Recently my ip was blocked. So I clicked on the link given in the message to send message. But even the contact us link is blocked. Luckily I had access to another ip. Otherwise I would never have been able to get back! So I think contact us link should never be blocked.
Recently my ip was blocked. So I clicked on the link given in the message to send message. But even the contact us link is blocked. Luckily I had access to another ip. Otherwise I would never have been able to get back! So I think contact us link should never be blocked.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
The contact link is never blocked and as long as you're able to send mail, you should be able to use the contact link.
One thing you can do that will help you long term is to contact your ISP and work with them to get their IP address range off of the various blacklists.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
The contact link is never blocked and as long as you're able to send mail, you should be able to use the contact link.
One thing you can do that will help you long term is to contact your ISP and work with them to get their IP address range off of the various blacklists.
The message on this screen said "your ip is blocked please send message <here>"
But when I clicked on the link to send message, that showed up the same page.
As for IP blacklisting, the problem is that there is no "contact" with a clued person here. Its like a big organization, where the customer care execs have a pre read script they cannot deviate from.
So no hope of that.
Thankfully, this is the first time such a thing happened, and got resolved quickly
I'm a member of a similar photography forum an ran across my photos wrongfully post on another website. After thumbing through this website, I found that their Photography sub-forum are filled with content taken from other photography forums such as Digital Grin. So I felt I should at least run it by a Digital Grin Mod/Admin. If this content was approved by Digital Grin, than please except my apology.
Reasons why watermarks and posting only smaller images is preferable. Content theft is out there, but really, as admins here, there is not much we can do to stop the unscrupulous from heisting pictures on the internet. Those affected (owners of the photos) can and should write to the owner of the other forum(s) with the stolen images for take down actions.
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I'm a member of a similar photography forum an ran across my photos wrongfully post on another website. After thumbing through this website, I found that their Photography sub-forum are filled with content taken from other photography forums such as Digital Grin. So I felt I should at least run it by a Digital Grin Mod/Admin. If this content was approved by Digital Grin, than please except my apology.
Let me address each one:
First post edited. Thread doesn't get bumped, I never see it during routine moderation checking new posts/threads. We've talked about this. Forum software limitation? Maybe. Worth making changes for? I don't think so.
Sold added June 10. Today is the 11'th. C'mon!
Sold June 4th. Got me here, what's the sentence?
Again, first post edit, doesn't pop up for obvious moderation.
By my read, not all items are sold.
Once again, edited first post and deleted subsequent posts doesn't bump the thread for me to notice.
Thanks for the eyes Seymore, nothing to get excited about here.
SmugMug Support Hero
All done.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Site :
Blog :
The contact link is never blocked and as long as you're able to send mail, you should be able to use the contact link.
One thing you can do that will help you long term is to contact your ISP and work with them to get their IP address range off of the various blacklists.
The message on this screen said "your ip is blocked please send message <here>"
But when I clicked on the link to send message, that showed up the same page.
As for IP blacklisting, the problem is that there is no "contact" with a clued person here. Its like a big organization, where the customer care execs have a pre read script they cannot deviate from.
So no hope of that.
Thankfully, this is the first time such a thing happened, and got resolved quickly
Site :
Blog :
I'd agree. Moved.
Late last night, I'd posted a Help question in the incorrect (SmugMug Support) forum:
Can this thread be moved into the "SmugMug Customization" section please?
Thank you.
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Looks like it got moved.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Done! Thanks Denise!
Photo Blog
I was instructed to post this request here.
Can you please change my username to any of the following (in order of preference):
Thank you!
All set. Nicci it is.
Could you please change it to one of the following..
There you go.
I'm a member of a similar photography forum an ran across my photos wrongfully post on another website. After thumbing through this website, I found that their Photography sub-forum are filled with content taken from other photography forums such as Digital Grin. So I felt I should at least run it by a Digital Grin Mod/Admin. If this content was approved by Digital Grin, than please except my apology.
Digital Grin
Site in question:
The only difference is the sign on names has been changed, other than that, each post matches Digital Grin's thread word for word
I'm sure with a little more investigating, you can find more similar threads.
Digital Grin link:
Questionable site:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks for the heads up. We do run into this from time to time.
Can you please change the title from Untitled to Chinatown. Thank you in advance !
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise. I've moved the thread.