Love that shot, Ginger!!! Alligators??? On the beach? I certainly hope not!!
Thanks, Susan! I have "prettier" shots of the dogs, alone and together. But imo, it is shots like this, a true grab shot, that one treasures.
No aligators at the beach. It is a place where they can run free at certain inconvenient, early morning hours.
There is also a dog park. The beach, maybe when it cools off, Merry Chapel will only be the tri female drinking sea water. Also, my car is not a/c, so I have been putting off taking them to the dog park. Bill has gone with me in the past, it helps, but he prefers the areas in which I am birding.
He takes a chair, digs in and reads a book.
Birding areas are marshy areas, most of which do have aligators! They are not around as much right now, mating season must be over for them, but it does scare me to take a dog to an area of danger when I am more interested in photography. I kind of totally forget everything except "the shot".
Puppy action
This is my daughter's puppy. The ball is in focus, the puppy is total action blur.
First time he ever saw a basketball. He was really scared at first. Circled it, barking like crazy. Then finally pounced on it and tried to chew it. Very funny to watch.
Here he's in chewing mode.
Here he's in wrestling mode.
Finally the rope got the best of him. All tuckered out.
hey, I just noticed this thread...I'll add a few of my recent ones to it...
This is my dog, Sadie - I've taken more pictures of her, than I can count.
and eventhough you can't even see him, I thought I'd share because there's just something about this photo that I like...this is 'Canon' - my roommate's dog.
bored? check out my photo site...and if you have the time, leave a comment or rate some pictures while you're there.
Canon 20D | Canon 17-40mm f/4L USM | Tamron 28-75 f2.8 XR Di LD IF | Canon 50mm f/1.8 II | Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM
Nahh not "nervous" but WHFT are full of energy. She never stops running around ... but her running has purpose ... She is a great dog, just not for everybody ... requires a ton of attention ... but she'll return more than she takes in love. There is a Shelby story everyday. I like your mutt (mutts = mixed breed ... like Americans ... a dog doesn't have to be abandoned to be a mutt).
The Wheaton is nearly opposite of the WHFT (BTW- WHFT are different than your normal, run-of-the-mill Fox Terrier ... in fact, I read that they come from completely different lines ... genetically quite different ... but I digress).
The Wheaten Terrier is calm and even mannered, fluffy, flexiable, never does anything wrong ... the WHFT is always doing something, poking here looking there ... when spotted leaving a room she always has a guilty look ... scruffy, her legs are spring loaded (even when she sleeps her outstretch legs are 90 degrees from her body). The Wheaten will play at the drop of a dime, no hesitation, but she will also calm down instantly with the snap of a finger ... the WHFT ... no way Jose. He only way to slow down Shelby is to tie her up (I found duct tape to be most effective).
Interesting that you see many WHTF at Dog Beach. I rarely see them anywhere. The old TV series The Thin Man really made them popular for a while.
If you were to only have one dog in your life ... you gotta get a Wheaten. Our neighbor's little girl was introducing Cookie to her equally little friend with "... this is Cookie. She's not a dog, she just looks like a dog."
Our Rocky...
we rescued this awesome dog one day before he was to be put down. He is the BEST dog I have ever had. He is about six years old, we got him when he was about a year old. He is part Sheba Inu/part Lab.
Thanks, Susan! I have "prettier" shots of the dogs, alone and together. But imo, it is shots like this, a true grab shot, that one treasures.
No aligators at the beach. It is a place where they can run free at certain inconvenient, early morning hours.
There is also a dog park. The beach, maybe when it cools off, Merry Chapel will only be the tri female drinking sea water. Also, my car is not a/c, so I have been putting off taking them to the dog park. Bill has gone with me in the past, it helps, but he prefers the areas in which I am birding.
He takes a chair, digs in and reads a book.
Birding areas are marshy areas, most of which do have aligators! They are not around as much right now, mating season must be over for them, but it does scare me to take a dog to an area of danger when I am more interested in photography. I kind of totally forget everything except "the shot".
This is my daughter's puppy. The ball is in focus, the puppy is total action blur.
First time he ever saw a basketball. He was really scared at first. Circled it, barking like crazy. Then finally pounced on it and tried to chew it. Very funny to watch.
Here he's in chewing mode.
Here he's in wrestling mode.
Finally the rope got the best of him. All tuckered out.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Our pup "attacked" one of those exercise balls and it bounced off the wall and "attacked" him back! He wouldn't go near it for days!
And this is another "Marley" in the making ...
Very cute ...
Our Gilligan at probably much the same age ...
Aaawh! What a fluff ball! So cute!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
My www. place is
My smugmug galleries at
This is my dog, Sadie - I've taken more pictures of her, than I can count.
and eventhough you can't even see him, I thought I'd share because there's just something about this photo that I like...this is 'Canon' - my roommate's dog.
Ozzy Pawsborne
and it's full speed ahead
now he's just keeping an eye on you
Cincinnati Smug Leader
JJ 1993-2006 Ridgeback/Alsation x Bullmastiff.
Last of my puppies died last Thursday. A good long life for a big dog. Son of Juke...
I'll miss you...
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Sorry for your loss...
Nice to see this thread revived..
JJ Son of Juke
JJ, Son of Juke
Peace be with you.
JJ = Juke Junior
Juke late 1980's 35mm B&W hand printed and sepia toned, scanned age's ago retrieved from web and posted. (I must go through my old slides)
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Unsharp at any Speed
This is Cookie, a Soft Coated Wheaten (best companion one could have man or beast)
AKA- Cook
Unsharp at any Speed
And this is Shelby, a Wired Hair Fox Terrier ... she tries her best to be good.
AKA Shabby
Unsharp at any Speed
He was a mutt (a dog caught in the street, which had been abandoned, right ?)
He lieved in the house for 14/15 years.
Nahh not "nervous" but WHFT are full of energy. She never stops running around ... but her running has purpose ... She is a great dog, just not for everybody ... requires a ton of attention ... but she'll return more than she takes in love. There is a Shelby story everyday. I like your mutt (mutts = mixed breed ... like Americans ... a dog doesn't have to be abandoned to be a mutt).
Unsharp at any Speed
The Wheaton is nearly opposite of the WHFT (BTW- WHFT are different than your normal, run-of-the-mill Fox Terrier ... in fact, I read that they come from completely different lines ... genetically quite different ... but I digress).
The Wheaten Terrier is calm and even mannered, fluffy, flexiable, never does anything wrong ... the WHFT is always doing something, poking here looking there ... when spotted leaving a room she always has a guilty look ... scruffy, her legs are spring loaded (even when she sleeps her outstretch legs are 90 degrees from her body). The Wheaten will play at the drop of a dime, no hesitation, but she will also calm down instantly with the snap of a finger ... the WHFT ... no way Jose. He only way to slow down Shelby is to tie her up (I found duct tape to be most effective).
Interesting that you see many WHTF at Dog Beach. I rarely see them anywhere. The old TV series The Thin Man really made them popular for a while.
If you were to only have one dog in your life ... you gotta get a Wheaten. Our neighbor's little girl was introducing Cookie to her equally little friend with "... this is Cookie. She's not a dog, she just looks like a dog."
Unsharp at any Speed
we rescued this awesome dog one day before he was to be put down. He is the BEST dog I have ever had. He is about six years old, we got him when he was about a year old. He is part Sheba Inu/part Lab.
I loved reviewing this thread, and thought I'd add a few of my own!
Ony given day, we have three dogs at HQ.
Cobi, on the left, is almost 8 and "the puppies" are a year and a half.
Unsharp at any Speed