OMG - will he really do that? I'm not sure whether to cheer, or worry about him getting a paw caught . Great shot!.
Thanks. We took Roxy to our trainer and she taught her (and us) how to get her to enjoy the treadmill. She now hops right up there and trots away. You do have to stay next to her just in case there is a mishap but so far she has never had a problem and trots along at about 3 miles an hour for around 30 mins. We are working to increase that so she can be a beefcake.
Ruby is GORGEOUS!!! I'm such a sucker for baby Labbies - there's something about that "duck fuzz" puppy coat that I find utterly irresistable
Ash is another beauty - what is he? Glorious eyes.
Ian, I couldn't agree more, even though mine cost $7 :giggle. In this heat (hit 98* today, plus a heat index) we're struggling to find ways to let him burn off that puppy energy safely - today it's too hot even for the hose, but it has sure helped us out on some of these summer days when a walk isn't such a good idea! Silly animal will chase the water all over the place in what we call "woof-woof-glug" (when he sticks his nose into the water while barking). Like this:
I have no clue what ash is other than a mutt, he was left on the side of the road where one of my friends worked. I think he has some lab in him because of his webbed feet. But your guess is as good as mine.
Ben; my prayers are with you and the family. We lost our 7 year old rottie to cancer about 5 years ago and it was heartbreaking. A few months later we got Cassie to fill the void. We'll never forget max though. He was an unbelievable dog.
It's the only way to bear it. I'm not one of life's great sentimentalists, but I sure appreciate whoever wrote "The Rainbow Bridge". It does make it a little more bearable to think of it like that, somehow.
We are DETERMINED this time that we will not be a 1-dog family this time; it's just too hard when you lose an "only" (we've been through that twice now). When Cooper's a little older, in a year or so, we're hoping we can add a rehome or rescue Beardie to the clan (I'd say another puppy, but given this only worked because Ive been home all summer, I'm not sure that would be such a good idea unless we can guarantee that kind of time availability again!! He's awesome but it has been REALLY HARD WORK!!!)
(I'd say another puppy, but given this only worked because Ive been home all summer, I'm not sure that would be such a good idea unless we can guarantee that kind of time availability again!! He's awesome but it has been REALLY HARD WORK!!!)
Believe it or not, we found having two dogs easier than having one. Marty was one year older than Chloe but his paternal/maternal instincts took over almost immediately. He trained Chloe more than we did. They were best friends and they took care of each other.
Dang I miss them.:cry
I know Chloe was a Newf, but what was Marty - was he a Pyr? His golden ears have me wondering....
So sorry, BB. Is a puppy on the horizon yet?
Marty was a Pyr, nice catch. Yup his ears were unique. We decided to wait at least a year before considering a new dog. It is the first time in a long time we had the freedom to go do things.... which reminds me I have to get my vacation pics up.
pool time
Just about sunset at a local dog park. Temptures were still in the upper 90s (deg f), somone had a pool. The dogs took turns.
All the pictures with a D300 and Sigma 120-300
Marty was a Pyr, nice catch. Yup his ears were unique. We decided to wait at least a year before considering a new dog. It is the first time in a long time we had the freedom to go do things.... which reminds me I have to get my vacation pics up.
That's why we waited to get our new little guy - we knew we were goign to be travelling over the winter and, while we have good friends with whom we can share "dogsitting", we decided it was best to wait a bit. It worked out perfectly, since we got Cooper the day my teaching semester at the college finished, and I was gigging from home all summer, so there was no problem with having somebody at home during the days for him. Deinitely the right choice to do it this way, even though it was 10 very dogless months between last July and this May!
Thanks. We took Roxy to our trainer and she taught her (and us) how to get her to enjoy the treadmill. She now hops right up there and trots away. You do have to stay next to her just in case there is a mishap but so far she has never had a problem and trots along at about 3 miles an hour for around 30 mins. We are working to increase that so she can be a beefcake.
#2A Lady Ga Ga moment
#3 She does like Halloween
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Preston the superhiker:
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untitled (9 of 18)-1 by watchmen_reid1, on Flickr
untitled (14 of 18)-1 by watchmen_reid1, on Flickr
Cheers, Don
Product Photography
My Acreage Bird Photographs
And Diva, best $5 I have spent on my dog
Ash is another beauty - what is he? Glorious eyes.
Ian, I couldn't agree more, even though mine cost $7 :giggle. In this heat (hit 98* today, plus a heat index) we're struggling to find ways to let him burn off that puppy energy safely - today it's too hot even for the hose, but it has sure helped us out on some of these summer days when a walk isn't such a good idea! Silly animal will chase the water all over the place in what we call "woof-woof-glug" (when he sticks his nose into the water while barking). Like this:
After 14 yrs one of the best passed quietly in my arms on 7/4/11
Haven't even been able to look at any images till today.
My Galleries
I'm so sorry to hear that. Beautiful looking dog.
Here's Max
And here's Cassie.
This is Shadow. We got her from a kill shelter back in January. She has helped fill the hole left by Molly passing but it just isn't the same.
Washington, Missouri
Nope, each one is different and though we love them as much, they can never replace the former pet.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Here's a Pooper's picture from the other day (Riley's nicname
After five weeks of puppy training I can relate, he, he..
As they say, I've seen it all..
Cheers, Don
Product Photography
My Acreage Bird Photographs
No it is not, I never say goodbye anyway just sorta "See Ya Later", in hopes I do.
I do have my little flock to help, it's just smaller by one.
as well as Maggie & Henry
My Galleries
Ben, I like your thinking. I sure hope to see all my doggies again one day.
We are DETERMINED this time that we will not be a 1-dog family this time; it's just too hard when you lose an "only" (we've been through that twice now). When Cooper's a little older, in a year or so, we're hoping we can add a rehome or rescue Beardie to the clan (I'd say another puppy, but given this only worked because Ive been home all summer, I'm not sure that would be such a good idea unless we can guarantee that kind of time availability again!! He's awesome but it has been REALLY HARD WORK!!!)
Believe it or not, we found having two dogs easier than having one. Marty was one year older than Chloe but his paternal/maternal instincts took over almost immediately. He trained Chloe more than we did.
Dang I miss them.:cry
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I know Chloe was a Newf, but what was Marty - was he a Pyr? His golden ears have me wondering....
So sorry, BB. Is a puppy on the horizon yet?
Marty was a Pyr, nice catch. Yup his ears were unique. We decided to wait at least a year before considering a new dog. It is the first time in a long time we had the freedom to go do things.... which reminds me I have to get my vacation pics up.
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Just about sunset at a local dog park. Temptures were still in the upper 90s (deg f), somone had a pool. The dogs took turns.
All the pictures with a D300 and Sigma 120-300
That's why we waited to get our new little guy - we knew we were goign to be travelling over the winter and, while we have good friends with whom we can share "dogsitting", we decided it was best to wait a bit. It worked out perfectly, since we got Cooper the day my teaching semester at the college finished, and I was gigging from home all summer, so there was no problem with having somebody at home during the days for him. Deinitely the right choice to do it this way, even though it was 10 very dogless months between last July and this May!
Your two "gentle giants" were both gorgeous
Love the dog pool/park pictures, DaC!!