We'll pay any month any amount, upon request. http://www.smugmug.com/help/reporting
it's your money!
It's on the list of things to do. Sorry we can't get to all things as fast as you all want 'em, I wish I could wave a wand and make it happen.
Thanks again for letting us know how important this is to you!
Thanks for the response Andy but it fails to address the fact that payment by cheque in US dollars is simply not acceptable, the reasons being:
1 - after waiting to receive the cheque it then takes 28 working days for the funds to clear into my account because it is a cheque from overseas
2 - To deposit a cheque in foreign currency there are hefty bank fees ($10.50 per cheque)
So not only do I have to wait a month after receiving the cheque to access my money I have to pay a $10.50 fee to do it.
For a business based on technology I find it very hard to fathom why you still use cheques for payment. Electronic Funds Transfer is quicker and cheaper than payment by cheque.
Thanks for the response Andy but it fails to address the fact that payment by cheque in US dollars is simply not acceptable, the reasons being:
1 - after waiting to receive the cheque it then takes 28 working days for the funds to clear into my account because it is a cheque from overseas
2 - To deposit a cheque in foreign currency there are hefty bank fees ($10.50 per cheque)
So not only do I have to wait a month after receiving the cheque to access my money I have to pay a $10.50 fee to do it.
For a business based on technology I find it very hard to fathom why you still use cheques for payment. Electronic Funds Transfer is quicker and cheaper than payment by cheque.
I've posted a number of times here - we intend to pay electronically. I'm sorry we don't have it today, this minute. We'll get there, promise
I have only in the last few days signed up for a pro trial and am in the process of setting it up.
On the subject of getting paid via cheque I find it both frustrating and to be honest quite unbelievable in this time. Even if it was available to non US based pros it would make a big difference.
The big one though for me is the currency. Even if I could continue with dealing in US dollars (which I honestly am undecided about), my clients in Australia have little or no information regarding pricing. Why aren't USD even mentioned until you get to the check out?
I would prefer to have a real fix of working in my local currency however as an quick fix can a currency converter at least be integrated into the checkout so buyers have an idea of what an item will cost.
I came to the forum to see if there was solution only to be shocked that the issue was first raised over 2 years ago and still hasn't been addressed. It is all good to have a great looking setup however for a pro usability and access comes first.
This is a great way for SmugMug to capitalize on the weak US dollar. I have no plans of selling photos internationally but it makes good sense to get this working for those users. You should at least employ a system for handling transactions in Euros. People in Europe will pay more for the exact same stock image in the US. If you have to choose between buying a US picture for $100 or a European picture for 100 Euros, it is a no brainer. Everyone would go with the US first. Same thing with SmugMug’s services.
I a UK based pro - and its currently cheaper for my clients to purchase from smug-mug and ship them to the UK than it is for me to use a lab locally, though not quite as big a bargain as it was when 2$=1£!
I showed one of my friends the debate above and his response was "typical blooming yanks, they think america = the world" - I don't subscribe to that view (more than 50% of my work is for US clients based in the UK) but I do think that ALL smugmug pros (including US pros) are missing out on markets that would be easier to open up to them if there was a currency exchange system - EVEN if it was indicative - "ie your bill is $58 this is approximately £35" with a suitable disclaimer re currency variations.
I a UK based pro - and its currently cheaper for my clients to purchase from smug-mug and ship them to the UK than it is for me to use a lab locally, though not quite as big a bargain as it was when 2$=1£!
I showed one of my friends the debate above and his response was "typical blooming yanks, they think america = the world" - I don't subscribe to that view (more than 50% of my work is for US clients based in the UK) but I do think that ALL smugmug pros (including US pros) are missing out on markets that would be easier to open up to them if there was a currency exchange system - EVEN if it was indicative - "ie your bill is $58 this is approximately £35" with a suitable disclaimer re currency variations.
Pretty much what I said well over a year ago......and what has caused me to start a move of files to Red Bubble....as they offer sales in many currencies......it is just a matter of getting files sized and signed the way I want them and to upload to their server.....then any clients from across the pond can easily pay in Au$, Euro, u.s.$ Ca.$ and GBP......great for the Art Work you want to sell.......
If anyone working with a currency other than the USD and only wants to offer digital downloads or is happy with self fulfillment of orders, then check out Photoshelter as it offers a PayPal gateway. Downside is to use automated printing via EZPrints you must use USD. Luckily I'm primarily downloads and am happy to do the odd self fulfillment print myself so that is the way I'm going.
Bit of a shame as I do prefer the look and feel of Smugmug however as I mentioned before a slick look doesn't sell shots and with the current state of currencies world wide working in a foreign currency such as the USD the price you order at today could jump by 20% by the time it is processed.
Sales in other currencies?
I was just wondering if there was any likelihood that smugmug would start allowing sales in other currencies e.g. pound sterling and euro, in the way that blurb do?
I love smugmug and there just isn't a UK equivalent with its level of customisation and customer service, but my potential customer base are very confused about why they are charged in dollars!
I was just wondering if there was any likelihood that smugmug would start allowing sales in other currencies e.g. pound sterling and euro, in the way that blurb do?
I love smugmug and there just isn't a UK equivalent with its level of customisation and customer service, but my potential customer base are very confused about why they are charged in dollars!
I too would love to see this but in the mean time I have put a notice in my footer so it appears on all my smugmug pages. You can see it at www.photos.blackshadow.com.au
I Have account in smugmug for about half year. Having a small shop in Spain I have visitors coming to me and saying they have tried to buy something from me over the net but didn't like it. Most of my customers are english and when they have to convert dollars to see how much it is they just get out of focus and don't buy anything. Another group are spaniards which not only have a big problem with sizes ( which are in inches - and also for me takes bunch of time to figure out which size is which) but dollars for them is just a wall. I didn't make any sale yet and it is not becouse people don't like my photography ( i sell on average 5 photos a day in my place ).
Another think is- When i signed to SM i had no idea what is Css and HTML i knew only by name. I had to learn a lot to be able to make my web site to look like it looks. My point is that if we, as regular users, without technical knowledge can make something like we do with customization than a group of 30 people with a huge knowledge (SM at the end is a greate site) should be able to make something about curencies and electronic payment.
I know the SM is american company but please put yourself in our situation and imagine that you try to sell something to americans giving them sizes in centimeters and charging them in spanish PESETAS.
At least one option to sell customized products (like signed copy) would also be very nice.
I too would love to see this but in the mean time I have put a notice in my footer so it appears on all my smugmug pages. You can see it at www.photos.blackshadow.com.au
The Big question is though does the pricing on prints in $USD affect your ability to sell photos that you have taken.
The Big question is though does the pricing on prints in $USD affect your ability to sell photos that you have taken.
I would have to say it does for a lot of clients of SM.....I have had several inquiries aside from my European friends, asking to see pricing in at least Euros and a Euro continent full filler ( processing and mailing) to hold down on s/h especially.............
A lot SM clients have started taking their work over to Red Bubble in Aussie land for this reason......pricing in several currencies and measurements in metric and inches.........so they have their pro sm acct and a FREE red Bubble for all non u.s. sales......RB is not set up for event work....it is for Fine Art Artists and writers..................
I guess I should have found this thread before starting the Canadian currency one. But... that said, US currency, particularly with the current exchange rate with the Canadian dollar, is a huge concern. I have had numerous clients say they want to buy photos but not through the website due to the exchange rate, the cost of shipping and (not smugmug's fault) the delays getting through Canadian customs - up to 3 weeks for delivery.
The Big question is though does the pricing on prints in $USD affect your ability to sell photos that you have taken.
Yes it does.
I have had a number of Australian clients refuse to order through my smugmug site because of the US dollar pricing.
They are the ones I know about and I have arranged printing at a local pro-lab for them - it costs them more and they know it but they are willing to pay the extra.
I'm not sure how many sales I am losing from local clients, every sale I lose also means SM miss out on their commission.
Much as I hate to say it, with this request going back 2 and a half years in this thread alone, I think we have to accept that Smugmug has no intention of ever giving us any alternate currency transactions.
I too am missing out on a decent number of sales due to the barrier of the $USD here in New Zealand and while I really like almost everything about Smugmug - the completely US centric billing is really annoying me.
I am going to have to look into completely removing photo sales from my Smugmug site and somehow integrating an external cart system.
It's a great shame, but I have seen zero evidence that this is being even considered as a feature my SM.
Much as I hate to say it, with this request going back 2 and a half years in this thread alone, I think we have to accept that Smugmug has no intention of ever giving us any alternate currency transactions.
Well I'm not intending to tease - there's nothing in the short term on having foreign currencies in the cart... but I sure hope we get there. You guys are passionate and want it - we get that. If we can do it, we will - keep in mind we'll balance this with all the other requests we get!
Well I'm not intending to tease - there's nothing in the short term on having foreign currencies in the cart... but I sure hope we get there. You guys are passionate and want it - we get that. If we can do it, we will - keep in mind we'll balance this with all the other requests we get!
This is really so frustrating... I know most of your customers must be in the US, but I really don't think you understand how frustrating it is to hear from potential customers that they didn't buy prints because the transaction was in $USD.
I have to agree with a comment made early on in this thread that supporting multiple currencies shouldn't be a huge new feature. It should be table stakes.
I noted that some people have been able to implement Paypal and Google Checkout into their sites... I really dislike Paypal and while I like the idea of Google checkout - are you aware that it's only available in the US? (Maybe UK to now).
Even if the transactions have to stay in USD, I would still love to see changes made to show estimated values in other currencies on the pages. This would be completely within the control of your developers and have nothing to do with the processor, or the pre-auth value etc.
I'm afraid that "sure hope we get there" after over 2.5 years of requests indicates to me that it's simply not important enough to ever bubble to the top of the to-do list.
Even if the transactions have to stay in USD, I would still love to see changes made to show estimated values in other currencies on the pages. This would be completely within the control of your developers and have nothing to do with the processor, or the pre-auth value etc.
I don't think that what prevents people from buying online is related to knowing the value of the american dollar. I think most people keep track of atleast an approximate value of the USD. I think what scares people off is when they see the "USD" they realize that their credit card information is going to travel internationally and potentially wind up in scammers hands.
The problem could indeed be a psychological one, but that we non-us residents can't be paid via paypal is a financial one, cashing checks costs a two digit euro figure and takes 3 weeks to process. Well, I'm sure smugmug is working hard to some day get there.
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
The problem could indeed be a psychological one, but that we non-us residents can't be paid via paypal is a financial one, cashing checks costs a two digit euro figure and takes 3 weeks to process. Well, I'm sure smugmug is working hard to some day get there.
and this *will* be done in the not-too-distant future, I hope
and this *will* be done in the not-too-distant future, I hope
What's the not too distant future???
Please look into this ASAP, I would direct so many more photographers to smugmug here in Australia if only we could have AUS dollars listed. Also being paid in cheque is a pain, but tolerable - but would love other payment options that don't cost us as much!
There is nothing at all to the level of Smugmug here in Australia, and photographers are frustrated, but they just don't want to have customers get confused and turned off by US currency! Also wasn't so bad when the dollar was close - but now, it's not good at all.
Please look into this ASAP, I would direct so many more photographers to smugmug here in Australia if only we could have AUS dollars listed.
Oh dear, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure Andy was talking about alternate methods for paying photographers, not alternate currencies for customers paying smugmug.
Paypal & Google checkout enabling people to pay without any hassle
A UK based or european based lab for cheaper shipping
I thought to have read about a UK lab, but I haven't been able to find any information on that just now. Would you mind to update me on the status or was this just wishful thinking from my side ?
Many thanks and I hope these improvements make SmugMug in the EURO zone and UK more popular.
BTW, I hear that Photobox.co.uk will re-open a polished version of their pro galleries, enabling custom pricing.
Any news is great news! Hope to hear from you
Best regards,
Sorry - couldn't resist..................
Wedding Photographer Dublin
Thanks for the response Andy but it fails to address the fact that payment by cheque in US dollars is simply not acceptable, the reasons being:
1 - after waiting to receive the cheque it then takes 28 working days for the funds to clear into my account because it is a cheque from overseas
2 - To deposit a cheque in foreign currency there are hefty bank fees ($10.50 per cheque)
So not only do I have to wait a month after receiving the cheque to access my money I have to pay a $10.50 fee to do it.
For a business based on technology I find it very hard to fathom why you still use cheques for payment. Electronic Funds Transfer is quicker and cheaper than payment by cheque.
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When that happens you'll have a new client
I have only in the last few days signed up for a pro trial and am in the process of setting it up.
On the subject of getting paid via cheque I find it both frustrating and to be honest quite unbelievable in this time. Even if it was available to non US based pros it would make a big difference.
The big one though for me is the currency. Even if I could continue with dealing in US dollars (which I honestly am undecided about), my clients in Australia have little or no information regarding pricing. Why aren't USD even mentioned until you get to the check out?
I would prefer to have a real fix of working in my local currency however as an quick fix can a currency converter at least be integrated into the checkout so buyers have an idea of what an item will cost.
I came to the forum to see if there was solution only to be shocked that the issue was first raised over 2 years ago and still hasn't been addressed. It is all good to have a great looking setup however for a pro usability and access comes first.
Working on it, hopefully soon we'll have it
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I a UK based pro - and its currently cheaper for my clients to purchase from smug-mug and ship them to the UK than it is for me to use a lab locally, though not quite as big a bargain as it was when 2$=1£!
I showed one of my friends the debate above and his response was "typical blooming yanks, they think america = the world" - I don't subscribe to that view (more than 50% of my work is for US clients based in the UK) but I do think that ALL smugmug pros (including US pros) are missing out on markets that would be easier to open up to them if there was a currency exchange system - EVEN if it was indicative - "ie your bill is $58 this is approximately £35" with a suitable disclaimer re currency variations.
Pretty much what I said well over a year ago......and what has caused me to start a move of files to Red Bubble....as they offer sales in many currencies......it is just a matter of getting files sized and signed the way I want them and to upload to their server.....then any clients from across the pond can easily pay in Au$, Euro, u.s.$ Ca.$ and GBP......great for the Art Work you want to sell.......
Bit of a shame as I do prefer the look and feel of Smugmug however as I mentioned before a slick look doesn't sell shots and with the current state of currencies world wide working in a foreign currency such as the USD the price you order at today could jump by 20% by the time it is processed.
I was just wondering if there was any likelihood that smugmug would start allowing sales in other currencies e.g. pound sterling and euro, in the way that blurb do?
I love smugmug and there just isn't a UK equivalent with its level of customisation and customer service, but my potential customer base are very confused about why they are charged in dollars!
I too would love to see this but in the mean time I have put a notice in my footer so it appears on all my smugmug pages. You can see it at www.photos.blackshadow.com.au
Another think is- When i signed to SM i had no idea what is Css and HTML i knew only by name. I had to learn a lot to be able to make my web site to look like it looks. My point is that if we, as regular users, without technical knowledge can make something like we do with customization than a group of 30 people with a huge knowledge (SM at the end is a greate site) should be able to make something about curencies and electronic payment.
I know the SM is american company but please put yourself in our situation and imagine that you try to sell something to americans giving them sizes in centimeters and charging them in spanish PESETAS.
At least one option to sell customized products (like signed copy) would also be very nice.
smooth photography of...
smooth photography of...
The Big question is though does the pricing on prints in $USD affect your ability to sell photos that you have taken.
I would have to say it does for a lot of clients of SM.....I have had several inquiries aside from my European friends, asking to see pricing in at least Euros and a Euro continent full filler ( processing and mailing) to hold down on s/h especially.............
A lot SM clients have started taking their work over to Red Bubble in Aussie land for this reason......pricing in several currencies and measurements in metric and inches.........so they have their pro sm acct and a FREE red Bubble for all non u.s. sales......RB is not set up for event work....it is for Fine Art Artists and writers..................
Picadilly, NB, Canada
We are a global community by now. We need sales in other currencies. Rubles for me.
Yes it does.
I have had a number of Australian clients refuse to order through my smugmug site because of the US dollar pricing.
They are the ones I know about and I have arranged printing at a local pro-lab for them - it costs them more and they know it but they are willing to pay the extra.
I'm not sure how many sales I am losing from local clients, every sale I lose also means SM miss out on their commission.
I too am missing out on a decent number of sales due to the barrier of the $USD here in New Zealand and while I really like almost everything about Smugmug - the completely US centric billing is really annoying me.
I am going to have to look into completely removing photo sales from my Smugmug site and somehow integrating an external cart system.
It's a great shame, but I have seen zero evidence that this is being even considered as a feature my SM.
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
'No' intention? Really?
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Oh Andy, I wish I was wrong. I really do.
Your post counts as teasing BTW :-)
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
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This is really so frustrating... I know most of your customers must be in the US, but I really don't think you understand how frustrating it is to hear from potential customers that they didn't buy prints because the transaction was in $USD.
I have to agree with a comment made early on in this thread that supporting multiple currencies shouldn't be a huge new feature. It should be table stakes.
I noted that some people have been able to implement Paypal and Google Checkout into their sites... I really dislike Paypal and while I like the idea of Google checkout - are you aware that it's only available in the US? (Maybe UK to now).
Even if the transactions have to stay in USD, I would still love to see changes made to show estimated values in other currencies on the pages. This would be completely within the control of your developers and have nothing to do with the processor, or the pre-auth value etc.
I'm afraid that "sure hope we get there" after over 2.5 years of requests indicates to me that it's simply not important enough to ever bubble to the top of the to-do list.
Tell me that's not a fair and logical assumption.
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
I don't think that what prevents people from buying online is related to knowing the value of the american dollar. I think most people keep track of atleast an approximate value of the USD. I think what scares people off is when they see the "USD" they realize that their credit card information is going to travel internationally and potentially wind up in scammers hands.
― Edward Weston
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
What's the not too distant future???
Please look into this ASAP, I would direct so many more photographers to smugmug here in Australia if only we could have AUS dollars listed. Also being paid in cheque is a pain, but tolerable - but would love other payment options that don't cost us as much!
There is nothing at all to the level of Smugmug here in Australia, and photographers are frustrated, but they just don't want to have customers get confused and turned off by US currency! Also wasn't so bad when the dollar was close - but now, it's not good at all.
I would be
Oh dear, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure Andy was talking about alternate methods for paying photographers, not alternate currencies for customers paying smugmug.
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
- EUR and GBP currency
- Paypal & Google checkout enabling people to pay without any hassle
- A UK based or european based lab for cheaper shipping
I thought to have read about a UK lab, but I haven't been able to find any information on that just now. Would you mind to update me on the status or was this just wishful thinking from my side ?Many thanks and I hope these improvements make SmugMug in the EURO zone and UK more popular.
BTW, I hear that Photobox.co.uk will re-open a polished version of their pro galleries, enabling custom pricing.
Any news is great news! Hope to hear from you
Best regards,