That one at is still under construction, and is currently set to Private. Not that you can't look, just saying that it's not ready for prime time yet, use at your own risk.
As I’m (for everyone here) an irresponsible kid, therefore I’m careless, and that at the same time denotes my immaturity as a person. As maturity is in function of experience (age), then I should say I’m immature as I’m just a stupid kid.
cop-out also cop·out (kpout)n. Slang
1. A failure to fulfill a commitment or responsibility or to face a difficulty squarely.
2. A person who fails to fulfill a commitment or responsibility.
3. An excuse for inaction or evasion.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
If you're mentioning that as a photographic opportunity, I could probably be there in about 2 1/2 hours to document the event.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
That one at is still under construction, and is currently set to Private. Not that you can't look, just saying that it's not ready for prime time yet, use at your own risk.
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cop-out also cop·out (kpout)n. Slang
2. A person who fails to fulfill a commitment or responsibility.
3. An excuse for inaction or evasion.
Finally, someone here is sicker than I am.
moderator of: The Flea Market [ guidelines ]