Rather than focus on specific solutions ("bring back the sizes selection"), I'd love to get a better sense of what you're trying to accomplish so that we can come up with the best solution to it. When we dove into the sizes button, for example, we learned that none of you actually wanted to select a size, but rather you wanted to be able to zoom into parts of a photo and enjoy that more.
@leftquark said:
Rather than focus on specific solutions ("bring back the sizes selection"), I'd love to get a better sense of what you're trying to accomplish so that we can come up with the best solution to it. When we dove into the sizes button, for example, we learned that none of you actually wanted to select a size, but rather you wanted to be able to zoom into parts of a photo and enjoy that more.
I often use the size button in lightbox when I want to save a smaller than original copy of the photo locally. I click the size button then do a right click save as.
I used the size button also, mainly to select a size for Facebook and other posts.
I can quickly run through a gallery dragging each photo to a folder on my desktop.
It sounds like improvements to downloading and potentially sharing (to facebook, for example) could really help you, and the “Sizes” button was just a workaround. For example, if we let you select what size to download from the sizes button, that’d save you having to pick a size, then right click, then choose “Save Image as...” (and in Allen’s case, then having to upload it to FB, etc).
@Allen said:
Why is the Organizer displaying the original size when zoomed up?
As the owner, you have access to the Original size, so we want to make sure you can zoom in as much as possible. Visitors will only be able to zoom to the max display size. Zooming to Originals for owners was added particularly because of the feedback that you gave us where you wanted to be able to zoom into some of the text and other details on items you’ve uploaded.
I do not “Save Image as...” from a resized photo. In LB I set size and just drag it to my desktop or folder on my desktop.
You can't get more efficient then setting the size once and dragging each going through LB photos. The size remains set for each as long as you stay in LB.
Facebook is simple: Set size in LB, Drag to desktop, drag to FB.
Guess you're right, can't really evaluate Organizer LB when can only see it logged in.
BTW, I set the gallery temporarily to "original" if I need to see them in LB. Viewing text as you say, is only in galleries all ready set to "original".
Huh? Read this again real slow.
"For example, if we let you select what size to download from the sizes button, that’d save you having to pick a size"
So if I "select" a size to D/L I don't have to "pick" a size? What's the difference between select and pick?
BTW, D/L button is only for "original".
Share button is where you get a link for each size. Then open in browser and save. That's a lot of steps for each photo.
Psst ... using LB I only "pick/select" once rather then "pick/select" for every photo.
As we prepare to launch the New Lightbox everywhere, one of our engineers has put together a list of CSS Customizations for the new lightbox should any of you want to customize it further. Until this goes live, you won't be able to see the effect of your Customization since the Organizer ignores CSS. I can enable the New Lightbox for any of you if you'd like to test CSS tweaks; your visitors will still see the old Lightbox.
@leftquark said:
As we prepare to launch the New Lightbox everywhere, one of our engineers has put together a list of CSS Customizations for the new lightbox should any of you want to customize it further.
Could you say a few words about the philosophy followed?
Did old CSS names (etc.) just go away? I suspect not all did, but when you changed a feature did you always give it a new name and the old one is completely gone?
I guess I am asking not so much what the likelihood is you broke something from a user customization (because it depends so much on what we did), but how we can best tell if you did? E.g. is there a list of what went away?
My problem is I did these so very long ago (was it like 2013?) I really have no current memory of what I did, I need to go look through a couple pages of code, and even then I do not know what I'm looking for.
Or is the only real way to just wait (or ask now) to see it and see if we see anything broken?
If it's as I am guessing, if we ask to see it now, it applies to logged in only (as owner), yes, please, I'd like to see it in advance and work through any issues before you throw the switch.
I just checked another photo. widths below
Original photo width 2682
Max photo size to display set at X3 > 1600
Organizer LB displays 1600
Zooms to 3112
That's about double the size I want displayed.
What size photo are you zooming up? My max display size or original?
@Allen said:
That's about double the size I want displayed.
What size photo are you zooming up? My max display size or original?
I think I read somewhere that the answer is going to be different for owner view vs visitor view also, and since we can't see visitor view at all, it's kind of hard to get a feel for what will happen (probably in more ways than this, for those of us who have visitor/owner specific customizations).
Hey @leftquark have you guys ever considered a period (a few months maybe) where people can manually, by gallery even, turn on new features like this? So they have a chance to gracefully test and adjust to new stuff, before that switch disappears and it is forced live? Not suggesting a forever old version, but a way for user control? Sounds like you have such switches, sort of, so maybe it would not be a huge deal?
Viewing in the organizer is certainly better than nothing, and I thank you for the opportunity. But we are all going to take a leap of faith the day it goes live for visitor view (and not so much faith in SM, but faith that whatever kludges we as users applied, that you are not aware of, is compatible with your changes that in turn we have limited awareness of. Like two blind lightning bugs hoping to find each other at night. )
@Ferguson said:
Could you say a few words about the philosophy followed?
is the only real way to just wait (or ask now) to see it and see if we see anything broken?
If we're just making minor changes / improvements we try not to change CSS class names so that we won't destroy peoples customizations. However, since the new Lightbox is a completely different design, your old customizations would have broken the Lightbox had we kept the CSS names the same. We chose to use completely new class names here so that you'd have an amazing lightbox experience when it goes live. We'll be sending a heads-up email to anyone who customized their Lightbox a few days before it goes live to give anyone time to redo any customizations that were important to them but we felt an amazing uncustomized experience was better than a partially customized completely broken one.
@Ferguson said:
If it's as I am guessing, if we ask to see it now, it applies to logged in only (as owner), yes, please, I'd like to see it in advance and work through any issues before you throw the switch.
Correct, only you as the owner would see the new Lightbox until it goes live everywhere. I'll toss the switch for you when I get into the office.
@Ferguson said:
Hey @leftquark have you guys ever considered a period (a few months maybe) where people can manually, by gallery even, turn on new features like this? So they have a chance to gracefully test and adjust to new stuff, before that switch disappears and it is forced live? Not suggesting a forever old version, but a way for user control? Sounds like you have such switches, sort of, so maybe it would not be a huge deal?
It's possible using the technology that we've integrated that allows me to turn this on or off for you, but we're confident we have a great development team that can make some big improvements for all of you and we want to get them out to you as quickly as possible. Delaying rolling out improvements would not be very thrilling for you, would add overhead that would increase support burden and potentially slowdown future development (and if we're being honest, we'd like to be improving SmugMug faster).
@Allen said:
Just received the email for the new lightbox. There are no scroll bars and can not see the bottom of email.
_Very soon you will receive a massive update to how you and your visitors view and buy photos on your SmugMug site. Stay tuned to learn more about this exciting update to how photos are displayed in the Lightbox. You had previously customized the Lightbox and any CSS you've added to customize your Lightbox will no longer apply when the new Lightbox launches in the next few weeks.
The new Lightbox has a number of improvements which may remove your need to customize it but you'll have to apply new CSS to re-customize your Lightbox. Example customizations to the new Lightbox are available on DGrin and if you have any questions, please contact our support heroes 24/7.
@Allen said:
Just received the email for the new lightbox. There are no scroll bars and can not see the bottom of email.
That sounds potentially like a bug with your email client. Could you let me know which one you're using so we can test it?
Did you try a different email client? Perhaps on your phone? I've used a few computers, an iPhone and a Google Pixel to check and they all scroll properly.
With the new LB release, are you saying my old CSS will be deleted? Will I have to save them and re-enter new CSS?
If you can please explain what happens with my old CSS functionallity.
@hadron said:
With the new LB release, are you saying my old CSS will be deleted? Will I have to save them and re-enter new CSS?
If you can please explain what happens with my old CSS functionallity.
It won't be deleted, but it won't work as the new Lightbox will have different CSS.
@hadron said:
With the new LB release, are you saying my old CSS will be deleted? Will I have to save them and re-enter new CSS?
If you can please explain what happens with my old CSS functionallity.
@Verulam said:
How do we change the duration of slideshows in Lightbox v2. The default is too slow.
The setting is quite hidden but if you are on a gallery and go to Customize -> Content and Design, then click on the gallery, you can go into the "Slideshow" settings and set the duration. The Organizer ignores all customizations, so you won't see it speed up the slideshow there, but for galleries and content blocks (and for all your visitors), they'll see the slideshow based on the setting you've selected.
I use captions extensively. I have read all thread comments but still don't know if captions can be set to always show in the sidebar - but without having to click on the photo details button - either with an customization option or new CSS.
Can someone please clarify this?
Let me ask this a different way.
When in the lightbox and going from photo to photo, can I see each photo's captions WITHOUT seeing any of the photo details?
@hadron said:
Let me ask this a different way.
When in the lightbox and going from photo to photo, can I see each photo's captions WITHOUT seeing any of the photo details?
Yeah, that's a big miss for me, but it appears in the customization section they let you put it back. See:
@hadron said:
Let me ask this a different way.
When in the lightbox and going from photo to photo, can I see each photo's captions WITHOUT seeing any of the photo details?
Yeah, that's a big miss for me, but it appears in the customization section they let you put it back. See:
Search for caption, it's a ways down. I haven't tried it yet.
The caption will never be displayed on top of the photo since it can be quite long and the idea was to minimize anything that covered the photo. It would also be super confusing to have a whole bunch of rules on what is displayed on top of the photo (if title, display title; if title and caption, display title; if no title but caption, display caption), so we opted for the super simple: Title or Filename and buy buttons are the only thing that cover the photo.
If you turn off “Show Photo Info” in Gallery Settings, then the sidebar should display just the Title, Caption and Keywords. You can also select if Title, Caption, and Keywords are displayed via the Customization settings.
During our research we saw that the new design encourages photographers to give titles and captions, telling the story of the photo, and your visitors love being able to easily read the story while seeing the entire photo. This should be a win for both you and your viewers.
Just noticed that there is no "zoom" in Organizer lightbox. It's either "fill" or max size, nothing in between. Bring back the sizes selection.
Photos should not be "zoomed" up past the original size. The uploaded "original" was edited and cropped to be in reasonable focus with no grain/noise.
My Website index | My Blog
Rather than focus on specific solutions ("bring back the sizes selection"), I'd love to get a better sense of what you're trying to accomplish so that we can come up with the best solution to it. When we dove into the sizes button, for example, we learned that none of you actually wanted to select a size, but rather you wanted to be able to zoom into parts of a photo and enjoy that more.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
I often use the size button in lightbox when I want to save a smaller than original copy of the photo locally. I click the size button then do a right click save as.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I used the size button also, mainly to select a size for Facebook and other posts.
I can quickly run through a gallery dragging each photo to a folder on my desktop.
My Website index | My Blog
I just checked a gallery I have set to X2 as the largest viewable size.
Why is the Organizer displaying the original size when zoomed up?
My Website index | My Blog
It sounds like improvements to downloading and potentially sharing (to facebook, for example) could really help you, and the “Sizes” button was just a workaround. For example, if we let you select what size to download from the sizes button, that’d save you having to pick a size, then right click, then choose “Save Image as...” (and in Allen’s case, then having to upload it to FB, etc).
As the owner, you have access to the Original size, so we want to make sure you can zoom in as much as possible. Visitors will only be able to zoom to the max display size. Zooming to Originals for owners was added particularly because of the feedback that you gave us where you wanted to be able to zoom into some of the text and other details on items you’ve uploaded.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
I do not “Save Image as...” from a resized photo. In LB I set size and just drag it to my desktop or folder on my desktop.
You can't get more efficient then setting the size once and dragging each going through LB photos. The size remains set for each as long as you stay in LB.
Facebook is simple: Set size in LB, Drag to desktop, drag to FB.
Guess you're right, can't really evaluate Organizer LB when can only see it logged in.
BTW, I set the gallery temporarily to "original" if I need to see them in LB. Viewing text as you say, is only in galleries all ready set to "original".
Huh? Read this again real slow.
"For example, if we let you select what size to download from the sizes button, that’d save you having to pick a size"
So if I "select" a size to D/L I don't have to "pick" a size? What's the difference between select and pick?
BTW, D/L button is only for "original".
Share button is where you get a link for each size. Then open in browser and save. That's a lot of steps for each photo.
Psst ... using LB I only "pick/select" once rather then "pick/select" for every photo.
My Website index | My Blog
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Could you say a few words about the philosophy followed?
Did old CSS names (etc.) just go away? I suspect not all did, but when you changed a feature did you always give it a new name and the old one is completely gone?
I guess I am asking not so much what the likelihood is you broke something from a user customization (because it depends so much on what we did), but how we can best tell if you did? E.g. is there a list of what went away?
My problem is I did these so very long ago (was it like 2013?) I really have no current memory of what I did, I need to go look through a couple pages of code, and even then I do not know what I'm looking for.
Or is the only real way to just wait (or ask now) to see it and see if we see anything broken?
If it's as I am guessing, if we ask to see it now, it applies to logged in only (as owner), yes, please, I'd like to see it in advance and work through any issues before you throw the switch.
I just checked another photo. widths below
Original photo width 2682
Max photo size to display set at X3 > 1600
Organizer LB displays 1600
Zooms to 3112
That's about double the size I want displayed.
What size photo are you zooming up? My max display size or original?
My Website index | My Blog
I think I read somewhere that the answer is going to be different for owner view vs visitor view also, and since we can't see visitor view at all, it's kind of hard to get a feel for what will happen (probably in more ways than this, for those of us who have visitor/owner specific customizations).
Hey @leftquark have you guys ever considered a period (a few months maybe) where people can manually, by gallery even, turn on new features like this? So they have a chance to gracefully test and adjust to new stuff, before that switch disappears and it is forced live? Not suggesting a forever old version, but a way for user control? Sounds like you have such switches, sort of, so maybe it would not be a huge deal?
Viewing in the organizer is certainly better than nothing, and I thank you for the opportunity. But we are all going to take a leap of faith the day it goes live for visitor view (and not so much faith in SM, but faith that whatever kludges we as users applied, that you are not aware of, is compatible with your changes that in turn we have limited awareness of. Like two blind lightning bugs hoping to find each other at night.
If we're just making minor changes / improvements we try not to change CSS class names so that we won't destroy peoples customizations. However, since the new Lightbox is a completely different design, your old customizations would have broken the Lightbox had we kept the CSS names the same. We chose to use completely new class names here so that you'd have an amazing lightbox experience when it goes live. We'll be sending a heads-up email to anyone who customized their Lightbox a few days before it goes live to give anyone time to redo any customizations that were important to them but we felt an amazing uncustomized experience was better than a partially customized completely broken one.
Correct, only you as the owner would see the new Lightbox until it goes live everywhere. I'll toss the switch for you when I get into the office.
It's possible using the technology that we've integrated that allows me to turn this on or off for you, but we're confident we have a great development team that can make some big improvements for all of you and we want to get them out to you as quickly as possible. Delaying rolling out improvements would not be very thrilling for you, would add overhead that would increase support burden and potentially slowdown future development (and if we're being honest, we'd like to be improving SmugMug faster).
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Just received the email for the new lightbox. There are no scroll bars and can not see the bottom of email.
My Website index | My Blog
_Very soon you will receive a massive update to how you and your visitors view and buy photos on your SmugMug site. Stay tuned to learn more about this exciting update to how photos are displayed in the Lightbox. You had previously customized the Lightbox and any CSS you've added to customize your Lightbox will no longer apply when the new Lightbox launches in the next few weeks.
The new Lightbox has a number of improvements which may remove your need to customize it but you'll have to apply new CSS to re-customize your Lightbox. Example customizations to the new Lightbox are available on DGrin and if you have any questions, please contact our support heroes 24/7.
The SmugMug team_
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
That sounds potentially like a bug with your email client. Could you let me know which one you're using so we can test it?
Did you try a different email client? Perhaps on your phone? I've used a few computers, an iPhone and a Google Pixel to check and they all scroll properly.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Using Thunderbird.
I can double click it and open in another tab. Then expanding screen can see it all.
My Website index | My Blog
With the new LB release, are you saying my old CSS will be deleted? Will I have to save them and re-enter new CSS?
If you can please explain what happens with my old CSS functionallity.
In the current Organizer, NO Captions are showing. Is that by design?
It won't be deleted, but it won't work as the new Lightbox will have different CSS.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
Look at this: https://dgrin.com/discussion/265352/customizing-the-new-lightbox#latest
Depending on what kind of customizations you've done, you can add the new code NOW, so when they switch over your site will look as it should.
Images in the Backcountry
My SmugMug Customizations | Adding CSS to Your Site | SEO for the Photographer | Locate Your Page/Widget Number | SmugMug Help Desk
How do we change the duration of slideshows in Lightbox v2. The default is too slow.
The setting is quite hidden but if you are on a gallery and go to Customize -> Content and Design, then click on the gallery, you can go into the "Slideshow" settings and set the duration. The Organizer ignores all customizations, so you won't see it speed up the slideshow there, but for galleries and content blocks (and for all your visitors), they'll see the slideshow based on the setting you've selected.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
OK many thanks leftquark. Found it under Gallery > Slideshow. Hopefully my existing settings will still work when Lightbox v2 is rolled out.
I use captions extensively. I have read all thread comments but still don't know if captions can be set to always show in the sidebar - but without having to click on the photo details button - either with an customization option or new CSS.
Can someone please clarify this?
Currently the sidebar would have to be toggled on. Then going photo to photo it remains showing.
My Website index | My Blog
But does this not also show the photo details?
Only referring to the the new lightbox where it is in the sidebar.. On the gallery page it is under photo details.
My Website index | My Blog
Let me ask this a different way.
When in the lightbox and going from photo to photo, can I see each photo's captions WITHOUT seeing any of the photo details?
Yeah, that's a big miss for me, but it appears in the customization section they let you put it back. See:
Search for caption, it's a ways down. I haven't tried it yet.
The caption will never be displayed on top of the photo since it can be quite long and the idea was to minimize anything that covered the photo. It would also be super confusing to have a whole bunch of rules on what is displayed on top of the photo (if title, display title; if title and caption, display title; if no title but caption, display caption), so we opted for the super simple: Title or Filename and buy buttons are the only thing that cover the photo.
If you turn off “Show Photo Info” in Gallery Settings, then the sidebar should display just the Title, Caption and Keywords. You can also select if Title, Caption, and Keywords are displayed via the Customization settings.
During our research we saw that the new design encourages photographers to give titles and captions, telling the story of the photo, and your visitors love being able to easily read the story while seeing the entire photo. This should be a win for both you and your viewers.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations