Nice! I love having a foot in both camps by using both WinXP and Mac OS X. Next year or so I'll probably get a Macbook (either Pro or not) as well to replace my aging G3 iBook. I'm looking forward to hear your experiences on this thing.
oh, one more thing. the initial setup was pretty nice, but the first thing it prompted me to do once i logged in the first time? download updates and reboot. some things are just the same i guess.
DavidTO...what the heck man? I thought you said i didnt have to do all of this stuff cuz macs were so shiny.
They average mebbe 10 SUs a year. Mebbe 12. They're on it. Be grateful. Check out and compare Windows XP and OS X for unpatched security issues. OS X. Windows XP Pro.
And I never said that they didn't have updates. I said they're a whole heck of a lot more secure and stable than the Windows stuff. And better all around.
And I never said that they didn't have updates. I said they're a whole heck of a lot more secure and stable than the Windows stuff. And better all around.
loving my new macbook....but just sayin...
"The update fixes more security problems and repairs some things broken by the previous Security Update:"
Are you having any of these problems? At first I thought it was just a jerk with a single bad experience, but out of the first 20 comments at the bottom more than a few said they had problems too.
Are you having any of these problems? At first I thought it was just a jerk with a single bad experience, but out of the first 20 comments at the bottom more than a few said they had problems too.
i've had it plugged in and the brightness all the way up so i may have been not in the right conditions to experience the lcd noise...i'll try when i get home today.
i've had it plugged in and the brightness all the way up so i may have been not in the right conditions to experience the lcd noise...i'll try when i get home today.
Are you having any of these problems? At first I thought it was just a jerk with a single bad experience, but out of the first 20 comments at the bottom more than a few said they had problems too.
update: i do have the processor buzzing. it's not noticible if there's ambient noise around, but it is hella annoying if you're in a quiet room. :cry
Unrelated - but my kid's Mac Mini started going wonky on me - it would just die in the middle of using it. Trouble-shot with Apple and they're sending overnight, a new powersupply and cord - now that's service!
And I never said that they didn't have updates. I said they're a whole heck of a lot more secure and stable than the Windows stuff. And better all around.
Apple has posted new version of its most recent security update for Mac OS X 10.4.5, now designated "Security Update 2006-002 v1.1". We have not found any description of the changes incorporated in this release, but many problems have been associated with the earlier Security Update 2006-002 release. We did not see an updated release for Mac OS X 10.3.9 or for Mac OS X Server.
so this is the update to fix the update that fixed the update. David you picked a bad time to point out how stable the updates are
Apple has posted new version of its most recent security update for Mac OS X 10.4.5, now designated "Security Update 2006-002 v1.1". We have not found any description of the changes incorporated in this release, but many problems have been associated with the earlier Security Update 2006-002 release. We did not see an updated release for Mac OS X 10.3.9 or for Mac OS X Server.
so this is the update to fix the update that fixed the update. David you picked a bad time to point out how stable the updates are
I saw that, and I ran software update because I saw it, and it found that all my software was up to date. Aside from the geeks who read sites like that (I'm one of them, obviously) who would really notice?
I see it now, BWG. You're a shill, a plant, a...troll.
Yep, you spent all that money on a new MacBook Pro just to slam Apple and point out everything negative you can about it. Very devious, very insidious. You're evil, BWG, I see your plan now. Yes, you had one slip, where you actually said you were loving your new MacBook, but that was just a slip, a foil, a ruse to throw us off your track. But I'm onto you.
I see it now, BWG. You're a shill, a plant, a...troll.
Yep, you spent all that money on a new MacBook Pro just to slam Apple and point out everything negative you can about it. Very devious, very insidious. You're evil, BWG, I see your plan now. Yes, you had one slip, where you actually said you were loving your new MacBook, but that was just a slip, a foil, a ruse to throw us off your track. But I'm onto you.
no no no, you've got me all wrong. the reality distortion field has you.
search all my threads and show me where i've ever said ANYTHING bad about apple or macs? (with the exception of itunes )
my targets have been the mac fanboys and the microsoft witchhunters. My official stance is that both apple and ms piss me off in equal amounts. i have no bias, no agenda.
My official stance is that both apple and ms piss me off in equal amounts.
It's not only design, tech features, etc. It's SERVICE. My Mac Mini powersupply died on Thursday morning - I called Apple, Thursday, spoke with them, they sent a complete new power supply (it's an external ps) overnight, no charge, and the Mini is back in business.
I never had Dell, Sony, HP, or any other PeeCee maker do that.
no no no, you've got me all wrong. the reality distortion field has you.
search all my threads and show me where i've ever said ANYTHING bad about apple or macs? (with the exception of itunes )
my targets have been the mac fanboys and the microsoft witchhunters. My official stance is that both apple and ms piss me off in equal amounts. i have no bias, no agenda.
Well, that's true. Control-click is right-click. But it scrolls with two fingers.
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maybe a virus stole ur other button
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
maybe it's in my other turtleneck
Anyone got a towel?
funny thing is, turtlenecks suit u
SmugMug API Developer
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I slay myself.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Yeah .....but will it be a white iLobotomy & will stand out well on the grass under a tree at uni ??
DavidTO...what the heck man? I thought you said i didnt have to do all of this stuff cuz macs were so shiny.
They average mebbe 10 SUs a year. Mebbe 12. They're on it. Be grateful. Check out and compare Windows XP and OS X for unpatched security issues. OS X. Windows XP Pro.
And I never said that they didn't have updates. I said they're a whole heck of a lot more secure and stable than the Windows stuff. And better all around.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
"The update fixes more security problems and repairs some things broken by the previous Security Update:"
Fixed it quick, didn't they?
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i've had it plugged in and the brightness all the way up so i may have been not in the right conditions to experience the lcd noise...i'll try when i get home today.
i have not experienced any of the other issues.
Cool - good luck with your new toy.
...and so it begins....
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
update: i do have the processor buzzing. it's not noticible if there's ambient noise around, but it is hella annoying if you're in a quiet room. :cry
Damn, that sucks. I'm sure they'll have a fix out soon.
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Apple has posted new version of its most recent security update for Mac OS X 10.4.5, now designated "Security Update 2006-002 v1.1". We have not found any description of the changes incorporated in this release, but many problems have been associated with the earlier Security Update 2006-002 release. We did not see an updated release for Mac OS X 10.3.9 or for Mac OS X Server.
so this is the update to fix the update that fixed the update. David you picked a bad time to point out how stable the updates are
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I saw that, and I ran software update because I saw it, and it found that all my software was up to date. Aside from the geeks who read sites like that (I'm one of them, obviously) who would really notice?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Yep, you spent all that money on a new MacBook Pro just to slam Apple and point out everything negative you can about it. Very devious, very insidious. You're evil, BWG, I see your plan now. Yes, you had one slip, where you actually said you were loving your new MacBook, but that was just a slip, a foil, a ruse to throw us off your track. But I'm onto you.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
search all my threads and show me where i've ever said ANYTHING bad about apple or macs? (with the exception of itunes
my targets have been the mac fanboys and the microsoft witchhunters. My official stance is that both apple and ms piss me off in equal amounts. i have no bias, no agenda.
sorry to disappoint.
It's not only design, tech features, etc. It's SERVICE. My Mac Mini powersupply died on Thursday morning - I called Apple, Thursday, spoke with them, they sent a complete new power supply (it's an external ps) overnight, no charge, and the Mini is back in business.
I never had Dell, Sony, HP, or any other PeeCee maker do that.
Apple just excels in so many ways.
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uh, joking...
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oh, backing down now are we?