Foreign currency transactions



  • xrisxris Registered Users Posts: 546 Major grins
    edited January 22, 2008
    Go Global or Go Home!
    For what it's worth, I'm still looking for SM to go global too! It's been a whole year for me and I'm sure it's been much longer for many others.

    I'd very much like my customers to be able to pay in any currency they prefer (and I'm sure many US-based photogs feel the same way) so, though I'm quite happy with SM, I am keeping my eyes open for a comparable service with a more international stance.

    I simply feel that, to be a serious Web player, I have to internationalize.
  • paulbrockpaulbrock Registered Users Posts: 515 Major grins
    edited January 22, 2008
    paulbrock wrote:
    To echo Craig and Manfr3d, once this is fixed I'll happily upgrade to a Pro account. But not before.

    Actually, I take it back, after learning about the payment of sales revenue:

    Checks (cheques) are mailed out in US dollars?! Checks? Seriously? No electronic transfer, BACS payment, Paypal even?

    I'm not even sure how I'd go about cashing a cheque in US dollars, and how much I'd have to pay for the privilege.

    The online retail system has been clearly designed by US residents, FOR US residents. That's fine, as the rest of Smugmug is so great :D, but this facility will take more than a currency converter to be suitable for the rest of the world.
  • Manfr3dManfr3d Registered Users Posts: 2,008 Major grins
    edited January 22, 2008
    paulbrock wrote:
    Actually, I take it back, after learning about the payment of sales revenue:

    Checks (cheques) are mailed out in US dollars?! Checks? Seriously? No electronic transfer, BACS payment, Paypal even?

    I'm not even sure how I'd go about cashing a cheque in US dollars, and how much I'd have to pay for the privilege.

    The online retail system has been clearly designed by US residents, FOR US residents. That's fine, as the rest of Smugmug is so great :D, but this facility will take more than a currency converter to be suitable for the rest of the world.

    Uh I didn't think of this problem before ... my bank takes 10€ or 3% to cash non EU currency cheque .. and it takes 10 to 21 days to process. :cry
    “To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
    ― Edward Weston
  • skydognzskydognz Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited February 17, 2008
    2 years on...
    Well, i'm back again after searching high and low for a professional photography website that offers the international photography community the opportunity to sell internationally and in their own currency.

    I see this is still a issue with SM, though with the US$ still so strong against most other countries, myself; a New Zealand Photographer, still can't offer my customers here; or even in other countries; the better exchange rates when wanting to buy my images in the $NZ.

    Every tourist in the world loves coming to NZ because of the exchange rate! - and the scenery, But they don't have the same opportunity to buy my images in the same currency - which they love!

    SM is such a wonderfully professional and addictive, informative and ideal site, that I want to use and pay for (as a PRO site) but I can't offer my local customers who pride themselves on "KIWI MADE" and "BUY NEW ZEALAND MADE" products on this site that has me still sitting here, 2 years later without a well priced and well structured site to sell my images...

  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2008
    The normally superb Smugmug support missed this...
    I made 2 simple (I think) suggestions in my previous post in this thread and didn't get any sort of response from Smugmug support. This shows me two things...

    1) They're getting a bit slack, or ignoring this topic because it's too hard and they don't really care about non-US based photographers.

    2) The fact that I expected a rational response and am genuinely surprised by the fact it was ignored just shows how incredible their support normally is!

    So, Heroes, read my previous post and tell me how hard either of these woudl be...
    1) Provide a currency selection in the cart, and list BESIDE the official $USD, something like "(approx $11.25NZD at 21/01/08)" and link that whole comment to Also you'd need a comment on the page that local currencies are indicative only, and that all transactions are in USD...

    2) PLEASE, at the very least, place "$USD" beside EVERY INSTANCE OF A DOLLAR VALUE ON YOUR SITE! I have to ask you, please get one of your coders to give you an opinion about how hard that would be. Please please please at least explain why what would be so hard. It WOULD prevent issues of the surprise billing like I got above.

    -- (
  • DnaDna Registered Users Posts: 435 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2008
  • bhambham Registered Users Posts: 1,303 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2008
    If and when smugmug truely wants to become international they will probably do a couple of things, accept other currency and then setup relationships with another lab in other parts of the world (or get EZ Prints to do it).

    But realize smugmug is focused on being a site for people to share their photos not necessarily the best place for pros to sell their photos. But because the display and options is so great many pros want to use them as their selling site as well.

    I feel your pain, maybe if enough non-US pros ban together and show them a $$ figure they are missing, they can justify the cost to do it.
    "A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
  • Craig RidleyCraig Ridley Registered Users Posts: 169 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2008
    bham wrote:
    If and when smugmug truely wants to become international they will probably do a couple of things, accept other currency and then setup relationships with another lab in other parts of the world (or get EZ Prints to do it).

    But realize smugmug is focused on being a site for people to share their photos not necessarily the best place for pros to sell their photos. But because the display and options is so great many pros want to use them as their selling site as well.

    I feel your pain, maybe if enough non-US pros ban together and show them a $$ figure they are missing, they can justify the cost to do it.

    I completely agree. And if that is the case, as a minimum smugmug should look to provide a self-fulfillment option to allow those outside of the US a means by which to at least capture an order from a customer.
    My Site:

    Want to save $5 on a smugmug account? Use this coupon code: WzG2eZLQPGrqI
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2008
    TalkieT wrote:
    I made 2 simple (I think) suggestions in my previous post in this thread and didn't get any sort of response from Smugmug support. This shows me two things...

    1) They're getting a bit slack
    Neil I have said directly to you before, and to many others on Dgrin, we read every single post here. If I repsonded individually to every single post, what else would get done? I'm very sorry that you didn't get a response. Truth be told, I was busy fixing a shipping to New Zealand problem :)
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited February 18, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    Neil I have said directly to you before, and to many others on Dgrin, we read every single post here. If I repsonded individually to every single post, what else would get done? I'm very sorry that you didn't get a response. Truth be told, I was busy fixing a shipping to New Zealand problem :)

    You were a bit mean on not quoting my point 2 as well :-) But I'm afraid my points stand. While I can see how a true international cart would be a lot of work with process implications - I fail to see how it could be that hard to be a bit more obvious about the currency, or to add an indication of equivalent price in another currency.

    And the Shipping to NZ problem still exists (just tested again)...

    But yeah, I know you guys must be busy. It's just frustrating answering the same questions from customers. (Can't ship to NZ and why the USD$ in my case).

    Cheers - N
    -- (
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    TalkieT wrote:
    And the Shipping to NZ problem still exists (just tested again)...

    Please check now? We pushed some bug fixes today.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    One of the big issues here, guys, is that customer buys a print today:

    * we pre-auth the card for Xamount of local currency

    * now the order is in proof delay for 7 days, say the pro takes the full 7 days...

    * order released, up to 2 more days in the lab... and it ship, yay!

    * but the currency rates changed between the time we pre-authorized the card and the time we ship (when we actually charge the card). Potential for problems here, and I'm trying to noodle that....
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    Please check now? We pushed some bug fixes today.

    Nope dammit...

    Still only shows $USD, no options for foreign currency.


    I'm so sorry for that, but I just had to :-) The "same as billing" option from the shipping screen now appears to work and accept New Zealand as a shipping destination :-) Thanks for the heads up on the bugfixes.

    Cheers - Neil G
    -- (
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    One of the big issues here, guys, is that customer buys a print today:

    * we pre-auth the card for Xamount of local currency

    * now the order is in proof delay for 7 days, say the pro takes the full 7 days...

    * order released, up to 2 more days in the lab... and it ship, yay!

    * but the currency rates changed between the time we pre-authorized the card and the time we ship (when we actually charge the card). Potential for problems here, and I'm trying to noodle that....

    I get this as a problem and it does look tough. Your options really consist of the following:

    1) Charge the card at order time, but I understand why this is probably an unacceptable option.

    2) Pre-auth the card for amount + fudge factor, then provided that by the time the order is shipped, the amount is still under the pre-auth, you're sweet.

    I don't know if you realise this in the US, but international CC transactions from the rest of the world to the US are a crapshoot... No-one knows when the card will be charged, or what rate will be used, and I personally have had several instances when the pre-auth was greater than got charged.

    3) Don't do a pre-auth at all - wait until ship date and do it.

    4) Do pre-auth as is now, and bill that amount regardless of the exchange rate changes. Either eat the difference out of your 15%, or make the pro eat the difference, or split the difference. Personally I'd be happy to absorb any difference in the preauth to billed amount from my percentage. Maybe make that a condition of using the alternate currency billing.

    5) Assume that the relative exchange rates will go up as often as down and just eat the difference as above in 4.

    Still... The 2 suggestions I have made (plaster $USD everywhere on the site so overseas visitors can tell it's a $USD billing solution, or show an "estimated $NZD" value in the cart before billing in USD as usual) don't have any of these issues associated with them.

    On reflection, I believe my customers are surprised about the $USD thing because of my URL ( Using .com is common, and the NZsnaps really indicates it's a New Zealand site - especially since that's where I am, and where all the events I cover are.

    New Zealand currency is the Dollar ($), so on the site, seeing $ everywhere, it's perfectly understandable how visitors could just not even realise that it's $USD. I have to be so inelegant and ugly and point out everywhere that prices are $USD due to the inflexible billing options of the photo host.

    I have people emailing me and PMing me suggesting local photo hosts, but there's nothing that compares with Smugmug for features, price and support - so I can't see myself switching to an NZ host - but the currency thing is really starting to bug me.

    I'm selling a few more Digital Downloads now, but I am really seriously considering setting up a self fulfil system for that, since the extra hassle it would mean for me will probably be countered by the extra profit, and the ability to let customers pay me directly by Internet banking which in new Zealand, is by FAR the most common form of person to person payment.

    Cheers - Neil Gardner (All prices in $USD ONLY!)
    -- (
  • presencepresence Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    One of the big issues here, guys, is that customer buys a print today:

    * we pre-auth the card for Xamount of local currency

    * now the order is in proof delay for 7 days, say the pro takes the full 7 days...

    * order released, up to 2 more days in the lab... and it ship, yay!

    * but the currency rates changed between the time we pre-authorized the card and the time we ship (when we actually charge the card). Potential for problems here, and I'm trying to noodle that....

    I apologise in advance if my reply is rude but I'm surprised to read this statement.

    Most companies who do business internationally 'forward buy' their currency or hedge their bets by agreeing a rate with their bank in advance for, say, the next 1/7/14 days or 3 months or 6 months. IMO, it's quite common in Europe to have someone senior who deals with the FOREX (foreign exchange) side of things. It's how banks make most of their profit!

    Maybe it's different with credit card companies but then how do airlines, for example, survive when they sell (international) flights that might not happen for 6 months in advance? How does Dell or Apple sell computers in foreign markets? Or Karlu dot com, a British business?

    I'm Irish but I buy a lot of my equipment from a British company (Karlu dot com) and they offer 7 different currencies! I think they're a family-business but, on their website, you just choose what currency you want, et voila, it happens.

    I suggest that you pick a rate for the week or month. Sometimes you'll win and sometimes you'll lose. But if your accountant picks the right rate, you'll win most of the time...

    My 2€cents.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    TalkieT wrote:
    New Zealand currency is the Dollar ($), so on the site, seeing $ everywhere, it's perfectly understandable how visitors could just not even realise that it's $USD.

    In our shopping cart, steps 1 through 4 and the final order screen, it says $USD on the total - on each page.


    We don't have it in the buy-this-photo add to cart interface, and I'm seeing about adding it there.

    I have made sure we're up front here, too:

    Need to add it here, too: I've asked that that be done.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    Andy wrote:
    In our shopping cart, steps 1 through 4 and the final order screen, it says $USD on the total - on each page.


    We don't have it in the buy-this-photo add to cart interface, and I'm seeing about adding it there.

    I have made sure we're up front here, too:

    Need to add it here, too: I've asked that that be done.

    Thanks Andy - I did notice it's in the endgame on the cart, but adding it in some other places will certainly help.

    Hopefully it's just an interim though you guys can figure out how to offer multiple currencies. I'm sure you can do it.

    Cheers - N
    -- (
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008
    TalkieT wrote:
    Thanks Andy - I did notice it's in the endgame on the cart, but adding it in some other places will certainly help.

    Just to be clear, once in the actual shopping cart, it is now already on every page not just the end.
  • davidweaverdavidweaver Registered Users Posts: 681 Major grins
    edited February 19, 2008

    This is not easy to change as changes in the shopping cart are generally not easy to do.

    My suggestion as a quick fix: Allow shoppers the ability to checkout using PayPal. Add 5-10% to the price that get's sent to PP. Sure PP takes a percentage, but I would expect SM to negotiate a more favorable rate.

    The PP transaction can happen BEFORE the items are shipped thus insuring a solid return to SM.

    Reasons for not doing this are related to returns. I have a solution for this too but don't want to post it as it has a couple issues with it, but it still solves 90% of all problems. These problems should be a tiny percentage of the sales and thus, the 5-10% pading in currency conversion will cover the rare cases.

    Besides, I would welcome that kind of markup when I'm forced to change currency with an airport booth in Heathrow or Lisbon. :-)
  • presencepresence Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited February 21, 2008
    from SmugBlog: Release Notes (20th Feb 2008)
    * Due to overwhelming demand, we have added Romania to the list of countries we ship to. Minunat!*
    Romania joined the European Union on 1st Jan 2007. Let's hope they want to pay in Euros!! :D
  • BasculeBascule Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited February 24, 2008
    Another UK member wanting a pro account..
    ...and the only thing holding me back is having to order prints from the US in US$..

    I love smugmug, I really do - but we need a UK equivalent! Having promoted SM to a number of colleagues and associates, its the single reason why the majority don't even sign up in the first place, but carry on using some of the enfeebled local offerings.

    This is an embuggerance. Everything else about SM is superb - but this means that while I shall continue to use SM for my personal stuff, I am already scouting for alternatives for work I wish to sell. What a waste!!

    please SM - can you proactively keep a list of those who are making this request? (My pref is UK pounds of course)

    Here's my wishlist, it's nice and short:


    The day you are able to provide this, ideally with a UK based printing service, just let us know! I for one would return to the SM fold immediately.
  • BasculeBascule Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited February 24, 2008
    How strange is that..
    ok.. the link I put was entirely in jest..

    and it goes to fotoinsight, who I have purchased some photobooks from!

    I assume there is no actual smugmug/fotoinsight link? was that a cheeky bit of marketing on their part?

    Would be great if there were a link, their print quality and service is excellent too!
  • vaio2006vaio2006 Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited March 23, 2008
    any update on this?

    We are currently using Smugmug to host images for an American/International School in Japan.

    But this summer we have to sell photos to a Japanese audience (who don't read English.) Smugmug works PERFECTLY for the English speaking audience, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a service similar to Smugmug but in Japanese?
  • methdmethd Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited April 15, 2008
    +1 for the general gist of this thread.

    I have a pro account on here, but I don't sell prints through smugmug for this very reason.

    I'd love for something to be done about it.
  • SqueezerSqueezer Registered Users Posts: 46 Big grins
    edited April 16, 2008
    I'd also like to be able to have potential buyers be able to see the prices for photos and shipping in AUS $$.

    I really dont want the hassle of having to deal Direct with customers using Paypal / Bank transfers. It is really the ONLY gripe I have with using SmugMug and reccomending it to others. As such I tend to put my photos that I think someone might buy on my RedBubble site instead as they do deal in $AUD

    I dont and my potential customers dont really care where the photos are printed/shipped from but the sight of a checkout that has currency based in USD puts a LOT of people off.
  • DnaDna Registered Users Posts: 435 Major grins
    edited April 16, 2008
    From here.(Subscription needed.)

    "I got a SmugMug account so as I could sell a few of my photos. Set it up. Added the photos. 1st customer emails me to tell me it all in US dollars. So far, of the 6 potential sales (I know bugger all to alot of you, but a new lens to me biggrin.gif ), 5 have bailed because it is in $US

    Guess who wont be renewing next year!"

    "Man.. that sucks ass. I was very close to getting smugmug.

    No $AU? Forgetaboutit!"

  • tsservotsservo Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited June 13, 2008
    As I'm approaching my 1 year anniversary with my Pro account I've been doing some serious thinking about what I should do regarding this currency issue. I, like many others here, have found the lack of alternate currencies to be a substantial hurdle (read: complete block) to selling prints outside the US (I'm from the States and living in Oz).

    While looking for SmugMug alternatives (yes, I will leave if I have to) I found Red Bubble ( that seems to do exactly what we're asking SmugMug to do in the way we're asking them to do it...

    Prices in USD, GBP, EUR, and AUD... a little link that lets you change the currency... and frankly I'm starting to like their cart implementation more as well.


    Perhaps someone at SmugMug can get a hold of someone at Red Bubble and ask them how they seem to have done what apparently is too time consuming to do for us...

    I am seriously looking at them as an alternate and interested in anyone's opinions on them. I'm also seriously interested if SmugMug has thoughts about this topic any more.


    BTW, I have no connection to Red Bubble whatsoever. No family, friends, distant relatives, anyone that I remotely know have anything to do with that site. I found them just this morning while evaluating my alternatives.
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2008
    tsservo wrote:
    As I'm approaching my 1 year anniversary with my Pro account I've been doing some serious thinking about what I should do regarding this currency issue. I, like many others here, have found the lack of alternate currencies to be a substantial hurdle (read: complete block) to selling prints outside the US (I'm from the States and living in Oz).

    While looking for SmugMug alternatives (yes, I will leave if I have to) I found Red Bubble ( that seems to do exactly what we're asking SmugMug to do in the way we're asking them to do it...

    Prices in USD, GBP, EUR, and AUD... a little link that lets you change the currency... and frankly I'm starting to like their cart implementation more as well.


    Perhaps someone at SmugMug can get a hold of someone at Red Bubble and ask them how they seem to have done what apparently is too time consuming to do for us...

    I am seriously looking at them as an alternate and interested in anyone's opinions on them. I'm also seriously interested if SmugMug has thoughts about this topic any more.


    BTW, I have no connection to Red Bubble whatsoever. No family, friends, distant relatives, anyone that I remotely know have anything to do with that site. I found them just this morning while evaluating my alternatives.

    As you musta noticed this is not an USA company....RB is an Aussie company....that is why they offer all the different currencies...... but that is JMHO
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2008
    Art Scott wrote:
    As you musta noticed this is not an USA company....RB is an Aussie company....that is why they offer all the different currencies...... but that is JMHO
    Sadly i am about to join Red Bubble & also another photo stock/storage site simply to see if this currency problem is as big as people say it is. I have an inkling (ive never written that word before you know..inkling....inkling....inkling) that they may be correct.
  • markymarkmarkymark Registered Users Posts: 34 Big grins
    edited June 29, 2008
    Just wanted to add my support for currency conversion.

    My customers are also being scarred away by the fact of USD pricing. When I deal with companies, they prefer dealing in $AUD as it's tax effective for them also.

    I just saw redbubble and that's a perfect implementation of this feature i'd like to have.
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