Recent galleries not visible on homepage when logged out
I am using the default new smugmug design and added Galleries to display above the Folders on the homepage. When I am logged in, everything looks great. When I log out, only the folders are displayed on the homepage, not the galleries. What am I doing wrong?
I've double-checked and they are Inherited (Public). Besides, I can view them in the Folders, just not on the homepage.
What's your site url?
On my browse page I have a content box to display "Multiple Galleries" at the top, above my master categories list. This is set to display my most recently added galleries.
Everything is fine while I am logged in, but when I log out the "Multiple Galleries" content disappears and I only see the Categories listing.
This was working correctly yesterday... I'm not certain what has changed.
Any insight you can give would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Yup. Somehow I didn't notice that thread before I posted (even though i did do a search).
I've posted in there now too.
Very coincidental.
I wonder if someone else can successfully add a "recent galleries" block to their home page or galleries page and have it be visible when not logged in.
I can get the "multiple galleries" to work in every gallery selection mode, except for recent galleries (which is what I need).
Am I missing something? I have a Recent Galleries content block above my Folders on my home page. It is not showing up when logged out anymore. It still shows up when I'm logged in. I don't think I did anything to mess it up - any ideas? I know Smugmug has seemed a bit slow past couple days, but I've never seen an entire block not show up.
Thank you!
I am trying to nail this down...Sarah, i see your recent galleries when I am logged still are not seeing them? I see 11 galleries in total
Photo Blog
Photo Blog
Thanks to everyone in this thread for helping to get this addressed...
Photo Blog
Le W00t! You're helping out with all my issues :ivar
Still not working for me.
Here's their first response after I explained the issue and pointed to this thread:
"right now it all looks good. But if you use the recent photos option chances are it's taking photos from unlisted, private or password protected galleries. If that's the case then you won't be able to see those on the homepage when logged out. The photos must come from public galleries to show up on your homepage for logged out folks."
After I explained again that all the galleries and photos are public and included screenshots, they responded with this, which I don't really understand:
"Thank you for your reply.
Your logged out page shows just the folders content box, the galleries are accessed by clicking the folder links. Once inside, your galleries will appear for them.
This is an intended behavior. If you had galleries that were not in folders, the galleries box would also be present.
Please let us know if there's anything else we can do for you."
So they are saying only galleries not in folders can be shown in the logged out state?? I don't know how many more times I need to explain to them that I have populated the galleries block and if I manually select the galleries to show, they do show up in the logged out state. It's only when I set it to be from "Recent Galleries" that they do not show up in the logged out state.