SmugMug Feature Requests #1

Got an idea? Give it to us here
All of us at SmugMug read this thread - and we crave your input - nothing too small or too big, so don't be shy.
Prior Threads:
Feature Requests completed from the most recent thread:
Edit Geography - bulk - via Picasa Uploader
Auto Rotate on upload
Bypass proof delay for owners orders
Customizers put the map on other gallery pages
Enhance and improve SmugDav
Better security and privacy options
Improve uploading from IE
Uploading from Lightroom
Uploading from iPhoto
Uploading from Aperture
Uploading from Picasa
If JS disabled, give olde style viewing
Add UTF-8 support throughout site
Facebook integration
More themes
Remove captcha for comments for logged in user
Filenames in the cart
Sales reporting, totals, paid & unpaid
Improve the pro pricing tool to show all pricing on the page
Add shipping amount to prosales page
Bigger maximum file sizes
Control panel tabs "sticky" and linkable

Prior Threads:
Feature Requests completed from the most recent thread:
Edit Geography - bulk - via Picasa Uploader
Auto Rotate on upload
Bypass proof delay for owners orders
Customizers put the map on other gallery pages
Enhance and improve SmugDav
Better security and privacy options
Improve uploading from IE
Uploading from Lightroom
Uploading from iPhoto
Uploading from Aperture
Uploading from Picasa
If JS disabled, give olde style viewing
Add UTF-8 support throughout site
Facebook integration
More themes
Remove captcha for comments for logged in user
Filenames in the cart
Sales reporting, totals, paid & unpaid
Improve the pro pricing tool to show all pricing on the page
Add shipping amount to prosales page
Bigger maximum file sizes
Control panel tabs "sticky" and linkable
This discussion has been closed.
It's been a long time since I shown up here.
I'm currently trying smugmug ( for I didn't find anything that efficient here in France
But, hey ! guess what: I'd be happy to have a french version along with metered measures.
Could I propose my services about translation?
As anyone ever proposed to translate this site in its own language?
Have a nice Sunday !
Have you seen this?
And the cool thing is, Sebastian works for SmugMug now :ivar
Thanks for the suggestion!
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I'll read this and see what happens
Anyway, I'm sure it would be great adding this to the source, with something authorizing people to submit their own languages.
done with words: let's go read this other thread !
here it is.
I'll keep tracking everything that could make SmugMug even better
edit: SmugMug already has "email to a friend"!
I love the idea of hanging Mounted Canvas Prints directly on my wall without purchasing a conventional frame. The bad news, however, is that I have to go all the way up to 20x30 before I get a ratio that doesn't crop my 3:2 photos. How about adding some 8x12, 12x18, and 16x24 options?
All Hail Smugmug!
A couple of use cases for this style:
1) I go out on a hike, use my GPS to keep track of where I am, and when I return home, I can sync the exif date/time taken with the track file generated by my GPS. Then, I can upload the images to smugmug, and use smugmug to share my journey with friends and family. As it stands, I have to have my photos (maybe geotagged) uploaded to smugmug, and the track file uploaded elsewhere and it gets complicated to share with people.
2) Im looking for a place to go for a trip and scouting out peoples pictures on smugmug. If they have used this feature, I can see the path they took to see these particular sights, and if I want to follow it when I take my trip.
A view that shows the map specifically for a gallery and with a path attached to it is the logical extension to the smugmaps feature. The map gets too cluttered if it shows more than one gallery, and I'd like to see it all at once anyway. Maybe with some sort of layout like this (pardon the total lack of artistic talent, obviously the colors would have to look slick like a normal smugmug page)..
If I can figure out a way to hack the site so that I can view styles that are completely my own (and have them be on the style dropdown) I'll create a mockup. Thats an idea for another time.. the ability to custom create complete view styles, but I digress.
Ps - there is a typo in the thread heading, seeing as how this is a sticky it should probably be fixed (SmuMug)
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Typo fixed, thanks :dragon
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I would suggest that Location fields from the IPTC data be added as keywords when photos are uploaded to Smugmug, possibly making this an option to the user.
Flickr makes tags of the Country, City and State/Province fields and when these fields become tags/keywords they are much easier to search.
Geotagging photos with longitude/latitude is a much more time-consuming process, so if these IPTC fields would become searchable one would not have to add the same info both there and as keywords.
The new Control Panel layout looks and works great -- except I can't click on any of the tabs (News, Stats, Settings, Pros, Customize, Homepage) on my Treo using Windows Mobile 5.0
I like to check on Pro Sales data on the go and used to be able to before the change to the Control Panel, but can't anymore.
Can you guys make a modification so Windows Mobile recognizes those tabs as buttons? It currently just goes past them as I scroll down and picking them with the stylus doesn't do anything.
You're spoiling us with a great service if this is the only thing I can complain about...
it would be:
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Hoping I am in the correct place, I was directed here by Seth.
I have a feature request for security and visibility.
I love the ability to mark a gallery as password protected, or place it into "hidden" status; however, I would really like the ability to mark a category with these settings, and include everything underneith.
For example:
I have a Family category with sub categories and galleries. It would be a lot easier to have been able to mark the Family category as password protected and then just be able to move or create new galleries inside and know they are covered by the settings.
The same general idea applies to visibility when setting a category as private "hidden", and then anything inside that category is also hidden.
It's not that we can't emulate this now by setting up a saved setting style and remembering to apply it to everything, but having this ability, in my opinion, would be a huge blessing.
Thank you,
This is on the first cart page. Don't know how many have been bitten
by this but think it might save a few headaches. Add the red.
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So I've been using smugmug for a bit now and have come accross a few things that I wish it had:
1. In the "mac-daddy" mac uploader (the program SmugMug MacUploader), It would be convinient to be able to queue up photos to go in multiple galleries. Maybe in addition to the file column, path and status, there could be a destination gallery tab. That way, when I do overnight uploads (which is pretty much every time I upload since it can take a while), it can continue on to multiple galleries. I can accomplish this by using the universal web based java drag and drop, but this is a cool program that I wish had the capability.
-also in that program,, when you go to select watermarking or not when creating a gallery, you should be able to select which watermark to use, but I have to use a browser to go online to customize and then change the watermark,but this is inconvinient. :nah haha
2. In each gallery, to buy the photos, there're those two buttons/ links, "buy this photo" and "buy multiple photos". I love the interface that pops up with the 'this photo' button, but can't stand the multiple photos option. Although once the buy this photo is opened, you can see that you can still buy more, it could be confusing to customers and I'd like them to always use that "this photo" button/interface. Also, can these buttons be moved (or referenced to?) So that I could put multiple buttons on the page and different sizes? (not to be annoying to the customer browsing the page,, but a more "aggressive" selling technique.. I'm actually afraid some might be focused on the pictures and not see the buy button, although I can but "buy this photo" demands in the header... :lift Power to the seller!!
-Some of these requests might be possible,,-> I'd love to hear how to do it!
Thanks a lot!
_:nod Nate____
Canon 1D Mark II N . Canon 20D . Canon Digital Rebel Xti .
Speedlite 430 EX .
Canon : 18-55 kit, 75-300 IS, 70-200 IS f/2.8 L .
Hi guys, I continue to appreciate the way smugmug lets my clients see and purchase my work. I have a request.
I run a bike photography business and my clients like to see only their photos. In order to accomodate, I create individual galleries for each team (by their plate#). I have over 1300 galleries....
Yesterday, I looked up at the search cell at the top of my smugmug page and noticed I never use it. I don't even have it enabled for my clients....
Could I import some kind of individual keyword or metadata for each photo that could let my clients do a search for the keyword (say their team's plate number?) instead of making individual galleries (I'm talking more than 140 galleries for each event---takes me days!). I'd like to create one gallery with 4500 photos and have users search for the photos they want (from within my gallery only).
If this feature is already available can you explain what kind of information I have to enter and where to be able to have clients search and find photos rather than galleries...
Also, can you direct me to where I can have my smugmug pages displayed as: instead of ? I can't seem to figure out how to change that.
Thanks so much,
If you add keywords to the photo with the team name/number, you can add/give out a link like this:
As for the domain, I believe you need to be a pro member, and you need to add a CNAME record with your domain registrar. Instructions for the main registrars can be found here, but if your registrar isn't listed you can contact them, or have a digg around in their control panel.
_:nod Nate____
Canon 1D Mark II N . Canon 20D . Canon Digital Rebel Xti .
Speedlite 430 EX .
Canon : 18-55 kit, 75-300 IS, 70-200 IS f/2.8 L .
I have an idea for a new style / style variation...
The all thumbs style, but when hovering over a pic, for 2s (setting that can be changed), a rollover of the photo comes up (not lightbox, so you can still move the cursor to other photos w/o closing it). You should be able to set the rollover photo size - S, M, L, XL, O.
On the page where you select which featured gallery slot you're putting a gallery into it would be very nice if either the reminder that this will replace the current gallery, or at least a link to the help page that explains that fact were present on the page. Example url so we're all on the same page:
I would love to be able to tell folks to visit: "cabbey dot smugmug dot com slash quinn" (i.e. ) and have them redirected to the actual /gallery/3272319 url. This wouldn't have to be fancy, just a single "alias" per gallery that the home page would do a lookup on and redirect. Or even a re-write rule in the webserver. Whatever works for the smugmug engine.
Just thought I'd draw your attention to thios style - I really like it and would love it a an SM style
I know it is very close already to what s available, but the size and style of the (greyed out) thumbs and the size of the vioweing window are so great
anyway have alook
Yeah, if you have a Power or Pro account. I was kinda hoping they could do it for all customer levels.
Hello All !!!
I have a request for you. I would like to use SmugMug as a form of digital distribution to my clients. We service the likes of Microsoft, REI, Nike and Brooks, and need a reliable, fast, good looking interface to allow people in different departments and areas access to the images that their company has already purchased rights to.
In nearly all regards SmugMug would be a fabulous platform/engine for that, but I need a way to track who is downloading what, and when, and also be able to provide a batch download. So essentially my request is to have all of the functionality of the shopping cart, without having to charge anyone. They login, gather their photos, "checkout", and go through the process without having to input any credit card info.
It seems like it might be a relatively "easy" switch to flip, may taking a bit of explaining to the membership, but would offer a feature to commercial photographers that they can't really find anywhere else.
Dartanyon | Guru
It would be very nice to have a bit we can set in a gallery to "salt mine" it, that is to say, file it away in the permanent archives off the front page. Really, just a way to control a spill of Albums off the front page. I've got a number of private albums that I don't touch any more that I don't want to have to scroll through on my front page. It would be really nice to just be able to flip a bit in the album configuration and have them burried behind some kind of "show all albums" or "show archived albums" link at the bottom of the page.
Is there a reason you aren't using a combination of private galleries, categories and featured albums to solve this problem?
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After playing with the timeline and found they are all sorted by what looks like
upload date, I would like to see the timeline be able to sort by Date Taken if
available. Then no matter when the photo is edited and uploaded you could
find it and it would be with the rest of the days events.
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