These were all taken with my 14- 40 and hand held. Your thoughts?
It's weird how the white ballance on a $1 bill changes with the distance.. Did you shoot JPEG?
I don't know which version of an I I like the most...:): I guess, my question would be - can you zoom to an iris only?
It's weird how the white ballance on a $1 bill changes with the distance.. Did you shoot JPEG?
I don't know which version of an I I like the most...:): I guess, my question would be - can you zoom to an iris only?
Nikolai- yes I shot in JPEG. The change of color on the $1 bill has some to do with the lighting- incandescent- and some ajustments in iphoto (contrast-exposure-and sharpen).
I couldn't get any closer on the eye- had to crop in to get the result. I can try again with another test subject though and shoot in manual.
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
At the begining I wanted to make a sequence of photos.
But then I realized I don't know how to crop different shots at the exact location.
The proposal would have no impact any other way.
Instead I post here in small size what was to be the proposal.
The idea was one life, one flame, one person, one candle, one fire, one ... one ...
My proposal is
I have another which I really don't like much but I dicided to post anyway.
The advantage of the US$ is that 1 unit is a note bank and it is good to tip the porters when you are abroad in Africa, Asia ... :
All fresh photos from today.
I've found this to be a difficult assignment... here's a couple attempts.
I'm not actually a fan of selective color... but the grass was green, and the ball is green, so I tried it out. It accentuates the one-ness of the ball to me.
NOTE: The first one is *not* selectively colored. It was just a grey background.
I'm not actually a fan of selective color... but the grass was green, and the ball is green, so I tried it out. It accentuates the one-ness of the ball to me.
Breaking the rules, amigo :-) I agree that it "accentuates the one-ness", but the deal was "moderate PS only"
Oh well... With my own fault of making this much harder that I hoped for, I guess we can let this one slide :-)
I agree, and I realized that myself, only too late...
I was shooting for something easy - and it turned out to be rather difficult..
Breaking the rules, amigo :-) I agree that it "accentuates the one-ness", but the deal was "moderate PS only"
Oh well... With my own fault of making this much harder that I hoped for, I guess we can let this one slide :-)
Thanks for your entries!
I think the assignment is rather difficult indeed.
But this is part of the game and this is really good because it makes us to improve, think, innovate.
For example: about that challenge turbulance, contrast.
It's too easy. One can see so many participants because it's easy ...
I even won the challenge turbulance !! :
Here it is different. Well, I think it is !
Nikolai: I sugest you keep the difficulties hight.
Assignments with moderate to hight degree of dificulty.
You are the teacher you say what but this is my opinion.
I think the assignment is rather difficult indeed.
But this is part of the game and this is really good because it makes us to improve, think, innovate.
For example: about that challenge turbulance, contrast.
It's too easy. One can see so many participants because it's easy ...
I even won the challenge turbulance !! :
Here it is different. Well, I think it is !
Nikolai: I sugest you keep the difficulties hight.
Assignments with moderate to hight degree of dificulty.
You are the teacher you say what but this is my opinion.
I agree with Antonio. Keep it difficult and different from the challenges. This is for learning and expanding our skills anyways right?
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
I agree with Antonio. Keep it difficult and different from the challenges. This is for learning and expanding our skills anyways right?
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
I think we need to try to mix and match. There is a fine line between "difficult and challenging, but within my grasp, I want a shot at that" and "well, it's too hard, I'm not gonna do it". There will be glitches and blunders, but I hope together we'll manage to steer this boat clear off the cliffs and maelstroms..
Shoot less pics and think more.
That's good.
For me, shooting more is good... I've had my 20D for almost 2 years and still haven't passed the 10K mark! Since I came from shooting film, sometimes I think too much. :
I actually like the variety... sometimes hard, sometimes easy.
For me, shooting more is good... I've had my 20D for almost 2 years and still haven't passed the 10K mark! Since I came from shooting film, sometimes I think too much. :
I actually like the variety... sometimes hard, sometimes easy.
Does 10K mark means 10.000 shots ?!
My 20 D has shot only about 2.500 shots.
Yep, I think I'm around 8500 shots, and I've had the 20D since October 2004.
I had my 30D since April 2006 and by now I probably got about 6K on it (well, smugmug shootout was a huge help:-)
My 20D lasted for about 6 months before being traded in and got me about 9K, methinks.
Does not say anything about the quality, though, of course
I had my 30D since April 2006 and by now I probably got about 6K on it (well, smugmug shootout was a huge help:-)
My 20D lasted for about 6 months before being traded in and got me about 9K, methinks.
Does not say anything about the quality, though, of course
I wonder how do you manage all those files ?
I mean, you nead time to treat them ...
I am much slower...
In Setubal I don't feel like shooting ...
C'est du déjà vu.
(No, not Stephen Steel, Gram Nash and Neil Young album) Gosh. I'm old. :
Abroad YES.
I have another project but I will not say about it yet.
Only when I'll have some pics.
I wonder how do you manage all those files ?
I mean, you need time to treat them ...
Well, it's different each time.
If it's a pro bono, high school game shooting - I just quickly go over, removed OOFs, adjust one or two close-ups (all in ACR), apply copyright and keywords, run Image Processor, launch S*E - and I'm done:-)
If it's a small batch, like from the Wildwood park walk or Huntington Library shoot - more or less the same, with a harder culling, more attention to fewer shots. 50% or more are loaded in CS2 and given some extra treatment.
And finally, there are things like Smugmug shootout... 3,500 pics in 10 days... I have only touched the surface of the tip of the iceberg thus far. Don't want to rush it, so I let them "lie down". They all go in front of my eyes as an endless slide-show on my spare PC at work, so IF I see some image that strikes me as a definite winner, AND I have some time at night, AND I'm in the mood - I may go to that folder and actually start culling and retouching, etc. Culling is very strict, each image is treated individually, things like that.
In Setubal I don't feel like shooting ...
C'est du déjà vu.
That's what our assignments are for:-).
They are supposed to force you to use your local resources, since no one obviously can go to Africa, or Asia, or DownUnder each week just for a couple of shots. Go and LOOK. Often your very own backyard can bring some cool shots, let alone the next street.
--juliejules Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
I like this One better, than my last One. I think it's more in keeping with the One theme. I hope Nikolai agrees!
It's a very good entry, IMHO!
It could have used some post (it's a bit too overexposed and a tad too flat - both to my personal taste), but other than that it's exactly what doctor ordered!
It's a very good entry, IMHO!
It could have used some post (it's a bit too overexposed and a tad too flat - both to my personal taste), but other than that it's exactly what doctor ordered!
Thanks! I agree that it could use more work in post. I did absolutely nothing in my haste to get it online. If I get time today, maybe I'll fiddle with it.
--juliejules Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
Is this better?
I fiddled with Curves. Did I overdo it?
--juliejules Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
--juliejules Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
One entrance to the city of Setúbal.
The sea was 10 meters away at the beginning of the last century.
This was an entrance for people. Grand mother told me.
Is this good for One ?
One entrance to the city of Setúbal.
The sea was 10 meters away at the beginning of the last century.
This was an entrance for people. Grand mother told me.
Is this good for One ?
It's not crying "one", imho, but since the challenge turned out to be way harder that we all expected, I'm willing to give us a slack
To ultimately fit the "one" idea I could have imagined a long tall city wall going from here to infinity with a single door in it.
But.. what the heck, it's Friday!
It's not crying "one", imho, but since the challenge turned out to be way harder that we all expected, I'm willing to give us a slack
To ultimately fit the "one" idea I could have imagined a long tall city wall going from here to infinity with a single door in it.
But.. what the heck, it's Friday!
You are the teacher. You have assumed such a position and I accept that.
But let me tell you something:
The concept of ONE like any other is subjected to criterias.
The criterias must have latitudes.
Have to be limited from one side and from the other.
Like for example comunism and fascism: 2 extremes.
The middle: democracy in its multiple variations, some to the right, some to the left.
This sentences have something to do with the posts of the other day and your comment of course ...
Well.... Have a nice week end.
And ... as usual: what ? what ?...
Yes !!
New Rule (I miss Real Time With Bill Maher): No comments without an entry!
Cheers, mate!
it depends where you are...
me & skip...max temp for today 19C (66F)
gus....max temp for today 24C (75F)
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
These were all taken with my 14- 40 and hand held. Your thoughts?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
It's weird how the white ballance on a $1 bill changes with the distance.. Did you shoot JPEG?
I don't know which version of an I I like the most...:): I guess, my question would be - can you zoom to an iris only?
Nikolai- yes I shot in JPEG. The change of color on the $1 bill has some to do with the lighting- incandescent- and some ajustments in iphoto (contrast-exposure-and sharpen).
I couldn't get any closer on the eye- had to crop in to get the result. I can try again with another test subject though and shoot in manual.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
But then I realized I don't know how to crop different shots at the exact location.
The proposal would have no impact any other way.
Instead I post here in small size what was to be the proposal.
The idea was one life, one flame, one person, one candle, one fire, one ... one ...
My proposal is
I have another which I really don't like much but I dicided to post anyway.
The advantage of the US$ is that 1 unit is a note bank and it is good to tip the porters when you are abroad in Africa, Asia ...
All fresh photos from today.
Good ones :-)
I'm not actually a fan of selective color... but the grass was green, and the ball is green, so I tried it out. It accentuates the one-ness of the ball to me.
NOTE: The first one is *not* selectively colored. It was just a grey background.
I agree, and I realized that myself, only too late...
I was shooting for something easy - and it turned out to be rather difficult..
Breaking the rules, amigo :-) I agree that it "accentuates the one-ness", but the deal was "moderate PS only"
Oh well... With my own fault of making this much harder that I hoped for, I guess we can let this one slide :-)
Thanks for your entries!
I think the assignment is rather difficult indeed.
But this is part of the game and this is really good because it makes us to improve, think, innovate.
For example: about that challenge turbulance, contrast.
It's too easy. One can see so many participants because it's easy ...
I even won the challenge turbulance !!
Here it is different. Well, I think it is !
Nikolai: I sugest you keep the difficulties hight.
Assignments with moderate to hight degree of dificulty.
You are the teacher you say what but this is my opinion.
I agree with Antonio. Keep it difficult and different from the challenges. This is for learning and expanding our skills anyways right?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I like the challenge, but I shoot more pictures when it's easier.
Shoot less pics and think more.
That's good.
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
I think we need to try to mix and match. There is a fine line between "difficult and challenging, but within my grasp, I want a shot at that" and "well, it's too hard, I'm not gonna do it". There will be glitches and blunders, but I hope together we'll manage to steer this boat clear off the cliffs and maelstroms..
For me, shooting more is good... I've had my 20D for almost 2 years and still haven't passed the 10K mark!
I actually like the variety... sometimes hard, sometimes easy.
Does 10K mark means 10.000 shots ?!
My 20 D has shot only about 2.500 shots.
Yep, I think I'm around 8500 shots, and I've had the 20D since October 2004.
I had my 30D since April 2006 and by now I probably got about 6K on it (well, smugmug shootout was a huge help:-)
My 20D lasted for about 6 months before being traded in and got me about 9K, methinks.
Does not say anything about the quality, though, of course
I wonder how do you manage all those files ?
I mean, you nead time to treat them ...
I am much slower...
In Setubal I don't feel like shooting ...
C'est du déjà vu.
(No, not Stephen Steel, Gram Nash and Neil Young album) Gosh. I'm old.
Abroad YES.
I have another project but I will not say about it yet.
Only when I'll have some pics.
Well, it's different each time.
If it's a pro bono, high school game shooting - I just quickly go over, removed OOFs, adjust one or two close-ups (all in ACR), apply copyright and keywords, run Image Processor, launch S*E - and I'm done:-)
If it's a small batch, like from the Wildwood park walk or Huntington Library shoot - more or less the same, with a harder culling, more attention to fewer shots. 50% or more are loaded in CS2 and given some extra treatment.
And finally, there are things like Smugmug shootout... 3,500 pics in 10 days... I have only touched the surface of the tip of the iceberg thus far. Don't want to rush it, so I let them "lie down". They all go in front of my eyes as an endless slide-show on my spare PC at work, so IF I see some image that strikes me as a definite winner, AND I have some time at night, AND I'm in the mood - I may go to that folder and actually start culling and retouching, etc. Culling is very strict, each image is treated individually, things like that.
That's what our assignments are for:-).
They are supposed to force you to use your local resources, since no one obviously can go to Africa, or Asia, or DownUnder each week just for a couple of shots. Go and LOOK. Often your very own backyard can bring some cool shots, let alone the next street.
I like this One better, than my last One. I think it's more in keeping with the One theme. I hope Nikolai agrees!
Edit: added link to exif
Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
It's a very good entry, IMHO!
It could have used some post (it's a bit too overexposed and a tad too flat - both to my personal taste), but other than that it's exactly what doctor ordered!
Thanks! I agree that it could use more work in post. I did absolutely nothing in my haste to get it online. If I get time today, maybe I'll fiddle with it.
Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
Docks At Night, sephia/blue toning.
Thanks for the entry, Doug!
I fiddled with Curves. Did I overdo it?
Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
Canon 70D, Canon EF 24-105mm F4L IS, Canon EF 16-35mm F2.8L, Canon EF 70-200mm F2.8L IS USM, Canon Ext 1.4x II, SpeedLite 430EX
One entrance to the city of Setúbal.
The sea was 10 meters away at the beginning of the last century.
This was an entrance for people. Grand mother told me.
Is this good for One ?
It's not crying "one", imho, but since the challenge turned out to be way harder that we all expected, I'm willing to give us a slack
To ultimately fit the "one" idea I could have imagined a long tall city wall going from here to infinity with a single door in it.
But.. what the heck, it's Friday!
You are the teacher. You have assumed such a position and I accept that.
But let me tell you something:
The concept of ONE like any other is subjected to criterias.
The criterias must have latitudes.
Have to be limited from one side and from the other.
Like for example comunism and fascism: 2 extremes.
The middle: democracy in its multiple variations, some to the right, some to the left.
This sentences have something to do with the posts of the other day and your comment of course ...
Well.... Have a nice week end.
And ... as usual: what ? what ?...
Yes !!