Protest against cartoon controversy

This was protest of student of religious institute this was call of larg protest on sunday where i am not going now beocuse CLash with police is sure and they beat a lot
Becouse to restore Law in order protests are banned for time being
This shot was taken in Mosque before the protest People prayed fo justice from God he was unable to control his emotions

My fav he was sitting on high place with Flag

Fake DOF in PS

This road leads to ambassies and all that place

If you want to see larg images and more ( i wonder why i cannot see some images in post after editing it can you all images i posted in thread ? ) updated same old gallery if anybody want to discuss i am available on PM and Email

This shot was taken in Mosque before the protest People prayed fo justice from God he was unable to control his emotions

My fav he was sitting on high place with Flag

Fake DOF in PS

This road leads to ambassies and all that place

If you want to see larg images and more ( i wonder why i cannot see some images in post after editing it can you all images i posted in thread ? ) updated same old gallery if anybody want to discuss i am available on PM and Email
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
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Totally agree with Andy, the PJ work is spot on and some very powerful images.
Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing more from your part of the world.
David Clifford
my emotions can't help but be stirred when looking at your photos. So sad that people feel the need to react in such an unloving way.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Shukriya David
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It makes me so sad, just let the children play. Let them have their innocence.
I agree with you, Tessa
I understand that muslims' feelings have been hurt and that they want to protest that, that's OK. It's their right. But i don't like the way it is done; asking for destruction, asking for killing. Is that the way of Islam?
And where are the protests when the umptieth car-bomb explodes killing scores of people (mostly muslims)!?
And not everyone believes in Allah, God or any other diety. I think the danish newspaper tried to make a statement that it is sad that so much killing is going on in the name of islam.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
They say "if we left our kids in play gorounds for only play and when we will be invaded like iraq they will be tortured like iraqi youth"
This is normal for us do you know kid is wearing cloths worn by dead person before burial This is just demonstration to show what is value of Prophet Muhammad for one Muslim they are not going to push kids into battel fields
Shukriya for looking
My Gallery
Islam never ever say kill anybody what ever his faith is nor force them to anything and one who kills anybody will be accountable for what he do as muslims are not pre forgiven by God
Prophet Muhammad forgave a women who throw garbage on him when she was not there Prophet visited her and asked if she was good she was suffuring with illness Muhammad gave her water this attitud of Muhmmad turned that women in Muslim thats how Islam has spread in the worl and Islam teaches exactly same bhaviour
And now why people are demanding death for that person ? well muslim love Prophet Muhammad more then parents and this world it is natural reaction if sombody degrade your spiritual leader and Muslim countires hae Law to punish one who degrade Prophets(Jesus,Moses,Muhammad..etc) so this is crime here no one can even imagin it.As you know people are very sensitive for religion and everyone know what can be the reaction of people and publishing cartoons without any context and then lame excuses is just unacceptable those cartoons were delebrately published to disturb peace of world.if punishing what ever jail or what ever best suits them can bring the peace of world back and can calm 1 billion people of the world is good idea
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Exactly, it is a faith of peace.
But i don't think it is normal (or natural) to chant for someone's death if he has offended you.
And to jail the editor/drawer of the cartoon!? I don't think so! That's not how it works here. In Denmark, USA, Holland, etc., most of the western countries you don't go to jail if you have offended someone (currently living or someone from the past, even if he is a saint or prophet). There are many cartoons/stories/articles here that offend the pope, jews, christians, you name it. Are they insensitive or offensive sometimes? Yes they are. And some of them should not have been written/drawn. But being rude/offensive is not a crime.
If the cartoon was drawn deliberately to incite hatred against muslims, to incite violence, then the publisher can be punished.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
You and your country are not alone in holding your breath, wondering what the Bush (USA) Gov't is going to do next -with or without consent of our elected officials-
....the entire planet including half of the American population also holds their breath, wondering the same thing..
America, without question, has stirred one very large, dangerous mess around the world!
USA had every right to go after Al-Qaeda, but along the way America decided to take a huge and unnecessary detour into Iraq...thus causing these very dangerous times around the world..
Yes, we (USA) broke it and now we find ourselves powerless to fix it, so perhaps we will just continue to break things.
There are rumours that Americas next target is either Canada (for their oil and water) or Tahiti for their (Tamanu oil)
stay tuned!
"The era of easy oil is over."
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
i.e Gas Oil etc
will they sell for value of scrap ?
My Gallery
Australia has only got 3 drums left & one has a dead possum in it....move along...nothing to see here.
My Gallery
I will limit my political comment to: wow, this is not ok! kids have no business protesting, they should be playing football. Any dirty comic is better than children saying they will "die for a cause". This really, really makes me sad.
What made his parent to do that ?
how world reached at this point ?
do you think his parents dont love him ?
Thanks for appreciation
My Gallery
Shukriya Humungus
My Gallery
To insert a little humor:
Guess what 80's tune the Danish Olympic team was greeted with when it entered the stadium during the opening's ceremony..
"O Lord, Don't let me be misunderstood" from "The Animals"....
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
last time I checked it was a free planet.
In other words Islam is not in charge of it.
There might be a few things going on in your reality that other people might call unacceptable.
You may live in a free country, that doesn't mean this is a free planet. That said, surely you support people's right to protest?
That's the interesting thing about the world. Not everyone sees things the same way. Fortunately, the camera lets us all see things as they are. The shots are quite interesting I think.
i have read
Mental filters of 2 people can never match and there is a reaction of action
Thank you Mike
My Gallery
manufacture. Almost like signing a petition or worse, filling in a form
letter of protest. Myself, I prefer to write my own protest letters.
Good work capturing the event and some of the emotion.
(plenty of other places to discuss politics)
Powerful images Awais!
Quite Right.
Very good photos Awais I would like to have seen this first hand myself.
I like the use of the headless dummies. I'm guessing it's to signify the beheading of westerners. How very original.
Not something we tend to do over here, beheading people, but I'm sure it's far more offensive to draw a cartoon than it is to post video of western hostages being beheaded or to make these dummies for burning in your streets. What is this fascination with beheading? Wierd...
I wonder how safe is your homeland for visitors at the moment? If I had stood next to you and also taken photo's would I have been burnt or beaten? Are we all infidel to your countrymen? I hope not.
I look forward to seeing all those children growing up into good solid citizens who are ready to take on the difficult task of dragging, bla bla bla...
Thanks for posting. Enjoyed your pic's but sorry I'm not more positive about the content.
I'm just back from a month travelling part of the African line between Black Africa and the Muslim north. A divide that has caused war, death slavery and poverty since the dawn of time. I'm pleased to report calm in West Africa and a good outlook for the future. Modern free-thinking youth are led by some older westernised gentlemen who seem able to grasp concepts that can only lead to a better future for them all.
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
You can visit Pakistan and if you stood with me no one will dare to harm you.Just fight back to violent protesters and i am good at it
Headless dummy ? thats becouse Islam do not allow sculptures or dummies this needs long explaination
If movie of beheading a Muslim man killing them is on air no one will be to much aggresive.
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