Holy Macaroni, I've Won!

I'm having a very peculiar afternoon, after returning from taking my daughter out this afternoon my wife rang to tell me that someone had rung me at work from Alamy to say I'd won a photographic competition.
That's odd I thought, I haven't entered any competitions with Alamy, anyway expecting it to be a wind-up I called the chap back and he told me he was ringing me on behalf of Professional Photographer Magazine as they'd asked him to try and contact me (I have some images with Alamy) as they couldn't track me down.
Anyway he gave me the number of the lady from PPM and I rang her only to be told that I'd won the Professional Photographer Of The Year Competition in the Fine Art category:barb:barb:barb:barb:barb
This is a yearly competition with several categories run by Professional Photographer Magazine here in the UK.
She went on to tell me that the awards ceremony was in London tomorrow night, she'd been trying to get hold of me for days and could I upload high resolution files of my entries ASAP as they needed to print them for the ceremony.
Unfortunately there's no way I can make the ceremony and I'm in a state of pure shock and bewilderment.
Even funnier, I don't know which image has won as I entered three and the lady wasn't sure which one it was so I've had to upload them all.
Happy days indeed!
That's odd I thought, I haven't entered any competitions with Alamy, anyway expecting it to be a wind-up I called the chap back and he told me he was ringing me on behalf of Professional Photographer Magazine as they'd asked him to try and contact me (I have some images with Alamy) as they couldn't track me down.
Anyway he gave me the number of the lady from PPM and I rang her only to be told that I'd won the Professional Photographer Of The Year Competition in the Fine Art category:barb:barb:barb:barb:barb
This is a yearly competition with several categories run by Professional Photographer Magazine here in the UK.
She went on to tell me that the awards ceremony was in London tomorrow night, she'd been trying to get hold of me for days and could I upload high resolution files of my entries ASAP as they needed to print them for the ceremony.
Unfortunately there's no way I can make the ceremony and I'm in a state of pure shock and bewilderment.
Even funnier, I don't know which image has won as I entered three and the lady wasn't sure which one it was so I've had to upload them all.
Happy days indeed!
When you know which picture won, let us know so we can appreciate it as well.
And a bonus for it to be the fine art category. very impressive...
Facebook Page
How wonderful. Congratulations to you.
Peace, gail
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
As everyone else stated... pls post the winning photo!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalms 19:1
We now need to not destroy it and capture its beauty for all to behold.
I will of course post the image when I know which one won but I think ettiquette dictates I should wait until after the awards evening.
The fine art category is sponsored by Pantone and I've just discovered the prize is £2000 cash ($4000) sweet!
I really need to calm down.
Hey Charlie, are any of these your photos?? Mmmm the smell of Green is always so wonderful.....
One of the images in this gallery is the winner:-
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
Congrats! ALL of the photos in your gallery there are very nice!
What do you mean calm down???
You need to celebrate like England just won the Ashes....
Go burn some cars in the street, hit the pubs for a few drinks and then run riot.
PS. Those images in your gallery are magic
My sincere 'grats!
Well done! That is a great achievement!
Loved your Photos....My favorite is the Monochomatic "Thistles with the scissors"...VERY NICE...the tulips are beautiful also....Oh Shucks they are all GREAT!
Calm Down Charlie...ARE U BLOODY NUTZ My Good Man...You need to party like a Rock Star for a fabulous accomplishment WHOOOHOOOOO
I'll include it in next weeks SmugMug Monday and share your good news around even more if thats OK ?
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
Absolutely and utterly pleased for you. I can only just imagine what it must feel like.
Way to go Charlie
Don't forget to breathe.
Your work is beautifully Charlie, your win was well deserved.
Congratulations .... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin