Next: shadows color contrast light color (obviously, a shadow can be any color, such as black, grey, or even blue in cold weather, but I am looking for the sharp contrast between shadow color and light colors)
Next: liquid texture (that is not actually water)
Edit: examples would be paint, flowing fabric, melted metal, melted chocolate, and if you must, you can post liquor, soda, coffee, or tea, but it must be showing the liquid's texture in some fashion.
Helmet shape
Next: broken glass texture &
FB: - Youtube:
Broken glass texture
Next: weathered concrete texture
My SmugMug
Concrete texture (probably weathered since it's been there over 50 years)

Next: green
Next: Pattern of three
Dave Gillespie
Pattern of three
Next: rose shape
My SmugMug
Rose shape

Next: Bud shape
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Bud shape

Next: pink
Next: diverging lines
My SmugMug
diverging lines

Next: shadows color contrast light color (obviously, a shadow can be any color, such as black, grey, or even blue in cold weather, but I am looking for the sharp contrast between shadow color and light colors)
Diverging Lines
Next: shape of a shadow (as the subject)
Dave Gillespie
Shape of a shadow

Next: Bucket shape
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Bucket shape
Next: the texture of a galvanised iron metal surface
My SmugMug
Texture of a metal surface

Next: tire shape
tire shape
Next: arrowhead shape
My SmugMug
Arrowhead shape (top of spear)

Next: feather texture
feather texture
Next: black & white in a color photo
Musings & ramblings at
Black and white in a coulour photo
Next: gate shape
My SmugMug
gate shape

Next: Furry texture
Furry flowers
Next: insect shape
My SmugMug
insect shape (in the form of a butterfly)
next: shades of brown
Musings & ramblings at
Shades of brown
next: polished brass or copper
My SmugMug
Polished brass or copper
next: frog shaped (but not an actual frog)
Dave Gillespie
The nickname of the Triumph TR3 is "The Frog", probably the characteristic headlight arrangement has something to do with that
Next: bright red
My SmugMug
bright red
next: dark green
Dave Gillespie
Dark Green

Next: liquid texture (that is not actually water)
Edit: examples would be paint, flowing fabric, melted metal, melted chocolate, and if you must, you can post liquor, soda, coffee, or tea, but it must be showing the liquid's texture in some fashion.
Liquid texture that is not water (the floor)

Next: Bubbly texture
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Bubbly texture
next: pattern of intersecting lines
Dave Gillespie
pattern of intersecting lines
next: pattern of squares
My SmugMug
Pattern of squares
Next: silver color
Musings & ramblings at
silver colour
next: flying bird shape
My SmugMug