You know I do not like agreeing with you but I would say maybe 99% .We have bin here when it all started and I have a narrow field of camera work[unlike you] but have moved up and my photos I have confidence in as my work has gotten better. A lot of this has come from feed back in the early days. Dgrin is a free site so what does it owe the folks ?? Boy there are sure a lot of knowledgeable folks here I will wish the very best on the new challenge [if you make it Birds straight from the camera ]
You know I do not like agreeing with you but I would say maybe 99% .We have bin here when it all started and I have a narrow field of camera work[unlike you] but have moved up and my photos I have confidence in as my work has gotten better. A lot of this has come from feed back in the early days. Dgrin is a free site so what does it owe the folks ?? Boy there are sure a lot of knowledgeable folks here I will wish the very best on the new challenge [if you make it Birds straight from the camera ]
ssshhhhh! Jeff! Your giving away my first challenge I was thinking on! (seriously! good guess! )
Although, I am glad I got at least the 1% of agreement.:D
Well, I am happy to know that John L. has placed more than once!
Joyce, you seem to be very aware of all of the exact problems and pitfalls that the Challenges had. I don't know how you kept it all straight in your head. I was one who did not often pre-post my entries, but not because I couldn't take critique. I didn't post because of this (your quote): "Its up to each photographer/artist to be confident enough in their own work, to know what they like and do not like about their own work." If I came up with something I liked, I didn't want to change it. It's not that I felt that I was above getting advice, I just knew what I liked. If I needed help, I asked. If not, then the risk of not placing in the Challenge was on me. I hope that I did not play a part in the downfall of the Challenges because of that. I thought it was only directly affecting me. I suppose if a good portion of the members did the same thing, then I would be included in the numbers. At the time, I didn't see that.
Sorry to see the demise of the challenges. I was a regular contributor a few years back and found the whole experience both motivational and educational.
I pop back to the forum occasionally, more so of late since I began rebuilding my site following the new Smumug rollout.
There is still some superb photography to be found on the forum but let's be honest there's a lot of pretty uninspiring stuff which leaves me completely cold.
But that in itself is not I believe the issue, I think it's fair to say I posted some pretty uninspring stuff when I first joined, however the criticism I received woke me up and made me improve.
From what I can tell now, there are far too many thin skinned contributors who take offence at what I would consider pretty mild and constructive criticism, remember The Whipping Post!?
So what I tend to see when I visit the forum is the occasional wonderful exposure amongst a lot of what I refer to as 'flick throughs,' where on the occasion that anyone has offered any criticism, the photographer has taken offence, pretty much said 'thanks but no thanks' and carried on posting uninspiring photographs.
Anyway, as I said I'm sad to see the demise of the challenges but equally sad to see the demise of the forum.
There is still some superb photography to be found on the forum but let's be honest there's a lot of pretty uninspiring stuff which leaves me completely cold. ... // ...
So what I tend to see when I visit the forum is the occasional wonderful exposure amongst a lot of what I refer to as 'flick throughs,' where on the occasion that anyone has offered any criticism, the photographer has taken offence, pretty much said 'thanks but no thanks' and carried on posting uninspiring photographs.
Yes to both sets of comments - but not limited to this site. 'Uninspiring' heavily outweighs the opposite everywhere imo.
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
edited September 24, 2013
A week ago or so, I searched the forum for the past challenges and looked through the gallery of winning photos. So inspiring to look through them all again! I wonder whether "we" might like to have a sticky with links to get to the gallery of winning shots and perhaps links to past challenges as well? I guess it would need a note of explanation that a new kind of challenge will be starting soon but could be useful way to celebrate some of the good stuff that came out of the general dgrin challenges (and megas). Just a thought.
A week ago or so, I searched the forum for the past challenges and looked through the gallery of winning photos. So inspiring to look through them all again! I wonder whether "we" might like to have a sticky with links to get to the gallery of winning shots and perhaps links to past challenges as well? I guess it would need a note of explanation that a new kind of challenge will be starting soon but could be useful way to celebrate some of the good stuff that came out of the general dgrin challenges (and megas). Just a thought.
You can find a link to the past challenges in the sidebar.
Thanks, Ian. Just to clarify, I know a couple of ways to get to the gallery of winning photos but was thinking it might be helpful to new dgrinners, etc. to have an easy way to get to this from the top navigation menu. Maybe not.
This is the specific gallery that I enjoyed browsing through again! I am also suggesting this as a positive way at looking what "we" gained from the dgrin challenges.
Thanks, Ian. Just to clarify, I know a couple of ways to get to the gallery of winning photos but was thinking it might be helpful to new dgrinners, etc. to have an easy way to get to this from the top navigation menu. Maybe not.
Look to your right on the main menu. It's all there and has been since the new theme rolled out
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
Look to your right on the main menu. It's all there and has been since the new theme rolled out
Thanks, Ian. I had seen it on the main menu but was thinking of those who enter dgrin in other ways. But perhaps another sticky (about something that has ended) would just be confusing as something new rolls out.
So instead, I will reiterate how much I enjoyed the dgrin challenges and thank all who participated in one way or another.
I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the challenges and those involved to keep them going.
Becoming eligible for a Mega was my ultimate goal. Although life got in the way several times over the years I always came back to test my new abilities in the challenges. It was here that I learned to understand people which also determined my entries. It was this new found knowledge that has led me to my first art show, first huge contract and nearly ready to open studio.
While I will always check for new challenges when I can (out of habit), I intend on contributing much more in the 'regular' dgrin.
They were great for me though I was mostly entering early on in 08-09. I was laid up and they gave me a project to work on during a summer I couldn't work and was in the apt by myself most days. But then school started back up and I had photo work for class and it just slipped by the wayside. I did a little the following summer I think but at the end I was just having fun with it submitting some slightly out there photos....but this was still a good time and I'd get some interesting comments from it.
Oh plus I got my first year of smugmug free and that hooked me so it definitely helped Baldy and co. as I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I also enjoyed the challenges & learned so much from them. Always enjoyed seeing the great shots & various takes on the themes. I took tons of photos I never would have taken without the DSS & my photography has improved a lot thanks to the comments & suggestions of this community. Sorry to see them go & hope to see some kind of new regular challenges or assignments. A big thanks to Smugmug for the DSS prizes.
I like Dgrin, because it's the easiest photo discussion forum to navigate, for me, I like the layout. But it's like pulling teeth in the forums that I use to get critical feedback, which is what this particular forum user would will. Since I've been a member, the forum dedicated to criticism has disappeared, and the mods suggested that the topical forums could provide an avenue for that feedback. But, in Landscapes and Other Cool Shots, at least, the usual response is just a bunch of 'good jobs' and "I like its ! " Muench University in the Landscape forum is now defunct, apparently as well.
If my impression of Dgrin is correct, then i guess it doesn't really matter that it seems like there are fewer and fewer draws for the user forums, as long as the feedback forums continue to function. If the owners do have a larger goal for the forums, then I wish I saw steps to encourage more participation, rather than the dismantling of options.
I totally agree. I use to be a dgrin junkie. Now I come here maybe once a month to check out the journeys thread and get some travel ideas, or look at reviews when I am considering buying new equipment (which is not that often). I really fail to understand why the feedback forums were eliminated. I doubt people complained about their existence, and I can't imagine they took up a bunch of servers space or anything.
A bunch of heavy hitters, by which I mean excellent photographers way above my level, used to post here and critique each others work (many still do, but not like a few years ago.) Even when they weren't critiquing my shot, I still found this educational in the way that "finishing school" isn't.
I am known amongst my circle as "the photographer" which is ironic because I am certainly not top shelf amongst photographers of real ability, but I have steered a great many people to smugmug. Sometimes directly, as when they ask for a recommendation for a photo hosting website, but more often by telling them that they could vastly improve their technique by submitting photos for critique here, or looking at other critiques. That is no longer the case.
I really liked these challenges and the feed back. Dgrin is awesome. I was hoping to come here (the challenges) to re-ignite my photography (again),
Obviously I am way behind in saying this, but I am sorry to see the DSS Challenges end. I had always hoped to jump back in at some point, but life seems crazy busy almost every day. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for the Challenge forum, however. And way to go to the Mods! I know what a commitment this is for you.
it has been quite a while since i logged into dgrin and the challenges, and am quite saddened to see that the DSS challenges have been discontinued. as in many of us, life is full of distractions and obligations, and sometimes the intention of returning continues without action. the challenges have been a great tool for me and likely other photographers to challenge, inspire, and expand our skills and craft. it has been fun to see the different interpretations of the themes, the different techniques employed. and the feedback process (or at least early on) was incredibly helpful, both as a reviewee and a reviewer as one can see others intrepret our own work, and also when one reviews another's work, it forces them to further define/analyze their own style and preferences. i hope that some version of the challenges will return.
I am back from my vacation now and will be posting something early next week to unveil our new challenges. Have a happy Thanksgiving and Hanukkah to all who celebrate such holidays!
Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
ssshhhhh! Jeff! Your giving away my first challenge I was thinking on! (seriously! good guess!
Although, I am glad I got at least the 1% of agreement.:D
Joyce, you seem to be very aware of all of the exact problems and pitfalls that the Challenges had. I don't know how you kept it all straight in your head. I was one who did not often pre-post my entries, but not because I couldn't take critique. I didn't post because of this (your quote): "Its up to each photographer/artist to be confident enough in their own work, to know what they like and do not like about their own work." If I came up with something I liked, I didn't want to change it. It's not that I felt that I was above getting advice, I just knew what I liked. If I needed help, I asked. If not, then the risk of not placing in the Challenge was on me. I hope that I did not play a part in the downfall of the Challenges because of that. I thought it was only directly affecting me. I suppose if a good portion of the members did the same thing, then I would be included in the numbers. At the time, I didn't see that.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I pop back to the forum occasionally, more so of late since I began rebuilding my site following the new Smumug rollout.
There is still some superb photography to be found on the forum but let's be honest there's a lot of pretty uninspiring stuff which leaves me completely cold.
But that in itself is not I believe the issue, I think it's fair to say I posted some pretty uninspring stuff when I first joined, however the criticism I received woke me up and made me improve.
From what I can tell now, there are far too many thin skinned contributors who take offence at what I would consider pretty mild and constructive criticism, remember The Whipping Post!?
So what I tend to see when I visit the forum is the occasional wonderful exposure amongst a lot of what I refer to as 'flick throughs,' where on the occasion that anyone has offered any criticism, the photographer has taken offence, pretty much said 'thanks but no thanks' and carried on posting uninspiring photographs.
Anyway, as I said I'm sad to see the demise of the challenges but equally sad to see the demise of the forum.
More or less guaranteed 2 entries for this
Yes to both sets of comments - but not limited to this site. 'Uninspiring' heavily outweighs the opposite everywhere imo.
My SmugMug Galleries
You can find a link to the past challenges in the sidebar.
If you missed that, you can find it here.
Thanks, Ian. Just to clarify, I know a couple of ways to get to the gallery of winning photos but was thinking it might be helpful to new dgrinners, etc. to have an easy way to get to this from the top navigation menu. Maybe not.
This is the specific gallery that I enjoyed browsing through again! I am also suggesting this as a positive way at looking what "we" gained from the dgrin challenges.
My SmugMug Galleries
Look to your right on the main menu. It's all there and has been since the new theme rolled out
Thanks, Ian. I had seen it on the main menu but was thinking of those who enter dgrin in other ways. But perhaps another sticky (about something that has ended) would just be confusing as something new rolls out.
So instead, I will reiterate how much I enjoyed the dgrin challenges and thank all who participated in one way or another.
My SmugMug Galleries
Becoming eligible for a Mega was my ultimate goal. Although life got in the way several times over the years I always came back to test my new abilities in the challenges. It was here that I learned to understand people which also determined my entries. It was this new found knowledge that has led me to my first art show, first huge contract and nearly ready to open studio.
While I will always check for new challenges when I can (out of habit), I intend on contributing much more in the 'regular' dgrin.
Thank You!
Oh plus I got my first year of smugmug free and that hooked me so it definitely helped Baldy and co. as I'm sure I'm not the only one.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
I totally agree. I use to be a dgrin junkie. Now I come here maybe once a month to check out the journeys thread and get some travel ideas, or look at reviews when I am considering buying new equipment (which is not that often). I really fail to understand why the feedback forums were eliminated. I doubt people complained about their existence, and I can't imagine they took up a bunch of servers space or anything.
A bunch of heavy hitters, by which I mean excellent photographers way above my level, used to post here and critique each others work (many still do, but not like a few years ago.) Even when they weren't critiquing my shot, I still found this educational in the way that "finishing school" isn't.
I am known amongst my circle as "the photographer" which is ironic because I am certainly not top shelf amongst photographers of real ability, but I have steered a great many people to smugmug. Sometimes directly, as when they ask for a recommendation for a photo hosting website, but more often by telling them that they could vastly improve their technique by submitting photos for critique here, or looking at other critiques. That is no longer the case.
I really liked these challenges and the feed back. Dgrin is awesome. I was hoping to come here (the challenges) to re-ignite my photography (again),
I'm looking forward to the new format or whatever you're talking about JAG.....
If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
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