The PayPal and Google Checkout Thread



  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2009
    ottsworld wrote:
    Art - thanks for your response. I have put in a question to paypal about it.

    However can anyone provide any info about my 2nd question
    2. When a customer orders and pays for the items, I need to have an email automatically sent to my printing lab with the file/image that is to be printed, size, etc. Does anyone know if I can do this via smugmug or via GC or PP checkout. I guess I really need to incorporate some emailing and workflow into the process but I"m not sure if I can do that within smugmug.
    Thanks, Sherry

    i know it will be a ton of work but if you have a printer already lined may mean that YOU have to send an email for each order that comes in along with file to be you will receive a payment notice from PayPal for each order paid for thru PayPal........
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • Major IncidentMajor Incident Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited August 18, 2009
    customer Payment Scheme!!
    Hi, this looks like the place to come! So how do you make the "Add To Cart" button work so that I know what picture has been ordered for me to send to my own lab here in England. I've followed the instructions on paypal for adding button and that works as far as linking to my account is concerned, but its the number of the print in the order that needs to work.

    Would it be any easier using googles payment service, can you give me the html to make it work?

    Thanks for looking and huge thanks to Josh, if you know him, from Smugmug who has been really good up to now.
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    No, you do not need a business account.

    Yes, you can have a drop down for shipping, or anything else, for that matter.

    Get the code from Paypal then put it in a gallery description or caption. Like this

    your paypal code here

    Woo! Worked like a Charm!<img src="; border="0" alt="" >
    tom wise
  • Blacksheep45Blacksheep45 Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited March 24, 2010
    Andy wrote:
    Sure - paypal provides the code, when you have it we can help you paste it properly into your SmugMug gallery :D

    hey andy- I've got the google code and am having trouble with the pasting. when i paste it nothing happens.

    my site is:

    trying to paste it in the photography gallery ( on yawning lion image caption (

    code is:

    <div class="product"><input type="hidden"
    class="product-title" value="Yawning Lion 01-0001 Note
    Card"><input type="hidden" class="product-price"
    value="4.00"><div class="googlecart-add-button"
    tabindex="0" role="button" title="Add to
    ******** id='googlecart-script' type='text/javascript'
    integration='jscart-wizard' post-cart-to-sandbox='false' currency='USD'

    thanks, p.s. love your work!

  • Blacksheep45Blacksheep45 Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited March 24, 2010
    Google checkout buttons are not visible
    Hey Folks- I've got the google code for a google checkout shopping cart button and am having trouble with the pasting, when i paste it nothing happens. When the Smugmug customizer heroes paste it works, any ideas what's up? I'm on a mac, OS 10.6.2 using safari.

    my site is:

    trying to paste it in the photography gallery ( on yawning lion image caption (

    code is:

    <div class="product"><input type="hidden"
    class="product-title" value="Yawning Lion 01-0001 Note
    Card"><input type="hidden" class="product-price"
    value="4.00"><div class="googlecart-add-button"
    tabindex="0" role="button" title="Add to
    ******** id='googlecart-script' type='text/javascript'
    integration='jscart-wizard' post-cart-to-sandbox='false' currency='USD'

  • vdotmatrixvdotmatrix Registered Users Posts: 343 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2010
    paypal button
    Hi Everyone.

    I added the code to my site for the paypal button and customized it for my site. It displays on my computer nicely but when I go to test it it always come back from the paypal website with this message:

    "PayPal cannot process this transaction because of a problem with the seller's website. Please contact the seller directly to resolve this problem."

    Can you please take a peek and see if it is an obvious glitch? I am suspicious of the body tag.

    You recently requested a copy of your customization. Here are the values:



    CSS: #my_banner {
    width: 740px;
    height: 140px;
    margin: 1px auto 20px auto;
    background: url( no-repeat;
    <!---no feeds--->
    #feeds {
    <!---no key words--->
    #photoKeywords {
    display: none;

    #lightBoxKeywords {
    display: none !important;

    #lightBoxKeywordsLink {
    display: none;
    <!---removes date updated--->
    p.updated {
    display: none;
    <!---filename under each foto--->
    #fileNameBoxWrapper {
    display: block;

    HEADER JAVASCRIPT: /*=========================================*/
    /*== Position Paypal - ==*/
    YE.onContentReady("altViews", MovePaypalContent);
    function MovePaypalContent()
    var paypalObj = document.getElementById("paypalButtonSet");
    var altViews = document.getElementById("altViews");
    var smugmug= document.getElementById("smugmug");
    if (altViews && paypalObj && smugmug)
    var paypalSetObj = paypalObj.parentNode.removeChild(paypalObj);
    altViews.appendChild(paypalSetObj); = "inline";


    BODY TAG: ******** src="; type="text/javascript"></

    CUSTOM HEADER: <div id="my_banner"></div>

    <!---PAYPAL CRAP--->

    <div id="paypalButtonSet" style="display:none;" class="paypalButton">
    <form target="paypal" action="; method="post" onSubmit="setPaypalForm(this)" >
    <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
    <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[ PUULXN9UTTC2E ]">
    <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="">
    <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0">
    <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="usd">
    <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="en">
    <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-ShopCartBF">

    <select ID="paypalSelect" name="photoselection">
    <option value="7.00">(1)-5x7 $ 7.00</option>
    <option value="12.00">(2)-5x7 $ 12.00</option>
    <option value="10.00">(1)-8x10 $ 12.00</option>
    <option value="6.00">(8)-wallets $ 8.00</option>
    <option selected value="16.00">Package C:(2)-5x7,8-wallets $ 16.00</option>
    <option value="20.00">Package B:(1)-5x7;(1)-8x10; (8)-wallets $ 16.00</option>
    <option value="30.00">Package A:(1)-8x10,(2)-5x7,(16)-wallets,(2)-4x6 $ 30.00</option>
    <option value="3.00">Mail-USPS $ 3.00</option>

    <input ID="paypalBuy" type="image" src="; border="0" name="submit" alt="Buy">
    <img alt="" border="0" src="; width="1" height="1">


    CUSTOM FOOTER: <div></div>

    FOOTER JAVASCRIPT: // ========================================
    // == Paypal shopping functionality ==
    // ========================================
    function setPaypalForm(form) {
    urlToImage = AlbumID + photoInfo[ImageID];
    i = form.photoselection.selectedIndex

    sPhotoType = form.photoselection.options.text;
    sPhotoPrice = form.photoselection.options.value;
    urlToImage = urlToImage + " " + sPhotoType ;
    form.item_name.value = urlToImage;
    form.amount.value = sPhotoPrice;

    thanks in advance
  • Montana JohnMontana John Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited May 15, 2010
    Google Shopping Cart works, sort of...
    My first post, so bear with me.

    I got the Google "add to cart" buttons to work on two pages (note cards, posters) on my site, But the cart doesn't carry over if you change pages. When you place note cards in the cart, then go to posters page, cart is empty. Go back to note card page and the note cards are still in the cart. If you add a poster to the cart, then go to note card page, cart is empty until you retutrn to poster page.

    When you generate the shopping cart at Google, it gives you two code strings. First code is product-specific, and I put it in each caption. Second string of code (identifies your merchant number) says, "Add this code only once for each html page, just before the </body> tag."

    So to place the second string, I went: Easy Customizer > Advanced Site-wide Customization, and then tried placng the code in every available location. The only place that worked was putting it in the "Custom Footer" box. Anywhere else, and the "add to cart" button dissappears. I even tried placing the second string of code on the product page, in the caption and the title, but the button dissappears again.

    Seems like any site-wide location should work, but I'm stumped. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks, John
  • petermerrypetermerry Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited June 1, 2010
    Did you ever work out how to do this?
    Hi Major Incident,
    I am trying to do the same thing, i.e. get the image filename into the paypal order. Smugmug support don't seem able/willing to help, so I hope you have an answer.

    Hi, this looks like the place to come! So how do you make the "Add To Cart" button work so that I know what picture has been ordered for me to send to my own lab here in England. I've followed the instructions on paypal for adding button and that works as far as linking to my account is concerned, but its the number of the print in the order that needs to work.

    Would it be any easier using googles payment service, can you give me the html to make it work?

    Thanks for looking and huge thanks to Josh, if you know him, from Smugmug who has been really good up to now.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,418 moderator
    edited June 1, 2010
    petermerry wrote: »
    ...get the image filename into the paypal order.
    Take a look at this thread, it's possible the answer is in here - How to add a PayPal shopping cart to your site!

    --- Denise
  • daltongangdaltongang Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited November 12, 2010
    I'm totally envious of everyone who understands any of these threads. :( This is all SO over my head. I followed a different thread that smugmug sent me to (it appears to be very old and not active, although I did post a question). I followed the initial thread and put all the codes where they said to put them. Nothing works. It just says view cart and buy. When I click on those, it takes me to a page that says Paypal can't help me, pretty much. I need very detailed information on how to have a cart, buy buttons, and all the ins and outs that will link everything so my clients and purchase directly through me, not through the smugmug labs, which I do not care for. Anybody out there who is feeling very generous to a seriously computer challenge smugmugger? For anyone who is going to tell me to read this or that, trust me I have. I've been on this computer ALL day and have not made one step forward. Thanks!!
  • vdotmatrixvdotmatrix Registered Users Posts: 343 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2010
    daltongang wrote: »
    I'm totally envious of everyone who understands any of these threads. :( This is all SO over my head. I followed a different thread that smugmug sent me to (it appears to be very old and not active, although I did post a question). I followed the initial thread and put all the codes where they said to put them. Nothing works. It just says view cart and buy. When I click on those, it takes me to a page that says Paypal can't help me, pretty much. I need very detailed information on how to have a cart, buy buttons, and all the ins and outs that will link everything so my clients and purchase directly through me, not through the smugmug labs, which I do not care for. Anybody out there who is feeling very generous to a seriously computer challenge smugmugger? For anyone who is going to tell me to read this or that, trust me I have. I've been on this computer ALL day and have not made one step forward. Thanks!!

    I am just a hack.

    i was able to get my site going with the help of denise here and jfriend and others. I'd be lost without them.... i was just going to refer you to look at people's source pages and after looking at mine I said NO WAY.

    i remember some help stuff was very helpful to customize your site. there is a tutorial for doing simple stuff. once you demonstrate you are doing something , people will jump in and help.

    sometimes posting your customizations or emailing your settings to yourself and then posting this stuff's problem areas help these big brains help you quicker!!!

    I;ll see what kinda of stuff i can find cuz i was there!

    at the very least least you'll learn a little basic HTML and what CSS does.
  • naturalaperturenaturalaperture Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited December 14, 2010
    Google Checkout Cart and the Back Button
    I have a question/problem, and I did try, and they sent me here. To make things simpler, I'll just paste the email I sent them here:
    I'm Bonnie, my site is, and I'm using Firefox on Windows. (I'm also checking cross-browser compatibility in IE8 and Chrome.)

    The question is:
    I have a link called "Store," where separately from prints I'd like to sell my books, calendars, and gift certificates. I've decided to go with Google checkout cart (not buy now) because I would like to allow my customers to add multiple items and change quantities. Also, the reason I went with Google instead of PayPal is because Google Checkout allows me to have coupon odes (which will be associated with gift certificates), whereas PayPal does not.

    The problem is, if a customer is in the checkout process and they click the "Back" button or the "Edit order" link in checkout, it takes them to a page that says the gallery doesn't exist.

    I asked my boyfriend (resident IT guru) for help, and he said it's on your end. Basically, it puts #cart_restore at the end of the link and redirects. It goes from this URL:

    to this one:

    and gives the page that says oops, the gallery doesn't seem to exist.

    Is there anything that can be done about this? Google says it's in their policy that the customer must be able to go back during their order. Since PayPal doesn't do coupon codes and I'm not a coding geek, this is my only option.


    Anyone have any idea as to what to do about this? Ideally, people would be able to buy whatever they wanted with one cart, but I don't know how to do that, and don't have the money to pay someone to do it. If they have to order prints separately from calendars, so be it, if that's my only option. It would just be nice if I could abide by Google's policy and not have my customer get frustrated if they can't go back and change something on their order.

    My boyfriend told me to ask support if I could have the "nonminified javascript for debugging purposes," but they didn't know what I was talking about.
  • kimkphotoskimkphotos Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited February 20, 2011
    How to customize paypal shopping cart
    I clicked on the link and then found Craig Ridley's post on dgrin since it
    deals with paypal and not google checkout.
    I added the code Craig suggests putting in the header to this gallery's
    description...not sure if i want it in every gallery yet. I added the other
    code where Craig suggests to do so.
    Here's the gallery link I added the code to: and
    here's Craig Ridley's link:

    It seems to work well but, how do I add either a thumbnail image or the image
    title to the paypal shopping cart so that I know what my customer is ordering? And, will the current code work for a
    gallery with multiple images?
    How do I move the paypal cart to the right side of the page so it is located
    where the current smugmug cart is?
  • Mark DickinsonMark Dickinson Registered Users Posts: 337 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2011

    Here's my post on an alternative called square. Less fees, swipable no account needed for client:)
  • JoiJoiJoiJoi Registered Users Posts: 108 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2011
    Square is pretty awesome, my husband and I have been using it for a bit. It is great to take $ right on the spot and not worry about checks and such.
    Plus the transaction fees are pretty marginal. 2.75 for a swipe with no monthly is quite good.

    Joi Cohen-Haroun
    Website :: Facebook :: Twitter
  • Mark DickinsonMark Dickinson Registered Users Posts: 337 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2011
    They just removed the .15 charge for swiping, so they are definitely beating out PP and GC
  • JoiJoiJoiJoi Registered Users Posts: 108 Major grins
    edited February 24, 2011
    yup definitely, plus it's just cool to be able to swipe on your phone, eh :) but then again I like gadgets :)

    Joi Cohen-Haroun
    Website :: Facebook :: Twitter
  • Custard DuckCustard Duck Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited March 30, 2011
    Help needed
    Hi All

    Been requested to join up and ask questions in this section by smug mug..
    I need to add a shopping cart either pp or gc to my website. What I am not sure about is
    1. Will this disable to smug mug cart ?
    2. How do you disable the smug mug cart ?
    3. Will the new shopping cart work in the same way as the sumg mug cart ie once an image/s have been purchased will it let you automatically download the selected image/s automatically.
    4. Anything else I should consider.


    Custard Duck

    ps if in wrong section please feel free to move.
  • fotomusfotomus Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    edited April 20, 2011
    Shopping cart + payment customization (Denmark)
    wings.gifHi Heroes!!

    I am located in Denmark (copenhagen).
    I am taking pictures of my clients, and uploading them to galleries they can access by password.

    The pictures they see are all watermarked. If they want the pictures, I want to create the site, so they should pay an amount online to get the watermarked removed.. and then their allowed to download the original picture/gallery.

    However, the danish people have something called Dankort / Visacard. Therefore i would like to add my own kind of online payment module combined with the smugmug shopping cart.

    I would like to use the shopping services of following:
    The Form action is abit similar to the google one...

    The dream scenario would be if my customers could use the smugmug integrated shopping cart – with some adjustments. Right now,, for me it has waay to many items you can choose from. I would only want this in my shopping cart:

    for example;
    When clicking on Buy button, i would like to customize the text in there, so to start with they can only:

    "Buy the gallery" - They put a checkmark in “download the gallery” for 300DKR (50usd).

    "Print the gallery on 10x15" - They put a checkmark in “Print the pictures for me.. ” for 300DKR (50usd).

    when finish, and the customer is accepting the shopping cart.. The form should route to the amount to quickpay with the total amount.

    The customer pays through quickpay.

    I get an e-mail..

    finish. I do the rest.. i take away the watermark.. i print out the pictures etc.

    Pleaase heelp me :D
    thanks in advance!.. regards heidi olsen @ / pro user.
  • MomaZunkMomaZunk Registered Users Posts: 421 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2011
    Anyone with an Implemented Google Checkout Shopping Cart?
    Does anyone have a working Google Checkout cart for a gallery of images?
    If so could you share the steps that you took?
    Did you create the Add to Cart Button for each photo?
    Did you use the google spreadsheet gadget and just create a list?
    Did you just add the add to cart button to the photo caption?
    If, so how did you incorporate the class structure into your gallery?

    Normally I would let Smugmug handle the fulfillment and payment for each individual sale, but in this particular case, I want to offer matted prints, and order all the prints at one time.

    I could just create a custom form, and run everyone's credit card info through Square, but I wanted to explore the Google Checkout option first.

    Your help is appreciated!
  • romansolarromansolar Registered Users Posts: 22 Big grins
    edited September 2, 2011
    hello everybody

    i am asking for help again.

    i do have code for paypal button. Dont want to have cart. I am only interesting in having buy now button for all my images. I am putting code within caption. But i need to know under which photo was buy button activated.

    Could someone point me how to achieve this?

  • simorris75simorris75 Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited January 18, 2012
    toal newbie at this
    can some one help me i have no knowledge of paypal or coding i would normaly use the fulfillment service offered by the website company but i have no choice here as smugmug do not offer this for uk photographers. can anyone please explain step by step what i need to do in order to allow people to purchase my photos etc in the uk ie what i have to do in paypal and once i have done that what i have to do in smugmug

    thanks all in advance

  • jmhphotojmhphoto Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    I Want to Add Paypal
    Is it possible to sign in for a power user and then add paypal button to specific photos in the gallery? If so, how may I do that? Thank you so much!
  • simorris75simorris75 Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited January 20, 2012
    Is there anyway of gettong buttons like the ones smugmug use on there galleries for use with paypal so it all fits in nicely
  • MyPhotoCoutureMyPhotoCouture Registered Users Posts: 6 Beginner grinner
    edited April 13, 2012
    getting Checkout on my smugmug
    I am trying to get google checkout to work on my page but I am unable to. I emailed smugmug and they gave me instructions but they did not work. they then told me to post a message to this forum. my website is . I want to add a new tab "Deposit" to my header, This I am able to do. the problem comes when I try to enter the code from google checkout, I was told to enter it as either a caption or a description but it does not work. I'm not very good at this web building stuff and could really use some help getting this up and running on my website. Thanks for the help
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