, 2013
    1. My real name is Robert.
    2. I totally suck at relationships. Maybe because of #3.
    3. I was very active here until I got deployed in 2005. I came back in 2008 and needed to find direction again. The thing in my life I have had the longest is photography.
    4. I'll retire from the Army this year with 33 years under my belt in 23 countries and 18 states.
    5. My favorite lens is my Nikon 6mm/2.8 fisheye. I found that to use this lens properly you need to have nice shoes because they are in every single picture you take.
    6. I live in southern California and grew up here. My next goal is to retire in Tampa, the only place that I feel is my home.
    7. I am a huge geek. So huge that I own an original portrait of Ada Lovelace. If you do not know who Ada is, you are not a geek. :-)
  • FlyNavyFlyNavy Registered Users Posts: 1,350 Major grins
    edited April 29, 2013
    My name is John.

    My father taught me to process film in a makeshift darkroom when I was about ten years old. That priceless experence seems like it was only yesterday. If only I could have a few more nights with him in that darkroom! I still have several of his vintage cameras.

    I have been married for 37 years and have a son, a daughter and one grandson. Both of my children are military pilots. My daughter now flys the LC-130 and supports the National Science Foundation on the South Pole and in Greenland. My son is currently deployed in the sandbox. Oh, how I wish the world could live in peace!

    I retired from the US Navy where I made dents on the aircraft carrier, usually off center line and far from the 3 wire. I still get to dance with clouds and feel so lucky to witness many beautiful sunsets and sunrises from an airliner. There is nothing more magical and inspiring then to see a rainbow from the cockpit. If only those experiences would make me a more creative photographer.

    I love to travel! New Zealand is one of my favorite countries.

    When I grow up I want to be a fashion photographer. Seriously!

    I have learned so much from the members of Digital Grin.
  • Dooginfif20Dooginfif20 Registered Users Posts: 845 Major grins
    edited April 29, 2013
    FlyNavy wrote: »
    My name is John.

    My father taught me to process film in a makeshift darkroom when I was about ten years old. That priceless experence seems like it was only yesterday. If only I could have a few more nights with him in that darkroom! I still have several of his vintage cameras.

    I have been married for 37 years and have a son, a daughter and one grandson. Both of my children are military pilots. My daughter now flys the LC-130 and supports the National Science Foundation on the South Pole and in Greenland. My son is currently deployed in the sandbox. Oh, how I wish the world could live in peace!

    I retired from the US Navy where I made dents on the aircraft carrier, usually off center line and far from the 3 wire. I still get to dance with clouds and feel so lucky to witness many beautiful sunsets and sunrises from an airliner. There is nothing more magical and inspiring then to see a rainbow from the cockpit. If only those experiences would make me a more creative photographer.

    I love to travel! New Zealand is one of my favorite countries.

    When I grow up I want to be a fashion photographer. Seriously!

    I have learned so much from the members of Digital Grin.


    Nice to see a fellow former sailor on here. I didnt do the full 20 and retire. I chose to get out at my 10 year mark. What did you fly and what carriers were you on?
  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited April 29, 2013
    I retired from the US Navy where I made dents on the aircraft carrier, usually off center line and far from the 3 wire. I still get to dance with clouds and feel so lucky to witness many beautiful sunsets and sunrises from an airliner.

    My husband also retired from the Navy - he flew S2Fs and was on the Essex and the Intrepid -stationed in Norfolk, Philadelphia, Quonset, Boston and Key West in VX1 when it was there.. Our daughter went to USAFA and now flies 777 for AA.
    “" adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • FlyNavyFlyNavy Registered Users Posts: 1,350 Major grins
    edited April 29, 2013

    Nice to see a fellow former sailor on here. I didnt do the full 20 and retire. I chose to get out at my 10 year mark. What did you fly and what carriers were you on?

    I flew the E2C Hawkeye. I had several long deployments on the USS America and several short ones on the Ike and the Nimitz. I was an RAG instructor for 3 years and got to land on all but the Midway.
  • Robbo1969Robbo1969 Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited May 2, 2013
    read more than i post!
    married 19 years
    2 girls teenagers
    been doing pictures for 7 years
    shoot sports 90% and 10 on seniors or parties.few weddings.
    43 and live life like there is no tomorrow.
    had a d60,d300,d90 and now have a mint d3s and d7000.
  • Dooginfif20Dooginfif20 Registered Users Posts: 845 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2013
    FlyNavy wrote: »
    I flew the E2C Hawkeye. I had several long deployments on the USS America and several short ones on the Ike and the Nimitz. I was an RAG instructor for 3 years and got to land on all but the Midway.

    That is crazy awesome. I got some good shots of some E2s when I was out on the Lincoln. Anyone who can land a plan on a moving landing strip is cool by me! I love and hated the ship, but wouldnt have passed up going for the world.
  • juanherediajuanheredia Registered Users Posts: 345 Major grins
    edited May 5, 2013
    Hi, I'm a new here:

    1) My name is Juan Carlos
    2) I am employed full-time in my day job as a system engineer.
    3) I have a nine old year daughter who loves photography too.
    4) I play the Piano and the guitar, and like to sing. Music is my passion.
    5) I live in Madrid and love to travel.
    6) Photography is a hobby, along with applications design, android development, web design, internet and social media.
    7) I'd like to share my photography work here. I'll appreciate your comments on my gallery photos.
  • ozmiklozmikl Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited June 12, 2014
    My name is Michael
    I have 2 kids
    I love being in the bush
    I drink black tea
    I hate watching sport on TV
    My boots are almost worn out, time to buy a new pair
    Melbourne is always home no matter how long I have been away
  • kombizzkombizz Banned Posts: 267 Major grins
    edited June 25, 2014
    1. My real name is kombizz.
    2. Not married.
    3. My passion is photography.
    4. I record almost everything.
    5. I live in USA.
  • Reflections By BrianReflections By Brian Registered Users Posts: 57 Big grins
    edited August 14, 2014
    1) My name is Brian
    2) I live in Oregon
    3) I play the guitar
    4) I just now, finally posted my first photos here for critique.(After lurking and learning for a long time)
    5) I've always enjoyed capturing people and landscapes but have only gotten serious about it the last three or four years.
    6) I am married to the love of my life who supports and assists me in all of my photography ventures/capers.
    7) I sing barbershop, although I haven't been in a quartet for a while.

    I have been scouring these forums for a long time and have learned a ton from everyone here. I plan to start posting here as I do more shoots for critiques. By doing this, I'm hoping to better my craft and share my knowledge and experiences with others, as little as it may be. The learning never stops!
  • IPMIPM Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited May 10, 2016
    1. My real name is Ian.
    2. I've been married for 3 years.
    3. I've been a photographer for over 20 years.
    4. I shoot mainly business portrait photography
    5. I'm based in London.
    This is my business portraits website
  • BMW KurtBMW Kurt Registered Users Posts: 229 Major grins
    edited June 1, 2016
    1. My real name is Curtis, but I go by Kurt (it's a German thing)
    2. I have been married to the same woman for 38 years and I wouldn't have it any other way.
    3. I once held the highest security clearance one can obtain in the U.S.
    4. I consider myself a serious amateur when it comes to photography or guitar.
    5. I hold a Bachelor's and two Master's degrees.
    6. I feel as much at home in Germany as I do the U.S.
    7. My family is spread over three continents a the moment. (I am in Germany, my oldest son is in the U.S. and my youngest is in New Zealand.
  • Aksana3DAksana3D Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited August 3, 2016
    1. My real name is Nikita.
    2. I am not married. (I am 21 years old and i am looking for girlfriend now)
    3. I am only beginer in shooting.
    4. My day job is seller.
    5. I live in Russia, Ekatirinburg.
    6. I have a dog named Dik and a cat named Koshaik.
    7. And i am shy)
  • CJWluvsjemsCJWluvsjems Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited August 11, 2016
    1. My real name is Carrie
    2. I am an RN in the ICU at our local hospital.
    3. I was just married in June to the man I been with for 11 years. (haha, we don't like to rush into things.)
    4. I have 3 beautiful children.
    5. I LOVE sweet tea.
    6. I am addicted to chapstick
    7. I love to read romance novels. (yeah I know...cheesey, but true)
  • pathrunnerpathrunner Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited September 4, 2016
    1. My birth name is Randy, but nobody calls me that.
    2. Most of my photography is self taught and youtube.
    3. Most of the gigs I get are referrals from my daughter's school.
    4. I work with several printers who pay me for referrals.
    5. I've been married for over 13 years.
    6. I'm a vegetarian who dislikes most vegetarians.
    7. I'm 43 and still not sure what I want to be when I grow up.

    So yeah, that's a bit about me. Looking forward to being a regular here.
  • bboyzalabboyzala New member Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited September 18, 2016
    I've noticed a lot of new folks joining our People forum so I thought it would be great if we had a place to introduce ourselves and share a bit of personal info. How about we share 7 things about ourselves. You don't have to share the same things, just 7 facts about yourself that you don't mind other people knowing.

    I'll start.
    1. My real name is Alex.
    2. I've been married for 21 years and have a beautiful daughter.
    3. I've been shooting seriously for about 7 years with a focus on People photography for about 4 of them.
    4. I do portrait work professionally but my day job is an IT Project Manager Nerd. I hope to shoot full-time when I retire, hopefully at 52.
    5. I live in Southern California.
    6. I have a dog named Potato and another named Meatball.
    7. I'm not shy and have been seen naked by thousands of strangers.

    Hey alex! I love in SoCal too haha

    1. My real name is Justin
    2. I've been working as a pharmacy technician for over 4 years now
    3. I just started getting into photography as a paid profession (been shooting for a couple of years now)
    4. I think I have more pictures of my dog than anything HA!
    5. My dog's name is Gizmo
    6. I have a number of hobbies not just photography
    7. I love reading.
  • mixedmediamixedmedia Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited October 3, 2016
    Hello, brand new here, but I've had a smugmug account for about 3-4 years, I guess. Hope to have fun and learn a lot here.

    1. My real name is Joy.
    2. I am happily single and have three daughters.
    3. I've been shooting for about 10 years.
    4. Photography is my hobby and I like it that way. Professionally I am a registered oncology nurse.
    5. I live in Orlando.
    6. I have two cats named Muffin and Buster Kitten.
    7. I'm not shy and have been seen naked by thousands of strangers. Had to leave that one on there because it's true. haha!
  • FujijitsuFujijitsu Registered Users Posts: 8 Big grins
    1. My real name John Fujijitsu
    2. I'm originally from Lake Chargoffaggogfmanchaugfaggoggchaubunagamaugg
    3. I now live in Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit, better known as Bangkok.
    4. I'm a keen amateur, mainly interested in portrait and travel photography.
    5. I started my digital journey with Lumix micro four thirds, then after buying all the lenses, realized it was the sensor size that was the limiting factor., and switched to Fuji
    6. Expect to move to full frame after buying all the Fujinon lenses.
    7. Some of the above may not be strictly accurate, but the FBI are monitoring my tweets so I need to be careful.
  • bnoverturfbnoverturf Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner

    Hello, I have been on this site for a while but not super involved. Photography is a passion of mine but I have never been in a position to pursue it further. So, I suppressed my dream for a while. Here goes.....

    1. My name is Ben
    2. I am a store manager for Starbucks and I really do love my job.
    3. I was in the Army for 9 years. I loved that job too but wanted to be able to spend time with my wife, which leads me to...
    4. I have been married to my soulmate and best friend for 10 years....
    5. We have a Yorkshire Terrier named Loki and he is both good and bad, but mostly good on the slightly mischievous side.
    6. I have lived in 4 different countries.
    7. I currently call Pennsylvania my home.
  • JimW60JimW60 Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    1. My real name is Jimmy
    2. I am married to my wonderful wife for 23 years
    3. We enjoy travel
    4. We have two children, one 16, one 30
    5. Three grand chlidren
    6. I just joined Smugmug
    7. Started out shooting in High School with a Pentax
    8. Shoot mostly landsape
    9. I live in the southern united States
  • WirenWiren Registered Users Posts: 741 Major grins

    1.My real name is Lee
    2.I've been married for 19 years, together for 23 and have a grown son and a daughter
    3.I've been shooting seriously since 2007 - started mostly in landscape, always practicing people and lighting so I can take all the family photo's (senior shots)
    4.I do portrait work professionally but my day job is a referral coordinator in Case Management for a Medicaid plan at my local hospital.
    5.I live in NW Oregon
    6.I have 3 stupid cats and eagerly await the day they get old and die so I can finally get the dog I've wanted for the last 20 years.
    7.I also like to "try" to push paint around and am starting in on learning pastels.... I am not a born artist, but like a runner who gets a high at their second wind kicking in, once I reach that "creationism" feeling, I want to keep at it, so I try (and suck), and try again.
    8. I have been a member of an art gallery for 3 years.... nothing sells (I have sold a few prints to pay for membership fees, but not much else).

    Lee Wiren
  • Cygnus StudiosCygnus Studios Registered Users Posts: 2,294 Major grins

    I've seen this thread pop up from time to time and always forget to contribute, so here ya go.

    1. Real name is Steve
    2. I'm a Gulf War vet (Navy)
    3. I have struggled with a Corvette habit for quite a few years now. I do not believe that you can own too many.
    4. I'm a commercial photographer shooting mostly product catalogs, but slowly transitioning into food and beverages.
    5. I've been with my better half for nearly 10 years now. She is the first one to put up with me for this long :p
    6. I have traveled to more than 60 countries while working as a photographer.
    7. I'm a very avid reader, reading five to six books per month.

  • sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,872 Major grins

    Like Steve, I've previously visited this thread with interest, so I guess it's time to contribute.

    1) my name is Sara
    2) My fleeting career as an opera singer led me to Augsburg, Germany, which has been my home for nearly 20 years.
    3) Don't sing much any more but work in an opera house as the IT "Goddess".
    4) I have a wonderful partner of six years - sometimes the nice things happen later in life.
    5) Photography has been a hobby of mine for many years, but somehow I've learned more and gotten better since the advent of digital.
    6) Among other things, my partner and I enjoy bicycling in our free time. He's thankfully very patient about my photo stops.
    7) I'm retiring in a few months and am looking forward to having more free time for lots of things (although I can see that my "to do" list is so long that there won't be any free time!).

  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator

    Wow! Really enjoyed reading these and seeing so much diversity in histories. I'll give it a go even though I'm just a lookie loo when it comes to the people forum.

    1 My real name is Joyce and my nick name came from old MSN group forum name of Joyce's Art Gallery. This is also where my photography site name came from as being JAG Creations.

    2 I've been married going on 34th year in just a couple months, and have 4 now grown children (the last one just graduated High School).

    3 I went to college to get a degree with a major in photography, but after one semester, decided to drop it. I started shooting weddings for friends and family back in my late teens/early twenties and a few referral shoots, but then went full time as a circuit board inspector working on the first space shuttle mother board as well as other top secret boards that I would be taken out and shot if I say any more....but I don't remember much of those days anyway. :wink:

    4 Then I homeschooled my children and played coach for the next 17 years. Coaching about 30 different teams in those years, including high school soccer teams and adult basket ball with Special Olympics. I also began teaching high school art and drama at a small Christian school for a spell. After my first 3 kids graduated, I picked up the camera again and started shooting professional jobs again with a local theater as well as other personal family portraits, local politicians and 1 gig as being second photographer for a popular wedding photographer here in Alaska. I decided wedding photography was just too much for me to do anymore.

    5 In 2011, I tried a new hat while homeschooling my youngest child, I became a travel agent. That was a lot of fun and prosperous but because of progressing health issues, I resigned last year in 2016. I did manage to visit 39 different countries and 50 cities.

    6 I now do my shooting from a wheelchair, so my new focus for photography will be mostly scenic and digital art.

    7 My life was bought with a price. I'm now free.

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