As an update, I am only noticing the drag on older machines running XP, my macs and newer XP systems are not affected. On an older XP system it is a really annoying amount of drag. All of these are running firefox.
I'm having performance issues, too. I used the voting feature for the first time yesterday and I experienced an immense slowdown in the tab when I hovered over a picture waiting for the thumbs to show up. A couple of times the tabs even hung for a minute or two without consuming any CPU. I even could switch to other tabs in Maxthon (have been using this one all the time - practically just a new GUI for IE6).
Also I had a JS error when I clicked on 'add comment' so that the textfields didn't show up. I think this happened the first time and could be very much be PhotoRank related.
Is anyone voting thumbs down? I find myself either giving it a thumbs up, or giving it a pass...
I have been clicking thumbs down on photos that I didnt think were even passable as good, ones that appeared to be just photos somene clicked to try out the new feature. I figured if I did, it would push down its far, havent noticed much impact...though maybe there isnt enough time yet.
when viewer clicks on MY "most popular photos gallery" ...
on that gallery page ... it has a link(view today . all time) for SMUGMUG popular photos ... just above the buy/cart link.
Do NOT like this ... It does not open in a new window ... literally taking my viewers off of MY site!
I would like to get rid of the link.
Any help would be appreciated... THANKS!
You can put this in your CSS:
.popularGallery #altViews {
display: none;
How did I know that? I didn't. I just used Firefox, and the Firefox Web Dev tool (both free) to help me identify the element. Once identified, it's a CINCH to remove
How did I know that? I didn't. I just used Firefox, and the Firefox Web Dev tool (both free) to help me identify the element. Once identified, it's a CINCH to remove
I hope this helps!
YES! it did help ... and THANKS Andy for your help
BTW, I do have firefox ... just need to locate that Web Dev tool
when viewer clicks on MY "most popular photos gallery" ...
on that gallery page ... it has a "what's this" link .
This link also takes MY viewers off of my site to the SMUGMUG help photorank page.
Do NOT like this ... It does not open in a new window ... literally taking my viewers off of MY site!
I would like this link removed ... basically, I dislike any smugmug links that takes my viewers completely off of my site.
IMO ... these links by default should open in a NEW window or just be a small pop-up window.
when viewer clicks on MY "most popular photos gallery" ...
on that gallery page ... it has a "what's this" link .
This link also takes MY viewers off of my site to the SMUGMUG help photorank page.
Do NOT like this ... It does not open in a new window ... literally taking my viewers off of MY site!
I would like this link removed ... basically, I dislike any smugmug links that takes my viewers completely off of my site.
IMO ... these links by default should open in a NEW window or just be a small pop-up window.
Hi again Lovephotos. It would sure help if you'd list your site as I requested. But anyhow, you can put this in to your CSS:
How did I know? I didn't I used FF and the FF web dev tool to identify the element. SmugMug always makes it so that you can have your page your way. We may or may not change this for customized sites by default. But we always give you the option to have it your way
How did I know? I didn't I used FF and the FF web dev tool to identify the element. SmugMug always makes it so that you can have your page your way. We may or may not change this for customized sites by default. But we always give you the option to have it your way
Thanks again for your help ... I did download the FF web dev tool ... tried to utilize it ... I displayed ID and Class, & CSS info for my site.
BUT, it didn't help me ... I probably need to learn how to decipher css codes in order to be able to utilize this tool.
THANKS! I really, really appreciate your help :
I do wanna learn ... so, I can fish & feed myself ... I did what u said above ... still hungry
For an example ... I was trying to get rid of the cartbuttons/link on my popular page gallery ... looking @ the display element info .. I inserted these 2 different codes..
I have been clicking thumbs down on photos that I didnt think were even passable as good, ones that appeared to be just photos somene clicked to try out the new feature. I figured if I did, it would push down its far, havent noticed much impact...though maybe there isnt enough time yet.
Hi Bob,
What a great shot that is. But you'd probably need to know Dale...
That's a guy who is LOVED by zillions. And, if you'll notice the caption, you'd see that he recently had a motorcycle accident that left him a quadriplegic. His photo was voted most popular on day one of PhotoRank because a ton of people are supporting him.
Permission to nerd out requested
Question: what do the SM team members think about a discussion of possible algorithms for powering the ranking engine? I found the theory of this an interesting topic and put a little thought into it. My ideas might be naive compared to what was actually implemented; I'm sure they are different. I don't want to reverse engineer what you have done, but rather just discuss possible approaches just for the fun of thinking about it.
If this is uncomfortable because it comes too close to topics you'd prefer to keep secret, I'll respect that. If not, I'll post.
Hi Bob,
What a great shot that is. But you'd probably need to know Dale...
That's a guy who is LOVED by zillions. And, if you'll notice the caption, you'd see that he recently had a motorcycle accident that left him a quadriplegic. His photo was voted most popular on day one of PhotoRank because a ton of people are supporting him.
I made a big mistake in referencing the image i was talking about. It is this one:
which, when I looked at the All Time Favorite Photo list this morning was number 855. The 5 star comment also helps in the favorite ranking. Just seems photos like this are not what you intended for the favorites list?
I definitely did not mean to refer to Dale's photo. I Just copied the URL when I was on page 58 of all time list. Apparently that doesn't work?
which, when I looked at the All Time Favorite Photo list this morning was number 855. The 5 star comment also helps in the favorite ranking. Just seems photos like this are not what you intended for the favorites list?
I definitely did not mean to refer to Dale's photo. I Just copied the URL when I was on page 58 of all time list. Apparently that doesn't work?
/popular changes minute-to-minute so, no problemo! Thanks for the heads up on the other photo...
/popular changes minute-to-minute so, no problemo! Thanks for the heads up on the other photo...
One suggestion I would offer (may be old by now) for /popular is to limit the number of available pictures on the today (and maybe all time) galleries to some reasonable number ( <<100 that we see now) per photographer/site.
One suggestion I would offer (may be old by now) for /popular is to limit the number of available pictures on the today (and maybe all time) galleries to some reasonable number ( <<100 that we see now) per photographer/site.
Thanks Bob You know you can adjust what's presented to you - by switching viewing styles: smugmug small= 9/page smugmug=15/page and traditional=16 per page larger thumbs...
And, as this gets going, with a more broad appearance of thumb-ers, then the variety will become greater, too...
Thanks Bob You know you can adjust what's presented to you - by switching viewing styles: smugmug small= 9/page smugmug=15/page and traditional=16 per page larger thumbs...
And, as this gets going, with a more broad appearance of thumb-ers, then the variety will become greater, too...
Either I missed your point or you missed Bob's. His suggestion is that no single photographer/site be allowed more than some small number of most popular shots at a time. As you get off the first few pages you'll find zillions of shots of the same (sometimes very boring) event. Bob's suggestion is like a circuit breaker to keep that from happening.
It really has nothing to do with the presentation of the results.
Either I missed your point or you missed Bob's. His suggestion is that no single photographer/site be allowed more than some small number of most popular shots at a time. As you get off the first few pages you'll find zillions of shots of the same (sometimes very boring) event. Bob's suggestion is like a circuit breaker to keep that from happening.
It really has nothing to do with the presentation of the results.
A really good example of Bob's issue is on display right now starting on page 8 of the Todays Most Popular. There are a couple of solid pages of shots from an event for Vietnamese Americans held at the University of Texas.
Without critiquing the shots, it's fair to say they are of limited interest as photography per se. It's fairly easy to understand how they got there: participants and their friends and family scanning through all the shots of the event and maybe giving a thumbs up to many of them. And in some sense that does make them very popular.
But is this the kind of popularity SM is looking for?
I thought about Bob's suggestion a little more. Here is a slightly different idea. Rate the popularity of galleries instead of pictures and show the most popular shot in the gallery as the representative of the whole gallery. That won't stop people trying to game the system, but it will stop innocent incidents like this. And it will tend to call attention to more of a photographer's work by showcasing an entire gallery instead of just one shot.
Also I had a JS error when I clicked on 'add comment' so that the textfields didn't show up. I think this happened the first time and could be very much be PhotoRank related.
SmugMug Support Hero
Correct. Locking a viewing style in a gallery is currently only an option available to power and pro users.
I have been clicking thumbs down on photos that I didnt think were even passable as good, ones that appeared to be just photos somene clicked to try out the new feature. I figured if I did, it would push down its far, havent noticed much impact...though maybe there isnt enough time yet.
Overall good work on the thumbs up/down feature
when viewer clicks on MY "most popular photos gallery" ...
on that gallery page ... it has a link(view today . all time) for SMUGMUG popular photos ... just above the buy/cart link.
Do NOT like this ... It does not open in a new window ... literally taking my viewers off of MY site!
I would like to get rid of the link.
Any help would be appreciated... THANKS!
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You can put this in your CSS:
.popularGallery #altViews {
display: none;
How did I know that? I didn't. I just used Firefox, and the Firefox Web Dev tool (both free) to help me identify the element. Once identified, it's a CINCH to remove
I hope this helps!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
YES! it did help ... and THANKS Andy for your help
BTW, I do have firefox ... just need to locate that Web Dev tool
Oops! Bug!
Just fixed.
Don in my sig.
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Thanks! Don for fixing.
One mo' thing ... for now anyway
when viewer clicks on MY "most popular photos gallery" ...
on that gallery page ... it has a "what's this" link .
This link also takes MY viewers off of my site to the SMUGMUG help photorank page.
Do NOT like this ... It does not open in a new window ... literally taking my viewers off of MY site!
I would like this link removed ... basically, I dislike any smugmug links that takes my viewers completely off of my site.
IMO ... these links by default should open in a NEW window or just be a small pop-up window.
Thanks again Andy ... I'm going to go and download it now
*the "powered by smugmug" link in the footer should also open in a new window.
Hi again Lovephotos. It would sure help if you'd list your site as I requested. But anyhow, you can put this in to your CSS:
.popularGallery #breadcrumb .note {
display: none;
And your viewers will not have the help link that brings them here:
How did I know? I didn't
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My website | NANPA Member
Thanks again for your help ... I did download the FF web dev tool ... tried to utilize it ... I displayed ID and Class, & CSS info for my site.
BUT, it didn't help me ... I probably need to learn how to decipher css codes in order to be able to utilize this tool.
Once again BIG thanks
No deciphering, just using. Go for Information>display element information. And use the "edit css" command. Super
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
THANKS! I really, really appreciate your help
I do wanna learn ... so, I can fish & feed myself ... I did what u said above ... still hungry
For an example ... I was trying to get rid of the cartbuttons/link on my popular page gallery ... looking @ the display element info .. I inserted these 2 different codes..
.popularGallery #cartbuttons .nav {
display: none;
.popularGallery #cartbuttonsnav .title {
display: none;
BUT, no success
A few days ago I posted this...
Please see this post in the customization forum:
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Thanks Andy again and again
Have a Super Saturday!
I agree. How did this picture
make it on the ALL TIME list?
Also, how do we get 100 pictures in a row of the same subject?
Seems some work on the algorithm is needed?
PS incorrect reference above: this is the image I intended:
Hi Bob,
What a great shot that is. But you'd probably need to know Dale...
That's a guy who is LOVED by zillions. And, if you'll notice the caption, you'd see that he recently had a motorcycle accident that left him a quadriplegic. His photo was voted most popular on day one of PhotoRank because a ton of people are supporting him.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Question: what do the SM team members think about a discussion of possible algorithms for powering the ranking engine? I found the theory of this an interesting topic and put a little thought into it. My ideas might be naive compared to what was actually implemented; I'm sure they are different. I don't want to reverse engineer what you have done, but rather just discuss possible approaches just for the fun of thinking about it.
If this is uncomfortable because it comes too close to topics you'd prefer to keep secret, I'll respect that. If not, I'll post.
I made a big mistake in referencing the image i was talking about. It is this one:
which, when I looked at the All Time Favorite Photo list this morning was number 855. The 5 star comment also helps in the favorite ranking. Just seems photos like this are not what you intended for the favorites list?
I definitely did not mean to refer to Dale's photo. I Just copied the URL when I was on page 58 of all time list. Apparently that doesn't work?
/popular changes minute-to-minute
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
One suggestion I would offer (may be old by now) for /popular is to limit the number of available pictures on the today (and maybe all time) galleries to some reasonable number ( <<100 that we see now) per photographer/site.
Thanks Bob
And, as this gets going, with a more broad appearance of thumb-ers, then the variety will become greater, too...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Either I missed your point or you missed Bob's. His suggestion is that no single photographer/site be allowed more than some small number of most popular shots at a time. As you get off the first few pages you'll find zillions of shots of the same (sometimes very boring) event. Bob's suggestion is like a circuit breaker to keep that from happening.
It really has nothing to do with the presentation of the results.
Thanks for the clarification!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Without critiquing the shots, it's fair to say they are of limited interest as photography per se. It's fairly easy to understand how they got there: participants and their friends and family scanning through all the shots of the event and maybe giving a thumbs up to many of them. And in some sense that does make them very popular.
But is this the kind of popularity SM is looking for?
I thought about Bob's suggestion a little more. Here is a slightly different idea. Rate the popularity of galleries instead of pictures and show the most popular shot in the gallery as the representative of the whole gallery. That won't stop people trying to game the system, but it will stop innocent incidents like this. And it will tend to call attention to more of a photographer's work by showcasing an entire gallery instead of just one shot.