reproducing dgrin content



  • Jack'll doJack'll do Registered Users Posts: 2,977 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2015
    :uhoh They've snatched several of my recent landscape and wildlife posts as well. Really Pi**ed !!
    Sending take down notice

    (My real name is John but Jack'll do)
  • Jack'll doJack'll do Registered Users Posts: 2,977 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2015
    In addition, we should notify their advertisers and let them know we will no longer do business with them as long as they allow their ads to be placed on the site.

    (My real name is John but Jack'll do)
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited January 31, 2015
    I filed my first complaint today. There's stuff dating back to late 2013 and all of 2014 and 2015. Just as a reminder, I'll post again what little information I could find on how Google handles these cases:
    Our current repeat infringer policy counts strikes by 24-hour periods. For example, if 5 blog posts were removed under the DMCA today, those removals would count as 1 strike. If 3 more posts were removed on the following day, those would count as 1 additional strike, totaling 2 strikes against that blogger's account. Multiple strikes will be evaluated and may result in further remedial action, including deletion of the blog and/or terminating the account.
    So it will be more effective to file multiple complaints on successive days than to file a single complaint with multiple URLs.
  • lynnmalynnma Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 5,208 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2015
    Richard wrote: »
    I filed my first complaint today. There's stuff dating back to late 2013 and all of 2014 and 2015. Just as a reminder, I'll post again what little information I could find on how Google handles these cases:
    So it will be more effective to file multiple complaints on successive days than to file a single complaint with multiple URLs.
    we should write on the face of our images in digrin "this is not a blogspot image, they steal from Digrin" rolleyes1.gif
  • lynnmalynnma Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 5,208 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2015
    lynnma wrote: »
    we should write on the face of our images in digrin "this is not a blogspot image, they steal from Digrin" rolleyes1.gif

    Right.. now I'm really really teed off... they took my BILLY!!! from other cool shots.. now I'm mad. I love that image..:bluduh

    I just filed another infringement complaint. It's almost like it's on auto and just pulls em off Digrin!!
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited January 31, 2015
    lynnma wrote: »
    It's almost like it's on auto and just pulls em off Digrin!!
    It's not almost, that's exactly what's happening. It's all automatic. The last time this happened, they even lifted the original post of this thread complaining about the theft and published it. rolleyes1.gif
  • lynnmalynnma Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 5,208 Major grins
    edited January 31, 2015
    Richard wrote: »
    It's not almost, that's exactly what's happening. It's all automatic. The last time this happened, they even lifted the original post of this thread complaining about the theft and published it. rolleyes1.gif
    I just loaded an image up to "other cool stuff" with a notice onnit... couldn't resist rolleyes1.gif I'll probably get in trouble rolleyes1.gif
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited January 31, 2015
    Don't think you'll get in trouble. The bot has duly published your post. Idiots.
  • Jack'll doJack'll do Registered Users Posts: 2,977 Major grins
    edited February 1, 2015
    I posted an image similar to Lynn's emblazoned with notice that it was stolen from this site. I notice that if you size the image to 1600 px wide and in your post duplicate it multiple times it will cover the entire width of the blog thus not allowing ads next to it. I intend to repost this periodically during the day under different titles and suggest that others do as well. So for the next few days ignore any "Other Cool Shots" posts from me.

    (My real name is John but Jack'll do)
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited February 1, 2015
    While I have enjoyed seeing these posts on the rogue blog, I rather doubt that it makes any difference. It's not like that blog has any readers, other than other bots that click on whatever ads appear so as to generate revenue. Still, if you want to do mischief, I'd suggest that you give your Dgrin post a title that identifies and insults the blog by name. The blog just automatically copies the Dgrin title, so with some luck, the Google search engine will start returning hits like "[ Admin Edit: Blog thief's site link removed by Dgrin forum administrators and moderators. ] is a scam." Might not matter to them, though. Google took weeks to take down the last one, and I imagine this one won't be any quicker. ne_nau.gif. The most successful strategy is probably to keep the DMCA notices coming steadily, till some algorithm kicks in and shuts it down.
  • The Lazy DestroyerThe Lazy Destroyer Registered Users Posts: 127 Major grins
    edited February 2, 2015
    Is the blogger page just pulling the first post in each thread? I'm not seeing any DGrin's forum replies on VisionMObile, so it appears to be so.
    I guess if you want to combat the page pulling your images short-term, easiest solution is to just post the text about the images but then post the images themselves in a second post in that thread.

    Also, since it is only pulling the original post... can this be used to figure out how they are pulling the posts from DGrin? It must be an automatic thing so maybe if we can find out how they are doing it we can implement something that stops this process. Otherwise it will just keep happening again and again. There isn't THAT much traffic on DGrin so maybe there is some security thing DGrin isn't using. Otherwise are other photography forums/blogs getting hit like DGrin does? I've only seen this on here.
    ____Motoception Photography____
  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2015
    I haven't tried this but it should help track down misused images:

  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2015
    Today I found four advertisements and I have emailed each advertiser to make it crystal clear what the situation is. So they can no longer claim they don't know.

  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2015
    If you look at my Canna post, done to compromise them, you will see that their url is jumbled but enough got through to throw suspicion. I put that text in black. Two more image were copied after mine today. I haven't finished with them yet.

  • lynnmalynnma Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 5,208 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2015
    e6filmuser wrote: »
    If you look at my Canna post, done to compromise them, you will see that their url is jumbled but enough got through to throw suspicion. I put that text in black. Two more image were copied after mine today. I haven't finished with them yet.

    yeah.. one of them was my cabin in the aspens colorado. I'm going to be very careful about what I upload from now on... I don't want some of my best work up there for all to copy and paste.. also people pics and children's pics are a no for me now. It's sad isn't it..:(:
  • EiaEia Registered Users Posts: 3,627 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2015
    Sam wrote: »
    This looks like the same donkey.

    We need to jump through some more flaming hoops and see if Google has sufficient brain power to see this guy and his postings for what they are.

    Off to post a complaint to Google.


    That is ridiculous! Tons of our images are here! I will send yet another complaint. Maybe some bigger wigs can put a bit more pressure on Google and or this blog. Other than copyright within and on our pics could there be a copyright on here or a code stopping bots? ne_nau.gif
  • lynnmalynnma Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 5,208 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2015
    Eia wrote: »
    That is ridiculous! Tons of our images are here! I will send yet another complaint. Maybe some bigger wigs can put a bit more pressure on Google and or this blog. Other than copyright within and on our pics could there be a copyright on here or a code stopping bots? ne_nau.gif
    I'm just going to keep on posting and sending infringement reports to google. I don't think dgrin or smugmug can do much about it.. I wish it were that easy.. I know for sure they would if they could.
  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2015
    lynnma wrote: »
    I just loaded an image up to "other cool stuff" with a notice onnit... couldn't resist rolleyes1.gif I'll probably get in trouble rolleyes1.gif

    Wonderful. I have just e-mailed a copy to one of the advertisers who were having trouble understanding the issue. I have suggested that that might like to keep their ad away from such images.

  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2015
    Take a look at my Cherry Blossom text on their website, posted this morning and grabbed within minutes.

  • silvio000silvio000 Registered Users Posts: 170 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2015
    u guys should try to contact ( because the jerk at visionmobile is probably using dgrin rss feeds to duplicate all posts automatically to his blogger through a iftt recipe.

    Or dgrin could disable rss fedds. If after disabling rss feeds the site continues to copy posts, than dgrin should look into the users that subscribe ALL Forums.


  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2015
    I have been in e-mail contact with one of the photographic equipment retailers whose ads appear. It took a long time to get over exactly what the problem was. I made it clear that they were probably as much a victim as were are. Anyway, they are grateful for having it pointed out and have undertaken to investigate and to have their ad removed.

  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 4, 2015
    Attached to a copy of a take-down notification e-mail for the last incident, sent back to is this:

    I have just worked back through the present blog complained about and find all the images previously requested to be removed , from the previous incarnation of the blog, still present. So, Google's take-down of the previous site achieved only a temporary removal of the previously copied images. The blog remains intact and is building an ever-increasing library of misappropriated images. Google needs to do better than this.

    Pending a reply to this, I am preparing to complete and send over forty take-down requests and I imagine that other photographers will be sending even larger numbers. This needs to be brought to an end.

  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 5, 2015
    Take a look at my orchid text:

    Admin Edit: Blog thief's site link removed by Dgrin forum administrators and moderators.

  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 5, 2015
    One advertiser told me that Google placed the adds now present as part of their advertising service.

    I have e-mailed Google, expressing my displeasure1

  • JCJC Registered Users Posts: 768 Major grins
    edited February 5, 2015
    Wow, most replies to one of my threads, unfortunately.

    And yes, advertisers generally don't have control over where their ads are places, and page owners don't generally have control over the content of ads or advertisers on their pages when using services like Google, which can lead to some funny juxtapositions of page content and served ads.
    Yeah, if you recognize the avatar, new user name.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 5, 2015
    e6filmuser wrote: »
    Take a look at my orchid text:

    visionxmobile dot blogspot. dot co dot uk/
    Please don't include the URL in your posts - that is an inbound link to the site used in their favor, not ours.

    --- Denise
  • rwellsrwells Registered Users Posts: 6,084 Major grins
    edited February 5, 2015
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited February 5, 2015
    rwells wrote: »

    I have no reply for this. :D

  • e6filmusere6filmuser Registered Users Posts: 3,379 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2015
    e6filmuser wrote: »
    One advertiser told me that Google placed the adds now present as part of their advertising service.

    This individual was from customer services and should clearly have handed the issue to someone competent to a) understand the issue and b) think before writing a reply.

    I got the most bizarre and diverse responses, one posted, as I tried to get this individual to make give a reply relevant to the issue. Anyway, I now know where Bigfoot has a weekday job! :bash

  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,315 moderator
    edited February 6, 2015
    Harold, advertisers don't put the ads there, Google does. I'd bet that the advertisers have very little say where or how their ads are actually used. Understandable they had no clue what you were asking about. Ads are taken down when the service they are attached to disappears, or the ad contract ends. I'm sure there might be some other ways going about it, but believe me, you, I, or even Bigfoot don't have time to bother with it.

    Probably looks something like this:

    We're Google. You want us to place your in-line ads where? (Check all that apply)

    * Electronic free news services
    * Electronic user paid-for news services
    * Facebook
    * Flickr
    * Free public blogging services
    * Forums
    * Etc.
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
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