Although this issue does not directly affect me, I have to agree with the general consensus here that there is no better time than now, with a weak US$ and recession in place, to do everything feasible to maximize foreign sales. The prolonged record of unbalanced trade (more imports than exports) and poor energy efficiency are a large part of what's gotten the USA into the economic mess it is in. Thus, reversing these trends would be part of what's needed for the USA to get out of this mess and get into a better position internationally. China and the oil-producing countries of the middle east are overflowing with US$. If we, in the US, cannot sell them some of our products that they want, then they will end up buying US companies and real estate, and many of us will be poorer in the long-run as a result. I realize exporting photography and web-hosting from the US is not going to solve these monumental problems, but it is a step in the right direction.
The other issue that's not been discussed much here is when a customer outside the US orders prints, where do they come from? For international sales to be effective, what will be needed is not merely display of price in local currency, but local printing as well. With downloads, this is not an issue. The cost of shipments from overseas to the USA is often 2 - 3 times the cost of shipping within the USA, and with rising fuel costs, shipping costs have nowhere to go but up. Then, the other issue is customs, tariffs, the cost of currency exchange and such. Local printing would address both of these problems, but still allow SM and its pro account holders to make a profit from their work.
The other issue that's not been discussed much here is when a customer outside the US orders prints, where do they come from? For international sales to be effective, what will be needed is not merely display of price in local currency, but local printing as well. With downloads, this is not an issue. The cost of shipments from overseas to the USA is often 2 - 3 times the cost of shipping within the USA, and with rising fuel costs, shipping costs have nowhere to go but up. Then, the other issue is customs, tariffs, the cost of currency exchange and such. Local printing would address both of these problems, but still allow SM and its pro account holders to make a profit from their work.
I'm new to smugmug, I'm not a pro so it doesn't matter much to me but I know that people I know will not buy pictures from the US, in dollars and pay shipping and handling. It would be difficult enough to get them to buy photos on the web.
But since national printing services are popping up I expect people here to be ready for ordering using the web in a year or two, and it would be really nice if SmugMug would be ready then, allowing ordering of pictures in local currency and without international shipping charges.
That way I would turn on printing and just point people who wants hard copies of my photos to my smugmug account.
Given the week dollar, if I were abroad I'd want to buy in dollars...
Believe me, I have !!
But when you talk to people who are not accustomed to buy from abroad it's a little scary and it's not common to use credit cards for buying stuff on-line where I live.
I'm pretty new here and have been looking around for so long to find a an online host to help with sales. This thread is 2 years old now and it seems that SM is nowhere closer to an international sales solution than when it first started, very dissapointing. Seriously, how long is this feature list that nothing has happened in two years?
Other sites are the same though. Zenfolio and Photoshelter... nothing if you are outside the US. I can't find an equivilent service in the UK that even comes close to the service of SM/ZF/PS. I don't like the look of snapfish or redbubble and the like.
I feel like my only option is to create my own website with a dedicated cart and then to try and find somewhere to do the fulfillment and delivery. In a word... STRESS.
Be patient my friend Smugmug will come through for us on this. It just will take a little more time. This is a great site to sell your prints so don't give up.
I'm pretty new here and have been looking around for so long to find a an online host to help with sales. This thread is 2 years old now and it seems that SM is nowhere closer to an international sales solution than when it first started, very dissapointing. Seriously, how long is this feature list that nothing has happened in two years?
Other sites are the same though. Zenfolio and Photoshelter... nothing if you are outside the US. I can't find an equivilent service in the UK that even comes close to the service of SM/ZF/PS. I don't like the look of snapfish or redbubble and the like.
I feel like my only option is to create my own website with a dedicated cart and then to try and find somewhere to do the fulfillment and delivery. In a word... STRESS.
I have a side question regarding foreign currency transactions:
Is it still not possible for photographers to recieve their profit via Paypal?
It seems to be both expensive and inconvenient to wait for a check that
is being sent via post mail around the world. Also local banks usualy
charge extra if you try to cash a foreign check and it takes between 3 and
6 weeks until the bank has processed the check and finaly puts the money
on the account. What are your thoughts and plans regarding this matter?
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
It's still something we want to do and we value and prize your feedback. Thanks.
With the shopping cart going live .....that would have been the most perfect time to implement international currency options or at least a quick converter lie XE..............
It's still something we want to do and we value and prize your feedback. Thanks.
I'll agree that you guys have been very busy and that is nothing but positive for the SM community.
TBH, I still can't decide between SM and ZF, the users from both sites claim they have this or that over the other. The one-up for me at the moment is that SM has digital downloads. I'll leave it for a bit and see how things pan out. I'll do some research of my own for a UK based fullfilment partner; looks like I'll need one :pissed
I'm afraid that I've just about given up waiting for SM (or ZF) to implement this (i.e. currency choice, European Lab and maybe self-fulfillment).
I guess they will get around to it some day, but I need it sooner. I am looking at a variety of self-hosted options, as these seem to offer the most flexibility at a good price (e.g. Redcart, Pickpic etc).
So, I'll downgrade my account to basic level and put my professional stuff elsewhere. I still like many things about SM, which is why I've waited for so long.
I asked in Dgrin if the new cart would also make it easier to implement non-US$ transactions at some stage - but no reply. I think it's just not very high on the priority list for SM - from observation, their priorities seem to be mid to high end amateurs (worldwide) and pro-photographers (US) - not sure in which order though
As a Canadian this is something that I'd like to see changed as well. I understand the reasoning, but think that it's also a good thing to keep in mind....I know I've been asking since I signed up.
I think the thing that miffed me the most was that my sales were being made mostly last fall, early winter when the US and CDN dollar was very close to par and CDN was sometimes above, when the check came and I cashed it, the exchange rate was much less favorable....I still feel like I got cheated out of that deal....but unless I am paid automatically when ever I have one sale I don't know how on earth it could be done fairly. Can you tell I'm still a little bitter about that!cry
I have a side question regarding foreign currency transactions:
Is it still not possible for photographers to recieve their profit via Paypal?
It seems to be both expensive and inconvenient to wait for a check that
is being sent via post mail around the world.
Cant agree more. I made my first sales with my Smugmug page this week and my excitement soon dwindled as I realised that when I did request payment the payment would come in a cheque posted and in USD. Ive got 3 cheques stuck on my fridge from a few years back that would have cost ME money to put into the bank.
Most banks ( If not all here in AUS ) charge between $5-$10 just to cash a foreign cheque and even then the exchnage rate they give is woefull. I reckon it would be at least 3 years since I have received a cheque from anybody. Cheques are so last century.
I would have though the cost to create the cheque / sign it / post it / receive it / Drive to the bank to deposit it / fill out the forms at the bank / pay the bank a fee / let the bank take a cut etc etc... is just stupid in the year 2008.
I really will be thinking twice about renewing my Pro membership when it comes around. I love the simplicity of Smugmug and the Photo tools are great but the tools and the inconvenience to sell photos for people outside of the US is attrocious. I'll probably look at going back to a Normal user account here and move my sales to another host.
The sad part is that it doesnt appear to be on the Radar to be resolved any time soon
I'm not a Pro and have never sold a photo but I have a similar experience with selling software. I used to use eSellerate to handle my sales and I was very happy when I first received my first check ... I was less thrilled when I had cashed the check at the bank. It was so bad that I had to stop eSellerate sending my checks and just hold on to the money until I had figured out what to do (one of things was to try to get a US bank account). Fortunately eSellerate made it possible to transfer the money to PayPal which resulted in that I actually got some money for my efforts.
Cant agree more. I made my first sales with my Smugmug page this week and my excitement soon dwindled as I realised that when I did request payment the payment would come in a cheque posted and in USD. Ive got 3 cheques stuck on my fridge from a few years back that would have cost ME money to put into the bank.
Most banks ( If not all here in AUS ) charge between $5-$10 just to cash a foreign cheque and even then the exchnage rate they give is woefull. I reckon it would be at least 3 years since I have received a cheque from anybody. Cheques are so last century.
I would have though the cost to create the cheque / sign it / post it / receive it / Drive to the bank to deposit it / fill out the forms at the bank / pay the bank a fee / let the bank take a cut etc etc... is just stupid in the year 2008.
I really will be thinking twice about renewing my Pro membership when it comes around. I love the simplicity of Smugmug and the Photo tools are great but the tools and the inconvenience to sell photos for people outside of the US is attrocious. I'll probably look at going back to a Normal user account here and move my sales to another host.
The sad part is that it doesnt appear to be on the Radar to be resolved any time soon
This is my thinking too, if I get a cheque from SM for $50 for example... £5 in fuel to get to from my closest bank, £10.50 charge to cash the cheque in the first place; so that's $31 of the original $50 gone just because of costs. Like everyone has said already, cheques are so last century.... I wonder where electronic money transfer is on this "feature list"?
This has been a huge disappointment. Signed up for the trial version and love the software, site and customisation options, but the lack of local currency options is a killer. Hard enough to get people to buy in the first place. Not knowing what they are paying without using another site for currency conversion is a show-stopper.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Such a shame – for everything else it’s the best I’ve seen
My previous site I had with and it was a great site. Small company with all I needed by this time ( even currency and personal sale options like Signed photos).
I had a trial with smug mug and I decided it is even more professional so i have paid and now I have my site. There was no problem until during my exposition someone ask me if he can buy through the net. It finished with hard explication about dollars and currency conversion and what is Euro dollar state for this particular day.
Sorry Andy I have to say I felt stupid in this moment and smug mug appeared kind of smaller than it was before. The whole think of doing this web site is trying to make some more money and doing it fast. I read that smug mug can give me a refund for this issue but will it give me a refund for my time I have spend putting hundreds of photos and calibrating the site.
I am sorry Andy but as far as I had a very good opinion about you I have a little bit impression that you don't want to give any reasonable reason for currency conversion. It looks like you copy and paste all the time "But thanks for letting us know how important this is to you!".
Yes it is obviously important for us. Imagin yourself trying to sell something in USA charging Russian Rubel.
Sorry andy but saying that it is so complicated just don´t make me trust you more. It is not a big deal for small companies like so it should be no big deal for you.
Miro Slav directly from
Sorry andy but saying that it is so complicated just don´t make me trust you more. It is not a big deal for small companies like so it should be no big deal for you.
Miro Slav directly from
I'm sorry you don't trust us! We'd like to be able to offer this feature. There are things that are in the way of doing it right now, so yes, it's fairly complicated. I'm sorry I don't have a better more immediate answer for you
RedBubble was mentioned earlier in this thread and I'm wondering if it prompted anyone to sign up, if so what are your experiences. I've taken the plunge as it is free and looks ok, hoping it may be a possible solution to the currency problem.
RedBubble was mentioned earlier in this thread and I'm wondering if it prompted anyone to sign up, if so what are your experiences. I've taken the plunge as it is free and looks ok, hoping it may be a possible solution to the currency problem.
Maybe someone at Smugmug can explain to us why this is a difficult
thing to do. Is it because of legal reasons or maybe something else
that we've missed? I think it would take some of the frustration away
if we were able to understand why no progress is made in this direction.
It would really be nice too if at least payments could be recieved via paypal
or at least money order. Checks are just too inconvenient (and expensive)
to cash for us non-US residents.
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
Maybe someone at Smugmug can explain to us why this is a difficult
thing to do. Is it because of legal reasons or maybe something else
that we've missed? I think it would take some of the frustration away
if we were able to understand why no progress is made in this direction.
It would really be nice too if at least payments could be recieved via paypal
or at least money order. Checks are just too inconvenient (and expensive)
to cash for us non-US residents.
You can add paypal to your site and just do the Printing and shipping your self for all foreign sales.
Maybe someone at Smugmug can explain to us why this is a difficult
thing to do. Is it because of legal reasons or maybe something else
that we've missed? I think it would take some of the frustration away
if we were able to understand why no progress is made in this direction.
It's just priorities and time. This is one of MANY hotly-desired capabilities. Other stuff is just ahead of it, I'm really, really sorry.
One year ago: we were 21 employees. Two years ago: 13. Today? 38. But our customer base grows too And so does the list of things being asked for.
We're always working on new features that customers ask for. Those of you championing 'your feature request' might feel like you're getting the short end of the stick, and I understand that
I can foresee elec payments in local currency to non-US pros before I can see local currency in the shopping cart, FWIW. But that's just me speculating at this point.
Thanks guys, as always, for telling us how very important this is to you!
It's just priorities and time. This is one of MANY hotly-desired capabilities. Other stuff is just ahead of it, I'm really, really sorry.
One year ago: we were 21 employees. Two years ago: 13. Today? 38. But our customer base grows too And so does the list of things being asked for.
We're always working on new features that customers ask for. Those of you championing 'your feature request' might feel like you're getting the short end of the stick, and I understand that
Thank you for explaining the situation. That makes sense to me. Well,
sounds like we just have to wait a bit longer and keep bugging you guys
from time to time
You can add paypal to your site and just do the Printing and shipping your self for all foreign sales.
Sure I could, but it costs money to buy printers, inc and paper. And it takes
time to process orders, print, pack and ship them. It just doesn't make sense
unless one was selling only few images but therefor high priced images.
“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”
― Edward Weston
You can add paypal to your site and just do the Printing and shipping your self for all foreign sales.
That is the problem - For people outside the US who photograph local events - for us they are not Foreign Sales they are LOCAL SALES ( It's just they dont happen as often because people are put off by the $USD and uncertainty about what it will end up costing them )
People dont want to get the end of the shopping cart and then have to visit to find out what they are up for and to check their bank fees on foreign currency transactions before they commit.
I for one dont really care at the moment for ANY new features except the ability for potential clients to shop in local currency.
I looked at joining smugmug as a professional some time back but the issues with foreign currency have made me steer clear - I check back periodically and nothing has changed.
This thread has been open for over two years and the same spin keeps being regurgitated about this being a feature we'd like to add but there are other features with higher priorities bla bla bla
I live in Australia and the bulk (but not all) of my clients are in Australia so it makes sense to bill in Australian dollars - but I could live with US dollars.
What I can't live with is the payment system - it's by cheque in US dollars and there are minimum amounts before payment is made.
Why can't an electronic payment system be implemented? It doesn't have to be by direct deposit (preferred) it would be pretty simple to do it using PayPal or Google Checkout.
If I wish to put a cheque in US dollars into my bank account it takes 28 working days for the funds to clear plus there are extra bank fees payable.
C'mon smugmug lift your game! You've been stringing us along for more than two years and nothing has changed.
That is the problem - For people outside the US who photograph local events - for us they are not Foreign Sales they are LOCAL SALES ( It's just they dont happen as often because people are put off by the $USD and uncertainty about what it will end up costing them )
People dont want to get the end of the shopping cart and then have to visit to find out what they are up for and to check their bank fees on foreign currency transactions before they commit.
I for one dont really care at the moment for ANY new features except the ability for potential clients to shop in local currency.
I do believe that if your country is in their list of countries that they are currently doing business with then you can charge in your local currency...I do believe that PP has an automatic currency calculator that can be put into your site as well as they will host the cart and give the purchaser the option to keep shopping or continue on to the cart for processing.....I have not delved into completely as I want to but for now I will be moving my Art Work to Red Bubble (until I finad as good a service in Central Europe, so that the postal costs hopefully will be lower) to satisfy my friends in the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Latvia and Norway(VAT and other taxes are figured into the base price of products at Red Bubble).......since they can spend in Euros they said they would be to get my notbooks of Czech Republic photos mailed back from Tabor Cz so I can get them scanned and Processed......Red Bubble pays by Cheque or if you want directly to a paypal account (my option....and if you go the paypal route you only need to have $20 in sales for them to transfer)
Would I be looking elsewhere if I could have at least Euros at SM....No.....I could live with only being able to charge u.s.$ and Euros
Why can't an electronic payment system be implemented? It doesn't have to be by direct deposit (preferred) it would be pretty simple to do it using PayPal or Google Checkout.
It's on the list of things to do. Sorry we can't get to all things as fast as you all want 'em, I wish I could wave a wand and make it happen.
Thanks again for letting us know how important this is to you!
The other issue that's not been discussed much here is when a customer outside the US orders prints, where do they come from? For international sales to be effective, what will be needed is not merely display of price in local currency, but local printing as well. With downloads, this is not an issue. The cost of shipments from overseas to the USA is often 2 - 3 times the cost of shipping within the USA, and with rising fuel costs, shipping costs have nowhere to go but up. Then, the other issue is customs, tariffs, the cost of currency exchange and such. Local printing would address both of these problems, but still allow SM and its pro account holders to make a profit from their work.
I'm new to smugmug, I'm not a pro so it doesn't matter much to me but I know that people I know will not buy pictures from the US, in dollars and pay shipping and handling. It would be difficult enough to get them to buy photos on the web.
But since national printing services are popping up I expect people here to be ready for ordering using the web in a year or two, and it would be really nice if SmugMug would be ready then, allowing ordering of pictures in local currency and without international shipping charges.
That way I would turn on printing and just point people who wants hard copies of my photos to my smugmug account.
Jan Erik Moström
Believe me, I have !!
But when you talk to people who are not accustomed to buy from abroad it's a little scary and it's not common to use credit cards for buying stuff on-line where I live.
Jan Erik Moström
Other sites are the same though. Zenfolio and Photoshelter... nothing if you are outside the US. I can't find an equivilent service in the UK that even comes close to the service of SM/ZF/PS. I don't like the look of snapfish or redbubble and the like.
I feel like my only option is to create my own website with a dedicated cart and then to try and find somewhere to do the fulfillment and delivery. In a word... STRESS.
But we 've been pretty busy on lots of other stuff
It's still something we want to do and we value and prize your feedback. Thanks.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
My two cents.
Is it still not possible for photographers to recieve their profit via Paypal?
It seems to be both expensive and inconvenient to wait for a check that
is being sent via post mail around the world. Also local banks usualy
charge extra if you try to cash a foreign check and it takes between 3 and
6 weeks until the bank has processed the check and finaly puts the money
on the account. What are your thoughts and plans regarding this matter?
― Edward Weston
With the shopping cart going live .....that would have been the most perfect time to implement international currency options or at least a quick converter lie XE..............
TBH, I still can't decide between SM and ZF, the users from both sites claim they have this or that over the other. The one-up for me at the moment is that SM has digital downloads. I'll leave it for a bit and see how things pan out. I'll do some research of my own for a UK based fullfilment partner; looks like I'll need one :pissed
I guess they will get around to it some day, but I need it sooner. I am looking at a variety of self-hosted options, as these seem to offer the most flexibility at a good price (e.g. Redcart, Pickpic etc).
So, I'll downgrade my account to basic level and put my professional stuff elsewhere. I still like many things about SM, which is why I've waited for so long.
I asked in Dgrin if the new cart would also make it easier to implement non-US$ transactions at some stage - but no reply. I think it's just not very high on the priority list for SM - from observation, their priorities seem to be mid to high end amateurs (worldwide) and pro-photographers (US) - not sure in which order though
Wedding Photographer Dublin
I think the thing that miffed me the most was that my sales were being made mostly last fall, early winter when the US and CDN dollar was very close to par and CDN was sometimes above, when the check came and I cashed it, the exchange rate was much less favorable....I still feel like I got cheated out of that deal....but unless I am paid automatically when ever I have one sale I don't know how on earth it could be done fairly. Can you tell I'm still a little bitter about that!
Cant agree more. I made my first sales with my Smugmug page this week and my excitement soon dwindled as I realised that when I did request payment the payment would come in a cheque posted and in USD. Ive got 3 cheques stuck on my fridge from a few years back that would have cost ME money to put into the bank.
Most banks ( If not all here in AUS ) charge between $5-$10 just to cash a foreign cheque and even then the exchnage rate they give is woefull. I reckon it would be at least 3 years since I have received a cheque from anybody. Cheques are so last century.
I would have though the cost to create the cheque / sign it / post it / receive it / Drive to the bank to deposit it / fill out the forms at the bank / pay the bank a fee / let the bank take a cut etc etc... is just stupid in the year 2008.
I really will be thinking twice about renewing my Pro membership when it comes around. I love the simplicity of Smugmug and the Photo tools are great but the tools and the inconvenience to sell photos for people outside of the US is attrocious. I'll probably look at going back to a Normal user account here and move my sales to another host.
The sad part is that it doesnt appear to be on the Radar to be resolved any time soon
Jan Erik Moström
<o:p> </o:p>
Such a shame – for everything else it’s the best I’ve seen
I had a trial with smug mug and I decided it is even more professional so i have paid and now I have my site. There was no problem until during my exposition someone ask me if he can buy through the net. It finished with hard explication about dollars and currency conversion and what is Euro dollar state for this particular day.
Sorry Andy I have to say I felt stupid in this moment and smug mug appeared kind of smaller than it was before. The whole think of doing this web site is trying to make some more money and doing it fast. I read that smug mug can give me a refund for this issue but will it give me a refund for my time I have spend putting hundreds of photos and calibrating the site.
I am sorry Andy but as far as I had a very good opinion about you I have a little bit impression that you don't want to give any reasonable reason for currency conversion. It looks like you copy and paste all the time "But thanks for letting us know how important this is to you!".
Yes it is obviously important for us. Imagin yourself trying to sell something in USA charging Russian Rubel.
Sorry andy but saying that it is so complicated just don´t make me trust you more. It is not a big deal for small companies like so it should be no big deal for you.
Miro Slav directly from
smooth photography of...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
smooth photography of...
Will be trying to work around it for now - if anyone has a clever solution, please do pm me.
Athena Carey Photography
"It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are." - Edward Estlin Cummings
RedBubble was mentioned earlier in this thread and I'm wondering if it prompted anyone to sign up, if so what are your experiences. I've taken the plunge as it is free and looks ok, hoping it may be a possible solution to the currency problem.
Caroline - Follow me on G+
Maybe someone at Smugmug can explain to us why this is a difficult
thing to do. Is it because of legal reasons or maybe something else
that we've missed? I think it would take some of the frustration away
if we were able to understand why no progress is made in this direction.
It would really be nice too if at least payments could be recieved via paypal
or at least money order. Checks are just too inconvenient (and expensive)
to cash for us non-US residents.
― Edward Weston
You can add paypal to your site and just do the Printing and shipping your self for all foreign sales.
It's just priorities and time. This is one of MANY hotly-desired capabilities. Other stuff is just ahead of it, I'm really, really sorry.
One year ago: we were 21 employees. Two years ago: 13. Today? 38. But our customer base grows too
We're always working on new features that customers ask for. Those of you championing 'your feature request' might feel like you're getting the short end of the stick, and I understand that
I can foresee elec payments in local currency to non-US pros before I can see local currency in the shopping cart, FWIW. But that's just me speculating at this point.
Thanks guys, as always, for telling us how very important this is to you!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thank you for explaining the situation. That makes sense to me. Well,
sounds like we just have to wait a bit longer and keep bugging you guys
from time to time
Sure I could, but it costs money to buy printers, inc and paper. And it takes
time to process orders, print, pack and ship them. It just doesn't make sense
unless one was selling only few images but therefor high priced images.
― Edward Weston
People dont want to get the end of the shopping cart and then have to visit to find out what they are up for and to check their bank fees on foreign currency transactions before they commit.
I for one dont really care at the moment for ANY new features except the ability for potential clients to shop in local currency.
Until next months rant..
Craftypics photography
This thread has been open for over two years and the same spin keeps being regurgitated about this being a feature we'd like to add but there are other features with higher priorities bla bla bla
I live in Australia and the bulk (but not all) of my clients are in Australia so it makes sense to bill in Australian dollars - but I could live with US dollars.
What I can't live with is the payment system - it's by cheque in US dollars and there are minimum amounts before payment is made.
Why can't an electronic payment system be implemented? It doesn't have to be by direct deposit (preferred) it would be pretty simple to do it using PayPal or Google Checkout.
If I wish to put a cheque in US dollars into my bank account it takes 28 working days for the funds to clear plus there are extra bank fees payable.
C'mon smugmug lift your game! You've been stringing us along for more than two years and nothing has changed.
I do believe that if your country is in their list of countries that they are currently doing business with then you can charge in your local currency...I do believe that PP has an automatic currency calculator that can be put into your site as well as they will host the cart and give the purchaser the option to keep shopping or continue on to the cart for processing.....I have not delved into completely as I want to but for now I will be moving my Art Work to Red Bubble (until I finad as good a service in Central Europe, so that the postal costs hopefully will be lower) to satisfy my friends in the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Latvia and Norway(VAT and other taxes are figured into the base price of products at Red Bubble).......since they can spend in Euros they said they would be to get my notbooks of Czech Republic photos mailed back from Tabor Cz so I can get them scanned and Processed......Red Bubble pays by Cheque or if you want directly to a paypal account (my option....and if you go the paypal route you only need to have $20 in sales for them to transfer)
Would I be looking elsewhere if I could have at least Euros at SM....No.....I could live with only being able to charge u.s.$ and Euros
it's your money! It's on the list of things to do. Sorry we can't get to all things as fast as you all want 'em, I wish I could wave a wand and make it happen.
Thanks again for letting us know how important this is to you!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter