This is not happening to my personal site, only to my Pro site. I would hope someone could respond and give us some kind of an update on what is going on.
This is not happening to my personal site, only to my Pro site. I would hope someone could respond and give us some kind of an update on what is going on.
We are reviewing this and {JT} will reply when we know more, thanks.
Ok folks, "most" of you are seeing this because you have a slideshow on your homepage. The simple fix is to use this code instead to launch the show (code is normally in your footer)
Our new add photos button runs code when the browser is ready. The problem is that it runs in to other code that is running when it should not be. This is identical to the gallery problems with aborted pages a while ago. Those of you NOT running slideshow on your homepage. You can alter the above code and insert the JS that may be causing the problem:
YE.onDOMReady(function() {
// put your code inbetween here
// end here
I have already fixed a few of your sites, please reply to this post if you are STILL having issues and can't figure it out on your own and I will help you out
Ok folks, "most" of you are seeing this because you have a slideshow on your homepage. The simple fix is to use this code instead to launch the show (code is normally in your footer)
Our new add photos button runs code when the browser is ready. The problem is that it runs in to other code that is running when it should not be. This is identical to the gallery problems with aborted pages a while ago. Those of you NOT running slideshow on your homepage. You can alter the above code and insert the JS that may be causing the problem:
YE.onDOMReady(function() {
// put your code inbetween here
// end here
I have already fixed a few of your sites, please reply to this post if you are STILL having issues and can't figure it out on your own and I will help you out
[quote={JT}... Those of you NOT running slideshow on your homepage. You can alter the above code and insert the JS that may be causing the problem:
That's easy for you to say. I have slideshows running in seven different
galleries and don't use the dup homepage galleries hack.
That's easy for you to say. I have slideshows running in seven different
galleries and don't use the dup homepage galleries hack.
Yeah stay tuned, {JT} is making a site tweak and hopefully you won't have to do anything
To say that I am more than frustrated is an understatement! I am sick and tired of having to change my slide show every few weeks because Smug mug decides to roll out a "new feature"!
I am trying to run a business, and as such don't have time to spend playing around with making what was working, work again because someone thought an add photos button with a drop down would be nice.
I am into taking pictures and trying to make some money at it, not web designing. Can't we just get a site that works without hassles for myself and most importantly my customers. If they have one problem I most likely won't see them back. This is not cool!
To say that I am more than frustrated is an understatement! I am sick and tired of having to change my slide show every few weeks because Smug mug decides to roll out a "new feature"!
I am trying to run a business, and as such don't have time to spend playing around with making what was working, work again because someone thought an add photos button with a drop down would be nice.
I am into taking pictures and trying to make some money at it, not web designing. Can't we just get a site that works without hassles for myself and most importantly my customers. If they have one problem I most likely won't see them back. This is not cool!
You are absolutely right. This was a mistake on our end, and we're fixing it right now.
Please DO NOT change your code.
Sorry for the hassle, we're fixing it as fast as we can.
This should be fixed automatically on all sites now, folks. Again, we're sorry for the confusion.
Thankfully, this just affected you as site owners and not your visitors.
Thanks - my slide show is now working properly, and my home page displays without error.
But there appears to still be something odd floating around, and it started at the same time as the logged in home page problem in IE today. If I am logged in and use IE, the status line at the bottom of the screen says "Done, but with errors on page".
This does not happen when I am logged out, and it does not happen in Firefox when I am logged in. Only shows up on IE.
Great, now when I go to a specific gallery category such as Armstrong Softball and click on the new add photos button I can't create a gallery! It says at the bottom, "Done with errors on page" IE7 and Windows XP. Please get us back to a working site, this has been a complete waste of my day. Are you telling me that the only way I can create a gallery is from my home page and not from within an existing gallery?
Great, now when I go to a specific gallery category such as Armstrong Softball and click on the new add photos button I can't create a gallery! It says at the bottom, "Done with errors on page" IE7 and Windows XP. Please get us back to a working site, this has been a complete waste of my day. Are you telling me that the only way I can create a gallery is from my home page and not from within an existing gallery?
Dbl, I'm really sorry about the problems. We are doing our best to make the website better without breaking any customization and causing any problems to our users. Frankly, we screwed up and we are working as hard as we can to fix it.
That being said, the problem affected a small number of site owners and no visitors. It's frustrating and we screwed up, but let's not blow this out of proportion.
As far as creating a new gallery from inside an existing gallery, that option only became available with this new release last night. As far as I am aware, you never could create a new gallery that way before.
Edit: Can you link a specific gallery where this is happening? I tried reproducing the bug in all your Armstrong Softball galleries as well as the category itself and was unable to do so.
I have a similar and probably related problem on . Starting today, only when I am logged in, I get "Expected identifier, string or number" HTML errors loading galleries and images. I suspect that some part of my amateur HTML customization was brought out of the murk by the latest release - but of course it all still looks perfectly reasonable to me Thank goodness it only impacts me, but it sure is a pain in the butt, and I have given up trying to maintain my site until it can be fixed.
Cal Williams
Dbl, I'm really sorry about the problems. We are doing our best to make the website better without breaking any customization and causing any problems to our users. Frankly, we screwed up and we are working as hard as we can to fix it.
That being said, the problem affected a small number of site owners and no visitors. It's frustrating and we screwed up, but let's not blow this out of proportion.
As far as creating a new gallery from inside an existing gallery, that option only became available with this new release last night. As far as I am aware, you never could create a new gallery that way before.
Edit: Can you link a specific gallery where this is happening? I tried reproducing the bug in all your Armstrong Softball galleries as well as the category itself and was unable to do so.
I have created many galleries from within a gallery CATAGORY which I believe is what I mentioned at the beginning of my last post? The question I posed at the end of my thread is incorrect when I stated "existing gallery". At any rate here is a screen shot, not easy to get because I could not get to my other site because the smugmug uploader would not load.
From this screen when you click on add photos all I get is the "Done, but with errors on page" I get no drop down box nothing except what you see here. No option to do anything at all. I know there is an option because I could see it in FF. Does that help?
Can you please try something? Tools>Internet options and then clear your temporary files? Then shut your browser completely, and restart IE6. Go to the above link, and wait for the page to load. Do you get the yellow error msg lower left? What happens when you click on the "Add Photos" button?
Thanks. Sorry again that you are having trouble. We will get you sorted.
Did all you asked still get the error, still unable to do anything with the "add photos" button and it doesn't work in ANY gallery catagory. It is IE7 not IE6. The only place I can get the drop down is here.
Also in my personal site which is VERY slow I can only get the uploader to work on two or three page refreshes. This is with FF.
I'm also having issues w/ the add photos button. I'm using ie6 and when I click the button, nothing appears to happen... just the notation on the bottom of the screen: done, but with errors on page.
no issues w/ log in, no slide show, just can't add a gallery to an existing category
my site:
specifically I'm trying to add a (pass word protected) gallery to the Los Gauchos subcategory.
oh, and by the way, fwiw, it is affecting customers if they are not able to get to a promised gallery b/c we can't put it up.
Ok, the fix just went out - please go check and see if the menu comes up for everyone who reported it broken. Please report here any problems you are still having and with what browsers. Thanks!
tx, it's working for me now... I don't know if it is what you did or that I just figured out a way to specifically delete my cookies (they keep changing the interface of the ie tools )
Ok, the fix just went out - please go check and see if the menu comes up for everyone who reported it broken. Please report here any problems you are still having and with what browsers. Thanks!
Works both in Opera 9.21 and IE6 now. Had to delete cookies & cache on IE6 first.
Went through the 6 pages and tried the fix, slidehsow not working
Well, I tried but must be missing a piece and can't get to bottom of it; tried the posts and think I did what you said would fix the slideshow on the "homepage" - quit working in IE 7 and so tried the fixes in this post.
Well, I tried but must be missing a piece and can't get to bottom of it; tried the posts and think I did what you said would fix the slideshow on the "homepage" - quit working in IE 7 and so tried the fixes in this post.
Canon Gear
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thank you Andy, I appreciate the update.
Canon Gear
Our new add photos button runs code when the browser is ready. The problem is that it runs in to other code that is running when it should not be. This is identical to the gallery problems with aborted pages a while ago. Those of you NOT running slideshow on your homepage. You can alter the above code and insert the JS that may be causing the problem:
I have already fixed a few of your sites, please reply to this post if you are STILL having issues and can't figure it out on your own and I will help you out
Thank you. You fixed mine.
Hi JT,
Can you pls fix my site I can't fix anything because I can't get logged in...I do have a slideshow on my homepage.
That's easy for you to say.
galleries and don't use the dup homepage galleries hack.
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I am trying to run a business, and as such don't have time to spend playing around with making what was working, work again because someone thought an add photos button with a drop down would be nice.
I am into taking pictures and trying to make some money at it, not web designing. Can't we just get a site that works without hassles for myself and most importantly my customers. If they have one problem I most likely won't see them back. This is not cool!
Canon Gear
Please DO NOT change your code.
Sorry for the hassle, we're fixing it as fast as we can.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thankfully, this just affected you as site owners and not your visitors.
Thanks ... I am now up and running!
{ loadSlideshow (); }
A bunch of my margins are b0rked in IE6 now, just adjusted last week too.:cry
My Website index | My Blog
But there appears to still be something odd floating around, and it started at the same time as the logged in home page problem in IE today. If I am logged in and use IE, the status line at the bottom of the screen says "Done, but with errors on page".
This does not happen when I am logged out, and it does not happen in Firefox when I am logged in. Only shows up on IE.
Any ideas about the cause for this?
It happens on all galleries. Here's a link to one:
Thanks - and let me know if you'd prefer I start another thread for this issue.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Canon Gear
That being said, the problem affected a small number of site owners and no visitors. It's frustrating and we screwed up, but let's not blow this out of proportion.
As far as creating a new gallery from inside an existing gallery, that option only became available with this new release last night. As far as I am aware, you never could create a new gallery that way before.
Edit: Can you link a specific gallery where this is happening? I tried reproducing the bug in all your Armstrong Softball galleries as well as the category itself and was unable to do so.
Hi Barb,
You're a lifesaver! Thanks so much for your help!
Did I do something wrong with the code? With my older Windows XP machine, I had no problems. With this Vista, I noticed the problem.
Could it be a Vista issue? Or have we already established that as a possibility?
In any case thank you! Next batch of homemade cookies go to you!
My Site
My Gallery
"Satan trembles when he sees
the weakest saint on his knees."
Cal Williams
I have created many galleries from within a gallery CATAGORY which I believe is what I mentioned at the beginning of my last post? The question I posed at the end of my thread is incorrect when I stated "existing gallery". At any rate here is a screen shot, not easy to get because I could not get to my other site because the smugmug uploader would not load.
From this screen when you click on add photos all I get is the "Done, but with errors on page" I get no drop down box nothing except what you see here. No option to do anything at all. I know there is an option because I could see it in FF. Does that help?
Canon Gear
I'm seeing if I can recreate your error, pls standby.
Sorry again for the hassle.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
From here,
in IE6, I was able to create new gallery, or add photos to an existing gallery, and did not get any "Done, but with errors on page" message.
Can you please try something? Tools>Internet options and then clear your temporary files? Then shut your browser completely, and restart IE6. Go to the above link, and wait for the page to load. Do you get the yellow error msg lower left? What happens when you click on the "Add Photos" button?
Thanks. Sorry again that you are having trouble. We will get you sorted.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Also in my personal site which is VERY slow I can only get the uploader to work on two or three page refreshes. This is with FF.
Canon Gear
The good news is that this bug won't affect anyone else who visits your site, only you since you can see that button.
no issues w/ log in, no slide show, just can't add a gallery to an existing category
my site:
specifically I'm trying to add a (pass word protected) gallery to the Los Gauchos subcategory.
oh, and by the way, fwiw, it is affecting customers if they are not able to get to a promised gallery b/c we can't put it up.
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
tx for keeping at it.
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Thanks JT!
SmugMug Support Hero
Everything appears to be working OK now for me! THANK YOU
Well, I tried but must be missing a piece and can't get to bottom of it; tried the posts and think I did what you said would fix the slideshow on the "homepage" - quit working in IE 7 and so tried the fixes in this post.
Can you help me untangle the script? ( is the offending gallery I use for the slideshow.
Thanks everyone, great site, great features, great support!
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