Watermark can now be limited to larger display sizes

Hi Dgrinners,
Want to protect your images with a watermark, but don't like how they appear on a multiple photos block on your homepage? Well, we have now added the ability to only have your watermark appear on the display sizes you choose. This option will appear in the watermark edit page.
Two Things To Know:
The Tiny size display copy will no longer be watermarked, even when Thumbnails are set as the Smallest Size. This Ti size is mostly used as thumbnails for SmugMug style galleries, so new uploads won’t appear to have watermarks on their thumbnails in SM styles.
Existing Watermarks: If the Apply to Thumbs option was turned on, the Smallest Watermark Size will default to Thumbnails. If that option was off, the Smallest Watermark Size will default to Small.
Want to protect your images with a watermark, but don't like how they appear on a multiple photos block on your homepage? Well, we have now added the ability to only have your watermark appear on the display sizes you choose. This option will appear in the watermark edit page.
Two Things To Know:
The Tiny size display copy will no longer be watermarked, even when Thumbnails are set as the Smallest Size. This Ti size is mostly used as thumbnails for SmugMug style galleries, so new uploads won’t appear to have watermarks on their thumbnails in SM styles.
Existing Watermarks: If the Apply to Thumbs option was turned on, the Smallest Watermark Size will default to Thumbnails. If that option was off, the Smallest Watermark Size will default to Small.
Where do I find the watermark settings in the new smugmug?
Click edit on watermark to see new settings
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Hi, I'm new to this site, I want to remove the watermarks on one of my galleries, but there is no where to be found.
Any help will be appreciated.
On the Organizer click the wrench at the top.
Select watermarks in the drop.
At the top click remove and "select all".
Click Watermark on right end then wait for a time for them all to be done.
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I put it on large but my thumbnails in all my galleries still show watermarks. They still show on the gallery list images as well.
site - http://www.bay-photography.com/
blog - http://bayphotos.blogspot.com/
regenerated. Only new uploads will use the new settings. If you "select all" and
re-add the watermark they should regenerate.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
You might have to "remove" from all first then add.
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site - http://www.bay-photography.com/
blog - http://bayphotos.blogspot.com/
on existing photos you'll have to do one gallery at a time.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
override the existing WM, no need to remove first.
What I'm not sure of is the "new" watermark set to a minimum size, if it is "added"
to "select all" does it remove the WM on smaller sizes or only change the minimum
size and larger.
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site - http://www.bay-photography.com/
blog - http://bayphotos.blogspot.com/
have special cropped all your thumbs you will lose that crop.
We complained about this years ago and they did not exclude thumbs from the process.
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Yes, you need to reapply existing watermarks
Photo Blog
Thanks Aperture! Let us know how it works!
Photo Blog
For example, see http://www.dmvpix.com/Sports/Basketball/2013-14
The gallery listing shows some thumbnails with watermarks and others without. The layout is Grid with Medium-sized photos. I have watermark set to Large as the smallest size. Each image that retains the watermark is from a gallery where I selected the Feature Image. The ones without a watermark are the galleries where I did not select a Feature Image.
Each of the galleries utilizes the same settings and the watermarks were rebuilt yesterday at the same time.
My Website index | My Blog
well that sure does make things a lot easier when designing before you had to have a feature gallery just for un-watermarked images to use them on your site for thumbnails and such. For the sounds of it this takes away that issue.
Another problem with retina displays is that they look blurry because they are upscaled. The watermark size is based on low resolution screens. I know I can make a 1600 px transparent watermark with a smaller logo inside to force the watermark to be downscaled, but then I have to make different versions for portrait and landscape pictures, and for different placements. This is unnecessarily cumbersome.
I shouldn't have to figure out the size of my watermark before I go to use the watermark. Similar to the opacity (transparency), there should be a slider to reduce the image size. Additionally, if you choose a location of the watermark that's on the edge, there should be a way to offset it by a user customizable # of pixels. For example, if I choose bottom left, I should be able to move it 5 pixels to the right and 5 pixels up so that it has some space inside the image.
Apparently there's no way to do this via CSS because SmugMug actually adds it to the image itself rather than just putting it on top of it in CSS. Only the watermark preview can be altered in CSS.
Guess I'll have to make my watermark image with some extra pixels to the left and below it.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Most of my custom watermarks aren't even visible in the right side column. All of those that are designed for application to an outside edge of a photo (I have twelve of those) are not showing at all, yet the name of the watermark is there, thankfully. Not very useful to me if I can't see them at the right. The watermark does display in the sample photo on the left when selected. The old watermark interface used to show my watermark images completely. The new one shows approx. 70% of the image.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky