Thanks guys! That's actually me in the photo and Mrs. snapped that one. The original was quite underexposed so I lost some detail getting it back.
@ian I've done the Monarch Crest trail which was amazing but that is the only riding near Salida I've done. Definitely want to hit up some of the other trails around there.
Posted this in my 'studio setup' thread too, but figured it needed to be here too. From the Inst-O-gram today. Real shots coming soon, this is Tommy D's backup bike from the Tour this year.
..... Real shots coming soon, this is Tommy D's backup bike from the Tour this year.
Hope to see the "real shots" soon Nick... My friend just took delivery of his custom Holland road bike and I want to photograph it for him... I'm leaning towards an outdoor shoot, but I'd like to see what results you get in the studio...TIA!
Scenes From The Trail
My Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone takes such nice pics, and many of the places I ride have such interesting scenery,
I find myself stopping way too many times to snap... gotta' discipline myself a little more.
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it" - Yogi Berra
That was fast - thanks Nick!
Nice work man - the even lighting and neutral background really show off the details.
Publication worthy!
I'll have to seriously consider this type of set-up.
I know it was earlier in this thread, and I'm late, but I really like this shot. I am a sucker for color/texture stuff, and combine that with a bicycle like you did, and well... that's why I'm posting my appreciation. ;-)
400+ Mountain Bikers and other trail users conducted a protest ride today in Mission Trails Regional Park in San Diego... this image only shows about half the folks - hard to get a full view angle.
The issue is about reasonable access to existing trails (they are being abruptly closed) and generating an interest in Government Halls for developing bike-oriented recreational opportunities for Citizens demanding such.
The issue is about reasonable access to existing trails (they are being abruptly closed) and generating an interest in Government Halls for developing bike-oriented recreational opportunities for Citizens demanding such.
Sucks so much. It seems that recreational lands are being taken from bicyclists, dog walkers, and off-roaders. Too bad.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Sucks so much. It seems that recreational lands are being taken from bicyclists, dog walkers, and off-roaders. Too bad.
So true - especially in California, where - imo - a huge imbalance exists between the need for environmental conservation and creating/maintaining recreational opportunities.
Many, many, States, Counties, and Cities have handled these competing interests with win-win solutions - just not in my town.
Liberties, including reasonable recreational access to public lands, once lost, are becoming increasingly problematic to re-gain - it's better to guard them from the start - extremism serves no-one.
OK... climbing down from soapbox now, grabbing camera, and heading for the trails - life is good!!
As usual, I'm sinfully envious ;-)
Great shot! Fruita is fun!
That's beautiful.
Have you been to Salida? Some nice riding there too.
@ian I've done the Monarch Crest trail which was amazing but that is the only riding near Salida I've done. Definitely want to hit up some of the other trails around there.
This is my brother back in the 80s:
It's a poor-quality scan from an old photo, but I still love it.
Posted a few in Sports, but thought a couple more here would be good.
Local bike race as a fundraiser for open spaces and trail maintenance in town. Can't beat the weather here in November, time to ride.
300+ riders, 25 mile trail with lots of climbing.
Great shot, love it!
My Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone takes such nice pics, and many of the places I ride have such interesting scenery,
I find myself stopping way too many times to snap... gotta' discipline myself a little more.
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it" - Yogi Berra
Fishing Bird - Osprey, I think
No, I did not ride over... I'm a fraidy-cat
Nice work man - the even lighting and neutral background really show off the details.
Publication worthy!
I'll have to seriously consider this type of set-up.
Just got back from the first ride - can't stop grinning!
Thanks Ian... yup, she is a sexy beast.. if I do say-so myself. :ivar
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
Judging by the background and how clean they are,
I'm guessing it's a pre-drop portrait... fun!
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
Thanks for the comment 1magineer - like the rust in yours!
"Conventional thinking is the ruin of our souls..." ~Rumi
My SmugMug Galleries
The issue is about reasonable access to existing trails (they are being abruptly closed) and generating an interest in Government Halls for developing bike-oriented recreational opportunities for Citizens demanding such.
Sucks so much. It seems that recreational lands are being taken from bicyclists, dog walkers, and off-roaders. Too bad.
So true - especially in California, where - imo - a huge imbalance exists between the need for environmental conservation and creating/maintaining recreational opportunities.
Many, many, States, Counties, and Cities have handled these competing interests with win-win solutions - just not in my town.
Liberties, including reasonable recreational access to public lands, once lost, are becoming increasingly problematic to re-gain - it's better to guard them from the start - extremism serves no-one.
OK... climbing down from soapbox now, grabbing camera, and heading for the trails - life is good!!