Another Kart Shot
I've never participated in one of these, but found the thread while looking for something else. Here's one of mine that was taken last weekend.
I've never participated in one of these, but found the thread while looking for something else. Here's one of mine that was taken last weekend.
Thanks for looking.
Thanks Antonio, for the compliment. I do mostly motorsports photography and seem to be panning on most shots, although the BG blur isn't always as noticable as in the shot submitted. I find that if I track the object in the viewfinder for two or three seconds before taking the shot, it's easier to match the movement.
Nikolai, I hope I didn't jump into a structured "class" that requires registration of some sort. I assumed this was open to all, so please accept my apologies if I was out of line.
Nikolai, I hope I didn't jump into a structured "class" that requires registration of some sort. I assumed this was open to all, so please accept my apologies if I was out of line.
No worries, it's not that structured
You play as you wish, just follow the rules
Long time coming...
I've been meaning to do this assignment for a *long* time... I've just been out of photography commission for a while.
Anyway, today I took about 15 shots and these are favorites.
I really wish this one was crisper, I love the guy's arm hanging out on the bright blue Beverly Hills cab.
I estimate the cars were going about 30-45 mph. I had to set the shutter to 1/60 to 1/100 to get any sort of good blur. Even then, the closer to me they were, the better. I was in Tv mode, ISO 100, Auto Focus. Canon 20D with the 17-85 EF-S. I want to try it with my 70-200 some time, though.
I've been meaning to do this assignment for a *long* time... I've just been out of photography commission for a while.
Anyway, today I took about 15 shots and these are favorites.
I really wish this one was crisper, I love the guy's arm hanging out on the bright blue Beverly Hills cab.
I estimate the cars were going about 30-45 mph. I had to set the shutter to 1/60 to 1/100 to get any sort of good blur. Even then, the closer to me they were, the better. I was in Tv mode, ISO 100, Auto Focus. Canon 20D with the 17-85 EF-S. I want to try it with my 70-200 some time, though.
Definitely a fun exercise!
Great, I'm glad to see you're back in the saddle, so to speak!
Panning of the moving subjects is surprisingly difficult to do properly... I was trying to catch the propeller blur on the airshow, set Tv to 1/100 - and failed miserably, since it was not enough to stop the motion blur of the plane, at least at 400mm...:cry
You know Nikolai, because of your assignments I have been doing better photography and I can/could remember you and your "home works" in India and where ever I go.
You know Nikolai, because of your assignments I have been doing better photography and I can/could remember you and your "home works" in India and where ever I go.
Hi. I'm new here. I'm not a pro, but have enjoyed photography for many years. I do a lot of motorsport stuff, particularly autocross and track. Here's a recent pan that came out better than I had expected.
I also hope I'm playing within the rules. This pic was taken after this particular "assignment" started. Plus I was trying to pan when I took it. However, I only recently started exploring Dgrin. I know I didn't go out and shoot this as a result of the assignment, but I'm hoping you'll go easy on the newbie.:uhoh
The "assignments" look like a lot of fun. I hope to do more. There are a lot of great photog's and information on this site. I hope you don't mind me trying to soak up some knowledge..
Tony P.
Tony P. Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1) Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play Autocross and Track junkie
Hi. I'm new here. I'm not a pro, but have enjoyed photography for many years. I do a lot of motorsport stuff, particularly autocross and track. Here's a recent pan that came out better than I had expected.
I also hope I'm playing within the rules. This pic was taken after this particular "assignment" started. Plus I was trying to pan when I took it. However, I only recently started exploring Dgrin. I know I didn't go out and shoot this as a result of the assignment, but I'm hoping you'll go easy on the newbie.:uhoh
The "assignments" look like a lot of fun. I hope to do more. There are a lot of great photog's and information on this site. I hope you don't mind me trying to soak up some knowledge..
Tony P.
Welcome to the Class and to Dgrin!
Thanks you for the entry!
Yes, you'll get some slack, but next time please post the shots you took while being aware of the assignment. I know it's impossible to verify, but it makes you go out and shoot, and, as a result, become a better photographer:-)
I like the first one better.
On the second one it's not obvious (for me, that is) if it's shallow DOF or a speed blur
But it's an improvement isn't it ?
It sure is:-)
Sorry it's not in 100% focus, and also sorry for the late entery. This was on my way home yesterday evening.
Good reason for me to que in on more assignments, I don't do much panning.
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
Driving is panning of a sort:-) And you got the blur:-)
Well, this is late, but I took this shot just for this assignment, over Thanksgiving, so I'm going to submit it anyway!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I've never participated in one of these, but found the thread while looking for something else. Here's one of mine that was taken last weekend.
Thanks for looking.
High Desert Racing Photography
Great idea, neat image!
Very good shot !
I tried to do something like this but my results are not so good as this one.
Welcome to the Class!
Pretty good one!
High Desert Racing Photography
No worries, it's not that structured
You play as you wish, just follow the rules
I know it may be a little late but I just found this link.
Very nice and well done !!!
Welcome to the Class!
Great capture!
No worries, our assigments never expire!
Simply try to comply with the current one before playing any catchup
I've been meaning to do this assignment for a *long* time... I've just been out of photography commission for a while.
Anyway, today I took about 15 shots and these are favorites.
I really wish this one was crisper, I love the guy's arm hanging out on the bright blue Beverly Hills cab.
I estimate the cars were going about 30-45 mph. I had to set the shutter to 1/60 to 1/100 to get any sort of good blur. Even then, the closer to me they were, the better. I was in Tv mode, ISO 100, Auto Focus. Canon 20D with the 17-85 EF-S. I want to try it with my 70-200 some time, though.
Definitely a fun exercise!
Thank you for the entries!
Great, I'm glad to see you're back in the saddle, so to speak!
Panning of the moving subjects is surprisingly difficult to do properly...
I shot this because I had it done before.
Still not perfect. But ...
Cool, nice entry!
You know Nikolai, because of your assignments I have been doing better photography and I can/could remember you and your "home works" in India and where ever I go.
Thank you, my friend
Sorry I ruined your trip
Welcome to Dgrin and to the Class!
There is no such things as being too late for this game, only too early
Thank you for the entries!
I also hope I'm playing within the rules. This pic was taken after this particular "assignment" started. Plus I was trying to pan when I took it. However, I only recently started exploring Dgrin. I know I didn't go out and shoot this as a result of the assignment, but I'm hoping you'll go easy on the newbie.:uhoh
The "assignments" look like a lot of fun. I hope to do more. There are a lot of great photog's and information on this site. I hope you don't mind me trying to soak up some knowledge..
Tony P.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Welcome to the Class and to Dgrin!
Thanks you for the entry!
Yes, you'll get some slack,
EXIF = Click on the picture please.