New Slideshow flickers on transitions - Mac OS X

gutowskiagutowskia Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
edited December 16, 2013 in Bug Reporting
It appears that the "new smug mug" slideshow exhibits terrible flashing/flickering on transitions. I had no problems prior to migration with the old slideshows. Most likely Mac and Safari specific and perhaps monitor size or number of monitors is a factor as other report no problems. In my case, Mac mini with 27" (2560x1440) monitor (OS X 10.8.4 and Safari 6.0.5) Also the images used to expand to full screen after 2nd or 3rd image was loaded, this is no longer happening so i see a big black border. If I move the safari browser to the secondary monitor (1680x1050) the images now have smooth transitions but are not centered and cut off at the bottom (most likely incorrectly using the main monitor's height)

Please let me know if I can provide any other information to help with identifying the problem.



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Big grins S. UtahPosts: 0 Big grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    I am also seeing the flashing on some of my systems.

    iMac - 27" mid-2011
    Processor: 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory: 12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB, 2560x1440
    OS X 10.8.4

    Result: When running full-screen Slideshow from a Gallery, image changes smoothly as expected. However, the whole display flashes a couple of seconds after the image transitions. Blocking of the image can be seen as the display flashes.

    iMac - 27" late-2012
    Processor: 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory: 12 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 512MB, 2560x1440
    OS X 10.8.4

    Result: As above, but blocking of image is not seen or at least not noticed

    Man Mini late-2012
    Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory: 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 768 MB, dual Dell 2405FPW at 1920x1200
    OS X 10.8.4

    Result: Image refreshes are silky-smooth. No flashing seen. Works correctly on either monitor.

    iPad3, 32 GB Wi-Fi, Retina display
    iOS 6.1.3

    Result: Image refreshes are silky-smooth. No flashing seen.

    In all cases, the images are correctly positioned in the display and change size as expected according to the size of the photo.

    To investigate this behavior I used and hit the "SLIDESHOW" button at the top right of the gallery.

  • gutowskiagutowskia Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    Some additional info. I tested with another Mac at my office. A Mac PRO with 3 connected monitors (two of them 30" with 2560x1600). Same problem with flickering as my Mac mini with Apple's 27" display at home. The transition is a bit smoother but still flickering before and after transitions. The Mac mini at home shows rough transitions in addition to flickering. Yes, it appears that large pixel count is to blame. The third monitor in vertical setup (1200x1600) on same Mac PRO connected to same video card has no problems. Also, the images never fill the entire screen like they used to (after 2 or 3 photos) with the old slideshow.

    Thank You,
  • picturebikepicturebike Registered Users Posts: 158 Major grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    yes ive seen it flick on my mac 27 inch screen when ive been looking at peoples new sites
  • JL PhotoJL Photo Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    is this the homepage slide show, gallery slide show or both? I had the same problem with the homepage slide show. I adjusted duration and transition to 2 seconds and it seems to be smooth.

    that won't work for galleries since there are no slideshow controls Houston, TX
  • gutowskiagutowskia Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    Gallery slide show is the problem. Transition flicker as well as images not expending to full screen.

    Thank you for looking into this.
  • JL PhotoJL Photo Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited August 1, 2013
    gutowskia wrote: »
    Gallery slide show is the problem. Transition flicker as well as images not expending to full screen.

    Thank you for looking into this.

    it works fine on my mac pro after I made the transition and duration changes.

    here are my settings;


    hight Auto

    Auto hight ratio 1:1 ( this is so horizontal and vertical images are the same size ) you may not prefer this setting.

    Content aware hight ON


    speed 2 sec

    Transition Fade

    Transition Speed 2 sec

    these are just what I am trying for now. It seems to work well and looks a lot like what I have on my legacy site.

    John Houston, TX
  • BrodyBrody Registered Users Posts: 252 Major grins
    edited August 4, 2013
    I was referred here when I posted a 'screen flickering' question on another thread - Here's the question I posted on the other thread - I'm putting it here to show my system specifics:

    "5. On my system, there’s a constant flicker in each image during the slide show on my 2013 iMac 27 2560 x 1440 main screen. It’s also on my iMac 27” 2010 2ndary unit, but not on my 10-year-old Dell Flat panel 3rd screen. The flicker is quite frequent. It’s also present on my completely independent Mac Book Pro. I’ve never had a flicker issue in the past on any screen with Smug or any other software." It also chops off the bottom of the images on the Dell flat panel which is 1902x1200.

    I've never been a Firefox user, but I may be now. Someone recommended it, I installed it, and the problem is gone, both in independent unit use and grouped as a triple screen configuration. All items seem properly centered and the cropping problem on the 1920x1200 display is gone.

    Please let me know if you have different results or questions.


    Travel & Landscape Favorites at / Facebook / Blog /
  • SVFocusSVFocus Registered Users Posts: 34 Big grins
    edited August 9, 2013
    Same problem on my iMac.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2013
    Here's a video showing the issue. I just use the in-gallery slideshow button.

    The "flickering" only happens in Safari.

    The other issue is that square photos (3rd one in the video) aren't centered - they are flush to the top of the screen. You can see the behavior on the 2nd photos in this gallery:

    The "non centered" square photos issue happens in Safari, FF, Chrome (all latest versions).
  • BrodyBrody Registered Users Posts: 252 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2013
    On my machines, the flickering is the same as your video, but the justification issue is the opposite - my photos are bottom justified or more - landscape photos are against the bottom, but landscape photos are maybe 20% cut is off by the bottom of the screen while portraits are half missing.
    Travel & Landscape Favorites at / Facebook / Blog /
  • gutowskiagutowskia Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited August 9, 2013
    I have noticed the justification issue with multi monitor setup. If I play slide show on my secondary monitor the vertical justification matches primary monitor resolution which does not match the secondary monitor. On monitors 27 or larger, the slide show no longer fills the entire screen like it used to and fade/in/out is all messed up.
  • PoolyPooly Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited August 13, 2013
    I am experiencing the same flash between transitions, have the other posters here reported it to Smugmug and if so, what was their response? I have downloaded Chrome and tried it there and it works perfectly, however, I don't consider this a fix, as the slideshow ought to be compatible with Safari, as others will still be using it to view the site and experiencing the same issue. I have tried changing the transition speeds etc, no joy. I am using a new 27 inch iMac.
  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,313 moderator
    edited August 14, 2013
    I also see odd slideshow behavior, aka "flickering" in new SM galleries. In addition to the flickering, a current image might overlay a still visible previous image if the orientation or image size is different. Sometimes, I see a ribbon effect where parts of the top image displays and other areas are black banded (not showing at all). I never saw anything like that in the old Smugmug.

    More odd, is that if I start a slideshow at the beginning image, the strange stuff might not happen at all, but if I choose an image in the middle of a gallery first, and continue the slideshow from that image, it almost always happens. I've seen this behavior in most everyone's migrated sites.

    Using OSX and Safari.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • billwbillw Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited August 14, 2013
    David_S85 wrote: »
    I also see odd slideshow behavior, aka "flickering" in new SM galleries. In addition to the flickering, a current image might overlay a still visible previous image if the orientation or image size is different. Sometimes, I see a ribbon effect where parts of the top image displays and other areas are black banded (not showing at all). I never saw anything like that in the old Smugmug.

    More odd, is that if I start a slideshow at the beginning image, the strange stuff might not happen at all, but if I choose an image in the middle of a gallery first, and continue the slideshow from that image, it almost always happens. I've seen this behavior in most everyone's migrated sites.

    Using OSX and Safari.

    I can confirm all of the above on Safari and Chrome on OS X. Firefox has no problems.

    This looks like a major issue as most OS X users are likely to be using Safari.

    There are other threads about this, for example and

    Andy has posted a video of it:
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 14, 2013
    Mac Homepage slideshow Flicker JUST started on mine
    My Homepage slideshow has been working fine. I made a change today on the aspect ration from 4/3 to 3/1. This is when the flicker started. I put it back to 4/3 and still have the flicker. Removed the content block and put it back using original settings. Still has the flicker. Noticed the flicker seems that after a new image is placed on screen, the "flicker" just may be a fast version of the previous image! I don't see anywhere here that this has actually been reported to the developers other than Andy has the same issue and this is listed in the BUG threads. I am using a MacBook Pro OSX 10.6.8 and latest Chrome for Mac.

    Like I said, mine was working fine until today.
  • cactuscactus Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited August 15, 2013
    I have a 15" rMBP mid 2012, 2.6GHz i7, 16GB RAM 1600 MHz DDDR3, 750GB SSD, all software is up to date. My screen is slowly pulsating if I'm trying to do something on the same page with the slideshow running, it's also crashed Safari numerous times so I now know it's a browser problem but it's really bad, I also get big flashes of white down the left hand side of the screen no matter what I'm doing in SM and DGrin now too.
  • PoolyPooly Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited August 15, 2013
    Reported Awaiting Response
    I reported this a few days ago now. Two days ago they said they were going to get their engineers to take a look, once we had proved that it was a compatibility issue. i have not had any feedback yet but today I have no slideshow at all. This either means they are in the middle of fixing the issue or things have gone pear shaped.

    This must be a pretty serious issue, fingers crossed it doesn't take them long to figure it out. I have had pretty good experience with them so far.
  • cactuscactus Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited August 15, 2013
    mine was just working 10 minutes ago but I'm in Australia, it wasn't playing up either, hey is anyone else having trouble with Facebook and twitter icons upon loading?? Flashing and jumping around the screen?
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 15, 2013
    DEVELOPERS - Key thing. The slideshow paints the first image. Then paints the second image. After the second image, it paints a very fast image of the PREVIOUS image and then repaints the second image. It then continues that sequence. At times, it appears to repaint the entire screen. So, check your code for the re-paint of the previous image...a misplaced line of code. Maybe others have not seen that in the flicker. My service provider is having trouble and is running slower than normal. Maybe that is why I am seeing the previous image repaint and others just see a flicker.
  • cactuscactus Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    Well I have done NOTHING, but my slide show that went from this slow pulsating rhythm, that made it look like it was sucking power from my computer because even with another tab or window open with it running underneath it was dimming the screen, making the page I was on go semi transparent and the slideshow would show through, the bright white flickers and flashing is now AT THIS POINT IN TIME working 100% fine. Not a single glitch with THAT at all anymore. Now I just need my lightbox icons and my ADD TO CART BUTTON!!!!!!!!!! I thought this too might nave been a MAC/Safari problem as I found others with IE 10 are having the same problem, no ICONS are showing in their light boxes, anyone else having that problem too? I put the word out and had over 5,000 hit the day I launched and NO CART BUTTON. I have tried using fixefox and chome which makes this problem vanish for IE 10 users but not MAC users. My lightbox is bare, it keeps the same url for every photo, yet when I'm in customise and I look at photo's in the lightbox, I have a custom URL for every photo, all icons except for add to cart and social icon. Does anyone else have this problem too. Can you please check for me so we MAC users can figure out if it's just me or a potentially MASSIVE MAC problem, I though oh well #hit happens but now I'm getting really angry. MAC brother's and sisters in arms I'm open for any suggestions and I have logged out, tried 3 different browsers, 4 different computers, 2 MAC's and 2 PC's.
  • billwbillw Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    cactus wrote: »
    Well I have done NOTHING, but my slide show ... is now AT THIS POINT IN TIME working 100% fine.

    A quick test with Chrome on Mac Fri Aug 16 at 10 am and yes, no glitches with the slideshow seen. But return to homepage sometimes shows this:
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    I re-iterate - On my Mac, OSX 10.6.8, Chrome Version 30.0.1599.0 dev, the flicker is caused by the PREVIOUS image repainting over the current image. Then the current image comes back. This is as CLEAR as DAY on my system. This happens for every image (except the first one). I am using the homepage slideshow. I have not unveiled yet. I can't see this if I log out 'cause it will take me to my legacy system.
  • billwbillw Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    I re-iterate - On my Mac, OSX 10.6.8, Chrome Version 30.0.1599.0 dev, the flicker is caused by the PREVIOUS image repainting over the current image. Then the current image comes back. This is as CLEAR as DAY on my system. This happens for every image (except the first one). I am using the homepage slideshow. I have not unveiled yet. I can't see this if I log out 'cause it will take me to my legacy system.

    Not doubting you. I guess I just can't see the flicker. What I used to see was partially-loaded images in the slideshow.
  • cactuscactus Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    OK re this problem, as mine is now fine and only did it for a day or 2, could some templates be worse than others. I'm using DASH. Take a look at mine, it's fine now and was during the sandbox. Maybe list what templates you're using. I don't want to sound rude but that's the least of my problems. I have major problems going on, I wouldn't un veil for quite some time if I could wind the clock back.

    Oh and southeasternphotography, you could always do a moving screen capture of it or film it with your camera or mobile phone.
  • cactuscactus Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    here's a crappy quick video of mine working fine but the pulsating while on another page is back but not as bad, it's like it's dimming the screen. I didn't record that though. This is why it might be a good idea to see which templates you're using. Just a thought.
  • PoolyPooly Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited August 16, 2013
    Still Working On It
    Smugmug came back to me today after reprting it a few days ago to say 'Our engineers are working like Mad on it'...I wouldn't mind just having the old slideshow back, the one that also had the functionality to randomly pick images to display.

    My slideshow really has quite a bad flash between transitions both on the homepage and in the gallery slideshow.
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 16, 2013
    Flicker images captured
    Will try to capture a video. Using the SmugMug Theme (sorry, should have mentioned that!). I just "re-iterated" to be sure developers got the message - hopefully!!! I have not gone live, so I can't see if I have an Add to Cart or not - just see the Owner Buy and download button. So, I will probably be screaming, too if that is not fixed fast! Going to try to get video of the video, but it is a ".mov" file which is not supported as an upload file. Hmmm....

    Ok, I uploaded the video to my legacy site. Hmmm...sometimes the video plays and sometimes it doesn't. Once this is resolved, I will be deleting the video/gallery from my site. Go Here:!i=2704703956&k=t45FSr6

  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,313 moderator
    edited August 16, 2013
    Mine (in sandbox mode) was working again, and I thought, "GREAT, they fixed it!" But then, no. I still see flicker in other people's galleries as well, but not as much as a week ago. And a new oddity… if a slideshow flickers, or is otherwise b0rked, sometimes an on-the-fly browser resizing seems to fix it - which is completely and totally as oddball a behavioral bug as I can think of.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2013
    My homepage slideshow still does the previous image thing. However, after clicking on the "wider" slideshow view (not full screen....), the flicker stops and it looks great. Going back to the smaller view brings back the flicker. On-the-fly browser size changes had no positive effect for me.
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2013
    Still flickering previous image
    Here is a new screen capture video showing this problem. This slideshow is from my Portfolio gallery that was set up in the Legacy system and came over intact to the new PREVIEW system. It has much slower screen fades which really helps show the previous image flashing on the screen. Go to this url:!i=2716247452&k=pcS79JV

    Be sure to go to full screen once opening the video.

    SmugMug, where is this in your list of priorities? This is a go live show stopper to me.
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