Yes, things are back to running a bit slow for me as well. Trying to set prices on a picture - taking about a minute for the custom pro pricing page to load, then click on single image and another minute or so for that page to load.
I uploaded photos earlier tonight (about 7pm EDT) and the upload worked decently enough.
Hmm... I don't think traceroute output is really going to illustrate the problems well enough. Here are a few factors I can think of:
latency (traceroute shows this)
bandwidth (upload / download speed test)
number of HTTP connections
server processing delay
DNS lookups
browser rendering delay
I'm at work so I can't really do a packet analysis right now, but it would be good to see information about some of these other factors. Anyone got some data?
(FWIW, access to SmugMug looks pretty darn quick right now. Is there excessive load on the servers in the evenings?)
my techie told me when I was on the phone with them I was also trying to upload 2 pics to smugmug, she said I was working at optimum speeds, downloading and uploading should have been absolutly no problem at all...
so just for fun I tried uploading the same pictures to photobucket....took less than 3 min to upload the 2 pictures....???
:pissed Used this smilie as I can't seem to find that shows one pulling out his hair...which is about how I feel right now.
In the next week i have to upload close to 1000 photos, and if it's going to take this long to do it...well I would be much better off to travel around my maritime provinces and visits the farms and the houses of the people that I photographed and show them the $%# pictures in person.
I'm frustrated. No one is owning that there IS a problem.
No one seems concerned about the multitude of different posts looking for help and trying to figure out what the problem is. No one is explaining or letting me know if anything is being done to fix the problem???
I am a patient and understanding person, I am realistic and know that not everything is going to work 100% all of the time.
But I DO expect to rely on this service to work more often than it doesn't. I do expect to have some kind of answer or time frame or acknowledgment when there is an obvious problem as to what is being done if anything to fix what isn't right. If it's not being acknowledged or if it's not going to be fixed I'd like to know that so that I'm not left waiting hoping and praying that this is going to get better and it doesn't happen.
I've done the diagnostics and it's quite obvious to me that the problem does lie with smugmug, it's the only site that I experience and lagging, it's better and worse at different times of the day, but I need it to work when I need it to work....I don't have time or ability to wait for it's down time to do my work.
For $&^%$ and giggles I am once again trying to upload pictures, and for 53,907kb 5 pictures the estimated time switches from 18-14 minutes.....
I am running at the optimum upload and download speeds and am on highspeed.
What is happening?
:pissed Used this smilie as I can't seem to find that shows one pulling out his hair...which is about how I feel right now.
In the next week i have to upload close to 1000 photos, and if it's going to take this long to do it...well I would be much better off to travel around my maritime provinces and visits the farms and the houses of the people that I photographed and show them the $%# pictures in person.
I'm frustrated. No one is owning that there IS a problem.
No one seems concerned about the multitude of different posts looking for help and trying to figure out what the problem is. No one is explaining or letting me know if anything is being done to fix the problem???
I am a patient and understanding person, I am realistic and know that not everything is going to work 100% all of the time.
But I DO expect to rely on this service to work more often than it doesn't. I do expect to have some kind of answer or time frame or acknowledgment when there is an obvious problem as to what is being done if anything to fix what isn't right. If it's not being acknowledged or if it's not going to be fixed I'd like to know that so that I'm not left waiting hoping and praying that this is going to get better and it doesn't happen.
I've done the diagnostics and it's quite obvious to me that the problem does lie with smugmug, it's the only site that I experience and lagging, it's better and worse at different times of the day, but I need it to work when I need it to work....I don't have time or ability to wait for it's down time to do my work.
For $&^%$ and giggles I am once again trying to upload pictures, and for 53,907kb 5 pictures the estimated time switches from 18-14 minutes.....
I am running at the optimum upload and download speeds and am on highspeed.
What is happening?
Hi Christine - I'm so sorry that this slowness is plaguing you. It's not systemic, otherwise we'd have a riot on our hands. But that doesn't mean we're not trying to help you.
I see some delay to get off your first network, your ISP. That's pretty slow, and could be part of the problem. It's also something that we can't control, I'm sorry to say. Have one more go at your ISP with your latest traceroute and see what they say?
I wish I could wave a wand, or push a button that would make things faster for you. We'll keep digging, Christine.
Hi Christine - I'm so sorry that this slowness is plaguing you. It's not systemic, otherwise we'd have a riot on our hands. But that doesn't mean we're not trying to help you.
I see some delay to get off your first network, your ISP. That's pretty slow, and could be part of the problem. It's also something that we can't control, I'm sorry to say. Have one more go at your ISP with your latest traceroute and see what they say?
I wish I could wave a wand, or push a button that would make things faster for you. We'll keep digging, Christine.
Why is it only smugmug that is causing me problems?
As I mentioned in a post above I uploaded the same pictures to photobucket for fun and they went lightning fast...compared to this.
I disconnected and changed my ip address last night, it didn't do a darn thing to help speed.
My ISP told me that once the connection to smugmug leaves their servers there isn't anything that they can is basically telling me that traceroutes are worthless to them and impossible to change.
In the post above I was uploading the 5 pictures, they took at least 14+ min to upload.
It doesn't make sense to me that for a few days after the last slowness that everything worked nice easy and quick and then bang slowed right down again...just as bad and if not even worse....I don't get it
I was wondering how fast your high speed internet connection is supposed to be. Looking at the speeds that you've posted, it looks like your upload speed is around 500 Kbits/s, which means that you'll be able to upload files 50-60 Kbytes/s.
So with this in mind, it should take around 3.3 minutes to upload a 10MB file at 50 Kbytes/second. The estimate that smugmug was giving you to upload the 5 files is therefore quite accurate: 53MB should take 17.6 minutes @ 50K/s, or 14.7 minutes @ 60K/s.
If your connection is supposed to have higher upload speeds, maybe the problem isn't with smugmug (since the results are all pretty consitent).
I'm currently experiencing major problems with my isp since my upload speed is now 0 K/s (that's right!). They don't know what's wrong and a technician is supposed to come by on Monday...
I just tried it and Initial page load was 10 sec and 2 sec to complete.
Your page? Could be, you are loading the homepage slideshow images. Depending on browser and connection, it could be like that. For me, FF2 Mac, it loaded in about 3seconds.
I used the url in the post that I responded and was trying to let him know what my load time was for his site. My site loads completely in between 3 to 8 seconds. I have always had good response times on my site. Occasional slowdowns in the slide show but other than that it's been great, more than acceptable.
Your page? Could be, you are loading the homepage slideshow images. Depending on browser and connection, it could be like that. For me, FF2 Mac, it loaded in about 3seconds.
I used the url in the post that I responded and was trying to let him know what my load time was for his site. My site loads completely in between 3 to 8 seconds. I have always had good response times on my site. Occasional slowdowns in the slide show but other than that it's been great, more than acceptable.
Thanks for checking on me though:)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I tried Firefox for the first time yesterday and my site is loading a LOT faster! It was taking 5+ seconds for medium pictures in smugmug traditional format to load. Frankly, as a viewer, it makes me impatient so I was viewing only in journal. With Firefox is takes about 1, sometimes 2, seconds. More than fast enough to use all viewing layouts. I'm in Japan.
Could a burnt out dvd player that needs to be replaced be causing this slow up???? Guess that I am grabbing at straws now
Not likely at all, IMO, sorry.
Have you tried this:
Completely unplug your router and cable modem or DSL modem from the power outlet. Wait a minute. Plug it in, and then reopen your browser and try uploading.
I wondered because since the dvd became unusable I made it undiscoverable and since then uploads have been faster
I uploaded 15 pictures last night only took a half hour rather than the usual hour or more that it had taken...has anything else changed since the weekend ?
I uploaded photos earlier tonight (about 7pm EDT) and the upload worked decently enough.
- latency (traceroute shows this)
- bandwidth (upload / download speed test)
- number of HTTP connections
- server processing delay
- DNS lookups
- browser rendering delay
I'm at work so I can't really do a packet analysis right now, but it would be good to see information about some of these other factors. Anyone got some data?(FWIW, access to SmugMug looks pretty darn quick right now. Is there excessive load on the servers in the evenings?)
so just for fun I tried uploading the same pictures to photobucket....took less than 3 min to upload the 2 pictures....???
In the next week i have to upload close to 1000 photos, and if it's going to take this long to do it...well I would be much better off to travel around my maritime provinces and visits the farms and the houses of the people that I photographed and show them the $%# pictures in person.
I'm frustrated. No one is owning that there IS a problem.
No one seems concerned about the multitude of different posts looking for help and trying to figure out what the problem is. No one is explaining or letting me know if anything is being done to fix the problem???
I am a patient and understanding person, I am realistic and know that not everything is going to work 100% all of the time.
But I DO expect to rely on this service to work more often than it doesn't. I do expect to have some kind of answer or time frame or acknowledgment when there is an obvious problem as to what is being done if anything to fix what isn't right. If it's not being acknowledged or if it's not going to be fixed I'd like to know that so that I'm not left waiting hoping and praying that this is going to get better and it doesn't happen.
I've done the diagnostics and it's quite obvious to me that the problem does lie with smugmug, it's the only site that I experience and lagging, it's better and worse at different times of the day, but I need it to work when I need it to work....I don't have time or ability to wait for it's down time to do my work.
For $&^%$ and giggles I am once again trying to upload pictures, and for 53,907kb 5 pictures the estimated time switches from 18-14 minutes.....
I am running at the optimum upload and download speeds and am on highspeed.
What is happening?
I see some delay to get off your first network, your ISP. That's pretty slow, and could be part of the problem. It's also something that we can't control, I'm sorry to say. Have one more go at your ISP with your latest traceroute and see what they say?
I wish I could wave a wand, or push a button that would make things faster for you. We'll keep digging, Christine.
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Why is it only smugmug that is causing me problems?
As I mentioned in a post above I uploaded the same pictures to photobucket for fun and they went lightning fast...compared to this.
I disconnected and changed my ip address last night, it didn't do a darn thing to help speed.
My ISP told me that once the connection to smugmug leaves their servers there isn't anything that they can is basically telling me that traceroutes are worthless to them and impossible to change.
In the post above I was uploading the 5 pictures, they took at least 14+ min to upload.
It doesn't make sense to me that for a few days after the last slowness that everything worked nice easy and quick and then bang slowed right down again...just as bad and if not even worse....I don't get it
Hi cdonovan,
I was wondering how fast your high speed internet connection is supposed to be. Looking at the speeds that you've posted, it looks like your upload speed is around 500 Kbits/s, which means that you'll be able to upload files 50-60 Kbytes/s.
So with this in mind, it should take around 3.3 minutes to upload a 10MB file at 50 Kbytes/second. The estimate that smugmug was giving you to upload the 5 files is therefore quite accurate: 53MB should take 17.6 minutes @ 50K/s, or 14.7 minutes @ 60K/s.
If your connection is supposed to have higher upload speeds, maybe the problem isn't with smugmug (since the results are all pretty consitent).
I'm currently experiencing major problems with my isp since my upload speed is now 0 K/s (that's right!). They don't know what's wrong and a technician is supposed to come by on Monday...
Anyway, I hope that this helps a little!
I just tried it and Initial page load was 10 sec and 2 sec to complete.
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I used the url in the post that I responded and was trying to let him know what my load time was for his site. My site loads completely in between 3 to 8 seconds. I have always had good response times on my site. Occasional slowdowns in the slide show but other than that it's been great, more than acceptable.
Thanks for checking on me though:)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I tried Firefox for the first time yesterday and my site is loading a LOT faster! It was taking 5+ seconds for medium pictures in smugmug traditional format to load. Frankly, as a viewer, it makes me impatient so I was viewing only in journal. With Firefox is takes about 1, sometimes 2, seconds. More than fast enough to use all viewing layouts. I'm in Japan.
Have you tried this:
Completely unplug your router and cable modem or DSL modem from the power outlet. Wait a minute. Plug it in, and then reopen your browser and try uploading.
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I uploaded 15 pictures last night only took a half hour rather than the usual hour or more that it had taken...has anything else changed since the weekend ?