Seems that so far all the photos have 1VP, as Nikolai keeps pointing out. I was going to try for a 2+ VP photo, but I'm stumped as to how to pull it off. Perhaps a Y-intersection or similar setup? But I haven't found any that I could pull of without a fisheye lens.
Anybody have hints for achieving a 2+ VP photo for the fisheye impaired?
Seems that so far all the photos have 1VP, as Nikolai keeps pointing out. I was going to try for a 2+ VP photo, but I'm stumped as to how to pull it off. Perhaps a Y-intersection or similar setup? But I haven't found any that I could pull of without a fisheye lens.
Anybody have hints for achieving a 2+ VP photo for the fisheye impaired?
Yes, Y-intersection and a wide enough lens would give you 2 VPs. What's your widest now?
I remember Denver had quite a few of Ys downtown...
Yes, Y-intersection and a wide enough lens would give you 2 VPs. What's your widest now?
I remember Denver had quite a few of Ys downtown...
My one and only for now is an 18-55, with a 1.5x crop factor. Denver does have a lot of Y's, thanks to the central downtown street grid being twisted from the rest of the area's grid. Still, haven't found one I liked -- although admittedly I haven't made a serious effort at it.
So there's a lot of variations on that theme (hallways, railroad tracks, trails) but it seems like there should be more than that. Guess that'll give me something to noodle on tomorrow.
While I'm not a big fan of 18-55, it should still give you some WA at 18mm. Sure you'll get some less than the perfect quality, but hey, we're not exactly shooting centerfolds here (I wish:-)
i dont know if im allowed to post in this thread anymore, but i just though this photo i took last night set the theme well
Of course you are! WAs do not have cut-off date. The only rule about timing is that you should not submit the photo taken before you knew about the assignment. Naturally, we cannot enforce it, but thus far we've managed...
Nice 1VP! A bit on a soft/spooky side, but a valid entry by all means!
I really struggled with a crop for this one...so any thoughts, ideas are welcome!
It's a nice picture. I don't want to invade Nikolai's territory as King of Kongratulations and Arbiter of Assignments, but I daresay it's a nice example of vanishing point too.
Was there anything in particular you're looking for suggestions on? What were trying to say with this (aside from the VP thing).
Here's my stab at vanishing point...
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Seems that so far all the photos have 1VP, as Nikolai keeps pointing out. I was going to try for a 2+ VP photo, but I'm stumped as to how to pull it off. Perhaps a Y-intersection or similar setup? But I haven't found any that I could pull of without a fisheye lens.
Anybody have hints for achieving a 2+ VP photo for the fisheye impaired?
Personal SmugMug
It is classic indeed :-)!
Yes, Y-intersection and a wide enough lens would give you 2 VPs. What's your widest now?
I remember Denver had quite a few of Ys downtown...
My one and only for now is an 18-55, with a 1.5x crop factor. Denver does have a lot of Y's, thanks to the central downtown street grid being twisted from the rest of the area's grid. Still, haven't found one I liked -- although admittedly I haven't made a serious effort at it.
So there's a lot of variations on that theme (hallways, railroad tracks, trails) but it seems like there should be more than that. Guess that'll give me something to noodle on tomorrow.
Personal SmugMug
Sorry if this is, somehow, a repetition.
It certainly is not repetition, awesome shot.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Very nice, assymmetrical 1VP shot!
After a bit of looking around I found Civic Center Park, where I got all of these.
2VP's here, although the one on the right is a bit foreshortened by the railing ending.
Another 2VP's, although the left one is a bit messed up due to the railing pitching down.
And finally, a 3VP. I wish I had a wider angle lens, but you can still see them.
And now I'll quite spamming this thread.
Personal SmugMug
Wow, what a collection!
BTW, #1 can count as 4VPs, since you have both railings and buildings
Please click on photos for a larger view.
Young photos. They are about 2 hours old ! Look at the watch !
Nice 1VP shots!
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Great ideas!
Nice 1VP! A bit on a soft/spooky side, but a valid entry by all means!
I really struggled with a crop for this one...so any thoughts, ideas are welcome!
Wooden footbridge, whilst looking for some still water!
It's a nice picture. I don't want to invade Nikolai's territory as King of Kongratulations and Arbiter of Assignments, but I daresay it's a nice example of vanishing point too.
Was there anything in particular you're looking for suggestions on? What were trying to say with this (aside from the VP thing).
Personal SmugMug
Why not something really simple like this:
(also added some curves in L mode and some G-blur with the mask)