Thanks for the detailed explanation. Haven't thought about it in detail and also forgot the moving thing.
Let's see what you can get out of your speed optimizations - maybe it'll then only take half of the time to fetch all image data.
Half of time - I wish..:uhoh I'hoping to get 10-15%, if I'm lucky
Again the first one to comment on!
Looks good so far even though it's been the dl bandwidth cap which will be become more important in the future and just some minor fixes I really appreciate the hard work you put in it.
Looking forward to the next release - till then simply enjoy the program folks!
Something is not right with the newest version 132. After finishing an upload the statusbar always looks like this:
As if it's not yet finished. Also the bar flickers as it is updated all the time, I guess that's why S*E pulls 100% CPU in my taskmanager all the time.
Happens after each upload - just tried a tiny gif file after restarting it - the same and the log doesn't show anything unusual even with all logging options turned on. Just 'Finished upload'.
This doesn't apply for getting image infos from the SM server.
Again the first one to comment on!
Looks good so far even though it's been the dl bandwidth cap which will be become more important in the future and just some minor fixes I really appreciate the hard work you put in it.
Looking forward to the next release - till then simply enjoy the program folks!
That's why it's so great to have development/qa teams spread across the globe: I wake up - and there is a bug report; you wake up - and there is a fix:-)
That's why it's so great to have development/qa teams spread across the globe: I wake up - and there is a bug report; you wake up - and there is a fix:-)
S*E: new version 133 uploaded!
Fixes and improvements:
Sebastian reported an issue with "empty" captions (consisting of spaces). Fixed
Sebastian reported an issue with flickering status bar. Fixed.
If S*E is minimized during the image info download, it can optionally restore itself at the end (same Option as with the upload)
Added the rest of the fields to the image info: positions, dates, etc., all except md5 and trivial URLs (the first has no practical value IMHO, all the latter are easily constructed from image id - but they all would take a lot of space)
I have just installed the trial version of S*E, which I'm sure will be an invaluable application for uploading large numbers of photos. Thank you for taking the time to create such a program.
My first task was to create a new gallery, and I noticed the following:
1. The Appearance Option did not set properly when "custom" is selected
2. Keywords set in S*E did not transfer at all (I did have some quotation marks around multiple words)
3. Geography, Hide Owner and Default Color options are not available in S*E
Thanks again for an excellent and well supported application!
I have just installed the trial version of S*E, which I'm sure will be an invaluable application for uploading large numbers of photos. Thank you for taking the time to create such a program.
Thank you very much for trying S*E, I'm positive you'll like it:-)
My first task was to create a new gallery, and I noticed the following:
1. The Appearance Option did not set properly when "custom" is selected
Appearance? I don't recall S*E having an option named like that Can you please provide more info?
2. Keywords set in S*E did not transfer at all (I did have some quotation marks around multiple words)
Hm-m You're talking about album keywords, not images keywords, right? I'm using this feature all the time and it's been working fine, and I never heard from anybody that it was not working... Can you please double check, and, if it is still happening, give me a specific example of the keywords string you used? Thank you!
3. Geography, Hide Owner and Default Color options are not available in S*E
AFAIK, those fields are not supported but the official production API calls, hence - . They have been introduced AFTER the production API was released. S*E uses API (for most cases), hence it can only be as good as the API allows.
Thanks again for an excellent and well supported application!
Thank you for your comments!
I hope all the issues above will be resolved in no time to your satisfaction:-)
Something is not right with the newest version 132. After finishing an upload the statusbar always looks like this:
As if it's not yet finished. Also the bar flickers as it is updated all the time, I guess that's why S*E pulls 100% CPU in my taskmanager all the time.
Happens after each upload - just tried a tiny gif file after restarting it - the same and the log doesn't show anything unusual even with all logging options turned on. Just 'Finished upload'.
This doesn't apply for getting image infos from the SM server.
Hope you can nail the problem,
Just to have a "confirmed hit" in the "official" thread:):
Appearance? I don't recall S*E having an option named like that Can you please provide more info?
I have one theme in my account named 'Fall' and this is the one automaticly gets chosen everytime I create a new album instead of the default setting. I guess this is also what HDVideo was referring too. Forgot to mention it all the time.
I have one theme in my account named 'Fall' and this is the one automaticly gets chosen everytime I create a new album instead of the default setting. I guess this is also what HDVideo was referring too. Forgot to mention it all the time.
but just in case: In Album settings dialog the check-boxes on the right implement not boolean, binary logic (Set Vs. Clear), but rather "ternary" one: Set Vs. Clear Vs Gray. "Gray" means "default", i.e. whatever your theme, or your account or SM server in general would decide to do.
but just in case: In Album settings dialog the check-boxes on the right implement not boolean, binary logic (Set Vs. Clear), but rather "ternary" one: Set Vs. Clear Vs Gray. "Gray" means "default", i.e. whatever your theme, or your account or SM server in general would decide to do.
I tried it and set all settings to default like this. It still resulted in selecting the 'Fall' theme as standard.
This is how my theme list looks like:
The full log contained also no helpfull info, but I can send it to you if it's any help.
I tried it and set all settings to default like this. It still resulted in selecting the 'Fall' theme as standard.
This is how my theme list looks like:
The full log contained also no helpful info, but I can send it to you if it's any help.
Sebastian, thank you so much for the clarification!
As Andy keeps saying, "one picture worth.." (you know:-)
Well, this is exactly the first part of the problem: the "Fall" theme is the first one in your list, therefore - I think - it is being applied. Interesting fact - I don't have this theme in my list, my top one is "default".
The second part of the problem lies in the fact that the corresponding API for album creation does not support this parameter at all. Henceforth S*E, as any other API-abiding app, has zero control over this particular feature
I guess that is pretty much it. Until the underlying API is enhanced, no 3d party app (except those that would hack via UI, which is tedious and highly error-prone way, to say the least, I don't know any one performing this task this way) is able to control the theme during the album creation process.
Sebastian, thank you so much for the clarification!
As Andy keeps saying, "one picture worth.." (you know:-)
Well, this is exactly the first part of the problem: the "Fall" theme is the first one in your list, therefore - I think - it is being applied. Interesting fact - I don't have this theme in my list, my top one is "default".
You don't have this, because this is one I created on my own - also currently working on it for possible deployment in smugmug in a far, far away future. I hope I can manage it much earlier, but we'll see.
My guess is that all themes you created on your own are placed in front of the list - nothing else could explain the odd sorting otherwise. Okay, the themes are all sorted in odd ways following no visible rule except the date of deployment.
You don't have this, because this is one I created on my own - also currently working on it for possible deployment in smugmug in a far, far away future. I hope I can manage it much earlier, but we'll see.
My guess is that all themes you created on your own are placed in front of the list - nothing else could explain the odd sorting otherwise. Okay, the themes are all sorted in odd ways following no visible rule except the date of deployment.
At any rate, this issue is beyond my (or S*E) grasp, so forth we simply have to live with it.. (that is, until the API in question is extended to control themes, too :-)
S*E: new version 134 uploaded!
I just realized that Filmstrip in not a hack anymore, so I hurried up and added support for it (and also Smugmug Small) in Album Creation.
Appearance? I don't recall S*E having an option named like that Can you please provide more info?
In the S*E album settings you have the option "Display Custom Header" which I assumed corresponded to the SM gallery option "Appearance", since no other SM option seemed to fit. Checking "Display Custom Header" does not set the SM option "Appearance" to "custom", as I expected that it would.
Hm-m You're talking about album keywords, not images keywords, right? I'm using this feature all the time and it's been working fine, and I never heard from anybody that it was not working... Can you please double check, and, if it is still happening, give me a specific example of the keywords string you used? Thank you!
Yes, I was referring to album keywords. I did another test this morning and if no quotation marks are used, the words transfer OK. Anything following the first quote is discarded. I think using quotes around groups of words in SM gallery customization behaves the same way, although it *does* work when assigning image keywords. What is the proper way to insert "Las Cruces" for example, so that it does not receive a hit only on the word "Las"?
AFAIK, those fields are not supported but the official production API calls, hence - . They have been introduced AFTER the production API was released. S*E uses API (for most cases), hence it can only be as good as the API allows.
Thank you for your comments!
I hope all the issues above will be resolved in no time to your satisfaction:-)
I look forward to using your program and since I shot just over 1000 photos yesterday, it will certainly be put to the test soon. Thank you for the prompt response!
You have found a bug (with the quoted keywords). Didn't happen for a while...:):
At this point I can't tell you whose bug it is (may be mine, may be not), but I would most likely know by the end of today. And if it's mine - it will be fixed today, too:-), so watch the version number:-)
I'll double check the "display custom header/appearance" issue. At this point I can only tell that this API feature would work only for power/pro SM accounts, so unless you have one - it would not work . You can adjust S*E account settings to match your actual SM account ones, so at least S*E would tell you which options you can and cannot use.
I look forward to using your program and since I shot just over 1000 photos yesterday, it will certainly be put to the test soon. Thank you for the prompt response!
Thank you for trying S*E and for the great feedback!
I should honestly that I have no idea what controls the "Appearance" feature, let alone there are TWO of them, which even internally do not necessarily match.
All I can say at this point is that API has Boolean "Header" parameter (dubbed as "Display Custom Header"), which, according to the docs, should work only for power and pro SM accounts.
No Appearance parameter or anything resembling it whatsoever
Unless Don or some other more knowledgeable people pitch in, I'd say we have to live with the status quo. Hope it's not a show stopper for you
Yes, I was referring to album keywords. I did another test this morning and if no quotation marks are used, the words transfer OK. Anything following the first quote is discarded. I think using quotes around groups of words in SM gallery customization behaves the same way, although it *does* work when assigning image keywords. What is the proper way to insert "Las Cruces" for example, so that it does not receive a hit only on the word "Las"?
it's something either on a server or in the documentation.
I submitted an issue to the bugs thread. Can't really do much myself until I hear back, sorry
Dgrin made something that I've not seen this thread yet. Was just having a look at the S*E site for the fun of seeing the latest regristration figures as I've read your statement of 200+ in another thread - instead I see the new release that almost passed without my recognition.
Seeing the history makes me not wanting to touched the holy grail of windows by taking over the ctrl-esc hotkey!:yikes Remember not everybody has a keyboard with the winkey to access the start-button without the mouse and even worse, not everybody has this key enabled (one can disable it preventing accidently hitting it and still using the combinations like winkey+e)! How dare you?
Also this is the only way one can bring up the taskbar while using VNC or other remote control programs which may not recognize winkey's at all.
Make it go away - this shortcut mustn't be touched by anyone!! :gun2
I'm lying in shame and dirt and covering my head with dust and ashes.
I do deserve to be severely punished:whip
How stupid can one man be? My only excuse is that we had a nice, long Friday night beer party.
OK, here's the deal - there was no shortcut before anyway. Windows intercepts it first anyway, so no harm done. I'll remove it now, so it will come out with whatever next update I deem to upload. In the mean time use main menu Process|Cancel or secondary toolbar cancel button (the one with Red Light on it).
Thank you for catching that, and watching my back in general!
Glad you enjoyed your Friday night beer party! Plus - just admit it that this was only a test if I'm actually still paying attention to what you're doing around here.
I never missed a hotkey for that - why would I want to stop the transfer anyways - never dared to cancel one as far as I remember - my PC is running as long as S*E's ready. So you might consider a feature to power it down after the task is complete. With full support for the various standby/hiberanation modes, of course.
Actually I haven't mangaged to keep a single hotkey for S*E in mind. I often switch between log and standard view, but still don't remember the hotkey for it.
.. than Filmstrip support will make you less angry, oh hawk-eyed one
Are you referring to the Filmstip thingie that keeps on crashing in one's IE a splitsecond after it has been set in motion? :bash Ok, sometimes it takes a couple of seconds...
The interesting part is that this has to been caused by one of the numerous hotfixes one has installed for IE6. A friend of one has a lot fewer hotfixes and it works fine for him...
Glad you enjoyed your Friday night beer party! Plus - just admit it that this was only a test if I'm actually still paying attention to what you're doing around here.
I always count that at least one person except me reads the History:-)
I never missed a hotkey for that - why would I want to stop the transfer anyways - never dared to cancel one as far as I remember - my PC is running as long as S*E's ready.
Transfer, yes, but now same action also controls image info download, and in the nearest future, it will be also controlling image download, so...who knows
So you might consider a feature to power it down after the task is complete. With full support for the various standby/hiberanation modes, of course.
Good idea , I was thinking of that myself, prolly will do some time soon!
Actually I haven't mangaged to keep a single hotkey for S*E in mind. I often switch between log and standard view, but still don't remember the hotkey for it.
You don't have to remember - they all in menus and button hints.
That one - Ctrl+T:D
And your'e correct - there's not much need for them anyway. F1 can be helpful, though:-)
Are you referring to the Filmstip thingie that keeps on crashing in one's IE a splitsecond after it has been set in motion? :bash Ok, sometimes it takes a couple of seconds...
The interesting part is that this has to been caused by one of the numerous hotfixes one has installed for IE6. A friend of one has a lot fewer hotfixes and it works fine for him...
Greetings from the one, :fish
Although I have al the latest updates on all my XPs and thus far this feature never crashed (finges crossed). The only thing that drives me nuts with it is the counter-intuitive arrows action...
Half of time - I wish..:uhoh I'hoping to get 10-15%, if I'm lucky
The issues that Sebastian pointed out are taken care of.
- Bandwidth control added to mass download actions, too
- Performance made slightly better
- Minor UI improvements
HTHLooks good so far even though it's been the dl bandwidth cap which will be become more important in the future and just some minor fixes I really appreciate the hard work you put in it.
Looking forward to the next release - till then simply enjoy the program folks!
SmugMug Support Hero
As if it's not yet finished. Also the bar flickers as it is updated all the time, I guess that's why S*E pulls 100% CPU in my taskmanager all the time.
Happens after each upload - just tried a tiny gif file after restarting it - the same and the log doesn't show anything unusual even with all logging options turned on. Just 'Finished upload'.
This doesn't apply for getting image infos from the SM server.
Hope you can nail the problem,
SmugMug Support Hero
I will check and hopefully fix it tonight!
That's why it's so great to have development/qa teams spread across the globe: I wake up - and there is a bug report; you wake up - and there is a fix:-)
SmugMug Support Hero
Fixes and improvements:
- Sebastian reported an issue with "empty" captions (consisting of spaces). Fixed
- Sebastian reported an issue with flickering status bar. Fixed.
- If S*E is minimized during the image info download, it can optionally restore itself at the end (same Option as with the upload)
- Added the rest of the fields to the image info: positions, dates, etc., all except md5 and trivial URLs (the first has no practical value IMHO, all the latter are easily constructed from image id - but they all would take a lot of space)
SmugMug Support Hero
My first task was to create a new gallery, and I noticed the following:
1. The Appearance Option did not set properly when "custom" is selected
2. Keywords set in S*E did not transfer at all (I did have some quotation marks around multiple words)
3. Geography, Hide Owner and Default Color options are not available in S*E
Thanks again for an excellent and well supported application!
High Desert Racing Photography
Thank you very much for trying S*E, I'm positive you'll like it:-)
Appearance? I don't recall S*E having an option named like that
Thank you for your comments!
I hope all the issues above will be resolved in no time to your satisfaction:-)
Just to have a "confirmed hit" in the "official" thread:):
SmugMug Support Hero
but just in case: In Album settings dialog the check-boxes on the right implement not boolean, binary logic (Set Vs. Clear), but rather "ternary" one: Set Vs. Clear Vs Gray. "Gray" means "default", i.e. whatever your theme, or your account or SM server in general would decide to do.
This is how my theme list looks like:
The full log contained also no helpfull info, but I can send it to you if it's any help.
SmugMug Support Hero
Sebastian, thank you so much for the clarification!
As Andy keeps saying, "one picture worth.." (you know:-)
Well, this is exactly the first part of the problem: the "Fall" theme is the first one in your list, therefore - I think - it is being applied. Interesting fact - I don't have this theme in my list, my top one is "default".
The second part of the problem lies in the fact that the corresponding API for album creation does not support this parameter at all. Henceforth S*E, as any other API-abiding app, has zero control over this particular feature
I guess that is pretty much it. Until the underlying API is enhanced, no 3d party app (except those that would hack via UI, which is tedious and highly error-prone way, to say the least, I don't know any one performing this task this way) is able to control the theme during the album creation process.
My guess is that all themes you created on your own are placed in front of the list - nothing else could explain the odd sorting otherwise. Okay, the themes are all sorted in odd ways following no visible rule except the date of deployment.
SmugMug Support Hero
At any rate, this issue is beyond my (or S*E) grasp, so forth we simply have to live with it..
I just realized that Filmstrip in not a hack anymore, so I hurried up and added support for it (and also Smugmug Small) in Album Creation.
Yes, I was referring to album keywords. I did another test this morning and if no quotation marks are used, the words transfer OK. Anything following the first quote is discarded. I think using quotes around groups of words in SM gallery customization behaves the same way, although it *does* work when assigning image keywords. What is the proper way to insert "Las Cruces" for example, so that it does not receive a hit only on the word "Las"?
Thanks for clearing that up.
I look forward to using your program and since I shot just over 1000 photos yesterday, it will certainly be put to the test soon. Thank you for the prompt response!
High Desert Racing Photography
You have found a bug (with the quoted keywords).
At this point I can't tell you whose bug it is (may be mine, may be not), but I would most likely know by the end of today. And if it's mine - it will be fixed today, too:-), so watch the version number:-)
I'll double check the "display custom header/appearance" issue. At this point I can only tell that this API feature would work only for power/pro SM accounts, so unless you have one - it would not work
Thank you for trying S*E and for the great feedback!
I should honestly that I have no idea what controls the "Appearance" feature, let alone there are TWO of them, which even internally do not necessarily match.
All I can say at this point is that API has Boolean "Header" parameter (dubbed as "Display Custom Header"), which, according to the docs, should work only for power and pro SM accounts.
No Appearance parameter or anything resembling it whatsoever
Unless Don or some other more knowledgeable people pitch in, I'd say we have to live with the status quo. Hope it's not a show stopper for you
I'm working on quoted keywords issue now.
it's something either on a server or in the documentation.
I submitted an issue to the bugs thread. Can't really do much myself until I hear back, sorry
Seeing the history makes me not wanting to touched the holy grail of windows by taking over the ctrl-esc hotkey!:yikes Remember not everybody has a keyboard with the winkey to access the start-button without the mouse and even worse, not everybody has this key enabled (one can disable it preventing accidently hitting it and still using the combinations like winkey+e)! How dare you?
Also this is the only way one can bring up the taskbar while using VNC or other remote control programs which may not recognize winkey's at all.
Make it go away - this shortcut mustn't be touched by anyone!! :gun2
Thanks from the one,
SmugMug Support Hero
You got me!
I'm lying in shame and dirt and covering my head with dust and ashes.
I do deserve to be severely punished:whip
How stupid can one man be? My only excuse is that we had a nice, long Friday night beer party.
OK, here's the deal - there was no shortcut before anyway. Windows intercepts it first anyway, so no harm done. I'll remove it now, so it will come out with whatever next update I deem to upload. In the mean time use main menu Process|Cancel or secondary toolbar cancel button (the one with Red Light on it).
Thank you for catching that, and watching my back in general!
.. than Filmstrip support will make you less angry, oh hawk-eyed one
I never missed a hotkey for that - why would I want to stop the transfer anyways - never dared to cancel one as far as I remember - my PC is running as long as S*E's ready. So you might consider a feature to power it down after the task is complete. With full support for the various standby/hiberanation modes, of course.
Actually I haven't mangaged to keep a single hotkey for S*E in mind.
SmugMug Support Hero
The interesting part is that this has to been caused by one of the numerous hotfixes one has installed for IE6. A friend of one has a lot fewer hotfixes and it works fine for him...
Greetings from the one, :fish
SmugMug Support Hero
I always count that at least one person except me reads the History:-)
Transfer, yes, but now same action also controls image info download, and in the nearest future, it will be also controlling image download, so...who knows
Good idea
You don't have to remember - they all in menus and button hints.
That one - Ctrl+T:D
And your'e correct - there's not much need for them anyway. F1 can be helpful, though:-)
Although I have al the latest updates on all my XPs and thus far this feature never crashed (finges crossed). The only thing that drives me nuts with it is the counter-intuitive arrows action...