OK, so am I the only "thick" one here. It took quite a bit of experimenting for me to figure out how to upload images.
I finally figured it out -- from Windows Explorer drag and drop your selection of images onto the album name, which adds those images to the window at the bottom of the page. From there you can right click on an image and select Upload All.
Overall, very nice program and something that would lend itself to a hundred feature requests , e.g., offline photo tool actions like rotate, zoom thumbnail, etc.
Hey Pat,
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I know the UI sucks, it's not immediately intuitive...but made a consense decision to only update the UI where needed to implement new features I had added...in order to get it into beta. I am planning a UI overhaul while it's in beta, which hopefully will start to happen over the coming weeks.
I have a million features I want to implement including the ones you mentioned, but because I have gone down the path of supporting multiple accounts at the same time (i believe I am the first to do so), I have actually limited myself to only using API methods, while if i hadn't I would be able to use any HTTP POST method available using the SmugMug website. But hey, it's just a reason to get the api extended
Anyway, if you come up with any other ideas...i'm all ears
OK, so am I the only "thick" one here. It took quite a bit of experimenting for me to figure out how to upload images.
I finally figured it out -- from Windows Explorer drag and drop your selection of images onto the album name, which adds those images to the window at the bottom of the page. From there you can right click on an image and select Upload All.
Overall, very nice program and something that would lend itself to a hundred feature requests , e.g., offline photo tool actions like rotate, zoom thumbnail, etc.
You are not alone Pat!!! I was right there with you! Thanks for the info!
Yeah I know the UI sucks, it's not immediately intuitive... I am planning a UI overhaul while it's in beta...
David, I'm not complaining as I do understand that it is in beta. I was just having a hard time getting to 1st base and thought I'd save others the trouble as well. I'll try to do my part by providing constructive feedback during your beta as well. There seems to be a lot of movement on smugmug tools as of late, which is kind of exciting!
David, I'm not complaining as I do understand that it is in beta. I was just having a hard time getting to 1st base and thought I'd save others the trouble as well. I'll try to do my part by providing constructive feedback during your beta as well. There seems to be a lot of movement on smugmug tools as of late, which is kind of exciting!
no that's fine, i totally understand. i realise that the use of context menus is immediately obvious..and i am trying to do what i can to rectify the siuation.
Thanks for the taking time, it has already helped out at least one user
no that's fine, i totally understand. i realise that the use of context menus is immediately obvious..and i am trying to do what i can to rectify the siuation.
Thanks for the taking time, it has already helped out at least one user
I am trying to use it.
Smugbrowser comes up fine.
I add account, and when I press okay
it says
TypeError : oList[0] has no properties.
It adds account though, and I see (retrieving data) forever.
my gallery is http://tanveer.smugmug.com, so I am using the username tanveer.
I tried with my email address too, same issue.
If I exist smugbrowser, and then start it again, I do not see my account there, and then again I have to create new account!
I am on linux with firefox 2.0, but I think this should not matter, right?
I am trying to use it.
Smugbrowser comes up fine.
I add account, and when I press okay
it says
TypeError : oList[0] has no properties.
It adds account though, and I see (retrieving data) forever.
my gallery is http://tanveer.smugmug.com, so I am using the username tanveer.
I tried with my email address too, same issue.
If I exist smugbrowser, and then start it again, I do not see my account there, and then again I have to create new account!
I am on linux with firefox 2.0, but I think this should not matter, right?
Can you please confirm which version u are using ?
Also, can u search for a file called SmugBrowser.xml, if it exists, can u please upload it here.
No it shouldn't matter that it's on linux, not that i have tested on it recently.
Can you please confirm which version u are using ?
Also, can u search for a file called SmugBrowser.xml, if it exists, can u please upload it here.
No it shouldn't matter that it's on linux, not that i have tested on it recently.
I am using 0.3.10,
I found out the problem,
In the smugbrowser directory in the .mozilla/firefox/profile directory did not have "x" permissions.
So It was 644.
I changed that to 744, i.e. permission for me to "cd" to that dir.
After this the account creation is preserved.
I will use it some more an see if any more problems persist
After creating new account, It was stuck at retrieving!
I went to dir and saw that there was no directory change permission for my account dir.
So changed permissions from 644 to 744.
I think this is one bug you need to fix, i,e, when smugbrowser and account directories are created, make sure they have "execute permissions" for the "owner" user.
I am using 0.3.10,
I found out the problem,
In the smugbrowser directory in the .mozilla/firefox/profile directory did not have "x" permissions.
So It was 644.
I changed that to 744, i.e. permission for me to "cd" to that dir.
After this the account creation is preserved.
I will use it some more an see if any more problems persist
After creating new account, It was stuck at retrieving!
I went to dir and saw that there was no directory change permission for my account dir.
So changed permissions from 644 to 744.
I think this is one bug you need to fix, i,e, when smugbrowser and account directories are created, make sure they have "execute permissions" for the "owner" user.
Thanks heaps Tanveer.
ok, i think i found the offending piece of code...
Yes 744 or 700. 700 is better because it will disable any other user on the machine from viewing the files(xml, passwords etc.,)
I checked the web page for the extension.
It would be nice if there is a feature list on that we page itself along with a list of planned features.
Yes 744 or 700. 700 is better because it will disable any other user on the machine from viewing the files(xml, passwords etc.,)
I checked the web page for the extension.
It would be nice if there is a feature list on that we page itself along with a list of planned features.
Hi Tanveer,
yes there definately will be when I get organised. I have been pretty busy with a number of different projects recently, but with this finally out to beta. Hopefully, I can free up a bit of time to take care of a few things that are long overdue.
I really appreciate your help on this. I will probably release a new version tonight, if I get around to fixing a few other issues.
It took me a lil bit to figure out how to upload but I figured it out.
Looks like an indispensible tool! (even if I can't spell)
I don't much to upload at this time, but when I do, I will do a little more experimenting with it, but so far - looks awesome!
Since I haven't much need to use it tonight, I can't say what I like or hate about it, or what features I would like to see nor do I have any bugs to report.
I anything like this
that looks cool
is free
makes my life ever so much easier
looks cool
and is free
oh, and works (meaning not from MS)
EDIT: as a test I uploaded a LARGE file (30+gb), and before it finished, I closed the smugbrowser - I assume that this ended the u/l - and if so,it might be a good idea to add a feature that if upload in progress and you close smugbrowser, that a window opens warning you u/l are in progress, do you want to close or continue u/l.
EDIT #2 The ability to delete files via the browser (that are already posted) would be cool too. And maybe the ability to move from one gallery/folder to another...am I pushing it???
EDIT #3 Ablility to remove the uploaded files from the upload area once u/l. I tried the 'remove' but nadda. This would just be house cleaning.
EDIT: as a test I uploaded a LARGE file (30+gb), and before it finished, I closed the smugbrowser - I assume that this ended the u/l - and if so,it might be a good idea to add a feature that if upload in progress and you close smugbrowser, that a window opens warning you u/l are in progress, do you want to close or continue u/l.
EDIT #2 The ability to delete files via the browser (that are already posted) would be cool too. And maybe the ability to move from one gallery/folder to another...am I pushing it???
EDIT #3 Ablility to remove the uploaded files from the upload area once u/l. I tried the 'remove' but nadda. This would just be house cleaning.
Hey DJ,
No you're not pushing it, all of these items are already on the list.
I wanted to say that today Smugbrowser was an incredibly huge help to me today.
I had my normal public site and a 'test' site to create a flyout nav bar.
I have several sub catagories, which had to be made even larger (more of). Doing this the normal way was going to take way too much time. I have a Rail Photos gallery with about 80 photos and I wanted to break that up into at least 10-12 sub catagories.
Smugbrowser allowed me to create numerous new sub catagories/gallerys after I created new Catagories. Smugbrowser sped up the creation, and customization of the galleries by a lot. It saved me a lot of time - a good thing since I've being working on the two sites while at work
No problems at all, while doing this (except one major flub that I can't see was caused by Smugbrowser at all).
Thanks for all of your work! You saved ME a ton of work/time.
[1] Yes, I know you're aware of this, but the UI does need a little work... I'm an experienced web designer / pc and mac user / amateur code hacker, and I was stumped the first time I installed and had a look at this tool... So much so that I nearly uninstalled it! My second look, after one of your "shameless plugs", proved worthwhile... Thanks you for all your hard work!
[2] Lastly, one of the things I was looking to change on a bulk level, oddly enough doesn't appear to be included in the BULK UPDATE tool... And that is the "clean display"
I was wondering what license have you released the soruce code in?
If you are okay with a public license such as GPL this project can be put on sourceforge and I can also look at the code and this can be developed as a fully functional browser based smugmug management console.
New features which I think would be great are
1. Copy photo from one gallery to other(Smugmug gives only move, so manually its s 2 step process
2. Rotate photos
3. Colorization etc., with option of preserving original image(backend does the two step process of copy and then colorize copy)
[1] Yes, I know you're aware of this, but the UI does need a little work... I'm an experienced web designer / pc and mac user / amateur code hacker, and I was stumped the first time I installed and had a look at this tool... So much so that I nearly uninstalled it! My second look, after one of your "shameless plugs", proved worthwhile... Thanks you for all your hard work!
[2] Lastly, one of the things I was looking to change on a bulk level, oddly enough doesn't appear to be included in the BULK UPDATE tool... And that is the "clean display"
I was wondering what license have you released the soruce code in?
If you are okay with a public license such as GPL this project can be put on sourceforge and I can also look at the code and this can be developed as a fully functional browser based smugmug management console.
New features which I think would be great are
1. Copy photo from one gallery to other(Smugmug gives only move, so manually its s 2 step process
2. Rotate photos
3. Colorization etc., with option of preserving original image(backend does the two step process of copy and then colorize copy)
Hey Tanveer,
To be honest I really haven't thought about licensing at all. My plan has been all along to make SmugBrowser into a fully fledged smugmug management console. I have alot of other ideas in relation to implementing things that I haven't seen discussed or implemented by any other developers. So for this reason I am wouldn't be looking to GPL my extension...but you never know what will happen down the track. I also have a couple of other projects on the go, like developing a smugmug photo service for flock.
In regard to the features you have discussed...i really don't want to see SmugBrowser going into the arena of photo-processing, so for this reason I have only ever entertained the idea of emulating SM functionality, and providing bulk utilites that SM doesn't currently provide. Due to me supporting multiple accounts at the same time, I require API methods to be add in order to faciliate the first two features.
Thanks for posting, I am really quite flattered that you would consider developing the extension further.
Beta test accounts
Any chance you'll release an update shortly to allow us to add our beta test accounts? (I'm not even sure the API can access the beta server, but I had to ask )
Any chance you'll release an update shortly to allow us to add our beta test accounts? (I'm not even sure the API can access the beta server, but I had to ask )
Hey Ben,
It actually works now but you need to hack an xml file to do so.
1. Find smugbrowser.xml on your computer.
2. Add the following entry and then change to details to suit you.
I've put version 0.3.10 through it's paces... Loved it...
1) Uploads on the Mac failed / hung quiet a bit - but it was still preferable to using SmugMug's offering...
No problems at all on the PC - even if a photo looked like it going to hang (the progress bar gets stuck on some photos occationally) it sorted itself out by the time the queue was done...
2) Previously mentioned: The option for making a gallery "clean" or not seems to be the only feature you can't make BULK changes to yet...
3) Again on the Mac: FireFox would crash if I had SmugBrowser open and I clicked on some other download file type such as a torrent, MPG, PDF, etc... That was pretty annoying really, 'cos the queue obviously got wiped, so I had to compare to see what had finished uploading and what hadn't - and because the uploads aren't sequential by filename it made comparisons a bit more tedious... I eventually learnt to stop clicking on different file types whilst uploading - but I ended up using the PC to upload mostly by then anyway...
But again - loved it! Thanks! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with as time goes by... You certainly have hinted at some great plans for it!
Hey Pat,
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I know the UI sucks, it's not immediately intuitive...but made a consense decision to only update the UI where needed to implement new features I had added...in order to get it into beta. I am planning a UI overhaul while it's in beta, which hopefully will start to happen over the coming weeks.
I have a million features I want to implement including the ones you mentioned, but because I have gone down the path of supporting multiple accounts at the same time (i believe I am the first to do so), I have actually limited myself to only using API methods, while if i hadn't I would be able to use any HTTP POST method available using the SmugMug website. But hey, it's just a reason to get the api extended
Anyway, if you come up with any other ideas...i'm all ears
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
You are not alone Pat!!!
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
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David, I'm not complaining as I do understand that it is in beta. I was just having a hard time getting to 1st base and thought I'd save others the trouble as well. I'll try to do my part by providing constructive feedback during your beta as well. There seems to be a lot of movement on smugmug tools as of late, which is kind of exciting!
Thanks for the taking time, it has already helped out at least one user
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I am trying to use it.
Smugbrowser comes up fine.
I add account, and when I press okay
it says
TypeError : oList[0] has no properties.
It adds account though, and I see (retrieving data) forever.
my gallery is http://tanveer.smugmug.com, so I am using the username tanveer.
I tried with my email address too, same issue.
If I exist smugbrowser, and then start it again, I do not see my account there, and then again I have to create new account!
I am on linux with firefox 2.0, but I think this should not matter, right?
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Also, can u search for a file called SmugBrowser.xml, if it exists, can u please upload it here.
No it shouldn't matter that it's on linux, not that i have tested on it recently.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I found out the problem,
In the smugbrowser directory in the .mozilla/firefox/profile directory did not have "x" permissions.
So It was 644.
I changed that to 744, i.e. permission for me to "cd" to that dir.
After this the account creation is preserved.
I will use it some more an see if any more problems persist
After creating new account, It was stuck at retrieving!
I went to dir and saw that there was no directory change permission for my account dir.
So changed permissions from 644 to 744.
I think this is one bug you need to fix, i,e, when smugbrowser and account directories are created, make sure they have "execute permissions" for the "owner" user.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Thanks heaps Tanveer.
ok, i think i found the offending piece of code...
if(!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) file.create(nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0664);
so change that to 744 ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I checked the web page for the extension.
It would be nice if there is a feature list on that we page itself along with a list of planned features.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Hi Tanveer,
yes there definately will be when I get organised. I have been pretty busy with a number of different projects recently, but with this finally out to beta. Hopefully, I can free up a bit of time to take care of a few things that are long overdue.
I really appreciate your help on this. I will probably release a new version tonight, if I get around to fixing a few other issues.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Looks like an indispensible tool! (even if I can't spell)
I don't much to upload at this time, but when I do, I will do a little more experimenting with it, but so far - looks awesome!
Since I haven't much need to use it tonight, I can't say what I like or hate about it, or what features I would like to see nor do I have any bugs to report.
I anything like this
- that looks cool
- is free
- makes my life ever so much easier
- looks cool
- and is free
- oh, and works (meaning not from MS)
DerekEDIT: as a test I uploaded a LARGE file (30+gb), and before it finished, I closed the smugbrowser - I assume that this ended the u/l - and if so,it might be a good idea to add a feature that if upload in progress and you close smugbrowser, that a window opens warning you u/l are in progress, do you want to close or continue u/l.
EDIT #2 The ability to delete files via the browser (that are already posted) would be cool too. And maybe the ability to move from one gallery/folder to another...am I pushing it???
EDIT #3 Ablility to remove the uploaded files from the upload area once u/l. I tried the 'remove' but nadda. This would just be house cleaning.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Hey DJ,
No you're not pushing it, all of these items are already on the list.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Darn it - just once I would like to have an original idea!
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
I had my normal public site and a 'test' site to create a flyout nav bar.
I have several sub catagories, which had to be made even larger (more of). Doing this the normal way was going to take way too much time. I have a Rail Photos gallery with about 80 photos and I wanted to break that up into at least 10-12 sub catagories.
Smugbrowser allowed me to create numerous new sub catagories/gallerys after I created new Catagories. Smugbrowser sped up the creation, and customization of the galleries by a lot. It saved me a lot of time - a good thing since I've being working on the two sites while at work
No problems at all, while doing this (except one major flub that I can't see was caused by Smugbrowser at all).
Thanks for all of your work! You saved ME a ton of work/time.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Two things...
[1] Yes, I know you're aware of this, but the UI does need a little work... I'm an experienced web designer / pc and mac user / amateur code hacker, and I was stumped the first time I installed and had a look at this tool... So much so that I nearly uninstalled it! My second look, after one of your "shameless plugs", proved worthwhile... Thanks you for all your hard work!
[2] Lastly, one of the things I was looking to change on a bulk level, oddly enough doesn't appear to be included in the BULK UPDATE tool... And that is the "clean display"
<table class="formTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="title">clean: </td> <td nowrap="nowrap">Yes: <input tabindex="9" id="Clean" name="Clean" value="1" checked="checked" type="radio"> No:<input tabindex="10" id="Clean" name="Clean" value="0" type="radio"></td> <td class="inputDesc"> hide description and update time on homepage?</td></tr></tbody></table>
85mm f/1.8, 17-50 + 28-75m f/2.8 lenses
iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme, 4Gb RAM, OSX 10.5.7
http://encosion.com/ | http://encosion.smugmug.com/
seems to be working fine for me. if you still can't get access, PM me an email address and I will send you the xpi file.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
If you are okay with a public license such as GPL this project can be put on sourceforge and I can also look at the code and this can be developed as a fully functional browser based smugmug management console.
New features which I think would be great are
1. Copy photo from one gallery to other(Smugmug gives only move, so manually its s 2 step process
2. Rotate photos
3. Colorization etc., with option of preserving original image(backend does the two step process of copy and then colorize copy)
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Thanks encosion.
I will look into the issue with clean not being displayed.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hey Tanveer,
To be honest I really haven't thought about licensing at all. My plan has been all along to make SmugBrowser into a fully fledged smugmug management console. I have alot of other ideas in relation to implementing things that I haven't seen discussed or implemented by any other developers. So for this reason I am wouldn't be looking to GPL my extension...but you never know what will happen down the track. I also have a couple of other projects on the go, like developing a smugmug photo service for flock.
In regard to the features you have discussed...i really don't want to see SmugBrowser going into the arena of photo-processing, so for this reason I have only ever entertained the idea of emulating SM functionality, and providing bulk utilites that SM doesn't currently provide. Due to me supporting multiple accounts at the same time, I require API methods to be add in order to faciliate the first two features.
Thanks for posting, I am really quite flattered that you would consider developing the extension further.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Any chance you'll release an update shortly to allow us to add our beta test accounts? (I'm not even sure the API can access the beta server, but I had to ask
It actually works now but you need to hack an xml file to do so.
1. Find smugbrowser.xml on your computer.
2. Add the following entry and then change to details to suit you.
<account name="beta.devbobo" username="devbobo" savepassword="1" showempty="0" autoconnect="0" offline="0" apiurl="http://beta.smugmug.net/hack/rest/" uploadurl="http://beta.smugmug.net/photos/xmlrawadd.mg" apikey="9KBfO23Wx8pVMJYM2o0DEpFl9QvNjqdq"> Note: name is the display name in the tree.
userName is the smugmug account name.
I will add support to the UI when I get a chance.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
1) Uploads on the Mac failed / hung quiet a bit - but it was still preferable to using SmugMug's offering...
No problems at all on the PC - even if a photo looked like it going to hang (the progress bar gets stuck on some photos occationally) it sorted itself out by the time the queue was done...
2) Previously mentioned: The option for making a gallery "clean" or not seems to be the only feature you can't make BULK changes to yet...
3) Again on the Mac: FireFox would crash if I had SmugBrowser open and I clicked on some other download file type such as a torrent, MPG, PDF, etc... That was pretty annoying really, 'cos the queue obviously got wiped, so I had to compare to see what had finished uploading and what hadn't - and because the uploads aren't sequential by filename it made comparisons a bit more tedious... I eventually learnt to stop clicking on different file types whilst uploading - but I ended up using the PC to upload mostly by then anyway...
But again - loved it! Thanks! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with as time goes by... You certainly have hinted at some great plans for it!
85mm f/1.8, 17-50 + 28-75m f/2.8 lenses
iMac 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme, 4Gb RAM, OSX 10.5.7
http://encosion.com/ | http://encosion.smugmug.com/
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
FF2 updated today - smugbrowser no longer works
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Hey Guys,
I released a new version yesterday which should fix this issue, but it looks like my server is down. I will fix it as soon as I get home.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Boy you're quick on the server issue - I was just about to mention that...
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."