Trapezoid shape (side face of obelisk, even though it's not too obvious on this photo)
Next: polished stone texture
polished stone texture
Next: the color Mauve
color Mauve
next: the color yellow
Dave Gillespie
Next: pattern of circles
Next: the texture of wood
The texture of wood
Next: a pattern of squares
a pattern of squares
Next: arch shape
Arch shape
Next: course stone (or concrete/cement) texture
coarse (?) stone (a bit abstract)
next: needle shape
(pine) needle shape
next: pinecone shape
Pinecone shape
Next: silver and green color
silver and green colour
Next: airplane shape
Airplane shape
Next: Queue shape
There's no better place to find a well organised queue than in the British Museum
Next: totem shape
Totem shape
Next: Fish shape
Fish shape
Next: Shape of scuba or snorkel equipment
How about Scuba and Snorkel equipment
Next: light blue, but not the sky
Light blue but not the sky
Next: oval shaped
Oval shaped
Next: chipboard (particle board) texture
Chipboard (particle board) texture. My workshop bench. The frame is one kind of particle board, and the shelf inserts are another.
Next: oily texture
oily texture
Next: polished chrome texture
Polished chrome texture
Next: fin-shaped
next: teal colored
Teal colored:
Next: rough texture
rough texture
Next: hairy texture
Hairy texture
Next: overlapping squares
overlapping squares
Next: bright green, but not from plants or foliage
Bright green, but not from plants or foliage
Next: Shape of a cap or hat
Shape of a cap or hat
Next: Pattern of deep shadows
pattern of deep shadows
next: staircase shape
Trapezoid shape (side face of obelisk, even though it's not too obvious on this photo)

Next: polished stone texture
polished stone texture

Next: the color Mauve
color Mauve
next: the color yellow
Dave Gillespie
Next: pattern of circles
My SmugMug

Next: the texture of wood
The texture of wood
Next: a pattern of squares
My SmugMug
a pattern of squares

Next: arch shape
Arch shape
Next: course stone (or concrete/cement) texture
My SmugMug
coarse (?) stone (a bit abstract)
next: needle shape
Dave Gillespie
(pine) needle shape
next: pinecone shape
My SmugMug
Pinecone shape
Next: silver and green color
Dave Gillespie
silver and green colour
Next: airplane shape
My SmugMug
Airplane shape

Next: Queue shape
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
There's no better place to find a well organised queue than in the British Museum
Next: totem shape
My SmugMug
Totem shape
Next: Fish shape
Dave Gillespie
Fish shape

Next: Shape of scuba or snorkel equipment
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
How about Scuba and Snorkel equipment
Next: light blue, but not the sky
My SmugMug
Light blue but not the sky

Next: oval shaped
Oval shaped
Next: chipboard (particle board) texture
My SmugMug
Chipboard (particle board) texture. My workshop bench. The frame is one kind of particle board, and the shelf inserts are another.
Next: oily texture
Dave Gillespie
oily texture
Next: polished chrome texture
My SmugMug
Polished chrome texture
Next: fin-shaped

next: teal colored
Teal colored:
Next: rough texture
rough texture
Next: hairy texture
My SmugMug
Hairy texture
Next: overlapping squares
overlapping squares
Next: bright green, but not from plants or foliage
My SmugMug
Bright green, but not from plants or foliage

Next: Shape of a cap or hat
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Shape of a cap or hat
Next: Pattern of deep shadows
Dave Gillespie
pattern of deep shadows
next: staircase shape
My SmugMug