Finally back up!
This morning at 9am PST I reported to help@smugmug a complete network outage of Smugmug/Dgrin connectivity via Limelight Networks (, shortly after 3pm PST the connection was restored. Any news on what happened?
That was a very long six hour plus outage for anyone unfortunate enough to be routed through the Limelight connection (guessing AT&T customers as Limelight appears to peer with AT&T).
comcast in florida. started another thread earlier. IT guy at work pointed out a possible solution which I have not yet tried. Sorry for a new thread...
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.
comcast in florida. started another thread earlier. IT guy at work pointed out a possible solution which I have not yet tried. Sorry for a new thread...
There is no doubt in my mind this is a COMCAST issue (I am in NE Florida). I spent most of the weekend emailing and chatting on their help system trying to convince them that this is the case. Right now, I am accessing dgrin using my verizon cell phone. Here's how I know it is a comcast issue:
There are three sites I am experiencing trouble with - I can either load them once in awhile but not get to far into the site or not load them at all. Here is my latest correspondence with them (read from the bottom up - I have deleted some personal info but posted the entire email chain - sorry for the length):
Unfortunately - I will be away for a few days and the off to Europe, so I won't be able to follow up on this until maybe Friday or the following week.
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your message.
Thank you for all the additional information. At this time I feel it may be necessary to escalate a further investigation into this issue. I would be more than happy to assist you with this matter, however, for your security more account information is needed. You will need to chat with us to provide this information, and to get the assistance you need.
Asking for this account information is for your own protection and guards against someone changing your account information without your permission. This also helps our agents process your request quicker. Please remember that you must be the primary account holder to make any changes.
You can chat with one of our Online Customer Support Specialists 24 hour a day, 7 days a week at
Thank you for your patience. I know your time is important.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any more questions.
Thank you for choosing Comcast.
Ashley M.
Comcast Customer Care Specialist
The response contained in this message is intended for the addressee only and may vary from other responses depending on geography, promotional campaigns or other factors. If you are not the intended recipient of this response, please delete this message. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of the information contained in this message is prohibited.
Original Message Follows:
I have done this and it does not change anything - nor has removing my router and connecting straight to my cable modem. Let me resummarize my problem:
I am able to access most web sites with no apparent issue. So far, I have had problems with the following:
I also am having sporadic problems with My Yahoo which sometimes loads a substitute page and tells me there was an error accessing my normal yahoo page.
These issues all started over the weekend. The smugmug issue is affecting my home based photography business.
I have eliminated the router as a problem by taking it out of the picture. I have eliminated software and operating systems by consistently being able to recreate this issue on the following combiniations:
HP desktop with both firefox and IE
Dell Notebook with firefox, IE and Opera
Mac Mini with Safari and Firefox
When I connect using my cell phone based broad band access from Verizon, none of these issues occur, which leaves only my comcast cable modem and the comcast network as possible sources of my problem. A few months back, you had issues in the northeast that shut people out from only google, so I am wondering if this is something similar. I would think others are having these issues as well, but if not, than maybe there is an issue with my modem (which I have power cycled several times as part of my troubleshooting efforts). When I run tracert, I also have noticed that there are many *s and also latency times above 90ms (around 95) so this would also indicate something with the network (I don't know how to really interpret these results since I am not technical, but the tech support person I spoke with last night via chat session seemed to know even less). I've enjoyed comcast, but if I can't get this fixed soon, I will have to give DSL or clearwire a shot since the
current situation is unacceptable.
Tony Klimas | Jacksonville, FL
Original Message ----
From: Comcast Jacksonville <>
To: Tony
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 3:09:06 AM
Subject: Re: Web Form Submission: Connection/Other (KMM24316650V48497L0KM)
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your message concerning the Comcast High-Speed Internet service.
I am confident I can help you with the issue you described, Tony.
It appears as though you need to clear your cache, cookies and history files. While browsing the Internet, your computer uses cache, cookies and history files to store specific information about a web page on your hard drive. These files enable the browser to find the same pages quicker the next time you access them. Allowing these files to get too large, however, can cause performance issues. Clearing cache, cookies and history files on a regular basis can improve performance and ensure that you are viewing the latest versions of frequently visited web sites.
I have included the steps for clearing your cache, cookies, and history files below, as well as a link to our help site that contains the same instructions with helpful, easy-to-understand illustrations.
Please click on this link to view the detailed instructions with graphical illustrations:
Or if you prefer you can follow these step-by-step instructions:
To clear cache, history, and cookie files for Internet Explorer 6.0 using a Windows Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click Tools
3. Select Internet Options at the bottom of the drop-down menu
4. Click the General tab
5. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click Delete Files
6. Place a check in the box labeled Include All Offline Content
7. Click OK
8. Back in the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings
9. Make sure Every Visit to Page is selected
10. Move the slide bar to the amount of disk space you prefer to dedicate to your temporary Internet files. A smaller amount of space is recommended for smaller hard drives. It is recommended that this amount be no more than 25 MB
11. Click OK
12. In the History section, click Clear History
13. A box will appear asking if you are sure. Click Yes.
14. Set the number of days you want to store your history files. A lower number (0 to 10) is recommended
15. Click on the Delete Cookies button above the history section
16. Click OK on the confirmation box
17. Click Apply in the lower right-hand corner of the Internet Options Screen
18. Click OK
To clear cache, history and cookie files for Internet Explorer 7 using a Windows Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click Tools
3. Select Internet Options
4. Click the General tab
5. Click the Delete button under the "Browsing history" heading
6. Click Delete cookies in the Cookies section; click Yes in the confirmation box
7. Click Delete files in the Temporary Internet Files section; click Yes in the confirmation box
8. Click Delete history in the History section; click Yes in the confirmation box
9. Click Close
10. Click the Settings button under the "Browsing history" heading
11. Select "Every time I visit the webpage"
12. Set the "Disk space to use" field to 25 MB or less
13. Set the "Days to keep pages in history" field to 10 or less
14. Click OK
15. Click Ok again
To clear both the cache and history files for Internet Explorer 5.x using a Macintosh Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click Explorer
3. Select Preferences
4. Choose Advanced
5. Click the Clear History button. When asked if your are sure, click OK
6. Click the Empty Now button in the Cache section
7. Click OK
To clear the Cookies in Internet Explorer using a Macintosh Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Choose Preferences from Explorer menu
3. Select Receiving Files options
4. Select Cookies
5. Select the Cookies to be deleted from the list. (To delete all cookies press and hold the CTRL and Apple and A keys)
6. Press Delete button on the keyboard
For answers to frequently asked questions and updates on new features, please visit and select Help.
Remember that Comcast will never ask for your password or billing information via e-mail.
Thank you for choosing Comcast.
Greg P.
Comcast Customer Care Specialist
The response contained in this message is intended for the addressee only and may vary from other responses depending on geography, promotional campaigns or other factors. If you are not the intended recipient of this response, please delete this message. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of the information contained in this message is prohibited.
Original Message Follows:
The following information was submitted from the Comcast Web site:
Name: Tony Klimas
Problem: Connection/Other
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32259
Home Phone:
Re: Web Form Submission: Connection/Other
Browser: Firefox
OS: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20061206 Firefox/ Creative ZENcast v1.00.12
There is something going on with Comcast right now in North East
Florida and before I run out and order DSL, please provide me some
information as to what the problem is and when it will be fixed.
Certain sites will just not load. Most of the internet works fine,
but on three different computers (one a Mac) with three different
browsers (IE, Firefox and Safari), I am having troubles with the
following web sites (no problems when I connect using my verizon
wireless card - only comcast): -- this site barely loads and is impossible to
navigate around in. When I contacted their technical support, they
told me that they were aware that something is going on at Comcast. -- the smugmug technical support site -- not all the the time, but much of the time, I get a
page telling me my normal page could not be loaded
and, believe it or not, the Comcast Forums where I was trying to go
and see if others were experiencing these problems. Many other pages
load fine with no problem. I run a small part time home business
through my smugmug site, so if I can figure this out soon, i will have
to go for DSL which is also available here.
Perhaps someone from smugmug can email comcast with some hints as to what the problem might be. The support people (from comcast) I have talked to so far are clueless and I have little confidence in their ability. They offered to send a tech person to my house for a fee! I shot a bunch of youth football on Saturday and I'm sure many of my potential customers are having the same issue trying to access photos I have not yet been able to upload. What a disaster...
Tony please post the results of a traceroute (tracert on windows) from your comcast connection to, if you are still having trouble reaching dgrin. Smugmug has been up and mostly down for the latter half of Monday Jan 15 so a traceroute to won't have any value at the moment.
Crikey! I just tried to access Rafael Nadal's smugmug site - he's playing here in Australia but access denied. I was able to visit Maria Sharapova's site however no problems..........
Tony please post the results of a traceroute (tracert on windows) from your comcast connection to, if you are still having trouble reaching dgrin. Smugmug has been up and mostly down for the latter half of Monday Jan 15 so a traceroute to won't have any value at the moment.
I'm on the road, but will be back in Florida on Thursday evening at which point I will do just that. Anyone else here from Florida? Is it working now in Comcast? Thanks.
I'm on the road, but will be back in Florida on Thursday evening at which point I will do just that. Anyone else here from Florida? Is it working now in Comcast? Thanks.
Hey all, just catching up on this thread. Unable to upload getting same message as others folks were receiving: Software caused connection abort: socket write erorr
Newly relocated to Suva, Fiji; this is my first real effort at uploading. Have tried all uploaders from both Firefox and IE. Occassionally able to upload a single file but taking forever. Have updated Java 2
Version 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0_10-b03)
Here is my trace test:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 22 ms 15 ms 15 ms []
2 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
3 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
4 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms [202.137.176
5 31 ms 31 ms 46 ms []
6 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms POS1-3.IG3.SAC1.ALTER.NET []
7 156 ms 156 ms 155 ms []
8 156 ms 218 ms 156 ms []
9 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms []
10 171 ms 171 ms 156 ms []
11 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms []
12 187 ms 171 ms 187 ms []
13 171 ms 171 ms 171 ms []
Trace complete.
Desperate as this was my plan for backing up my images from here for the next 3 to 4 years. Any suggestions (I really don't begin to know how to interpret the trace).
Hey all, just catching up on this thread. Unable to upload getting same message as others folks were receiving: Software caused connection abort: socket write erorr
The traceroute looks normal. The large jump in values would be crossing the pacific (the speed of light is only so fast).
How big are the files you are uploading, and how long are they taking? Also, what speed is your connection supposed to be?
And then click the yellow pyramid. Then click the share icon in the lower right corner (next to the results at the bottom). That should give you a line of text for forums to copy and paste. Paste that in a reply, and we will see what that tells us.
I am still unable to access smugmug or dgrin from my home PC on Comcast and I am in Jacksonville (NE florida). At list point it would be easier to drop Comcast alltogether than to work for a resolution through them. Thank you Tony for posting what you have exchanged with comcast!
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.
I am still unable to access smugmug or dgrin from my home PC on Comcast and I am in Jacksonville (NE florida). At list point it would be easier to drop Comcast alltogether than to work for a resolution through them. Thank you Tony for posting what you have exchanged with comcast!
Might not be comcast. Run a traceroute to either or to possibly see where the problem is. The same thing happened to me last week and I discovered it was a problem with one of Smugmug's connectivity providers.
Folks, I really need your help here. Please, please, please, please post traceroutes.
I think that, in addition to some other things it would be useful to add to your default downloader (which I'll get to in a feech thread later), you might want to gather some uploader-IP-location stats and a traceroute at the beginning of every upload session, and send them up for auditing before moving the pictures. Surely Java has library routines that will gather that data for you...
John, I was looking through that thread and do not see any traceroutes posted. I'm very curious to see if a traceroute would reveal a network connectivity meltdown somewhere like I enountered last week via Smugmug's upstream provider's connection to Limelight Networks (
Since you are a member of the forum (and I'm not), would you ask those who are having problems to post their traceroute results?
John, I was looking through that thread and do not see any traceroutes posted. I'm very curious to see if a traceroute would reveal a network connectivity meltdown somewhere like I enountered last week via Smugmug's upstream provider's connection to Limelight Networks (
Since you are a member of the forum (and I'm not), would you ask those who are having problems to post their traceroute results?
Folks this is a separate issue, it's Comcast, and localized (mostly) to Florida.
I'M BACK!1 I was unable to get this site and any smugmug related sites to load for several days. It seems to have been a problem with us Floridians using Comcast cable service. It seems to be working now (10:47 p.m. Wed.)
I'M BACK!1 I was unable to get this site and any smugmug related sites to load for several days. It seems to have been a problem with us Floridians using Comcast cable service. It seems to be working now (10:47 p.m. Wed.)
I was unable to get this site and any smugmug related sites to load for several days. It seems to have been a problem with us Floridians using Comcast cable service. It seems to be working now (10:47 p.m. Wed.)
Good to hear you can get in now. Hopefully the problem is finally resolved.
John, I looked at those traceroutes and everything looks pretty normal there.
I'm now in the camp that Comcast was doing some http filtering and Smug's netblock was included. From prior experience trying to work with Comcast on other issues effecting their customers, I'm sure they will never admit what they did or didn't do to cause or fix the problem.
Comcast is a real work of..... I called, emailed and instant messaged them for days. I got no where with them. They kept trying to blame it on Smugmug or the browser I was using....despite telling them that a couple dozen of my photo buddies living in Florida...using Comcast, could not get Smugmug or Dgrin to load.
Wonder how long it will last until they screw us over again?
Comcast is a real work of..... I called, emailed and instant messaged them for days. I got no where with them. They kept trying to blame it on Smugmug or the browser I was using....despite telling them that a couple dozen of my photo buddies living in Florida...using Comcast, could not get Smugmug or Dgrin to load.
Wonder how long it will last until they screw us over again?
This morning at 9am PST I reported to help@smugmug a complete network outage of Smugmug/Dgrin connectivity via Limelight Networks (, shortly after 3pm PST the connection was restored. Any news on what happened?
That was a very long six hour plus outage for anyone unfortunate enough to be routed through the Limelight connection (guessing AT&T customers as Limelight appears to peer with AT&T).
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.
There is no doubt in my mind this is a COMCAST issue (I am in NE Florida). I spent most of the weekend emailing and chatting on their help system trying to convince them that this is the case. Right now, I am accessing dgrin using my verizon cell phone. Here's how I know it is a comcast issue:
There are three sites I am experiencing trouble with - I can either load them once in awhile but not get to far into the site or not load them at all. Here is my latest correspondence with them (read from the bottom up - I have deleted some personal info but posted the entire email chain - sorry for the length):
Unfortunately - I will be away for a few days and the off to Europe, so I won't be able to follow up on this until maybe Friday or the following week.
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your message.
Thank you for all the additional information. At this time I feel it may be necessary to escalate a further investigation into this issue. I would be more than happy to assist you with this matter, however, for your security more account information is needed. You will need to chat with us to provide this information, and to get the assistance you need.
Asking for this account information is for your own protection and guards against someone changing your account information without your permission. This also helps our agents process your request quicker. Please remember that you must be the primary account holder to make any changes.
You can chat with one of our Online Customer Support Specialists 24 hour a day, 7 days a week at
Thank you for your patience. I know your time is important.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any more questions.
Thank you for choosing Comcast.
Ashley M.
Comcast Customer Care Specialist
The response contained in this message is intended for the addressee only and may vary from other responses depending on geography, promotional campaigns or other factors. If you are not the intended recipient of this response, please delete this message. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of the information contained in this message is prohibited.
Original Message Follows:
I have done this and it does not change anything - nor has removing my router and connecting straight to my cable modem. Let me resummarize my problem:
I am able to access most web sites with no apparent issue. So far, I have had problems with the following: (a smugmug discussion forum)
and (the comcast help forum...the main site loads fine).
I also am having sporadic problems with My Yahoo which sometimes loads a substitute page and tells me there was an error accessing my normal yahoo page.
These issues all started over the weekend. The smugmug issue is affecting my home based photography business.
I have eliminated the router as a problem by taking it out of the picture. I have eliminated software and operating systems by consistently being able to recreate this issue on the following combiniations:
HP desktop with both firefox and IE
Dell Notebook with firefox, IE and Opera
Mac Mini with Safari and Firefox
When I connect using my cell phone based broad band access from Verizon, none of these issues occur, which leaves only my comcast cable modem and the comcast network as possible sources of my problem. A few months back, you had issues in the northeast that shut people out from only google, so I am wondering if this is something similar. I would think others are having these issues as well, but if not, than maybe there is an issue with my modem (which I have power cycled several times as part of my troubleshooting efforts). When I run tracert, I also have noticed that there are many *s and also latency times above 90ms (around 95) so this would also indicate something with the network (I don't know how to really interpret these results since I am not technical, but the tech support person I spoke with last night via chat session seemed to know even less). I've enjoyed comcast, but if I can't get this fixed soon, I will have to give DSL or clearwire a shot since the
current situation is unacceptable.
Tony Klimas | Jacksonville, FL
Original Message ----
From: Comcast Jacksonville <>
To: Tony
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 3:09:06 AM
Subject: Re: Web Form Submission: Connection/Other (KMM24316650V48497L0KM)
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your message concerning the Comcast High-Speed Internet service.
I am confident I can help you with the issue you described, Tony.
It appears as though you need to clear your cache, cookies and history files. While browsing the Internet, your computer uses cache, cookies and history files to store specific information about a web page on your hard drive. These files enable the browser to find the same pages quicker the next time you access them. Allowing these files to get too large, however, can cause performance issues. Clearing cache, cookies and history files on a regular basis can improve performance and ensure that you are viewing the latest versions of frequently visited web sites.
I have included the steps for clearing your cache, cookies, and history files below, as well as a link to our help site that contains the same instructions with helpful, easy-to-understand illustrations.
Please click on this link to view the detailed instructions with graphical illustrations:
Or if you prefer you can follow these step-by-step instructions:
To clear cache, history, and cookie files for Internet Explorer 6.0 using a Windows Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click Tools
3. Select Internet Options at the bottom of the drop-down menu
4. Click the General tab
5. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click Delete Files
6. Place a check in the box labeled Include All Offline Content
7. Click OK
8. Back in the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings
9. Make sure Every Visit to Page is selected
10. Move the slide bar to the amount of disk space you prefer to dedicate to your temporary Internet files. A smaller amount of space is recommended for smaller hard drives. It is recommended that this amount be no more than 25 MB
11. Click OK
12. In the History section, click Clear History
13. A box will appear asking if you are sure. Click Yes.
14. Set the number of days you want to store your history files. A lower number (0 to 10) is recommended
15. Click on the Delete Cookies button above the history section
16. Click OK on the confirmation box
17. Click Apply in the lower right-hand corner of the Internet Options Screen
18. Click OK
To clear cache, history and cookie files for Internet Explorer 7 using a Windows Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click Tools
3. Select Internet Options
4. Click the General tab
5. Click the Delete button under the "Browsing history" heading
6. Click Delete cookies in the Cookies section; click Yes in the confirmation box
7. Click Delete files in the Temporary Internet Files section; click Yes in the confirmation box
8. Click Delete history in the History section; click Yes in the confirmation box
9. Click Close
10. Click the Settings button under the "Browsing history" heading
11. Select "Every time I visit the webpage"
12. Set the "Disk space to use" field to 25 MB or less
13. Set the "Days to keep pages in history" field to 10 or less
14. Click OK
15. Click Ok again
To clear both the cache and history files for Internet Explorer 5.x using a Macintosh Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click Explorer
3. Select Preferences
4. Choose Advanced
5. Click the Clear History button. When asked if your are sure, click OK
6. Click the Empty Now button in the Cache section
7. Click OK
To clear the Cookies in Internet Explorer using a Macintosh Operating System:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Choose Preferences from Explorer menu
3. Select Receiving Files options
4. Select Cookies
5. Select the Cookies to be deleted from the list. (To delete all cookies press and hold the CTRL and Apple and A keys)
6. Press Delete button on the keyboard
For answers to frequently asked questions and updates on new features, please visit and select Help.
Remember that Comcast will never ask for your password or billing information via e-mail.
Thank you for choosing Comcast.
Greg P.
Comcast Customer Care Specialist
The response contained in this message is intended for the addressee only and may vary from other responses depending on geography, promotional campaigns or other factors. If you are not the intended recipient of this response, please delete this message. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of the information contained in this message is prohibited.
Original Message Follows:
The following information was submitted from the Comcast Web site:
Name: Tony Klimas
Problem: Connection/Other
City: Jacksonville
State: FL
Zip: 32259
Home Phone:
Re: Web Form Submission: Connection/Other
Browser: Firefox
OS: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20061206 Firefox/ Creative ZENcast v1.00.12
There is something going on with Comcast right now in North East
Florida and before I run out and order DSL, please provide me some
information as to what the problem is and when it will be fixed.
Certain sites will just not load. Most of the internet works fine,
but on three different computers (one a Mac) with three different
browsers (IE, Firefox and Safari), I am having troubles with the
following web sites (no problems when I connect using my verizon
wireless card - only comcast): -- this site barely loads and is impossible to
navigate around in. When I contacted their technical support, they
told me that they were aware that something is going on at Comcast. -- the smugmug technical support site -- not all the the time, but much of the time, I get a
page telling me my normal page could not be loaded
and, believe it or not, the Comcast Forums where I was trying to go
and see if others were experiencing these problems. Many other pages
load fine with no problem. I run a small part time home business
through my smugmug site, so if I can figure this out soon, i will have
to go for DSL which is also available here.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos & smugmug
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I'm on the road, but will be back in Florida on Thursday evening at which point I will do just that. Anyone else here from Florida? Is it working now in Comcast? Thanks.
Hey all, just catching up on this thread. Unable to upload getting same message as others folks were receiving: Software caused connection abort: socket write erorr
Newly relocated to Suva, Fiji; this is my first real effort at uploading. Have tried all uploaders from both Firefox and IE. Occassionally able to upload a single file but taking forever. Have updated Java 2
Version 1.5.0 (build 1.5.0_10-b03)
Here is my trace test:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 22 ms 15 ms 15 ms []
2 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
3 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
4 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms [202.137.176
5 31 ms 31 ms 46 ms []
6 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms POS1-3.IG3.SAC1.ALTER.NET []
7 156 ms 156 ms 155 ms []
8 156 ms 218 ms 156 ms []
9 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms []
10 171 ms 171 ms 156 ms []
11 156 ms 156 ms 156 ms []
12 187 ms 171 ms 187 ms []
13 171 ms 171 ms 171 ms []
Trace complete.
Desperate as this was my plan for backing up my images from here for the next 3 to 4 years. Any suggestions (I really don't begin to know how to interpret the trace).
The traceroute looks normal. The large jump in values would be crossing the pacific (the speed of light is only so fast).
How big are the files you are uploading, and how long are they taking? Also, what speed is your connection supposed to be?
And lastly, can you go here:
And then click the yellow pyramid. Then click the share icon in the lower right corner (next to the results at the bottom). That should give you a line of text for forums to copy and paste. Paste that in a reply, and we will see what that tells us.
"There are 3 kinds of people in this world...those who can count, and those who can't" :scratch
Please feel free to edit my images...I can only learn from it.
Might not be comcast. Run a traceroute to either or to possibly see where the problem is. The same thing happened to me last week and I discovered it was a problem with one of Smugmug's connectivity providers.
Swim for Them | | AlbumFetcher | SmugShowBuilder
I think that, in addition to some other things it would be useful to add to your default downloader (which I'll get to in a feech thread later), you might want to gather some uploader-IP-location stats and a traceroute at the beginning of every upload session, and send them up for auditing before moving the pictures. Surely Java has library routines that will gather that data for you...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
John, I was looking through that thread and do not see any traceroutes posted. I'm very curious to see if a traceroute would reveal a network connectivity meltdown somewhere like I enountered last week via Smugmug's upstream provider's connection to Limelight Networks (
Since you are a member of the forum (and I'm not), would you ask those who are having problems to post their traceroute results?
Folks this is a separate issue, it's Comcast, and localized (mostly) to Florida.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Did you miss me and my osprey?
"Osprey Whisperer"
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Good to hear you can get in now. Hopefully the problem is finally resolved.
John, I looked at those traceroutes and everything looks pretty normal there.
I'm now in the camp that Comcast was doing some http filtering and Smug's netblock was included. From prior experience trying to work with Comcast on other issues effecting their customers, I'm sure they will never admit what they did or didn't do to cause or fix the problem.
Wonder how long it will last until they screw us over again?
"Osprey Whisperer"
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Not only will I give you an image.......I'm going to have my buddy play you a song with his organ. <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
I sent something to Comcast as well.
"Osprey Whisperer"