I'm going to take a guess and say (based on the emoticon Andy used above) that things might be (finally) getting a bit closer!?
That would be awesome! And it should be smugmug's current priority right? I mean the foreign lab is the most wanted feature from smugmuggers and goes along with foreign currency
That would be awesome! And it should be smugmug's current priority right? I mean the foreign lab is the most wanted feature from smugmuggers and goes along with foreign currency
If you look at this thread that quetion is answered several times. It is on the list of improvments to do, but no time frame is given.
R. Leonardo www.RobArtPhoto.com Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. -Walker Evans
We've got some things to do before this - but it's gonna happen
A few posts up I got excited/hopefull that it was finally on the Radar ( This thread request is now 4 years old ) but this last statement doesnt give much hope for anything in the near future given smugmug have been "listening" for 4 years.
When it actually makes the agenda I might quieten down again, but with the $AUD bouncing around the $USD currently it makes it hard for people to know what they are going to end up paying without carrying out conversions.
The people that browse and will potentially buy photos from me get paid in $AUD, Buy their Groceries in $AUD and their petrol and Beer in $AUD and if they want a photo they want to pay in $AUD... Simple as that
As a short term solution for us "foreign" currency users, could you implement something like http://www.yourcurrencyconverter.com/ into the cart? Add 1 little bit of coding for us? Would help to keep us happy for a while!!
Foreign Currency Transaction
Put me on the list of requesters as well and please, please up the priority of this issue. The world is bigger than the USA and getting more so day by day. Unless this is fixed, as soon as someone puts up a comparable site in Australia, I'm afraid I will have to leave :s85
Put me on the list of requesters as well and please, please up the priority of this issue. The world is bigger than the USA and getting more so day by day. Unless this is fixed, as soon as someone puts up a comparable site in Australia, I'm afraid I will have to leave :s85
A few weeks ago Andy slipped up and admitted that something may be happening on this front... Now I wouldn't get my hopes up and we all know how long some features take to get developed (over a year!) but I now believe that they actually want to provide alternate currency support as opposed to not caring about it.
A few weeks ago Andy slipped up and admitted that something may be happening on this front... Now I wouldn't get my hopes up and we all know how long some features take to get developed (over a year!) but I now believe that they actually want to provide alternate currency support as opposed to not caring about it.
I guess in another 18 months we'll have it.
Cheers - N
Don't forget that 3 related requests are in the top 6 requests here :
Another Canadian Gripe
I have to add to this thread too. I love Smugmug. I love sooo much about it but sitting up north, here in Canada, the whole 'business' aspect of my company is taking a hit. I'm losing out on orders and customers because of this. Not only am I losing out, but so is Smugmug.
No where in Canada is a service being offered on par with Smugmug. There is an entire market of photographers that are looking for this exact service BUT want it Canadian or at least be able to make our customer transactions in Canadian funds. I have referred some, if not a dozen, other photographers to Smugmug, but they all turn their nose down because of two things.
1) No electronic transfer via bank accounts or Paypal for sales.
2) No foreign currency transactions.
So they instead turn to shopping cart systems. Another company has just started here, Zoomphoto that are in the beginning stages, no where near Smugmug BUT are bending over backward helping out photographers to integrate the above, with self-fulfillment options and whatever else that makes their short list. Simplephoto also offers a Canadian Lab at least. And not to mention Zenfolio and the countless others that are offering to sell globally.
I have used Smugmug for a while now and I am really teetering on the edge as to whether or not I am going to renew this fall or not. For as much as I love Smugmug, if it's not helping my sales, then I'm seeing very little point in keeping this up. I hate to say it but I really feel like I'm being 'forced' out. :cry
I still have a little bit left before I renew. I do like all the other updates Smugmug has made within the last few months so I am really hoping to see some progress on this front too. Otherwise I will have to make some changes. I really hope not though. Thanks.
Unless this is fixed, as soon as someone puts up a comparable site in Australia, I'm afraid I will have to leave
A service has recently come online in Australia and price is comparable to smugmug. In my opinion smugmug still has some advantages over such competition especially in regards to storage/bandwidth and server performance, but once these competing services gain some momentum, they will steal customers. I know 2 smuggers that have already jumped ship to this new service basically due to the lack of foreign country support (labs/currency) etc.
<table id="post1424743" class="tborder" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="alt1" id="td_post_1424743" style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(87, 87, 87);">A service has recently come online in Australia and price is comparable to smugmug. In my opinion smugmug still has some advantages over such competition especially in regards to storage/bandwidth and server performance, but once these competing services gain some momentum, they will steal customers. I know 2 smuggers that have already jumped ship to this new service basically due to the lack of foreign country support (labs/currency) etc.
<!-- / message --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt2" style="border-style: none solid solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(87, 87, 87) rgb(87, 87, 87); border-width: 0px 1px 1px;"> </td> <td class="alt1" style="border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: -moz-use-text-color rgb(87, 87, 87) rgb(87, 87, 87) -moz-use-text-color; border-width: 0px 1px 1px 0px;" align="right"> <!-- controls --> </td></tr></tbody></table>
May I ask what service this is campo? (you can email me if that's easier).
I'm from Australia and I love the interface of smug mug too, but if it displays in USD instead of AUD, this will effect my sales too.
A service has recently come online in Australia and price is comparable to smugmug. In my opinion smugmug still has some advantages over such competition especially in regards to storage/bandwidth and server performance, but once these competing services gain some momentum, they will steal customers. I know 2 smuggers that have already jumped ship to this new service basically due to the lack of foreign country support (labs/currency) etc.
If you have read the posts in this thread, you will note you are not saying anything that has not been said multiple times. It is coming, is on the list and we ALL must wait.
Given that SM is innovative in all other areas, is listening and responding to the customers (also noted a number of times in this thread), I am confident they will add this feature; though it is never fast enough for those of us in another county. We all (myself included) need to be patient.
Those that leave to go to another service, I am certain, are not representing a mass exodus trend and thus a reason for SM to bump this on the list. If it was such an issue, based on many encounters I personally have had with SM team, it would have been done already.
The fact is they are an amazing team and I am certain will deliver all the value-added tools that are wanted by their customers... in due time.
Hold steady.
R. Leonardo www.RobArtPhoto.com Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. -Walker Evans
If you have read the posts in this thread, you will note you are not saying anything that has not been said multiple times. It is coming, is on the list and we ALL must wait.
Sorry, but where did someone mention the fact that competitive non-US centric services are now starting to fill the niches SM has so far be unable to address??
In the past such services could not offer what SM did for the same price, but now the gap is closing rapidly. As I mentioned, the new service in my country is one such business. It has associated itself with the major professional photographic bodies, is growing, gaining momentum, offers choice of labs, self fulfillment, multiple currency options and all quite similar in terms of overall cost. What's more is they're now opening up to the US photographers...
It's only a matter of time before such services will potentially start to eat into SM's revenue base.
It's only a matter of time before such services will potentially start to eat into SM's revenue base.
Well of course. That is is part of the struggle of commerce with any market, product or service... survival of the fittest.
I think we best let SM worry about revenue and as the customers choose what we want now; glad we have a choice in such a growing and lucrative market. Without knowing there financial statements and statistics, I think it unwise to speculate.
Pick the service that suits you and your business. If it is not SM for this reason (or others), then that is... well what it is.
My point is that the thread is the same theme for a long time. We want, they say they will (in due time), we say it is not soon enough, they say we are working on it and the cycle repeats it self.
It seems that is not really working to expedite the change. Like any work load, items are on the list-- it is up to me to prioritise the entire scope of my business.
R. Leonardo www.RobArtPhoto.com Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. -Walker Evans
Smugmug needs to address the issue sooner rather than later. The reason for this is that the market serviced by Smugmug, and sites like it, will soon be saturated, if it isn't already. This means that in order for smugmug to grow it will need to take market share rather than build market share, and taking share away from competitors is always harder than expanding naturally into a growing market.
Smugmug has an amazing opportunity in Europe (at least in Germany) that it is completely ignoring.
One of the first things I noticed about Germany when I arrived here is the profusion of photo shops. It looks like the USA did 15 years ago, with one notable exception— There are no, nor have there ever been as far as I know, any of the Kmart style bargain bin photo processors. Germans seem to regard photography, or at least the printing of photos, as something that should be handled professionally. They are very quality oriented, and in love with technology. Thus there are lots of shops that sell film, and develop photos of the mom and pop type, and there are far more professional studios. My city has 300,000 people, and I pass 5 photo studios on my way to work, a journey of 15 minutes by tram and foot, every day. There must be countless more as well in parts of the city that I don't normally go to. Good photos are something that Germans seem willing to invest money into.
But Germans, despite the fact that they are technology fetishists, tend to be provincial and untrusting when it comes to money. E-commerce pretty much doesn’t exist in a serious way here. This is beginning to change, as everyone under 25 is well familiar with the internet, as are all the photographers I know, and readers (who like Amazon). But most German companies have websites because they feel they ought to, not because people use them. All you can do is get locations and opening times. Even the German equivalent of BestBuy (Saturn) offers no pricing information, and doesn’t even indicate what it carries, other than a few featured items.
Does this mean that people won’t buy over the internet? No. But it does mean that they will do so less willingly than American customers. And they certainly won’t buy from a foreign country in a foreign currency. It simply isn’t going to happen. Germans are a strange lot— they will spend a ton of money on a car or a camera, but they are cheap at heart, so they’re likely to balk at transaction fees.
At the moment there is nothing like Smugmug here. But there will be. Hell, if I had the technical know-how I would have set it up myself already. But there are tons of gearheads, and computer geeks, and great labs that are set up or could be set up to receive files over the internet. (e.g. www.quixilver.de) It will happen, and soon. Smugmug needs to get a system in place, and people to promote it, and soon. The question they should be asking themselves is the following one: Would I rather be starting up Smugmug now, or 10 years ago? Because in Germany, it still is ten years ago. At least in this market.
Actually you can get prints from your digital files in nearly any smaller
mart (dm, Schlecker, Rossmann just to name a few) and in every big
store as well (Saturn, MediaMarkt and all the other big Electronics stores)
and thats where most people go to get their prints. It is not like the small
photostores are the backbone of german picture supply. They usualy do
portrait or passport shootings I hardly know anyone who gets their
pictures developed there (too expensive and slow) Dropping your
files off at one of the above mentioned store while shopping however
is a convenient way of getting your digital prints because you know you'll
come back next week to shop your box of corn flakes and can take your
prints with you.
There are numerous online photo printing services availabe, one of them
is from HP (www.snapfish.de) and they print good quality (not gallery
quality of course) but you can get accurate colors prints from an sRGB
version of your files. Currently there is also fotocommunity.de on the rise.
It's a huge site where photographers and amateurs put their pictures
online (like smugmug in a way) where they pay for storage and features.
They have just connected to a professional printing lab where you can get
high end prints in any format you want. If they hadn't this annoying
feature where every dick and harry would comment and rate your photos
I might use my account there. But then they are heavily community centered.
Also Germans won't pay more than anybody else in the world for high
quality prints. The average joe doesn't care if he gets kmart or gallery
quality. It's the small fraction of photo enthusiasts who care for the
difference but those have already discovered their lap. Either there already
exists a high end local store where everything is colorproof or they use
an online service such as the ones we mentioned. Little or no prosumer
What is really missing is something where you can sell prints of your
pictures professionaly. This is the only thing I see right now that smugmug
offers and that I haven't found on the german market yet. (maybe somebody else has?)
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
As a short term solution for us "foreign" currency users, could you implement something like http://www.yourcurrencyconverter.com/ into the cart? Add 1 little bit of coding for us? Would help to keep us happy for a while!!
One minor problem with this... the rates fluctuate between when they place the order, and when the order is captured. My bank at least uses the rates at capture time, dunno if that's "standard" or not. The charge isn't captured until it ships out.... that could be several days in the case of some complex products.
SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support http://wall-art.smugmug.com/
Actually you can get prints from your digital files in nearly any smaller
mart (dm, Schlecker, Rossmann just to name a few) and in every big
store as well (Saturn, MediaMarkt and all the other big Electronics stores)
Really? Maybe my town is different. I haven's seen anybody with in house film processing capability in Mannheim other than the small guys. Granted, I imagine that a Saturn in Munich or Berlin has to be bigger than a Saturn in Mannheim.
Really? Maybe my town is different. I haven's seen anybody with in house film processing capability in Mannheim other than the small guys. Granted, I imagine that a Saturn in Munich or Berlin has to be bigger than a Saturn in Mannheim.
I live in a 250.000 pop city, but things can be different from city to city.
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
If you have read the posts in this thread, you will note you are not saying anything that has not been said multiple times. It is coming, is on the list and we ALL must wait.
Its been a request for 4 years now and up until very recently was not even touted as something of "importance". Even now it is not officially on the planned Radar as far as I know. If there was say a commitment that something would be in place by the end of 2010 for instance a lot of people would at least have something to plan with. With my renewal coming up in just over a months time ( I think ) A drop down to Power user is certainly on the cards.
I think those that dont live in the USA have been VERY patient thus far
Then prove it!! Please.
Roy Palmer - Digital Images
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'm going to take a guess and say (based on the emoticon Andy used above) that things might be (finally) getting a bit closer!?
That would be awesome! And it should be smugmug's current priority right? I mean the foreign lab is the most wanted feature from smugmuggers and goes along with foreign currency
And increased file depth....
Roy Palmer - Digital Images
Maybe, but to be sure you'll have to wait until it reaches
Wedding Photographer Dublin
Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. -Walker Evans
We've got some things to do before this - but it's gonna happen
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
A few posts up I got excited/hopefull that it was finally on the Radar ( This thread request is now 4 years old ) but this last statement doesnt give much hope for anything in the near future given smugmug have been "listening" for 4 years.
When it actually makes the agenda I might quieten down again, but with the $AUD bouncing around the $USD currently it makes it hard for people to know what they are going to end up paying without carrying out conversions.
The people that browse and will potentially buy photos from me get paid in $AUD, Buy their Groceries in $AUD and their petrol and Beer in $AUD and if they want a photo they want to pay in $AUD... Simple as that
If you mean this:
I think Andy's referring to non-cheque payment to the photographer, not the payment method used by the customer ordering prints.
Mmm... sort of...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
www.banksy.me.uk - main website
http://galleries.banksy.me.uk - smugmug site
Put me on the list of requesters as well and please, please up the priority of this issue. The world is bigger than the USA and getting more so day by day. Unless this is fixed, as soon as someone puts up a comparable site in Australia, I'm afraid I will have to leave :s85
A few weeks ago Andy slipped up and admitted that something may be happening on this front... Now I wouldn't get my hopes up and we all know how long some features take to get developed (over a year!) but I now believe that they actually want to provide alternate currency support as opposed to not caring about it.
I guess in another 18 months we'll have it.
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
Don't forget that 3 related requests are in the top 6 requests here :
Namely : European Lab, multi-currency and self-fulfilment.
Presumably these will need to have their status changed to 'planned' and then 'started' before we can actually start to hope...
Wedding Photographer Dublin
I have to add to this thread too. I love Smugmug. I love sooo much about it but sitting up north, here in Canada, the whole 'business' aspect of my company is taking a hit. I'm losing out on orders and customers because of this. Not only am I losing out, but so is Smugmug.
No where in Canada is a service being offered on par with Smugmug. There is an entire market of photographers that are looking for this exact service BUT want it Canadian or at least be able to make our customer transactions in Canadian funds. I have referred some, if not a dozen, other photographers to Smugmug, but they all turn their nose down because of two things.
1) No electronic transfer via bank accounts or Paypal for sales.
2) No foreign currency transactions.
So they instead turn to shopping cart systems. Another company has just started here, Zoomphoto that are in the beginning stages, no where near Smugmug BUT are bending over backward helping out photographers to integrate the above, with self-fulfillment options and whatever else that makes their short list. Simplephoto also offers a Canadian Lab at least. And not to mention Zenfolio and the countless others that are offering to sell globally.
I have used Smugmug for a while now and I am really teetering on the edge as to whether or not I am going to renew this fall or not. For as much as I love Smugmug, if it's not helping my sales, then I'm seeing very little point in keeping this up. I hate to say it but I really feel like I'm being 'forced' out. :cry
Weddings | Portraits
Site & Blog
Want to do both. Lots of work. Beginnings of infrastructure being laid right now. Hang in there.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I still have a little bit left before I renew. I do like all the other updates Smugmug has made within the last few months so I am really hoping to see some progress on this front too. Otherwise I will have to make some changes. I really hope not though. Thanks.
Weddings | Portraits
Site & Blog
A service has recently come online in Australia and price is comparable to smugmug. In my opinion smugmug still has some advantages over such competition especially in regards to storage/bandwidth and server performance, but once these competing services gain some momentum, they will steal customers. I know 2 smuggers that have already jumped ship to this new service basically due to the lack of foreign country support (labs/currency) etc.
May I ask what service this is campo? (you can email me if that's easier).
I'm from Australia and I love the interface of smug mug too, but if it displays in USD instead of AUD, this will effect my sales too.
If you have read the posts in this thread, you will note you are not saying anything that has not been said multiple times. It is coming, is on the list and we ALL must wait.
Given that SM is innovative in all other areas, is listening and responding to the customers (also noted a number of times in this thread), I am confident they will add this feature; though it is never fast enough for those of us in another county. We all (myself included) need to be patient.
Those that leave to go to another service, I am certain, are not representing a mass exodus trend and thus a reason for SM to bump this on the list. If it was such an issue, based on many encounters I personally have had with SM team, it would have been done already.
The fact is they are an amazing team and I am certain will deliver all the value-added tools that are wanted by their customers... in due time.
Hold steady.
Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. -Walker Evans
Sorry, but where did someone mention the fact that competitive non-US centric services are now starting to fill the niches SM has so far be unable to address??
In the past such services could not offer what SM did for the same price, but now the gap is closing rapidly. As I mentioned, the new service in my country is one such business. It has associated itself with the major professional photographic bodies, is growing, gaining momentum, offers choice of labs, self fulfillment, multiple currency options and all quite similar in terms of overall cost. What's more is they're now opening up to the US photographers...
It's only a matter of time before such services will potentially start to eat into SM's revenue base.
Well of course. That is is part of the struggle of commerce with any market, product or service... survival of the fittest.
I think we best let SM worry about revenue and as the customers choose what we want now; glad we have a choice in such a growing and lucrative market. Without knowing there financial statements and statistics, I think it unwise to speculate.
Pick the service that suits you and your business. If it is not SM for this reason (or others), then that is... well what it is.
My point is that the thread is the same theme for a long time. We want, they say they will (in due time), we say it is not soon enough, they say we are working on it and the cycle repeats it self.
It seems that is not really working to expedite the change. Like any work load, items are on the list-- it is up to me to prioritise the entire scope of my business.
Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist, for the simple reason that the eye traffics in feelings, not in thoughts. -Walker Evans
Smugmug needs to address the issue sooner rather than later. The reason for this is that the market serviced by Smugmug, and sites like it, will soon be saturated, if it isn't already. This means that in order for smugmug to grow it will need to take market share rather than build market share, and taking share away from competitors is always harder than expanding naturally into a growing market.
Smugmug has an amazing opportunity in Europe (at least in Germany) that it is completely ignoring.
One of the first things I noticed about Germany when I arrived here is the profusion of photo shops. It looks like the USA did 15 years ago, with one notable exception— There are no, nor have there ever been as far as I know, any of the Kmart style bargain bin photo processors. Germans seem to regard photography, or at least the printing of photos, as something that should be handled professionally. They are very quality oriented, and in love with technology. Thus there are lots of shops that sell film, and develop photos of the mom and pop type, and there are far more professional studios. My city has 300,000 people, and I pass 5 photo studios on my way to work, a journey of 15 minutes by tram and foot, every day. There must be countless more as well in parts of the city that I don't normally go to. Good photos are something that Germans seem willing to invest money into.
But Germans, despite the fact that they are technology fetishists, tend to be provincial and untrusting when it comes to money. E-commerce pretty much doesn’t exist in a serious way here. This is beginning to change, as everyone under 25 is well familiar with the internet, as are all the photographers I know, and readers (who like Amazon). But most German companies have websites because they feel they ought to, not because people use them. All you can do is get locations and opening times. Even the German equivalent of BestBuy (Saturn) offers no pricing information, and doesn’t even indicate what it carries, other than a few featured items.
Does this mean that people won’t buy over the internet? No. But it does mean that they will do so less willingly than American customers. And they certainly won’t buy from a foreign country in a foreign currency. It simply isn’t going to happen. Germans are a strange lot— they will spend a ton of money on a car or a camera, but they are cheap at heart, so they’re likely to balk at transaction fees.
At the moment there is nothing like Smugmug here. But there will be. Hell, if I had the technical know-how I would have set it up myself already. But there are tons of gearheads, and computer geeks, and great labs that are set up or could be set up to receive files over the internet. (e.g. www.quixilver.de) It will happen, and soon. Smugmug needs to get a system in place, and people to promote it, and soon. The question they should be asking themselves is the following one: Would I rather be starting up Smugmug now, or 10 years ago? Because in Germany, it still is ten years ago. At least in this market.
Actually you can get prints from your digital files in nearly any smaller
mart (dm, Schlecker, Rossmann just to name a few) and in every big
store as well (Saturn, MediaMarkt and all the other big Electronics stores)
and thats where most people go to get their prints. It is not like the small
photostores are the backbone of german picture supply. They usualy do
portrait or passport shootings I hardly know anyone who gets their
pictures developed there (too expensive and slow) Dropping your
files off at one of the above mentioned store while shopping however
is a convenient way of getting your digital prints because you know you'll
come back next week to shop your box of corn flakes and can take your
prints with you.
There are numerous online photo printing services availabe, one of them
is from HP (www.snapfish.de) and they print good quality (not gallery
quality of course) but you can get accurate colors prints from an sRGB
version of your files. Currently there is also fotocommunity.de on the rise.
It's a huge site where photographers and amateurs put their pictures
online (like smugmug in a way) where they pay for storage and features.
They have just connected to a professional printing lab where you can get
high end prints in any format you want. If they hadn't this annoying
feature where every dick and harry would comment and rate your photos
I might use my account there. But then they are heavily community centered.
Also Germans won't pay more than anybody else in the world for high
quality prints. The average joe doesn't care if he gets kmart or gallery
quality. It's the small fraction of photo enthusiasts who care for the
difference but those have already discovered their lap. Either there already
exists a high end local store where everything is colorproof or they use
an online service such as the ones we mentioned. Little or no prosumer
What is really missing is something where you can sell prints of your
pictures professionaly. This is the only thing I see right now that smugmug
offers and that I haven't found on the german market yet. (maybe somebody else has?)
― Edward Weston
One minor problem with this... the rates fluctuate between when they place the order, and when the order is captured. My bank at least uses the rates at capture time, dunno if that's "standard" or not. The charge isn't captured until it ships out.... that could be several days in the case of some complex products.
Really? Maybe my town is different. I haven's seen anybody with in house film processing capability in Mannheim other than the small guys. Granted, I imagine that a Saturn in Munich or Berlin has to be bigger than a Saturn in Mannheim.
I live in a 250.000 pop city, but things can be different from city to city.
― Edward Weston
Its been a request for 4 years now and up until very recently was not even touted as something of "importance". Even now it is not officially on the planned Radar as far as I know. If there was say a commitment that something would be in place by the end of 2010 for instance a lot of people would at least have something to plan with. With my renewal coming up in just over a months time ( I think ) A drop down to Power user is certainly on the cards.
I think those that dont live in the USA have been VERY patient thus far