reproducing dgrin content
What is this blog, and why is it reproducing Dgrin content? (ie, all our photos?)
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Expires On July 31, 2015
Registered On July 31, 2000
Updated On June 29, 2014
Name Servers
What is this blog, and why is it reproducing Dgrin content? (ie, all our photos?)
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Status clientDeleteProhibited, clientTransferProhibited, clientUpdateProhibited, serverDeleteProhibited, serverTransferProhibited, serverUpdateProhibited
Important Dates
Expires On July 31, 2015
Registered On July 31, 2000
Updated On June 29, 2014
Name Servers
Yeah, if you recognize the avatar, new user name.
Thanks for catching this JC.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
There is an online form that is fairly simple to fill out: The best way to shut this thing down is for Google to get a lot of these requests from us.
Edit: To fill out the form, you need to supply a link to the Dgrin thread that was copied and a link to the Blogspot thread. They have copied almost everything starting in March, 2014. Look for your stuff by selecting the appropriate month in the sidebar, then use the search function of your browser to find the title you gave the thread in Dgrin. You can use Dgrin's advanced search to find all the threads you started in that time period.
I went ahead and filled out the form.
I think this thread should be moved to the business section to gain a more readership.
I would love to see more Dgrinners complain to Google.
Google is the responsible party here.
I contacted Markmonitor Inc and found out they really don't have any responsibility here. They simply sold the domain / sub domain "Blogspot" to Google.
Another interesting piece of info. All the exif data has been striped from my images but when you double click the image you will be taken to my website.
Yet if your pirated image contains your exif data double clicking on the image will not take you anywhere????
I'm sorry to report that Google has not honored my takedown request so far, and I have not received any explanation for their lack of action. In addition, ads are now appearing with my posts--they weren't at at first--so it's clear that this is an ad revenue rip-off scheme. They are still harvesting our posts and images.
I know things are slow here these days, but I'm a little surprised at the lack of response. This "blog" is stealing stuff from everyone who posts on Dgrin. Piracy used to bring out the torches and pitchforks.
Yes Dgrin has slowed up. I think it's global warming.
I really think we need to move it to the business thread. Not many, including me, visit this thread.
Eia: Your (very nice) Prison Colors is here: and Waves of Clouds is here: I'm sure there are more.
BTW, Google finally did take down the threads I complained about, but the "blog" is still in business. I imagine that they will take it down if they receive enough complaints, so please take the time to look for your stuff and use the link I gave in an earlier post to file a takedown demand.
EDIT: It took some digging, but I finally found some information on how Google handles repeat offenders: I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier, as I reported a bunch of cases at once. It looks like the most effective approach is to report each case on a different day. It's also less boring that way
and i have a few friends that run blogs overseas..and this has happened to them on a few occasions...copied their entire blog word for word into another language...just crazy!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
But you also posted this from Google: How do they define "multiple"? The main purpose of that blog is to make money off ad clicks - Google Adsense ad clicks. Google makes money that way too. They have less (don't confuse that with NO) incentive to remove ill-gotten content when the page is generating revenue. It may be only tiny amounts, but millions of tiny amounts adds up to a lot.
Something else that seems to be overlooked: the blog name itself is copyright infringement, isn't it? Hasn't the owners of copyrighted the name "Digital Grin Photography"? Wouldn't a DMCA based on that bring down their whole site?
I own a somewhat popular niche forum too and I would not ask my members to submit complaints to anyone if their posts were copied. That is MY content, as the owner of the site they posted to. It's a standard for all websites, although owners/admins have left that field blank in their Admin Control Panel (vBulletin Options > Site Name/URL/Contact Details > Copyright Text) and also don't appear to have a Terms of Use statement/page either. I realize dgrin is under no obligation to provide that and their member registration agreement absolves them of any legal responsibility, but it is their website and their content that is being stolen, even if it was us members who originally gave that content to If it were me, I would call it a moral obligation to my members - a fiduciary responsibility to those who trust me to provide them a safe and secure virtual community.
I have decided it's just best to rename the images on my server (I hotlink my images here instead of using the upload system). That will, unfortunately, cause all my images on dgrin to go blank (or a red X with some browsers).
I think they must be too busy counting money to concern themselves with companies violating their terms of service or pesky copyright issues.
EDIT. ...Never mind, I found it.
Check out my post (#5) above.
I belong to dozens of forums, including those that serve forum owners and webmasters. I know of none that don't operate under that premise. If dgrin is different, then that would be a first for me in the 20+ years I have been involved in website and forum management.
Digital Grin owner(s) should have our back on this. Where are they in this conversation that has been active for nearly a month?
Digital Grin does not own the content / images posted by users like you and I. That little dot at the end of my sentence is a period, meaning that's it folks, there ain't no and, if's or buts.
I disagree, but probably the only definitive answer could come from the owner of For some reason, there is no ToS, Copyright or Privacy statement available here. That means neither your or my opinions in this matter can be taken as fact.
Link to my Smugmug site
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Once again, I disagree. Although you have the right to manage your contributions here, you also license all that content to dgrin (or SmugMug, if they are in fact the owners of this service called a support forum). They may not be able to sell it without your permission, but they have control over it and can use it as they see fit. Read section 6 of the ToS I linked to above. Of course, as I stated before, that is not a legally binding ToS for dgrin - not until they make it so.
My position is not to be argumentative here. I have worked as a webmaster, including a forum owner and administrator for a number of Internet properties for well over 15 years. I have a little experience in the legal aspects of forum ownership. "A bit light on the legalese" means it is not legally binding. Not having clearly defined terms and privacy statements that any visitor to the site can find on any page they are on is a serious omission. And the owners of this site allowing the discussion of our contributions being scraped by some Internet scourge to go on for this long without assuring us that they are taking the necessary steps to stop it is disheartening.
Link to my Smugmug site