[Implemented] Restore Bulk Collecting
The only way I've found to collect (not copy) photos from one gallery to another without using smart galleries is one at a time from the lightbox "share" tool. There is no option to "always use this gallery for collected photos" like there was in legacy SM. It looks like you have to collect photos one at a time, and select the target gallery each time. Surely there is a way to collect photos from the Organizer, but I don't see it. Am I missing something?
Also, if you deleted a collected photo from the gallery where the copy was placed, it used to just be deleted from that gallery. Now when you delete a photo from the copied to gallery, it also deletes the original image in its gallery! Brilliant! really...
Request: An efficient bulk image collecting tool that allows me to open a source gallery and simply click/unclick to select/deselect multiple images to be collected to a destination gallery. This existed in the legacy system, but the current design only allows the selection of one image at a time.
The SM-suggested Smart Gallery workaround has multiple disadvantages:
- More work to initially collect (added keystrokes/clicks)
- Less flexible & intuitive, more work to maintain (e.g., if I see a collected image in a gallery that I want to remove, I can't just click "Remove"; I have to first figure out which of its keywords is pulling it in, then remove the keyword)
- Adversely affects keyword inventory (e.g., I'd need to add more granularity than I want there, junking up my keyword list)
Related threads:After following the "workaround" using keywords I now have photos in smart galleries that I didn't add the keywords to, with no way to remove them. I've removed all keywords from the photos I don't want and they're still there, in the organize page it won't let me delete them either.
Efficient bulk management of collecting is much needed since the keyword process is tedious and seems buggy.
@those who can't get rid of them. I found you have to use the wrench icon in the lower right corner of the photo. I had been looking for it in the organizer, where you'd think you'd find it.
I'm in love with the new Smugmug but, please add this feature back to the Organizer so that we can select multiple photos and collect them into a target gallery at once like with legacy.
For quick and easy sharing, smart galleries and keywords are not convenient.
Corporate & Editorial Photojournalism
You can actually select multiple images using the CTRL button. Took me forever to figure that out. I was also missing the multiple selection via clicking on photos. This works, but many don't realize the option exists. Just hold down CTRL on your keyboard and click the photos you want. To select multiple photos in a row, hold shift and click.
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While you can select multiple images in the organizer, you cannot collect them as a group. You can only collect one image at a time.
Photo Blog
Say I'd like to collect 30 photos from an unlisted gallery of 150 photos to show to the public. As it is now, the only way I see to do that is one by one which is ridiculously slow. Could we please have a tool in the organizer view that would let us select multiple photos and then collect them to another single gallery?
In organizer view the SHARE icon is listed as a PUBLISH icon and only directs to publishing on Facebook. Could you make the SHARE in the organizer similar to what we have for the individual photo view? i.e. it should have Share to Facebook, Share to Google+, Tweet, Email, Get a Link, Show Off, and Collect and we should be able to select multiple photos for each of those functions.
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Yes (What BeardedGit said...) this is really no answer. With all the keyword issues right now (many of 'em!) these two tools do not do the same thing. And for me, they really never did do the same thing. Here's a big problem that it seems few people think of when assuming these two methods could achieve the same results: I have some photos shown twice or more in different galleries of my website (for instance, the same photo may show up in a "Plants" gallery, a "Favorites" gallery, and a "Green" gallery) So the keyword "green", for instance, will bring that same photo to a Smart Gallery 3 times if I tell it to use the keyword "green" to find certain photos. Just one small example why this is a Bug that needs to be fixed, as it is not functioning as it was meant to, isn't going to work with people transferring from Old to New, and doesn't function as it was designed to or expected to.
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--- Denise
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SMUGMUG - check out how FLICKR does it now after their forced 'upgrade'/change. You upload one, or many photo(s), you choose what happens on ONE screen. You choose what set (gallery) to place it in, whether in one set or many, you choose what group(s) you want to also place the image(s) into (if any), then upload. Flickr does it for you. It uploads the image(s), places the image(s) into the proper set(s) and if chosen to do so, also places them into what groups you've indicated. simple. slick. makes me a happy camper/customer.
I dont use keywords. Not planing on started either.
I dont want a share button on my site.
I dont want to have to dig around for ways around things, it should be easy for us to do what we want to do.
I dont want to make a copy then move the copy
I read in a forum once before last year i think, that sm was working on things that 99% of smugmuggers wanted and that what the people in that particular forum wanted would have to wait - well, we are smugmuggers/customers too.
Dont make changes for the sake of change then shove it down our throats. Not everyone wanted/wants to migrate over to the new SM (me included).
But do give us what we want.
doing what the previous poster indicated to try, well it worked but very very klunky and it also places a second copy of the photo in my Recent Posts gallery. NOT GOOD. this didnt happen before with the legacy site. >:(
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
First off its so klunky to collect photos, and secondly it places extra copies (from collecting photos and placing them into another gallery) into the recent photos gallery. Why does it see a collected photo as another uploaded photo!?!
HUGE step backward.
And just when can we expect any replies from SM?
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I'm sending you by PM an exchange I had with the Heroes on this issue.
Thanks for the PM. Interesting. Interesting to see that basically they dont care they are screwing over a lot of us who depended on this feature. Interesting to note that they may have made a mistake and are not owning up to it.
Interesting to note that they are treating something we already had was taken away and that we are to consider it an added value feature to be given back to us in the future.
What pure utter bs.
Interesting to see what I do when my site is up for renewal, if i stay or go to another company. Ive been a paying customer here for a very long time.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
But . . I've been around here a long time too. I'm much more distressed about the lack of candor than I am about the omission. People are still being mis-advised about what features get lost when one unveils, and also about the fact the the firewall between new and old (for those who are still "playing" with the new SM before unveiling) is far from complete. I've always liked to think of SM as a community, even though the owners are making money, but that implies an obligation of honesty and good faith, and that's often been lacking lately.
That's not to knock the hard work being put in by the developers, or by many of the Heroes . . I've had some excellent help from some of them, and even some candor. But the forced cheeriness, the rah-rah attitude, the refusal to recognize or acknowledge real issues (I've got another one going that would curl your hair) makes me want to puke. We can all think positively, but if its going to work, it has to be from an atmosphere of trust and, above all, reality.
I also agree that they have not been honest or open about what we would lose if we migrated over. Maybe they knew this information would anger a lot of their customers but seroiusly - they do need to be honest about this stuff. For people like you and me who depend on certain features to not be aware of what we are losing just blows my mind how upsetting it makes me, esp reading how they dont seem to care or dont seem to consider thinks like a proper photo collection system as being important!
Only thing we heard about then then new SM was how nice it is. How easy it is. Ive found it harder in the sense i finally figured out how to do things and then they changed it all.
I understand that the changes are good, and maybe even necessary but dont take things we depend on for our site away in the process. Then make it sound like im to consider it a gift if we do get it back
Reality of it is, if they wont give me what i want/had and someone else will then i will go to another company. And thats being honest on my part. Listen up SM.
Still no reply from anyone from SM heroes on this thread. Kinda shake my head at that. And if any do - be honest with us.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I got annoyed enough to leave after being a smugmug customer for over 7 years. Third party migration tools make the transition slightly less painful... though not exactly fun or easy. I signed up for probably my 5th zenfolio trial over the years to see how much greener the grass is over there. In some ways I wish I had started there. I'd be used to their faults by now. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to love it and say goodbye to smugmug, I just couldn't do it. I have quite a few complaints about new smug. Unfortunately zenfolio would have a lot of the same issues for me, or even worse. Like keyword management. I've complained to smugmug about how bad the bulk caption/keyword tool is. Zenfolio doesn't even have a similar tool. I hate how hard smugmug has made it to edit captions and keywords in new smug. It's harder on zenfolio. But here's the thing. If smugmug doesn't improve those areas, I'll really have to start doing captions and keywords in Lightroom. If I'm going to do that, I might as well move to zenfolio.
New smug really helps level the playing field for smugmug's competition. If I'm forced to unveil and smugmug hasn't fixed major ui issues, I don't see why I'd stay. For now, legacy works fine, minus the features they removed and bugs they introduced.