At Adorama - just go to their site and search for Sandisk Extreme III 2GB and you should find it. On the page it'll have a link to download and print the .pdf file to fill out and send back in after you receive the product.
At Adorama - just go to their site and search for Sandisk Extreme III 2GB and you should find it. On the page it'll have a link to download and print the .pdf file to fill out and send back in after you receive the product.
Problem is ... the Sandisk rebate comes on a debit card, which in itself is not particularly a problem, but you cannot use it online to order anything because there is no shipping address address associated with the debit card (or at least it failed address verification for me). And to purchase gas, the you must pay inside (haven't tried yet) and not at the pump (which cannot recognize the card). You must also keep track of the amount on the card, or it comes back declined. What a pain! Guess this is one way to prevent people from using (or actually getting) the total value of the rebate.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
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Both 8Gb and 16Gb deals look very nice
*) rebate seems to be in form of a prepaid Visa card
*) buying more than one item (up to three) increases per-item rebate amount slightly, e.g. :
for Sandisk 8Gb III Extreme rebates are: 1 card - $40, 2 cards - $100 (i.e. $50/ea), 3 cards - $160 (i.e. $53.33/ea)
for Sandisk 16Gb III Extreme rebates are: 1 card - $90, 2 cards - $190 (i.e. $95/ea), 3 cards - $300 (i.e. $100/ea)
I make it policy to never let ignorance stand in the way of my opinion. ~Justiceiro
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros." ~Herbert Keppler
End of season sale. Checked the prices and the ExtremeIII cards are $50 cheaper than on newegg... Crazy good deal if you need new cards!
I make it policy to never let ignorance stand in the way of my opinion. ~Justiceiro
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros." ~Herbert Keppler
Sandisk Extreme III 8gb at Beach Camera
Beach Camera has the Sandisk 8gb Extreme III for $79 before rebate and free shipping. Hurry, as the rebate ends 9/28/08.
Some Cameras
Some lenses
Some extra gear
Some willing and unwilling subjects to photograph.
Expiration date?
The rebate form says the Visa rebate cards have an expiration date on the front, after which if you didn't use it, you lose it. Can someone who has received theirs tell us what expiration date your card has, please?
I'm just concerned that, if it takes 8 weeks to receive the rebate cards, and a week or so to receive the CF cards before I can even mail the rebate form, we're getting pretty darn close to year end, and probably past shopping season. It would suck to have the thing expire before I could spend it. (I'm going for it, anyway. I'd just like to know. If I missed it, back in the thread, I apologize.)
Also, while trying to find someone who had some in stock, I notice that Beach Camera has 4GB Extreme III cards for $9 after rebate! And, it gets better! Buy three, and your net cost is STILL $9.97!!!:ivar If you don't need megastorage, that's gotta be an unbeatable deal.
(3 x 29.99 = 89.97 - $80 rebate = 9.97 + free standard shipping = unbeLIEVable)
Once upon a time, they all lived happily ever after.
The rebate form says the Visa rebate cards have an expiration date on the front, after which if you didn't use it, you lose it. Can someone who has received theirs tell us what expiration date your card has, please?
I'm just concerned that, if it takes 8 weeks to receive the rebate cards, and a week or so to receive the CF cards before I can even mail the rebate form, we're getting pretty darn close to year end, and probably past shopping season. It would suck to have the thing expire before I could spend it. (I'm going for it, anyway. I'd just like to know. If I missed it, back in the thread, I apologize.)
Also, while trying to find someone who had some in stock, I notice that Beach Camera has 4GB Extreme III cards for $9 after rebate! And, it gets better! Buy three, and your net cost is STILL $9.97!!!:ivar If you don't need megastorage, that's gotta be an unbeatable deal.
(3 x 29.99 = 89.97 - $80 rebate = 9.97 + free standard shipping = unbeLIEVable)
The one I got a while ago says "good until Jan 09"
If only they had some UDMA cards on this deal, would love to pick up some super speedy UDMA's for the 5D MkII before it arrives.... the 16GB Extreme IV is a UDMA, but that's not on this list.
NEW EGG has some great prices
here is a link to NEW EGGS Transcend front page.....there are some really great prices and they seem to be dropping every week.
Sandisk CompactFlash card sale
There is now a Sandisk Winter Sale at Adorama and probably elsewhere: Extreme III Compact Flash 8 GB @ 59.95 less $15. rebate=$44.95. Rebate for two 8 GB cards is $35. What a deal! Do the math.
There is now a Sandisk Winter Sale at Adorama and probably elsewhere: Extreme III Compact Flash 8 GB @ 59.95 less $15. rebate=$44.95. Rebate for two 8 GB cards is $35. What a deal! Do the math.
Score! I missed out on the summer ones since I was/am still using a SD camera, but a CF is in my near future, so I need to be prepared
At Adorama - just go to their site and search for Sandisk Extreme III 2GB and you should find it. On the page it'll have a link to download and print the .pdf file to fill out and send back in after you receive the product.
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Deal: 8GB Sandisk Extreme III Compact Flash: $35 after rebate at Adorama
here is the rebate form:
(rebate does not appear to be limited to Adorama, btw)
Both 8Gb and 16Gb deals look very nice
*) rebate seems to be in form of a prepaid Visa card
*) buying more than one item (up to three) increases per-item rebate amount slightly, e.g. :
for Sandisk 8Gb III Extreme rebates are: 1 card - $40, 2 cards - $100 (i.e. $50/ea), 3 cards - $160 (i.e. $53.33/ea)
for Sandisk 16Gb III Extreme rebates are: 1 card - $90, 2 cards - $190 (i.e. $95/ea), 3 cards - $300 (i.e. $100/ea)
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Sandisk is having an INCREDIBLE sale for the next day or so. Extreme III cards for $50 cheaper than newegg.
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
End of season sale. Checked the prices and the ExtremeIII cards are $50 cheaper than on newegg...
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
(i_worship seems to have found that out already anyway
Beach Camera has the Sandisk 8gb Extreme III for $79 before rebate and free shipping. Hurry, as the rebate ends 9/28/08.
Some lenses
Some extra gear
Some willing and unwilling subjects to photograph.
Some lenses
Some extra gear
Some willing and unwilling subjects to photograph.
Ordered some more, 16gb this time $115 per card, $90 rebate, $25 bucks a card? How can you not?
Here's the Sandisk Rebate Form.
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The rebate form says the Visa rebate cards have an expiration date on the front, after which if you didn't use it, you lose it. Can someone who has received theirs tell us what expiration date your card has, please?
I'm just concerned that, if it takes 8 weeks to receive the rebate cards, and a week or so to receive the CF cards before I can even mail the rebate form, we're getting pretty darn close to year end, and probably past shopping season. It would suck to have the thing expire before I could spend it. (I'm going for it, anyway. I'd just like to know. If I missed it, back in the thread, I apologize.)
Also, while trying to find someone who had some in stock, I notice that Beach Camera has 4GB Extreme III cards for $9 after rebate!
(3 x 29.99 = 89.97 - $80 rebate = 9.97 + free standard shipping = unbeLIEVable)
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Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Sigma 18-50 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8
Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6, 50mm f/1.8
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2GB - $13.95 after rebate
4GB - $22.95 after rebate
8GB - $67.95 after rebate
Exactly what I was concerned about. Thanks, Andy.
here is a link to NEW EGGS Transcend front page.....there are some really great prices and they seem to be dropping every week.
There is now a Sandisk Winter Sale at Adorama and probably elsewhere: Extreme III Compact Flash 8 GB @ 59.95 less $15. rebate=$44.95. Rebate for two 8 GB cards is $35. What a deal! Do the math.
Score! I missed out on the summer ones since I was/am still using a SD camera, but a CF is in my near future, so I need to be prepared
*kiss* thank you!