runtime error debugging
This is a very useful utility app. I too get the runtime error. I do not have the C++ 2005 environment, but if I was sent a "complete" debugable executable, I do have a debugger and a reproducible case that I would be willing to investigate. BY "complete" I mean an exe plus any DLLs that are required. Let me know how I can facilitate this testing.
PS: I was not able to resume with the "skip" feature. I still received the runtime error.
Thanks for your extremely kind words. When you got the runtime error, were you able to use the "skip" feature to resume w/o downloading all the photos which had already been fetched?
I must continue to apologize for the runtime error. I still don't get it and can't replicate it. My best guess is that there's some sort of conflict with something relatively common, but which I don't have/use.
You have some great ideas for improving the app! I'll keep them in mind if I ever get back around to doing more work on it. Having said that, I should be straight with you (and everyone else) in saying that AlbumFetcher isn't real high on my personal priority list. Work has gotten busier, and a third child is on the way for us, so keeping up with my shooting claims the little free time I have.
If anyone wants to give a run at more functionality, the source is available in the first post. It's in MS VC++ 2005, but the code and structure are easy enough that it could be ported to your language of choice.
Again, thanks for all the kind words. It's fun to see a little homebrew tool like this prove useful for others.
Ability for others to download entire gallery
I just migrated (thanks to SmuggLr) from flickr to a SmugMug trial account assuming SM had this very capability (a review said it did). E.g., sometimes I create entire albums as screensaver modules for my wife...and I'm sick of transfering the lot via USB or e-mail. Most of my friends use PCs, so AlbumFetcher is great solution for the computer savvy proportion of them.
I sure wish there was something similar for the Mac (my platform). And I sure wish it was the default.
I can think of many reasons it would be a bad idea, but does anyone ever want to allow someone else to bulk download their galleries? This post got me thinking. Just brainstorming... Thanks for any thoughts/ideas.
I also get the runtime error sometimes. Hopefully someone might come up with a fix. Other than that, this is a real neat tool!!!
I just upgraded to Vista Ultimate through a clean install and I'm also getting the runtime error. The error happens after some downloading and the app crashes immediately. Anyone have a solution to this little bug yet?
Greg, This is a great tool. Thank you for developing it! I've been using it to download galleries with captions I added on SM. I like to print contact sheets to get a hard copy of my galleries with the captions. Is there a way to maintain the picture order that I use on SM? I don't arrange the pics by filename. The only way I've been able to do this is manually adding sorting numbers in one of the IPTC fields (usually Object Name) and then sorting by that number. Obviously, this is kind of a pain. Am I missing a way to do this that already exists? Or is this something that could be added. Just wondering.
p.s. This is my first post, so my apologies in advance if I commited a faux pas!
Thanks for a terrific program.
I am wondering how I only download the photos that have a specific 'keyword' attached to it?
Thanks so much!
Thanks for a terrific program.
I am wondering how I only download the photos that have a specific 'keyword' attached to it?
Thanks so much!
This is not currently possible. Thanks for the feedback, however.
Hello Greg, I've been told your AlbumFetcher is the answer to my prayers, yet I'm having problems getting it to work. Are there FAQs or instructions? Have downloaded AlbumFetcher, but how do I select the Album from SmugMug that I want to fetch?! Help! Thank you very much. David
I'm pleased to announce the release of AlbumFetcher! AlbumFetcher is a little pet project of mine which I've decided to make freely available to the SmugMug community. I've received amazing amounts of help (and ideas) through these forums, and this my way of saying thanks. It's a simple little app that serves two main functions:
1. Download one or many SmugMug galleries at once
2. Embed captions and keywords into your downloaded images' IPTC headers
AlbumFetcher should run on Win2000, WinXP and above. It's a single file, so it's easily portable and doesn't need to be installed. AlbumFetcher is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This DGrin thread will be the project's home page. Feedback is extremely appreciated, and if there are bugs and/or other issues (as there always are), please let me know here. This is a hobby, so I can't hope to live up to SmugMug's standard of customer service, but I will try to help you out if you're having an issue with the software. One word of caution - beware of the total number of bytes you download. You could easily run up against your monthly bandwith limit.
Again, this is yours to use forever for free. However, if you're a fan of my little app and feel so inclined, you can send me the electronic equivalent of the adult beverage of your choice here.
UPDATE, Nov 14 2006:
I've incorporated some of Pat Kane's requests and some improvements of my own into v0.2. New features include:
Datetime stamp for each line in log file
Files with same original name are now handled successfully (an underscore is prepended to the second file's name).
Users can optionally skip over previously downloaded images (helpful when a download fails and you want to start over, but not re-download all the successful images).
Category/subcategory info is shown as a field in the list control.
A thumbnail of the image currently being downloaded is displayed.
Total time statistics are recorded when a job is completed successfully.
MD5 hashes are now compared. Files that fail the comparison are left alone, but a note is made in the log file.
Again, enjoy!
UPDATE, Nov 16, 2006:
Pat Kane pointed out a bug in the folder selector, which is now fixed. Current version is now 0.2.1. Thanks, Pat!
Hello Greg, I've been told your AlbumFetcher is the answer to my prayers, yet I'm having problems getting it to work. Are there FAQs or instructions? Have downloaded AlbumFetcher, but how do I select the Album from SmugMug that I want to fetch?! Help! Thank you very much. David
David it's quite straight forward. Just put your smugmug email address and password in the top right hand side.
Your albums then appear on the left hand side. Click the ones you want (hold ctrl key to select > 1), and then click "Fetch Albums".
Now, I'm getting this runtime error. I have one folder with 1040 photos which I would like to backup and am unable to.
I just tried using galleryBackup but get an error with that too ... "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_file()". I am running php5.20 with simpleXML installed.
David it's quite straight forward. Just put your smugmug email address and password in the top right hand side.
Your albums then appear on the left hand side. Click the ones you want (hold ctrl key to select > 1), and then click "Fetch Albums".
Now, I'm getting this runtime error. I have one folder with 1040 photos which I would like to backup and am unable to.
I just tried using galleryBackup but get an error with that too ... "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_file()". I am running php5.20 with simpleXML installed.
elyobelyob's instructions are good. As long as you're not getting the runtime error, you should be all set.
Hello Greg, I've been told your AlbumFetcher is the answer to my prayers, yet I'm having problems getting it to work. Are there FAQs or instructions? Have downloaded AlbumFetcher, but how do I select the Album from SmugMug that I want to fetch?! Help! Thank you very much. David
I saw the quote posted in response to this question, and I'm afraid to say, I'm still completely lost! I have no idea even where to begin- Is there any sort of step-by-step instructions (maybe with pictures??! - yes, photography is my profession for a reason!) that will tell me what to do in lay-mens terms? I have attempted this before, and frankly- I just gave up because I couldn't figure out how to get it to work! I'd like to believe I am fairly computer savvy but this is - - - just not making sense to me!
Mil gracias!
Thank you very much! In the end was an error with the email address I was using... sorry to even dare doubt the ease of using this extremely helpful program! thanks to both of you for your help!
David it's quite straight forward. Just put your smugmug email address and password in the top right hand side.
Your albums then appear on the left hand side. Click the ones you want (hold ctrl key to select > 1), and then click "Fetch Albums".
Now, I'm getting this runtime error. I have one folder with 1040 photos which I would like to backup and am unable to.
I just tried using galleryBackup but get an error with that too ... "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_file()". I am running php5.20 with simpleXML installed.
Thank you very much! In the end was an error with the email address I was using... sorry to even dare doubt the ease of using this extremely helpful program! thanks to both of you for your help!
I'm glad you replied before I got home, I was about to ask how you managed to log onto your computer
p.s. I'm still stuck with the runtime error. I also have the problem with the simpleXML problem (different software), and want an easy way to get my pics. (1040 pics in one folder).
Is there an image size limit for what AlbumFetcher can handle ? ... I'm also getting the runtime error, but only on large JPEGs ... otherwise it seems to be working fine:ivar
Is there an image size limit for what AlbumFetcher can handle ? ... I'm also getting the runtime error, but only on large JPEGs ... otherwise it seems to be working fine:ivar
Hmmm... That's an interesting possibility, and it might explain why I never get the error. All my files on SmugMug are from Lightroom, saved at 80% quality (equivalent to Photoshop level 10). Adobe does a pretty good job compressing, so even my 8MP 20D files end up reasonably small.
The whole app is based on the windows call URLDownloadToFile, which runs IE as a process in the background, fetching files. There might be some limits there I don't know about.
Maybe this helps a little? Just thinking out loud...
Hmmm... That's an interesting possibility, and it might explain why I never get the error. All my files on SmugMug are from Lightroom, saved at 80% quality (equivalent to Photoshop level 10). Adobe does a pretty good job compressing, so even my 8MP 20D files end up reasonably small.
The whole app is based on the windows call URLDownloadToFile, which runs IE as a process in the background, fetching files. There might be some limits there I don't know about.
Maybe this helps a little? Just thinking out loud...
I'll do a quick test later & report back; I'll save a sample 1DsMkii file from smallest to largest (JPEG compression setting) and will report back on which file it stops at
(BTW : simple enough to just create a PS colour gradient for a 4:3 5000 pixel wide image and you can try it as well I guess).
From my experience it wasn't the file size as all my pictures were taken with the same camera at the same setting.
I was able to download folders that had small numbers of photos in them (one had ~28 pics). However it is the folder with 1040 pictures that creates the error.
Thanks again for this great application. I know that you were very helpful working with me earlier. I believe at that time we discovered that albumfetcher didn't work with the mpeg-1 files supported by SmugMug Pro and Power User accounts. Do you plan to add support for downloading mpeg-1 files? Or at least skipping them so they don't hang the back up of photos?
Thanks again for this great application. I know that you were very helpful working with me earlier. I believe at that time we discovered that albumfetcher didn't work with the mpeg-1 files supported by SmugMug Pro and Power User accounts. Do you plan to add support for downloading mpeg-1 files? Or at least skipping them so they don't hang the back up of photos?
I have that on my list to do with AlbumFetcher, but I don't know when I'll be able to work on it. I wish I had a better answer for you, but that's the truth for the moment.
I have that on my list to do with AlbumFetcher, but I don't know when I'll be able to work on it. I wish I had a better answer for you, but that's the truth for the moment.
Thanks for the update. I went ahead and made a paypal donation today. I hope you find time for an update soon.
I had a single gallery with over a thousand photos covering three schools in our district. For parents, I had provided some links in the Description to take them to Keyword searches for just their school. Well, I now need to make a CD for one school, and my post processed files are all spread out between home, laptop, work...
I thought I'd try AlbumFetcher! Rather than fetching over 1000 images and sorting them out by keyword, I took the provided source (Thanks, wellman!) and added a Keyword filter edit box to the UI! It still takes quite a while for AlbumFetcher to get all the meta-data for the files, but once it starts downloading, it flew right by all the images that didn't have the Keywords I had specified.
I don't know if this modification is generally usefull, but if you're interested in the mod, PM me. Likewise, Greg, if you'd like to see it or have it at any point, I'd be glad to provide my changes to you.
I had a single gallery with over a thousand photos covering three schools in our district. For parents, I had provided some links in the Description to take them to Keyword searches for just their school. Well, I now need to make a CD for one school, and my post processed files are all spread out between home, laptop, work...
I thought I'd try AlbumFetcher! Rather than fetching over 1000 images and sorting them out by keyword, I took the provided source (Thanks, wellman!) and added a Keyword filter edit box to the UI! It still takes quite a while for AlbumFetcher to get all the meta-data for the files, but once it starts downloading, it flew right by all the images that didn't have the Keywords I had specified.
I don't know if this modification is generally usefull, but if you're interested in the mod, PM me. Likewise, Greg, if you'd like to see it or have it at any point, I'd be glad to provide my changes to you.
That's fantastic! That exact feature has been requested before. I'm glad you were able to implement your own working version. Next time I start working on new features, I'll ping you. Thanks!
What you do affects more than just you...
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
This is a very useful utility app. I too get the runtime error. I do not have the C++ 2005 environment, but if I was sent a "complete" debugable executable, I do have a debugger and a reproducible case that I would be willing to investigate. BY "complete" I mean an exe plus any DLLs that are required. Let me know how I can facilitate this testing.
PS: I was not able to resume with the "skip" feature. I still received the runtime error.
Atlanta, GA
What a wonderful tool! Thanks so much, just what I needed today.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
You're welcome! Thanks for the thanks!
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Glad it was useful. Thanks for the kind words.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I just migrated (thanks to SmuggLr) from flickr to a SmugMug trial account assuming SM had this very capability (a review said it did). E.g., sometimes I create entire albums as screensaver modules for my wife...and I'm sick of transfering the lot via USB or e-mail. Most of my friends use PCs, so AlbumFetcher is great solution for the computer savvy proportion of them.
I sure wish there was something similar for the Mac (my platform). And I sure wish it was the default.
- Colin Purrington (
I just upgraded to Vista Ultimate through a clean install and I'm also getting the runtime error. The error happens after some downloading and the app crashes immediately. Anyone have a solution to this little bug yet?
BTW, great tool. I love it!
p.s. This is my first post, so my apologies in advance if I commited a faux pas!
Thanks for a terrific program.
I am wondering how I only download the photos that have a specific 'keyword' attached to it?
Thanks so much!
This is not currently possible. Thanks for the feedback, however.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Hello Greg, I've been told your AlbumFetcher is the answer to my prayers, yet I'm having problems getting it to work. Are there FAQs or instructions? Have downloaded AlbumFetcher, but how do I select the Album from SmugMug that I want to fetch?! Help! Thank you very much. David
David it's quite straight forward. Just put your smugmug email address and password in the top right hand side.
Your albums then appear on the left hand side. Click the ones you want (hold ctrl key to select > 1), and then click "Fetch Albums".
Now, I'm getting this runtime error. I have one folder with 1040 photos which I would like to backup and am unable to.
I just tried using galleryBackup but get an error with that too ... "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_file()". I am running php5.20 with simpleXML installed.
elyobelyob's instructions are good. As long as you're not getting the runtime error, you should be all set.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I saw the quote posted in response to this question, and I'm afraid to say, I'm still completely lost! I have no idea even where to begin- Is there any sort of step-by-step instructions (maybe with pictures??! - yes, photography is my profession for a reason!) that will tell me what to do in lay-mens terms? I have attempted this before, and frankly- I just gave up because I couldn't figure out how to get it to work! I'd like to believe I am fairly computer savvy but this is - - - just not making sense to me!
Thank you very much! In the end was an error with the email address I was using... sorry to even dare doubt the ease of using this extremely helpful program! thanks to both of you for your help!
I'm glad you replied before I got home, I was about to ask how you managed to log onto your computer
p.s. I'm still stuck with the runtime error. I also have the problem with the simpleXML problem (different software), and want an easy way to get my pics. (1040 pics in one folder).
Is there an image size limit for what AlbumFetcher can handle ? ... I'm also getting the runtime error, but only on large JPEGs ... otherwise it seems to be working fine:ivar
Hmmm... That's an interesting possibility, and it might explain why I never get the error. All my files on SmugMug are from Lightroom, saved at 80% quality (equivalent to Photoshop level 10). Adobe does a pretty good job compressing, so even my 8MP 20D files end up reasonably small.
The whole app is based on the windows call URLDownloadToFile, which runs IE as a process in the background, fetching files. There might be some limits there I don't know about.
Maybe this helps a little? Just thinking out loud...
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
(BTW : simple enough to just create a PS colour gradient for a 4:3 5000 pixel wide image and you can try it as well I guess).
Cheers ...
I was able to download folders that had small numbers of photos in them (one had ~28 pics). However it is the folder with 1040 pictures that creates the error.
Hello Greg,
Thanks again for this great application. I know that you were very helpful working with me earlier. I believe at that time we discovered that albumfetcher didn't work with the mpeg-1 files supported by SmugMug Pro and Power User accounts. Do you plan to add support for downloading mpeg-1 files? Or at least skipping them so they don't hang the back up of photos?
I have that on my list to do with AlbumFetcher, but I don't know when I'll be able to work on it. I wish I had a better answer for you, but that's the truth for the moment.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
Thanks for the update. I went ahead and made a paypal donation today. I hope you find time for an update soon.
Thanks again.
Wow, thanks!
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I thought I'd try AlbumFetcher! Rather than fetching over 1000 images and sorting them out by keyword, I took the provided source (Thanks, wellman!) and added a Keyword filter edit box to the UI! It still takes quite a while for AlbumFetcher to get all the meta-data for the files, but once it starts downloading, it flew right by all the images that didn't have the Keywords I had specified.
I don't know if this modification is generally usefull, but if you're interested in the mod, PM me. Likewise, Greg, if you'd like to see it or have it at any point, I'd be glad to provide my changes to you.
That's fantastic! That exact feature has been requested before. I'm glad you were able to implement your own working version. Next time I start working on new features, I'll ping you. Thanks!
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I just tried Album Fetcher-thanks.
How can I get the original files (with smugmug edits) with the SM order and given #'s? I got my file #s rather than the SM #'s. Thanks:D