This or This?? ginger 73

Frame or no frame?????

I prefer the frame, but then I always have, so I need a disinterested party's ideas, please..........
I cleaned up the dock. I hope the people there will appreciate it. Birds will probably just mess it up again, smile,
ginger (good luck all)

Compromise here????? smile, mornin' g
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
It's a great shot.
Good luck on the competition. I see you already posted.
P.S. Your frames are pretty rad.
Beautiful photo by the way
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Wild Westhampton
I like both, framed and not framed - great shot!. As some people said, the frame draws attention to the frame first and then the photo. Maybe this could be remedied by using a smaller frame - just a thought.
Did I mention that I really love this photograph?
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
2) Great photo.
I can see some of the spots where you cleaned up the pier. How about posting the original here so we can see how messy the birds really were?
Did I remember to say "great photo"?
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
I was tired, in a hurry, and had never cleaned a dirty dock before. It was difficult finding clean areas to use, smile.
I don't like, for myself, dirty beaches, so it only stands to reason that I would prefer a clean dock hanging in my house, smile again.
thanks for the nice words!
Thank you, Kurt! This frame issue is interesting.
People do not seem to be neutral.
I wonder if it has to do with the monitor?
I like your analogies, smile,
And it is a truly outstanding shot. With or without a clean dock!
"Where beauty moves and wit delights and signs of kindness bind me; there, oh there, whe'er I go I leave my heart behind me." (Thomas Ford, 1607)
However, framed (the second one), it takes on a new purpose as art. Now it is more than a photo, and I think that is a good thing.
Nice job,either way
It would be interesting to get perspectives on correct framing of photos.
Mattes, yes, no, simple black frame, on canvas........ornate frame?
Fitting the photo with the frame into surroundings, etc.
Obviously, I know nothing on the subject.
But it would be interesting to hear what others think/are doing in this area with their photos.
Also, changes in ideas since.............whenever one last thought about this.
As far as the border goes I think the large white border is too overpowering over the image and the other border is a little off too. I do like borders though! I think maybe if you just had the small white border...I dunno. But the shot is awesome!
I Live at
when people see photos in galleries, they are matted and mounted almost all the time. for a reason.
photos usually look best inside some sort of frame, and not just in tourist shops, which is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard.
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
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Who cares about a frame?
As you say, a print will be framed. I don't care if a web image is framed or not. I wouldn't make a print with the Photoshop frame on it tho, that would be redundant.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
this is the digital realm folks, i suppose you can add digital frames but the photo will always speak louder than the area around it.
i love that photo btw, if it doesnt make it to the top 10, then i dont know what went wrong!!
Byron M.
I prefer the small frame.
And on that line.............
I got an exciting notice yesterday from the "guys" at smugmug that someone had bought an 11 X 14 photo from me
What is scary is they bought the one with the small border like I did for the challenge entry.
I usually work them up both ways. And they can be difficult if even I am not carefully checking, as to which is which, on smugmug as they have their own white "border" around everything, looks good, too..
So, for public view, I put out the ones w/o a border. Except in this case the two got separated, just that AM or whatever............and the person bought the wrong one.
I can tell because these nice people at smugmug let me know which photo was bought, and I could see right there the words "border".
I hope it doesn't ruin this person's print. Since I can't do anything about it, I have hoped that out of mind, etc........I am just not worrying.
But this discussion reminded me of that. By making my borders smaller and less objectionable.................someone bought one with a border, and I hope it is OK. (It is a small border, enlarge the matte?)
smile, ginger