Would it be too hard to only accept 1 vote per picture for each IP address? It seems all someone has to do is clear their cache/cookies in order to vote again. I can imagine someone voting 100times for 1 picture to get it ranked high I was using a home server .php program that logged the IP address for every voter to eliminate this sort of thing...worked very well!
Changing your IP address can be harder than clearing your cache/cookies
Would it be too hard to only accept 1 vote per picture for each IP address? It seems all someone has to do is clear their cache/cookies in order to vote again. I can imagine someone voting 100times for 1 picture to get it ranked high I was using a home server .php program that logged the IP address for every voter to eliminate this sort of thing...worked very well!
Changing your IP address can be harder than clearing your cache/cookies
But entire organizations may be behind a firewall, effectively all sharing the same public IP address.... If one person votes, no other vote could be made.
But entire organizations may be behind a firewall, effectively all sharing the same public IP address.... If one person votes, no other vote could be made.
So to answer the natural curiosity about how the ranking works, we'd love to say but that would let the gaming begin.
Fair enough. Thanks for making your policy clear.
Does this mean that you'd prefer oddities in rankings as email to help@smugmug.com instead of here where they are more likely to provide evidence about how the system works?
Does this mean that you'd prefer oddities in rankings as email to help@smugmug.com instead of here where they are more likely to provide evidence about how the system works?
But entire organizations may be behind a firewall, effectively all sharing the same public IP address.... If one person votes, no other vote could be made.
Also many services like AOL will show the same IP for many users, and will use multiple IP's for the same user. FYI, here at work I have about 6000 people coming from one IP.
Do I follow this right that this code "displaySmugPopular = false;" only turns off the display of the thumbs? Can we flip that off and rely on views and comments to rank a photo? I love the ranking idea but am not at all a fan of the thumbs deal.
Do I follow this right that this code "displaySmugPopular = false;" only turns off the display of the thumbs? Can we flip that off and rely on views and comments to rank a photo? I love the ranking idea but am not at all a fan of the thumbs deal.
Hi James,
It turns off the thumbs on your whole site, and you won't get ranked.
A photo's popularity is based on the number of positive ratings as well as the photo's timeliness. Photos from events past will usually be less popular than recent ones. A photo's rank can be increased by moving your mouse over it and clicking the thumbs-up symbol that appears. You can cast one thumbs-up vote per photo.
It turns off the thumbs on your whole site, and you won't get ranked.
A photo's popularity is based on the number of positive ratings as well as the photo's timeliness. Photos from events past will usually be less popular than recent ones. A photo's rank can be increased by moving your mouse over it and clicking the thumbs-up symbol that appears. You can cast one thumbs-up vote per photo.
So that means that photorank is totally usless if we turn off the thumbs? I was thinking from was said that the photos would still get a ranking through views etc. I would like to see my top viewed photos, not the ones where someone clicked the thumb to see what it did.
So that means that photorank is totally usless if we turn off the thumbs? I was thinking from was said that the photos would still get a ranking through views etc. I would like to see my top viewed photos, not the ones where someone clicked the thumb to see what it did.
One of the inherent problems with that is that even though many people may view a photo because of its placement or an external link, they might not actually like the photo. Top viewed does not mean most popular.
One of the inherent problems with that is that even though many people may view a photo because of its placement or an external link, they might not actually like the photo. Top viewed does not mean most popular.
Maybe what I was wanting photorank to be is really a feature that doesn't exsist, site stats. The problem with gallery stats is that it is gallery stats not site stats. I would like to be able to see usage over more than a single gallery. Gallery stats is a very hard way to figure out your most viewed shots.
Thumbs up/down button position changes?
Why is it, depending on what gallery I'm in, the position of the thumbs up and thumbs down button changes?
Sometimes the thumbs up is on the right.. Sometimes it's on the left.. It's led me to incorrectly rate a few of my own photos as I tend to memorize position...
Critique + Browse page
I havnt much played with the new features, but I like them in principle .
I have a question about the critique part of the browse page. How are the photos that are displayed there chosen? Is this also based on photoRank, is it order of upload?
I'd like to throw a few of mine in the mix for that but im unsure that theyd ever get exposure. Anyway, I also have a suggestion in this regard, I dont want to have to force the Critique view for photos I want in the critique rotation. It would be nice to be able to set a flag for entering a photo in the potentital critique pool on a per-photo basis, instead of a per gallery basis. There is no need to clog the pool up with old photos if I add a new one to a gallery.
Also, when a photo is copied to a new gallery from another one, is its photoRank copied with it?
I really like PhotoRank. I'm not sure that I understand the need for the red "thumbs down" option if the intent is to identify popular photographs, but I can live with it.
I would like to suggest that some explanation of the purpose of the "thumbs-up" and "thumbs-down" icons be placed in a window which would pop-up when the mouse pointer hovers over the icons.
While Smugmuggers will immediately understand what the icons are for, causal viewers who surf into the site may not.
Kent "Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams Web site
I havnt much played with the new features, but I like them in principle .
I have a question about the critique part of the browse page. How are the photos that are displayed there chosen? Is this also based on photoRank, is it order of upload?
I'd like to throw a few of mine in the mix for that but im unsure that theyd ever get exposure. Anyway, I also have a suggestion in this regard, I dont want to have to force the Critique view for photos I want in the critique rotation. It would be nice to be able to set a flag for entering a photo in the potentital critique pool on a per-photo basis, instead of a per gallery basis. There is no need to clog the pool up with old photos if I add a new one to a gallery.
I wish this stuff was turned off by default so I dont have to see something that I dont care for and scram to find a way to turn it off
Hi John,
Holler if you need any help. All the answers are on the first page of this thread. And remember, you should never have to scram - we're here 365 days a year, and also at the help desk - just holler if you don't like the way something is...
Do I follow this right that this code "displaySmugPopular = false;" only turns off the display of the thumbs? Can we flip that off and rely on views and comments to rank a photo? I love the ranking idea but am not at all a fan of the thumbs deal.
Without revealing too much about how the system works (both because I don't want people to abuse it and because it's a fast moving target at the moment), relying on views and comments would limit your ability to benefit from this (unless you're in Critique style, where you'd probably get some traction).
Mind explaining what you don't like about the thumbs deal, and if there's a way we can improve it?
No worries if it's just not your thing - but if you think it COULD be your thing with a little work, I'm all ears.
I know this is still fresh out of the oven, but for the next round of updates, if would be nice if there was the option to Move Up/Down the Popular Photos section in the same way other sections can be moved.
I know this is still fresh out of the oven, but for the next round of updates, if would be nice if there was the option to Move Up/Down the Popular Photos section in the same way other sections can be moved.
Thanks for the suggestion, it's a good one.
You can easily move the popular photos section around your page, you are a power or pro user. It's just some css, easily doable with the good folks in the customization forum.
Jerry - use FF and FF WebDev - and display element infomation - it will tell you everything
You can also look at the CSS for sites that have styled the popular stuff already - like bigwebguy.smugmug.com
Thanks for the help (my laptop with FF and FF WebDev is presently being used by other family members). Ok, I will have it customized in the morning.
I would recommend to others to put links to the www.smugmug.com/popular/today and www.smugmug.com/popular/all pages on your site - nice showcase of pictures plus it supports the entire smugmug community....
Okay, I read through this entire thread, hopefully I didn't miss anything. But I've only got one gallery where prints are able to be purchased. All the others are turned off for printing. However, it seems that when I click on a popular photo on my home page, which takes me to all of them, the shopping cart shows up for every picture. Am I missing something?
This was fixed. Thanks again Barb, for alerting us to it
Changing your IP address can be harder than clearing your cache/cookies
But entire organizations may be behind a firewall, effectively all sharing the same public IP address.... If one person votes, no other vote could be made.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
They can vote at home
Was that a change that was made, or does something cause them to change positions? (i.e. clicking Thumbs Up more often places it first?)
Either way,
Nope, no change was made.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Fair enough. Thanks for making your policy clear.
Does this mean that you'd prefer oddities in rankings as email to help@smugmug.com instead of here where they are more likely to provide evidence about how the system works?
Yeah. Or email me. Or, go out and shoot more
Cave canem!
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Also many services like AOL will show the same IP for many users, and will use multiple IP's for the same user. FYI, here at work I have about 6000 people coming from one IP.
Hi James,
It turns off the thumbs on your whole site, and you won't get ranked.
A photo's popularity is based on the number of positive ratings as well as the photo's timeliness. Photos from events past will usually be less popular than recent ones. A photo's rank can be increased by moving your mouse over it and clicking the thumbs-up symbol that appears. You can cast one thumbs-up vote per photo.
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So that means that photorank is totally usless if we turn off the thumbs? I was thinking from was said that the photos would still get a ranking through views etc. I would like to see my top viewed photos, not the ones where someone clicked the thumb to see what it did.
One of the inherent problems with that is that even though many people may view a photo because of its placement or an external link, they might not actually like the photo. Top viewed does not mean most popular.
The amount of views is still available for your own photographs through gallery stats:
Maybe what I was wanting photorank to be is really a feature that doesn't exsist, site stats. The problem with gallery stats is that it is gallery stats not site stats. I would like to be able to see usage over more than a single gallery. Gallery stats is a very hard way to figure out your most viewed shots.
(just kidding, please no sound effects!)
Google Analytics
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Why is it, depending on what gallery I'm in, the position of the thumbs up and thumbs down button changes?
Sometimes the thumbs up is on the right.. Sometimes it's on the left.. It's led me to incorrectly rate a few of my own photos as I tend to memorize position...
Has anyone else seen this?
I'm using Safari 2.0.3 on OSX 10.4.6
Ricardo Meleschi
I havnt much played with the new features, but I like them in principle
I have a question about the critique part of the browse page. How are the photos that are displayed there chosen? Is this also based on photoRank, is it order of upload?
I'd like to throw a few of mine in the mix for that but im unsure that theyd ever get exposure. Anyway, I also have a suggestion in this regard, I dont want to have to force the Critique view for photos I want in the critique rotation. It would be nice to be able to set a flag for entering a photo in the potentital critique pool on a per-photo basis, instead of a per gallery basis. There is no need to clog the pool up with old photos if I add a new one to a gallery.
Also, when a photo is copied to a new gallery from another one, is its photoRank copied with it?
Keep up the good work (and get some sleep!)
I would like to suggest that some explanation of the purpose of the "thumbs-up" and "thumbs-down" icons be placed in a window which would pop-up when the mouse pointer hovers over the icons.
While Smugmuggers will immediately understand what the icons are for, causal viewers who surf into the site may not.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
Web site
It's galleries set to "critique" style (forced). Thanks for the suggestion
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Cincinnati Smug Leader
Holler if you need any help. All the answers are on the first page of this thread. And remember, you should never have to scram - we're here 365 days a year, and also at the help desk - just holler if you don't like the way something is...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Without revealing too much about how the system works (both because I don't want people to abuse it and because it's a fast moving target at the moment), relying on views and comments would limit your ability to benefit from this (unless you're in Critique style, where you'd probably get some traction).
Mind explaining what you don't like about the thumbs deal, and if there's a way we can improve it?
No worries if it's just not your thing - but if you think it COULD be your thing with a little work, I'm all ears.
Thanks for the suggestion, it's a good one.
You can easily move the popular photos section around your page, you are a power or pro user. It's just some css, easily doable with the good folks in the customization forum.
Take a look at how BWG has pimped his popular goodness already
You can make a post in the customization forum on how to move it up on your page.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Yes, It would be nice to be able to set our popular photos in another gallery.
My website | NANPA Member
just create your own link/own button to it.
Hi - thanks for the help.
I figured it out once I logged off D'OH !!!
Ok - next question - customization in the CSS
is it :
or neither
or no way !
- jr
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
#popularPhotos .box
Jerry - use FF and FF WebDev - and display element infomation - it will tell you everything
You can also look at the CSS for sites that have styled the popular stuff already - like bigwebguy.smugmug.com
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks for the help (my laptop with FF and FF WebDev is presently being used by other family members). Ok, I will have it customized in the morning.
I would recommend to others to put links to the www.smugmug.com/popular/today and www.smugmug.com/popular/all pages on your site - nice showcase of pictures plus it supports the entire smugmug community....
- jr
SmugMug Sites - Creative Examples
Favorite Images and SmugMug Designs
This was fixed. Thanks again Barb, for alerting us to it
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