Is there any access to Pricing info via the API? Any hope of getting this in S*E? The web interface for changing multiple albums at once is sorely lacking (unless you want to set the price the same for everything at once; I've got just subsets to change).
Unfortunately, no pricing/shopping cart API is currently availalbe for the production API, and I'm not aware of any plans.
Using hacking approach, while possible, is very tedious, unreliable and really closes the gap between "creatinve brosing" and the actual hacking fast.
In the mean time I'd suggest to use pricing templates. I used them many times, they work rather nicely.
Cannot create Cat/Subcat
Your application is great! I am in the middle of uploading my 50k photos when I found your software, needless to say, it saves me SO much time.
But I am having trouble creating a Cat or Subcat. Nothing happens when I click on those functions. For example, I will be at Categories with Album tab, I right click on my smugmug website, then choose Create Categories. What am I missing?
Your application is great! I am in the middle of uploading my 50k photos when I found your software, needless to say, it saves me SO much time.
But I am having trouble creating a Cat or Subcat. Nothing happens when I click on those functions. For example, I will be at Categories with Album tab, I right click on my smugmug website, then choose Create Categories. What am I missing?
As to the creating Cats/Subs: please make sure you
a) have proper smugmug subsctiption (i.e. can do it via Web UI)
b) in your S*E account settings (Alt+F11) you select Professional subscription level (otherwise those are disabled AFAIK). You may need to restart the app for settings to come into play.
If you have any other questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
glad that you're still around. I've somehow missed your S*E releases and posts in the SM API board!!
I guess it's related to the fact that Don hasn't released any new API stuff for quite a long time ago. He's even more busy than ever these days I guess.
Whatever - hope you're alright!
Have a great weekend too,
PS: You might want to delete all of the few comments you got on your blog as they're all spam.
glad that you're still around. I've somehow missed your S*E releases and posts in the SM API board!!
I guess it's related to the fact that Don hasn't released any new API stuff for quite a long time ago. He's even more busy than ever these days I guess.
Whatever - hope you're alright!
Have a great weekend too,
PS: You might want to delete all of the few comments you got on your blog as they're all spam.
Thank for checking on me!:-)
Yeah, both me and S*E are still around:-) I'm adding features, S*E helps others. I've been a bit slow with development lately: work, taxes, family, other stuff. But I hope I can back to it now, so expcet some new nice things soon:-)
And thanks for the blog reminder, I need to clear that spam...
As to the creating Cats/Subs: please make sure you
a) have proper smugmug subsctiption (i.e. can do it via Web UI)
b) in your S*E account settings (Alt+F11) you select Professional subscription level (otherwise those are disabled AFAIK). You may need to restart the app for settings to come into play.
If you have any other questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Nik,
No luck. I have the proper account settings, but when i choose Create Cat, nothing happens. It has happened before, and last time, a reboot did the trick. But not this time.
Hi Nik,
No luck. I have the proper account settings, but when i choose Create Cat, nothing happens. It has happened before, and last time, a reboot did the trick. But not this time.
Hmm, strange.
Let's switch to email, shall we?
In the mean time, go to Preferences, Log & Terminal panel, activate everything you can, hit OK, try to create Cat and then see the log of your attempts, it may shed some light...
Hmm, strange.
Let's switch to email, shall we?
In the mean time, go to Preferences, Log & Terminal panel, activate everything you can, hit OK, try to create Cat and then see the log of your attempts, it may shed some light...
Thanks Nic,
I will email you.
Just to specify, this function is what I am having difficulty with.
i will email you.
This function (autocreate albums) does not create categories or subs. It assumes you already got them right.
Anyway, I'm standing by for your email!
I sent you an email already.
Is there a function that will autocreate SubCat and Albums?
I am SURE it worked before. I am actually uploading over 30k photos over another connection that did just that. And the subcat and albums are all being created...
S*E v.140: now with the Image Download!
New version has been uploaded. It features some cosmetics, minor improvements, improved upload stability, and ... (drum roll)
Image Download!
This latest feature is fully available for Pro edition license holders. Power users would be able to download one album at a time. Not available in Standard edition, sorry.
Detailed, but hopefully clear dialog allows you to specify the set of image sizes (from tiny to originals) and target file name template (so you can construct unique file names from image id, caption, etc.):
Known issues: at this phase of development I was not able to resolve the issue of downloading Originals (or Larges) IF they are disabled in the gallery properties. Download would simply bring smaller versions. However, the gallery itself can be password protected or even hidden - S*E would still get your stuff right down. In any case I hope to work with Smugmug to resolve this issue (if possible).
Also, movies may not necessarily be handled well. I do not have many, so didn't spend time on that side. I may take a look in the future, especially if it becomes an issue for many of my users.
As always, try it small before deciding to download 100Gb of pictures. And of course, make sure you have HDD large enough and it's not write-protected:-)
I need some assistance with SE and loading GEO tagged photos to SE.
I took my setup out for a test drive today.
After loading the photos to SM using SE. I find that my photos are mapped 180 degrees on the other side of the globe.
I checked and the camera is recording the Northing and Westing information on the camera. The EXIF data is displaying correctly when I view it in Adobe Bridge. But, when I view it in SM's edit geo tool, the '-' indicating westing is not there. It appears to have been lost somewhere along the way. I tried loading the same photos usig the SM Universal Loader and the photos are appearing in their correct location. So it appears that SE is not passing the information to SM correctly.
Can you take a look at this and maybe see if any others are having similar problems. Once again, thank you for an excellent product.
I have photos available that you can test with and check if you need them.
I need some assistance with SE and loading GEO tagged photos to SE.
Honest to God, I (I mean, S*E :-) do not touch the EXIF, let alone its GEO part.
The only way S*E *may* modify the file at all before the upload is when it automatically converts "other" file formats (like TIFF) to JPEGs. However, even in this case I don't have much to do with the conversion: I only make an appropriate call to Windows GDI+ API. From what I understand, it should not change the EXIF either.
As to the upload process, I simply issue a POST command according to SM specs, with the filename being one of the parameters. I mean, I load the file as a stream into the memory and such, but no mangling whatsoever. Whatever happens after that is purely and solemnly server business, I have not even a brink of an access to that..
Not sure if it helped, but that's all I can say on the matter.
Thought you forgot about it the last time I commented on it. I didn't knew they were new, because there's only time displayed.
They're definately a pain in the neck - I also get a couple per day on my sleeping blog.
Guess the captcha stuff is one of the few 'solutions' for this, but it also keeps away people using braille to surf the web. (shouldn't be much of an issue for smugmug as an photo sharing site though)
one small improvement would be much appreciated. My uploads tend to be slow and occasstionally drops with one of those eidsocketerror #0 errors. and I would need me to clean out some files and re-upload. and occasionally I would have to shutdown S*E in the midst of an upload and actually do some work...
but when I restart S*E, I would have to reload the files into it with the appropriate albums and etc which takes a bit of time.
Would you be able to add the ability to save the current file list? so that I can just open an upload queue list when I restart S*E?
one small improvement would be much appreciated. My uploads tend to be slow and occasstionally drops with one of those eidsocketerror #0 errors. and I would need me to clean out some files and re-upload. and occasionally I would have to shutdown S*E in the midst of an upload and actually do some work...
but when I restart S*E, I would have to reload the files into it with the appropriate albums and etc which takes a bit of time.
Would you be able to add the ability to save the current file list? so that I can just open an upload queue list when I restart S*E?
S*E: new version 144 uploaded
New version of Star*Explorer features, apart from minor fixes, a brand new persistent upload queue.
Once the upload is initiated the queue is stored on the HDD, thus protecting user from such major problems as power failures, ISP service interruptions, etc. All you need to do in such case is to launch S*E again, and your "leftovers" will appear in the upload queue in exactly same way they were there.
From now on you don't have to be afraid of large elaborate upload batches
Saving upload queue "at will" is not currently feasible. It is only saved (automatically) when the upload is fully configured and initiated.
Due to its highly volatile nature, the on-disk queue is often cleared as the app deem fit. Its sole purpose is to provide a defence against the abnormal upload process problems, not to be a picture manager.
New version of Star*Explorer features, apart from minor fixes, a brand new persistent upload queue.
Sounds great even though I haven't missed this feature much yet as my uploads are structured relatively easy in combination with my image database in IMatch, which provides me with the upload queue.
The result list after uploading looks like a really neat feature especially when posting a lot of screenshots for various I don't have to open the gallery (which is fortunately very easy with S*E) and rightclick the picture I want to get the URL anymore!
Thanks a lot! Wish you a happy Easter Monday if you've got this holiday in the states,
Sounds great even though I haven't missed this feature much yet as my uploads are structured relatively easy in combination with my image database in IMatch, which provides me with the upload queue.
The result list after uploading looks like a really neat feature especially when posting a lot of screenshots for various I don't have to open the gallery (which is fortunately very easy with S*E) and rightclick the picture I want to get the URL anymore!
Thanks a lot! Wish you a happy Easter Monday if you've got this holiday in the states,
The persistent queue was in fact my *oldest* todo item in the list - finally I got the time to implement it:-)
The list of URLs - yeah, same here, got tired of going back and forth and adding IMG tags :-)
Can't recall ever having used the "Send To" option, but thanks for the fix.
You should try it, it's pretty cool. You need to activate it first (from S*E Options), but after that ..:-)
Select some files from plain vanilla windows explorer, right mouse click, choose Send To.. menu, seelct Smugmug (via SE) - and it will use existing instance of S*E, or will launch S*E automatically..
Unfortunately, no pricing/shopping cart API is currently availalbe for the production API, and I'm not aware of any plans.
Using hacking approach, while possible, is very tedious, unreliable and really closes the gap between "creatinve brosing" and the actual hacking fast.
In the mean time I'd suggest to use pricing templates. I used them many times, they work rather nicely.
Thank you for using S*E!
Your application is great! I am in the middle of uploading my 50k photos when I found your software, needless to say, it saves me SO much time.
But I am having trouble creating a Cat or Subcat. Nothing happens when I click on those functions. For example, I will be at Categories with Album tab, I right click on my smugmug website, then choose Create Categories. What am I missing?
First of all - thank you for using Star*Explorer!
As to the creating Cats/Subs: please make sure you
a) have proper smugmug subsctiption (i.e. can do it via Web UI)
b) in your S*E account settings (Alt+F11) you select Professional subscription level (otherwise those are disabled AFAIK). You may need to restart the app for settings to come into play.
If you have any other questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Have a great weekend!
glad that you're still around. I've somehow missed your S*E releases and posts in the SM API board!!
I guess it's related to the fact that Don hasn't released any new API stuff for quite a long time ago. He's even more busy than ever these days I guess.
Whatever - hope you're alright!
Have a great weekend too,
PS: You might want to delete all of the few comments you got on your blog as they're all spam.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thank for checking on me!:-)
Yeah, both me and S*E are still around:-) I'm adding features, S*E helps others. I've been a bit slow with development lately: work, taxes, family, other stuff. But I hope I can back to it now, so expcet some new nice things soon:-)
And thanks for the blog reminder, I need to clear that spam...
Hi Nik,
No luck. I have the proper account settings, but when i choose Create Cat, nothing happens. It has happened before, and last time, a reboot did the trick. But not this time.
Hmm, strange.
Let's switch to email, shall we?
In the mean time, go to Preferences, Log & Terminal panel, activate everything you can, hit OK, try to create Cat and then see the log of your attempts, it may shed some light...
Thanks Nic,
I will email you.
Just to specify, this function is what I am having difficulty with.
i will email you.
This function (autocreate albums) does not create categories or subs. It assumes you already got them right.
Anyway, I'm standing by for your email!
I sent you an email already.
Is there a function that will autocreate SubCat and Albums?
I am SURE it worked before. I am actually uploading over 30k photos over another connection that did just that. And the subcat and albums are all being created...
New version has been uploaded. It features some cosmetics, minor improvements, improved upload stability, and ... (drum roll)
Image Download!
This latest feature is fully available for Pro edition license holders. Power users would be able to download one album at a time. Not available in Standard edition, sorry.
Detailed, but hopefully clear dialog allows you to specify the set of image sizes (from tiny to originals) and target file name template (so you can construct unique file names from image id, caption, etc.):
Known issues: at this phase of development I was not able to resolve the issue of downloading Originals (or Larges) IF they are disabled in the gallery properties. Download would simply bring smaller versions. However, the gallery itself can be password protected or even hidden - S*E would still get your stuff right down. In any case I hope to work with Smugmug to resolve this issue (if possible).
Also, movies may not necessarily be handled well. I do not have many, so didn't spend time on that side. I may take a look in the future, especially if it becomes an issue for many of my users.
As always, try it small before deciding to download 100Gb of pictures. And of course, make sure you have HDD large enough and it's not write-protected:-)
Hope you like the new version!
Questions and comments:
Welcome to S*E Club!
Next thing you know you'll be uploading them by hundreds and Gbs..:):
Thank you for using Star*Explorer!
I need some assistance with SE and loading GEO tagged photos to SE.
I took my setup out for a test drive today.
After loading the photos to SM using SE. I find that my photos are mapped 180 degrees on the other side of the globe.
I checked and the camera is recording the Northing and Westing information on the camera. The EXIF data is displaying correctly when I view it in Adobe Bridge. But, when I view it in SM's edit geo tool, the '-' indicating westing is not there. It appears to have been lost somewhere along the way. I tried loading the same photos usig the SM Universal Loader and the photos are appearing in their correct location. So it appears that SE is not passing the information to SM correctly.
Can you take a look at this and maybe see if any others are having similar problems. Once again, thank you for an excellent product.
I have photos available that you can test with and check if you need them.
Honest to God, I (I mean, S*E :-) do not touch the EXIF, let alone its GEO part.
The only way S*E *may* modify the file at all before the upload is when it automatically converts "other" file formats (like TIFF) to JPEGs. However, even in this case I don't have much to do with the conversion: I only make an appropriate call to Windows GDI+ API. From what I understand, it should not change the EXIF either.
As to the upload process, I simply issue a POST command according to SM specs, with the filename being one of the parameters. I mean, I load the file as a stream into the memory and such, but no mangling whatsoever. Whatever happens after that is purely and solemnly server business, I have not even a brink of an access to that..
Not sure if it helped, but that's all I can say on the matter.
I understand what you are saying. I just need to figure out what is happening to that - sign.
Edit: It does appear to be on the server side. Weird.
Will check it out later this week - I'm a bit busy and tired right now and again some days behind in uploading my daily photos...
SmugMug Support Hero
If I manage to make S*E better for you, it goes for everyone:-):):
No rush in checking, thank you for those reports and suggestions!
SmugMug Support Hero
I'm tired of cleaning them up..
They're definately a pain in the neck - I also get a couple per day on my sleeping blog.
Guess the captcha stuff is one of the few 'solutions' for this, but it also keeps away people using braille to surf the web. (shouldn't be much of an issue for smugmug as an photo sharing site though)
SmugMug Support Hero
one small improvement would be much appreciated. My uploads tend to be slow and occasstionally drops with one of those eidsocketerror #0 errors. and I would need me to clean out some files and re-upload. and occasionally I would have to shutdown S*E in the midst of an upload and actually do some work...
but when I restart S*E, I would have to reload the files into it with the appropriate albums and etc which takes a bit of time.
Would you be able to add the ability to save the current file list? so that I can just open an upload queue list when I restart S*E?
much appreciated!
Thank you for trying S*E!
I will look into this some time soon:-)
New version of Star*Explorer features, apart from minor fixes, a brand new persistent upload queue.
Once the upload is initiated the queue is stored on the HDD, thus protecting user from such major problems as power failures, ISP service interruptions, etc. All you need to do in such case is to launch S*E again, and your "leftovers" will appear in the upload queue in exactly same way they were there.
From now on you don't have to be afraid of large elaborate upload batches
- Saving upload queue "at will" is not currently feasible. It is only saved (automatically) when the upload is fully configured and initiated.
- Due to its highly volatile nature, the on-disk queue is often cleared as the app deem fit. Its sole purpose is to provide a defence against the abnormal upload process problems, not to be a picture manager.
Hope you guys like it!:):The result list after uploading looks like a really neat feature especially when posting a lot of screenshots for various I don't have to open the gallery (which is fortunately very easy with S*E) and rightclick the picture I want to get the URL anymore!
Thanks a lot! Wish you a happy Easter Monday if you've got this holiday in the states,
SmugMug Support Hero
The persistent queue was in fact my *oldest* todo item in the list - finally I got the time to implement it:-)
The list of URLs - yeah, same here, got tired of going back and forth and adding IMG tags :-)
Glad you like it!
Previous build (persistent queue) broke the "Send To" functionality. Restored.
Guess not many people is using it, since I didn't receive any complains
SmugMug Support Hero
You should try it, it's pretty cool. You need to activate it first (from S*E Options), but after that ..:-)
Select some files from plain vanilla windows explorer, right mouse click, choose Send To.. menu, seelct Smugmug (via SE) - and it will use existing instance of S*E, or will launch S*E automatically..
Thanks for checking..