Star*Explorer - Some questions / Is there any documentation?
Hi -
I have been working with StarExplorer trial version to see how it can help me keep my desktop and Smugmug files in sync. From what I can tell, this will be a definite timesaver.
However, I am doing alot of trial-and-error guessing what some of the features/functions are. I can't seem to find any documentation (am I looking in the wrong place?). I am a semi-hacker and can muddle throught it, but it sure would be nice if I could read something to help me understand how the app works.
Sorry, in advance, for being a bit long-winded with this on!
My scenario and questions are listed below.
Thanks much,
Tom K.
My scenario is:
a) This is a family photo album for my extended family (
b) I use Picasa locally and manage my photos on a 3-level subfolder hierarchy meant to carry through into Smugmug Category, Subcategory, and Gallery.
c) I will add photos on a regular basis, storing them into the appropriate local subfolder. I intend to use StarExplorer to upload them.
d) I may provide others with the ability to contribute via email directly into Smugmug. I will use Smugmug online to store such photos into the appropriate Category/Subcategory/Gallery. I want my StarExplorer process to bring these down into my local folders.
e) I hope to be able to make caption edits in both Picasa and SmugMug
f) I may rename some local files and move them around between local folders - but not have StarExplorer lose track of them.
g) Important: When using StarExplorer, I don't want to have to remember what individual changes I made locally or on SmugMug. I just want to run a canned process (i.e., manually following the same StarExplorer steps each time). I want StarExplorer to perform the sync intelligently between local files and Smugmug.
Given this scenario, I have a few question:
1) Overall, will StarExplorer be able to do all this...maybe not fully automated? Briefly, on what parts of my scenario will StarExplorer fall short? or for what parts of my scenario will I be limited?
2) What key settings should I make sure to select, particularly regarding "Sync Upload" and duplicate detection?
3) Does StarExplorer maintain (based upon past uploads perhaps) a sync mapping between local folders and Smugmug categories/subcategories/galleries? I was expecting StarExplorer to ask me to specifically define the sync mapping. Or does it attempt every time you use it to compare local vs SmugMug. StarExplorer seems a bit hit-or-miss when you ask it to upload a certain local folder - wants to put the photos into the wrong Smugmug areas.
4) How does StarExplorer identify duplicate photos? Based on filename? or more complicated magic? If based on filename, it sounds like I need to establish a strict naming scheme of some kind, particularly if I have others contribute - correct? If based on filename, It also sounds like I will not be able to rename files without StarExplorer/SmugMug getting confused - correct?
5) In terms of the naming scheme, should I ensure that every photo filename is unique or only within a given subfolder/gallery? How "far" does StarExplorer look for a duplicate?
6) Once identified, how does StarExplorer process duplicate photos? Not yet being a SmugMug expert, I think I want it to "replace" in those cases where an existing file has been updated (e.g., caption change or photo crop, etc.). I would want it to "add" any new file. Does the "replace" process cause comments to be lost (or any other potential downside)? What StarExplorer option setting should I choose?
7) What does "Update Sync Tree" mean?
8) This is related to (6). On the "Sync Upload" options, what does it mean to select "Quick Check", but not "Replace if detected? How does this little section of options relate to an existing photo and the same photo uploaded with a new caption...or a new filename....etc.
9) Important: Given my scenario, what steps (at a high-level) do I need to follow in StarExplorer (perhaps on a weekly basis) to ensure my files are intelligently synced?
Also a few comments:
1) As I mentioned above, is there any documentation?
2) From what I have been able to gather, it appears that StarExplorer tilts toward the perspective that the user is starting from a fully populated/organized Smugmug account and wants to bring it down to folders on the local drive. Somehow it seems less accessible to someone like myself starting from a fully organized local drive and and wanting to send it up...and then sync on a regular basis.
3) Minor note: The use of the term "Album" in the StarExplorer UI is a bit confusing - should be "Gallery".
4) In the Auto Album Creation options, I was looking for an option where compound Gallery names would only be created when the local file structure went deeper than 3 levels (i.e., Category, Subcategory, Gallery). Otherwise, the Gallery would match the folder name.
Tom, thank you for your interest in S*E.
I'm a bit swamped at work at the moment, I promise I'll respond in details tonight.
In the meantime please take a look at the "How To" section of the site in case you didn't see it yet.
I have been working with StarExplorer trial version to see how it can help me keep my desktop and Smugmug files in sync. From what I can tell, this will be a definite timesaver.
Thank you!
Now to your questions...
1) Overall, will StarExplorer be able to do all this...maybe not fully automated? Briefly, on what parts of my scenario will StarExplorer fall short? or for what parts of my scenario will I be limited?
In short, the answer is "YES":-)
There is a way to do even the full automation, but if you (like me) have a lot of pictures (tens of thousands or more) it will severely affect the performance, so I wouldn't recommend it. I myself use partial sync and happy with it.
More on this below...
2) What key settings should I make sure to select, particularly regarding "Sync Upload" and duplicate detection?
To make the syncing part as automated as possible I suggest to keep a certain branch of your HDD exactly matching your SM tree. If you already have SM tree and want to keep it, simply use Update Sync Tree command: it will create a folder structure to mimic your SM hierarchy.
Caveat 1: you need to make sure that your folders are following the SM naming conventions for categories and subcategories. Those conventions are stricter than Windows file/folder naming rules. Basically alphanumerics and underscores are safe, everything else needs to be played with.
Caveat 2: you need to make sure you galleries follow the naming conventions of Windows folders, since SM allows you to use pretty much everything as a gallery name.
Settings for the "total sync":
Options | Sync Upload | Online Duplicates Verification:
Quick Check + Replace if Detected
3) Does StarExplorer maintain (based upon past uploads perhaps) a sync mapping between local folders and Smugmug categories/subcategories/galleries? I was expecting StarExplorer to ask me to specifically define the sync mapping. Or does it attempt every time you use it to compare local vs SmugMug. StarExplorer seems a bit hit-or-miss when you ask it to upload a certain local folder - wants to put the photos into the wrong Smugmug areas.
Yes and no.
It remembers every original location of the file and associates it with unique smugmug ID. However, there is no rule to prevent you from uploading a file A1 from folder named X to a gallery named Y - even though there is a folder Y and a gallery X. S*E will remember that HDD\X\A1 went into SM\Y, but it would not make an attempt to persuade you to use a different folder/gallery - UNLESS you use Auto Album Creation - more on this below.
And since you always (again, except AAC) explicitly tell S*E where goes what I don't really see a problem with this.
4) How does StarExplorer identify duplicate photos? Based on filename? or more complicated magic? If based on filename, it sounds like I need to establish a strict naming scheme of some kind, particularly if I have others contribute - correct? If based on filename, It also sounds like I will not be able to rename files without StarExplorer/SmugMug getting confused - correct?
As I mentioned earlier, S*E keeps the records of what went where (and when, too:-). Idea is - if you keep the file under the same name in the same folder and will try to upload it to the same folder, S*E will be able to notice that and take the specified action (reject, duplicate, replace).
5) In terms of the naming scheme, should I ensure that every photo filename is unique or only within a given subfolder/gallery? How "far" does StarExplorer look for a duplicate?
I think I answered that in my previous answer (#4). Folder/file on HDD, or gallery/imageid on SM site is a unique combo and S*E knows how to match them.
6) Once identified, how does StarExplorer process duplicate photos? Not yet being a SmugMug expert, I think I want it to "replace" in those cases where an existing file has been updated (e.g., caption change or photo crop, etc.). I would want it to "add" any new file. Does the "replace" process cause comments to be lost (or any other potential downside)? What StarExplorer option setting should I choose?
Again, partially answered above. You can instruct S*E to reject the duplicate, replace it or make another copy. If you choose to replace you will loose your ratings for sure. In any case, this is a server domain, I have no control over it.
7) What does "Update Sync Tree" mean?
See above. It creates a folder structure on your HDD to match your SM account hierarchy (all or part of it). Then you can use it to automate syncing process, since all the names are for sure matched. (see Caveats above)
8) This is related to (6). On the "Sync Upload" options, what does it mean to select "Quick Check", but not "Replace if detected? How does this little section of options relate to an existing photo and the same photo uploaded with a new caption...or a new filename....etc.
In this case photo will be rejected - S*E will not allow you to add it to the upload queue - for this gallery, that is.
9) Important: Given my scenario, what steps (at a high-level) do I need to follow in StarExplorer (perhaps on a weekly basis) to ensure my files are intelligently synced?
Keep your names simple and keep your files in the S*E generated "Sync Tree". Then use Auto Album Creation mode... eh. I probably need to make a dedicated command "Sync the Tree", don't I ;-)
Also a few comments:
1) As I mentioned above, is there any documentation?
How To section - covers some aspects of the S*E usage
2) From what I have been able to gather, it appears that StarExplorer tilts toward the perspective that the user is starting from a fully populated/organized Smugmug account and wants to bring it down to folders on the local drive. Somehow it seems less accessible to someone like myself starting from a fully organized local drive and and wanting to send it up...and then sync on a regular basis.
Not really, no. You can start with HDD with tens of thousands of pictures and then upload them all to your site in one sweep.. Well almost. You will have to create categories/subcategories manually, but S*E allows for batch creation and it's a fast process (unless you do it on a weekend night:-). After that it is LITERALLY one drag-drop action and one button click.
3) Minor note: The use of the term "Album" in the StarExplorer UI is a bit confusing - should be "Gallery".
I find the term "gallery" confusing. It doesn't carry enough common sense to tell you whether "it's a leaf or a node", i.e. whether it contains images or some other containers. "Album" is pretty much universally accepted as a final destination containing images only.
4) In the Auto Album Creation options, I was looking for an option where compound Gallery names would only be created when the local file structure went deeper than 3 levels (i.e., Category, Subcategory, Gallery). Otherwise, the Gallery would match the folder name.
It will do that automatically:-).
AAC is a tricky thing, though, you have to get the feeling of it.
I suggest creating a bunch of test categories/subcategories/galleries (like Cat1\Sub1\Album1, Cat1\Sub2\Album2), then create similar folder structure on your HDD (or you can use Update Sync Tree ;-), drop some tiny images into those folders (S*E ignores empty folders) and play with it. Once you get a grasp of it you'll be amazed how much work it can do for you. I remember creating 1,000+ albums in one session once (was uploading some archives). Try to do it manually one by one...:-)
Phew, hope I answered your questions.
Please let me know if yo u need more info.
I can be found here at dgrin or via email
Just to add to what Nik said: one cool thing that S*E does, that isn't immediately apparant, is the ability to sync folders on your PC. This is pretty cool, and if you are religious about it, it works great.
First thing to do is hit the 'sync tree' command, and S*E creates a folders on your HD to match the gallery structure on your Smugmug site. Then the cool part: to add galleries and photos, simply drag images to the folder you want them in, or create new ones (within categories...don't worry you will see), and S*E will upload what you have there.
OK a few things to remember: you need to keep photos in these folders. S*E does not download to these folders, so if you don't use this method for uploading all the time, you will get out of sync. For example, I use the Lightroom plug-in for small uploads, so the photos in the sync tree don't match what I have on Smugmug. Oh well.
But for larger, multi-gallery uploads, this feature is really cool, and save lots of me it simple to look and the folder structure and figure what photos I want where.
Nik (and cmason): Thanks for the detailed reply to my detailed questions. I think I will have some follow-ups, but I better understand things now. Much appreciated.
Just to add to what Nik said: one cool thing that S*E does, that isn't immediately apparant, is the ability to sync folders on your PC. This is pretty cool, and if you are religious about it, it works great.
First thing to do is hit the 'sync tree' command, and S*E creates a folders on your HD to match the gallery structure on your Smugmug site. Then the cool part: to add galleries and photos, simply drag images to the folder you want them in, or create new ones (within categories...don't worry you will see), and S*E will upload what you have there.
OK a few things to remember: you need to keep photos in these folders. S*E does not download to these folders, so if you don't use this method for uploading all the time, you will get out of sync. For example, I use the Lightroom plug-in for small uploads, so the photos in the sync tree don't match what I have on Smugmug. Oh well.
But for larger, multi-gallery uploads, this feature is really cool, and save lots of me it simple to look and the folder structure and figure what photos I want where.
good luck
Thank, man!
One minor comment: S*E surely can download the images back, to the sync root foolder or to any other location. You should simply tell it to:-). By default it's the whole album(s), but if you use Search then you can even do individual images:-)
Nik (and cmason): Thanks for the detailed reply to my detailed questions. I think I will have some follow-ups, but I better understand things now. Much appreciated.
Tom K.
Tom, you're welcome, thank you for trying Star*Explorer!
Nik: Ok.... I have a few follow-up questions....These should be of the short-answer variety... Thank you for your patience...
1) If I have everything set up and working (using the settings you mention, etc...)..... and then I crop a photo under the same name in the local folder....will SE see a match and then replace on SmugMug.... or will SE see a new photo and insert?
2) If I have everything set up and working..... and then edit the caption on a photo in the local folder....will SE see a match and then replace on Smugmug.... or will SE see a new photo and insert? or does SE just update the caption. I wouldn't want to lose any previous comments. (Given that comments live in the jpeg file, I guess SE will see this as an updated file and replace, resulting in comments being deleted, as I understand)
3) If I use the settings you describe.... and upload the same identical set of local jpegs repeated times....what will happen? Is the identical jpeg rejected on the subsequent tries? or is the file "replaced" each time? or are duplicate copies entered into Smugmug.
4) If I have everything set up and working... and then MOVE a photo from one local folder to another.... what will SE do? Will the photo be MOVEd in SmugMug or will it exist in both galleries?
5) Similar to (3)....what if I delete a photo from a local folder... will it be deleted in SmugMug?
6) What situation would cause a Rejection? Same file-date on both sides?
7) Does the sync'ing logic (outlined in the above questions) work in reverse for downloads? (i.e., what happens if I edit a file on SmugMug and download it..does it overwrite the local file, etc.) or does a Download simply overwrite all local files?
8) My total number of pictures will likely reach maybe 5000-10000. I will (as strictly as I need to) make sure I always store photos in the appropriate local drive and upload via SE. I am strongly considering (if it works this way) performing a full upload/download on a regular basis to ensure both sides stay in complete sync - as opposed to trying to remember where I made changes. Question: Does SE have to actually have to up/down-load the entire jpg file before making the reject/dupl/replace decision? or are rejects determined without a file transfer based upon intelligence of SE?
Nik: Ok.... I have a few follow-up questions....These should be of the short-answer variety... Thank you for your patience...
Hi Tom, thank you for interesting questions!
1) If I have everything set up and working (using the settings you mention, etc...)..... and then I crop a photo under the same name in the local folder....will SE see a match and then replace on SmugMug.... or will SE see a new photo and insert?
if the name of the image is the same and the name (or, actually, ID) of the target gallery is the same S*E will act according to the current duplicate detection rule:
if duplicates are ignored it will upload image, thus making another copy in the target folder;
if duplicates are detected but not replaced, S*E will refuse to upload the image;
finally, if duplicates are detected and bound to be replaced, S*E will replace the existing target image with the new copy
2) If I have everything set up and working..... and then edit the caption on a photo in the local folder....will SE see a match and then replace on Smugmug.... or will SE see a new photo and insert? or does SE just update the caption. I wouldn't want to lose any previous comments. (Given that comments live in the jpeg file, I guess SE will see this as an updated file and replace, resulting in comments being deleted, as I understand)
If you edit the caption (or keywords, which you call comments) in the EXIF/IPTC, you will have #1 scenario.
3) If I use the settings you describe.... and upload the same identical set of local jpegs repeated times....what will happen? Is the identical jpeg rejected on the subsequent tries? or is the file "replaced" each time? or are duplicate copies entered into Smugmug.
Again, #1 scenario. S*E does what it's told. There is no detection mechanism currently built in to see if the file was changed. Only duplicate detection rule is applied, which is based on the local image name and the target image presence in the target folder.
4) If I have everything set up and working... and then MOVE a photo from one local folder to another.... what will SE do? Will the photo be MOVEd in SmugMug or will it exist in both galleries?
Uhm, by itself S*E won't do anything, but it you tell it to "sync" under such a condition S*E will upload this image to the new target folder (the one that matches the new local one), so you will have two copies in two galeries.
5) Similar to (3)....what if I delete a photo from a local folder... will it be deleted in SmugMug?
No. S*E does not delete anything. Purely liability reason.
6) What situation would cause a Rejection? Same file-date on both sides?
Same file name of the suggested image and the uploaded image in the target folder.
7) Does the sync'ing logic (outlined in the above questions) work in reverse for downloads? (i.e., what happens if I edit a file on SmugMug and download it..does it overwrite the local file, etc.) or does a Download simply overwrite all local files?
Similar. When you download you will have three options if the local image exist:
* ignore and do not download
* download and override local image
* download as a new copy
8) My total number of pictures will likely reach maybe 5000-10000. I will (as strictly as I need to) make sure I always store photos in the appropriate local drive and upload via SE. I am strongly considering (if it works this way) performing a full upload/download on a regular basis to ensure both sides stay in complete sync - as opposed to trying to remember where I made changes. Question: Does SE have to actually have to up/down-load the entire jpg file before making the reject/dupl/replace decision? or are rejects determined without a file transfer based upon intelligence of SE?
No, S*E operates based on metadata stored in a local database. Even if you get out of sync you can always obtain that meta information (Get Image Info) to ensure all the duplicate detection will work both ways. I'm using different machines sometimes, so I use this option from time to time to ensure my local informatorium is up to date.
Thanks for your detailed answers. I think I get it now....
One minor enhancement request:
I use Picasa locally, which creates hidden "Originals" subfolders in every folder, containing original versions of Picasa-edited photos. SE sees these as real photos (they are actually backups stored by Picasa) and wants to upload them. I have to manually remove them from the list each time. It sure would be nice if SE had a checkbox option which would cause it to bypass these folders. From a app development perspective, these folders should be pretty easy to identify because Picasa also stores a Picasa.ini file in the hidden "Originals" subfolder.
Thanks for your detailed answers. I think I get it now....
One minor enhancement request:
I use Picasa locally, which creates hidden "Originals" subfolders in every folder, containing original versions of Picasa-edited photos. SE sees these as real photos (they are actually backups stored by Picasa) and wants to upload them. I have to manually remove them from the list each time. It sure would be nice if SE had a checkbox option which would cause it to bypass these folders. From a app development perspective, these folders should be pretty easy to identify because Picasa also stores a Picasa.ini file in the hidden "Originals" subfolder.
Tom Kirkpatrick
thank you for the suggestion, I'll put it on my todo list.
Create Album in S*E
Due to the last night Smugmug changes, Create Album(s) functionality of S*E has been broken (I thought it will survive, but I was wrong..:bash).
I'm aware about the issue and will fix it tonight. Sorry about that.
The rest of the functionality should work, though.
Due to the last night Smugmug changes, Create Album(s) functionality of S*E has been broken (I thought it will survive, but I was wrong..:bash).
I'm aware about the issue and will fix it tonight. Sorry about that.
The rest of the functionality should work, though.
And here I was a first time user of S*E and I thought it was a silly user error.
What I did find was that it creates the album but tell you it didnt work. It will then stick in a loop loading the photos into the album but it thinks the photos didnt load so keeps trying - what you find out is that you have an album created with multiple copies of each photo - very annoying and frustrating until I came across this post.
Oh well, I guess I will wait for the next version to try out this tool.
And here I was a first time user of S*E and I thought it was a silly user error.
What I did find was that it creates the album but tell you it didnt work. It will then stick in a loop loading the photos into the album but it thinks the photos didnt load so keeps trying - what you find out is that you have an album created with multiple copies of each photo - very annoying and frustrating until I came across this post.
Oh well, I guess I will wait for the next version to try out this tool.
I'm truly sorry... I can imagine: first time user and such a bummer...
I'm working on it, but... Imagine you have to add a new floor to a 5-story building... only not on top, but between 2d and 3d floor...
Fun, fun , fun...
New Star*Explorer version uploaded: 186
It took me some time to work out the quirks, but I'm happy to report that S*E is back and running.
I verified all the primary functionality, everything should be OK now.
If you find a feature that still does not work, please report to this thread, so everybody is one the same page.
One you get the new version, it is recommeded to perform "Get Albums" command: it will obtain the album keys.
The owners of Pro licenses can also perform "Get Images Info" for the whole account: it will obtain all the image keys and ensure that all the advanced functionality will work correctly.
It took me some time to work out the quirks, but I'm happy to report that S*E is back and running.
I verified all the primary functionality, everything should be OK now.
If you find a feature that still does not work, please report to this thread, so everybody is one the same page.
One you get the new version, it is recommeded to perform "Get Albums" command: it will obtain the album keys.
The owners of Pro licenses can also perform "Get Images Info" for the whole account: it will obtain all the image keys and ensure that all the advanced functionality will work correctly.
Excellent. Seems to be working for me now, so thanks for the quick fix.
Quick question (and I am sure there will be many to come once I get the hang of the tool) - is there a way to define which watermark will be used when uploading photos? In my watermark list I see the default SmugMug watermark along with my own custom - can I choose which to use via S*E?
Excellent. Seems to be working for me now, so thanks for the quick fix.
Quick question (and I am sure there will be many to come once I get the hang of the tool) - is there a way to define which watermark will be used when uploading photos? In my watermark list I see the default SmugMug watermark along with my own custom - can I choose which to use via S*E?
Thanks ...
Well, I'm afraid you have to get another one - there was a last-minute bug in 184.:bash
186 is available now.:-)
As to the watermark: it's possible with the new API, I'm still on the original.
Eventually - yes, but not tomorrow...
Usaully when installing a box pops up asking to over right the exe fill. You
have to click "yes to all" to continue. It zoomed right by without stopping
with the popup box on the last version. I went "huh"?:D
Usaully when installing a box pops up asking to over right the exe fill. You
have to click "yes to all" to continue. It zoomed right by without stopping
with the popup box on the last version. I went "huh"?:D
It probalby means you have been installing it to a different folder each time. I'd suggest to search your system, you may have a dozen of of copies of starexplorer.exe already :-) Don't forget the desktop....
New Star*Explorer version 188
Devbobo suggested to improve the login syntax (using struct instead of array). Done.
Cathy B. suggested to add a check for the updates. Default is set to once a week, you can set it to anything between 0 (don't check automatically) and 99 days. Also it shouldn't ask you twice about the same version.
There is, of course, a manual way to perform it (check out Help menu )
Thanks, Cathy, this feature was looooooong overdue!
It probalby means you have been installing it to a different folder each time. I'd suggest to search your system, you may have a dozen of of copies of starexplorer.exe already :-) Don't forget the desktop....
Devbobo suggested to improve the login syntax (using struct instead of array). Done.
Cathy B. suggested to add a check for the updates. Default is set to once a week, you can set it to anything between 0 (don't check automatically) and 99 days. Also it shouldn't ask you twice about the same version.
There is, of course, a manual way to perform it (check out Help menu )
Thanks, Cathy, this feature was looooooong overdue!
Any chance you'd add the feautre I emailed you about? When you bulk create galleries, it is SLOW awaiting the SM response. Can you use the same method you use for uploading; ignore the response from SM and just bulk create everything at once to speed up the process?
Any chance you'd add the feautre I emailed you about? When you bulk create galleries, it is SLOW awaiting the SM response. Can you use the same method you use for uploading; ignore the response from SM and just bulk create everything at once to speed up the process?
No not yet, sorry. After the Black Friday fix I didn't have stamina for the big things. It's still on top of my list, though!
thanks and I will!
PS i lvoe your avatar!
Hi -
I have been working with StarExplorer trial version to see how it can help me keep my desktop and Smugmug files in sync. From what I can tell, this will be a definite timesaver.
However, I am doing alot of trial-and-error guessing what some of the features/functions are. I can't seem to find any documentation (am I looking in the wrong place?). I am a semi-hacker and can muddle throught it, but it sure would be nice if I could read something to help me understand how the app works.
Sorry, in advance, for being a bit long-winded with this on!
My scenario and questions are listed below.
Thanks much,
Tom K.
My scenario is:
a) This is a family photo album for my extended family (
b) I use Picasa locally and manage my photos on a 3-level subfolder hierarchy meant to carry through into Smugmug Category, Subcategory, and Gallery.
c) I will add photos on a regular basis, storing them into the appropriate local subfolder. I intend to use StarExplorer to upload them.
d) I may provide others with the ability to contribute via email directly into Smugmug. I will use Smugmug online to store such photos into the appropriate Category/Subcategory/Gallery. I want my StarExplorer process to bring these down into my local folders.
e) I hope to be able to make caption edits in both Picasa and SmugMug
f) I may rename some local files and move them around between local folders - but not have StarExplorer lose track of them.
g) Important: When using StarExplorer, I don't want to have to remember what individual changes I made locally or on SmugMug. I just want to run a canned process (i.e., manually following the same StarExplorer steps each time). I want StarExplorer to perform the sync intelligently between local files and Smugmug.
Given this scenario, I have a few question:
1) Overall, will StarExplorer be able to do all this...maybe not fully automated? Briefly, on what parts of my scenario will StarExplorer fall short? or for what parts of my scenario will I be limited?
2) What key settings should I make sure to select, particularly regarding "Sync Upload" and duplicate detection?
3) Does StarExplorer maintain (based upon past uploads perhaps) a sync mapping between local folders and Smugmug categories/subcategories/galleries? I was expecting StarExplorer to ask me to specifically define the sync mapping. Or does it attempt every time you use it to compare local vs SmugMug. StarExplorer seems a bit hit-or-miss when you ask it to upload a certain local folder - wants to put the photos into the wrong Smugmug areas.
4) How does StarExplorer identify duplicate photos? Based on filename? or more complicated magic? If based on filename, it sounds like I need to establish a strict naming scheme of some kind, particularly if I have others contribute - correct? If based on filename, It also sounds like I will not be able to rename files without StarExplorer/SmugMug getting confused - correct?
5) In terms of the naming scheme, should I ensure that every photo filename is unique or only within a given subfolder/gallery? How "far" does StarExplorer look for a duplicate?
6) Once identified, how does StarExplorer process duplicate photos? Not yet being a SmugMug expert, I think I want it to "replace" in those cases where an existing file has been updated (e.g., caption change or photo crop, etc.). I would want it to "add" any new file. Does the "replace" process cause comments to be lost (or any other potential downside)? What StarExplorer option setting should I choose?
7) What does "Update Sync Tree" mean?
8) This is related to (6). On the "Sync Upload" options, what does it mean to select "Quick Check", but not "Replace if detected? How does this little section of options relate to an existing photo and the same photo uploaded with a new caption...or a new filename....etc.
9) Important: Given my scenario, what steps (at a high-level) do I need to follow in StarExplorer (perhaps on a weekly basis) to ensure my files are intelligently synced?
Also a few comments:
1) As I mentioned above, is there any documentation?
2) From what I have been able to gather, it appears that StarExplorer tilts toward the perspective that the user is starting from a fully populated/organized Smugmug account and wants to bring it down to folders on the local drive. Somehow it seems less accessible to someone like myself starting from a fully organized local drive and and wanting to send it up...and then sync on a regular basis.
3) Minor note: The use of the term "Album" in the StarExplorer UI is a bit confusing - should be "Gallery".
4) In the Auto Album Creation options, I was looking for an option where compound Gallery names would only be created when the local file structure went deeper than 3 levels (i.e., Category, Subcategory, Gallery). Otherwise, the Gallery would match the folder name.
I'm a bit swamped at work at the moment, I promise I'll respond in details tonight.
In the meantime please take a look at the "How To" section of the site in case you didn't see it yet.
Now to your questions...
In short, the answer is "YES":-)
There is a way to do even the full automation, but if you (like me) have a lot of pictures (tens of thousands or more) it will severely affect the performance, so I wouldn't recommend it. I myself use partial sync and happy with it.
More on this below...
To make the syncing part as automated as possible I suggest to keep a certain branch of your HDD exactly matching your SM tree. If you already have SM tree and want to keep it, simply use Update Sync Tree command: it will create a folder structure to mimic your SM hierarchy.
Caveat 1: you need to make sure that your folders are following the SM naming conventions for categories and subcategories. Those conventions are stricter than Windows file/folder naming rules. Basically alphanumerics and underscores are safe, everything else needs to be played with.
Caveat 2: you need to make sure you galleries follow the naming conventions of Windows folders, since SM allows you to use pretty much everything as a gallery name.
Settings for the "total sync":
Options | Sync Upload | Online Duplicates Verification:
Quick Check + Replace if Detected
Yes and no.
It remembers every original location of the file and associates it with unique smugmug ID. However, there is no rule to prevent you from uploading a file A1 from folder named X to a gallery named Y - even though there is a folder Y and a gallery X. S*E will remember that HDD\X\A1 went into SM\Y, but it would not make an attempt to persuade you to use a different folder/gallery - UNLESS you use Auto Album Creation - more on this below.
And since you always (again, except AAC) explicitly tell S*E where goes what I don't really see a problem with this.
As I mentioned earlier, S*E keeps the records of what went where (and when, too:-). Idea is - if you keep the file under the same name in the same folder and will try to upload it to the same folder, S*E will be able to notice that and take the specified action (reject, duplicate, replace).
I think I answered that in my previous answer (#4). Folder/file on HDD, or gallery/imageid on SM site is a unique combo and S*E knows how to match them. Again, partially answered above. You can instruct S*E to reject the duplicate, replace it or make another copy. If you choose to replace you will loose your ratings for sure. In any case, this is a server domain, I have no control over it.
See above. It creates a folder structure on your HDD to match your SM account hierarchy (all or part of it). Then you can use it to automate syncing process, since all the names are for sure matched. (see Caveats above)
In this case photo will be rejected - S*E will not allow you to add it to the upload queue - for this gallery, that is.
Keep your names simple and keep your files in the S*E generated "Sync Tree". Then use Auto Album Creation mode... eh. I probably need to make a dedicated command "Sync the Tree", don't I ;-)
How To section - covers some aspects of the S*E usage
Not really, no. You can start with HDD with tens of thousands of pictures and then upload them all to your site in one sweep.. Well almost. You will have to create categories/subcategories manually, but S*E allows for batch creation and it's a fast process (unless you do it on a weekend night:-). After that it is LITERALLY one drag-drop action and one button click.
I find the term "gallery" confusing. It doesn't carry enough common sense to tell you whether "it's a leaf or a node", i.e. whether it contains images or some other containers. "Album" is pretty much universally accepted as a final destination containing images only.
It will do that automatically:-).
AAC is a tricky thing, though, you have to get the feeling of it.
I suggest creating a bunch of test categories/subcategories/galleries (like Cat1\Sub1\Album1, Cat1\Sub2\Album2), then create similar folder structure on your HDD (or you can use Update Sync Tree ;-), drop some tiny images into those folders (S*E ignores empty folders) and play with it. Once you get a grasp of it you'll be amazed how much work it can do for you. I remember creating 1,000+ albums in one session once (was uploading some archives). Try to do it manually one by one...:-)
Phew, hope I answered your questions.
Please let me know if yo u need more info.
I can be found here at dgrin or via email
First thing to do is hit the 'sync tree' command, and S*E creates a folders on your HD to match the gallery structure on your Smugmug site. Then the cool part: to add galleries and photos, simply drag images to the folder you want them in, or create new ones (within categories...don't worry you will see), and S*E will upload what you have there.
OK a few things to remember: you need to keep photos in these folders. S*E does not download to these folders, so if you don't use this method for uploading all the time, you will get out of sync. For example, I use the Lightroom plug-in for small uploads, so the photos in the sync tree don't match what I have on Smugmug. Oh well.
But for larger, multi-gallery uploads, this feature is really cool, and save lots of me it simple to look and the folder structure and figure what photos I want where.
good luck
Tom K.
Thank, man!
One minor comment: S*E surely can download the images back, to the sync root foolder or to any other location. You should simply tell it to:-). By default it's the whole album(s), but if you use Search then you can even do individual images:-)
1) If I have everything set up and working (using the settings you mention, etc...)..... and then I crop a photo under the same name in the local folder....will SE see a match and then replace on SmugMug.... or will SE see a new photo and insert?
2) If I have everything set up and working..... and then edit the caption on a photo in the local folder....will SE see a match and then replace on Smugmug.... or will SE see a new photo and insert? or does SE just update the caption. I wouldn't want to lose any previous comments. (Given that comments live in the jpeg file, I guess SE will see this as an updated file and replace, resulting in comments being deleted, as I understand)
3) If I use the settings you describe.... and upload the same identical set of local jpegs repeated times....what will happen? Is the identical jpeg rejected on the subsequent tries? or is the file "replaced" each time? or are duplicate copies entered into Smugmug.
4) If I have everything set up and working... and then MOVE a photo from one local folder to another.... what will SE do? Will the photo be MOVEd in SmugMug or will it exist in both galleries?
5) Similar to (3)....what if I delete a photo from a local folder... will it be deleted in SmugMug?
6) What situation would cause a Rejection? Same file-date on both sides?
7) Does the sync'ing logic (outlined in the above questions) work in reverse for downloads? (i.e., what happens if I edit a file on SmugMug and download it..does it overwrite the local file, etc.) or does a Download simply overwrite all local files?
8) My total number of pictures will likely reach maybe 5000-10000. I will (as strictly as I need to) make sure I always store photos in the appropriate local drive and upload via SE. I am strongly considering (if it works this way) performing a full upload/download on a regular basis to ensure both sides stay in complete sync - as opposed to trying to remember where I made changes. Question: Does SE have to actually have to up/down-load the entire jpg file before making the reject/dupl/replace decision? or are rejects determined without a file transfer based upon intelligence of SE?
Thanks much...
Tom Kirkpatrick
if the name of the image is the same and the name (or, actually, ID) of the target gallery is the same S*E will act according to the current duplicate detection rule:
if duplicates are ignored it will upload image, thus making another copy in the target folder;
if duplicates are detected but not replaced, S*E will refuse to upload the image;
finally, if duplicates are detected and bound to be replaced, S*E will replace the existing target image with the new copy
If you edit the caption (or keywords, which you call comments) in the EXIF/IPTC, you will have #1 scenario.
Again, #1 scenario. S*E does what it's told. There is no detection mechanism currently built in to see if the file was changed. Only duplicate detection rule is applied, which is based on the local image name and the target image presence in the target folder.
Uhm, by itself S*E won't do anything, but it you tell it to "sync" under such a condition S*E will upload this image to the new target folder (the one that matches the new local one), so you will have two copies in two galeries.
No. S*E does not delete anything. Purely liability reason.
Same file name of the suggested image and the uploaded image in the target folder.
Similar. When you download you will have three options if the local image exist:
* ignore and do not download
* download and override local image
* download as a new copy
No, S*E operates based on metadata stored in a local database. Even if you get out of sync you can always obtain that meta information (Get Image Info) to ensure all the duplicate detection will work both ways. I'm using different machines sometimes, so I use this option from time to time to ensure my local informatorium is up to date.
You're welcome, hope this helps...
Thanks for your detailed answers. I think I get it now....
One minor enhancement request:
I use Picasa locally, which creates hidden "Originals" subfolders in every folder, containing original versions of Picasa-edited photos. SE sees these as real photos (they are actually backups stored by Picasa) and wants to upload them. I have to manually remove them from the list each time. It sure would be nice if SE had a checkbox option which would cause it to bypass these folders. From a app development perspective, these folders should be pretty easy to identify because Picasa also stores a Picasa.ini file in the hidden "Originals" subfolder.
Tom Kirkpatrick
thank you for the suggestion, I'll put it on my todo list.
Due to the last night Smugmug changes, Create Album(s) functionality of S*E has been broken (I thought it will survive, but I was wrong..:bash).
I'm aware about the issue and will fix it tonight. Sorry about that.
The rest of the functionality should work, though.
And here I was a first time user of S*E and I thought it was a silly user error.
What I did find was that it creates the album but tell you it didnt work. It will then stick in a loop loading the photos into the album but it thinks the photos didnt load so keeps trying - what you find out is that you have an album created with multiple copies of each photo - very annoying and frustrating until I came across this post.
Oh well, I guess I will wait for the next version to try out this tool.
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I'm truly sorry... I can imagine: first time user and such a bummer...
I'm working on it, but... Imagine you have to add a new floor to a 5-story building... only not on top, but between 2d and 3d floor...
Fun, fun , fun...
I am seeing this error message now and then:
TWiddle-Dee: RPC-XML: system error (invalid image id) (5)
Might this be related to the issues you are repairing or , more likely, my photos?
Tom Kirkpatrick
Sometimes, when I drag folders into the upload queue, filenames are preceded by an asterisk. Not sure why. This seems to cause the error above.
It took me some time to work out the quirks, but I'm happy to report that S*E is back and running.
I verified all the primary functionality, everything should be OK now.
If you find a feature that still does not work, please report to this thread, so everybody is one the same page.
One you get the new version, it is recommeded to perform "Get Albums" command: it will obtain the album keys.
The owners of Pro licenses can also perform "Get Images Info" for the whole account: it will obtain all the image keys and ensure that all the advanced functionality will work correctly.
Excellent. Seems to be working for me now, so thanks for the quick fix.
Quick question (and I am sure there will be many to come once I get the hang of the tool) - is there a way to define which watermark will be used when uploading photos? In my watermark list I see the default SmugMug watermark along with my own custom - can I choose which to use via S*E?
Thanks ...
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Well, I'm afraid you have to get another one - there was a last-minute bug in 184.:bash
186 is available now.:-)
As to the watermark: it's possible with the new API, I'm still on the original.
Eventually - yes, but not tomorrow...
Minor fixups.
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have to click "yes to all" to continue. It zoomed right by without stopping
with the popup box on the last version. I went "huh"?:D
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Devbobo suggested to improve the login syntax (using struct instead of array). Done.
Cathy B. suggested to add a check for the updates. Default is set to once a week, you can set it to anything between 0 (don't check automatically) and 99 days. Also it shouldn't ask you twice about the same version.
There is, of course, a manual way to perform it (check out Help menu
Thanks, Cathy, this feature was looooooong overdue!
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