Feedback on page 8 (71-80)
I think this is the last ten! What a great experience this has been for me. I highly recommend it to all. If you don't have the time to hit them all, write down ten random numbers between 2 and 87, then go critique them. I think it has been very well stated by some very capable Dgrinners that we are all qualified to critique and every honest critique will provide some useful helps to the recipient. This is great "homework" for the photographic eye. Take the next step and try it! You will be glad you did.
OK, on to the last ten.
71- Your idea and approach is good. Capture the head bobbin of a child listening to music. The element that took away from your effectiveness on this shot was although the head was caught bobbin, the rest of the picture comes across as out of focus. I like how you filled the frame with your subject, and used the rule of thirds. A couple of ideas to create for focus as well as technique are: 1) Shoot from a tripod to keep background in focus on longer exposure. 2) Dim lights in the background to minimize distractions there and bring more attention to subject. 3) Instead of computer, what if she were reading a CD sleve or something music oriented to tie her back to the theme/interpretation. Great idea and great start, now take the next step with it. Good job!
72- Beautifully executed urban portrait. Love the balanced lighting, composition, location, sky, trees, etc. The only two things I could comment on is the expression of the model is a little flat. I need that twinkle in her eye that will probably help her posture too. Also, the telephone poles don't add. A little crop there and BAM! Great portrait already! Love it.
73- Cute girl and cute shot. Love the sparkle in her eye and smile. Great angle. Thoughts to make it better: This is one of those photos that we are tempted to keep more in than we should. Her cute shirt reflects the message, but a tight crop of her face and hand may just come to life; even without the peace on her shirt. Remember when you are cropping to not cut off limbs at joints (lower hand). I love the emotion of this shot.
74- Well executed concert or practice shot. Photos sits well as is. I don't even mind the white vignetting. Post production brings a level of energy that is natural to the shot. Thoughts on making it stronger: It would be fun to see his hands in motion. The highlights on the drum are a little demanding visually. I'm a fan of black over white vignetting. Overall, great shot.
75- You captured the essence of the personality very well. It is so believable to look at him and think mathmatician! In fact, I look at him and wonder what quantum physic calculation he is formualting. Use of 3rds is great which gives him visual breathing room to the direction he is looking. Thoughts on improvement: Tree branch behind his head although OOF still has some attachement to his head. I also would like the BW conversion to show a wider dynamic range, especially into the whites. I would also like to see more of his shirt. The bottom of the photo feels just a hair tight visually. Overall, a great capture of intense personality.
76- From your title I am taking it that this is your first portrait photo shoot? They are fun aren't they? Great model. Love the hair lighting too. Genuine expression is nice. Thoughts for improvement: Include her shoulders in the photo/crop, it creates a visual base. Focus of the photo seems to be in the hair. On a portrait, the eyes are the most important thing to be focused. Increase your apature to 6-8 which will increase your Distance of Focus and allow you to more easily capture the eyes infocus. Use a directional Key or Main light to create more depth to the face (the hair has great depth). Place key light (soft box or reflector) close to the model for a soft light as well as a large, beautiful eye accent. Oh, love your avatar!
77- Great point of view on your photo. It invites the viewer into the event. Bw conversion is good. Nice framing of the "receiver". Couple of thoughts for improvement. 1) I know he is throwing something and I am guessing it is a football. I would like to see it though. 2) I would like to see the receiver in a more ready stance, not so casual as if not wanting to participate. 3) A blurring arm with football in the air could add some nice visual tension.
78- Beautiful. Oh, the stories she could tell us. What we could learn from her. Her expression begs an interview. I want to know more. Love the tone of the background and how the other colors/tones play well together. The angle of her head is very pleasing. It would have been fun to have either had a large reflector or off camera flash to provide some depth to her face. You get small hints of it on the left where the light is accenting some of her facial features. Cloning out the green bush behind her may also lend to more focus on her. Like it.
79- Good simple composition from a great visual angle. Subject is just tough to create an emotional bond with. I anticipate other angles were even tougher. If you would have gotten closer, it appears the details would have faded. It is my opinion that you were at about the right distance. This is just a tough shot to pull off something spectacular for a competition. Hummm. I wonder what would happen if you used multiple lights, some gelled for color, to do the shot. Would be interesting to see.
80- Good use of dramatic off camera lighting. Creates a ncie depth to the subject. I love the "Willow Tree" figure sets. What a talented artist. The ability to communicate specific emotions without faces is great. We can learn a lot from her. Part of your challenge is capturing what the artist was able to express to you in 3D. You almost need a second soft light to the right to help identify the second character more. I also would like alittle more room on the left of the photo. That side feels just a little tight. The balance between the top dead space and the bottom crop feels unbalanced to me as well. Maybe a crop at the bottom of his shirt to just a little over his head (equal to the space between his head and the left side of the frame), plus a little extra space on the left side of the frame. Figures like these are great for practicing lighting technique, although a little tough due to size proportions to the light.
wowser my fingers hurt... 31. The Mechanic – sorry about the judging on this one. I remember seeing a drill press here before. I don’t know if the BW conversion on the previous was doing it for me. I do like this newer shot better. I think I have seen one similar to it in a previous challenge. Would like to see some additional light on the hand here and it seems there may be a bit of motion blur where the hand flinched due to hot metal…lava stuff that looks like that pain no gain though!
32. Notorious Aces…- Evil hand you have there – like the spin on hands and faces this is out of the norm. Seems a bit flat though something is missing my eyes wander to the wood table and I notice the grain patterns. Cards seem a bit washed out our not that they are clipped – the first ace seems a bit off focus only at the top of the card.
33. The Look - Nice capture here I like the angle and I would be curious to see a color conversion. Skin tones look nice maybe even a tad soft. One other thing I notice is the white ban in the upper left. I can not put my finger on it but for some reason the gradient of the back ground leads my eye up that way. She is a very pretty young woman and a bit more attitude in this shot and it would be really great. Something about it being half way in between possibly pout face (puffy lips) or real attitude leaves me struggling to figure out which you where going for.
34. The Other Side – I actually really liked this idea – Maybe a hand smear vs. what appears as a paint brush wipe…not sure. I like the conversion on it and your expression is pretty darn good. The eyes seem to be looking to the bottom left rather then straight on at me. I do like this one seems fresh to me and a bit out side the box so to speak.
35. pruney fingers – They do love to show of the pruney fingers don’t they. Very cute shot here. Perhaps just a bit more dof at f/2.0 – f/2.4 would have be interesting to see. Not sure I am crazy about the center shot here and wonder if her sweet hand was a bit more to the left third. Last seems like there is a bit of reflection/light coming out of her armpit J on the right side. Cute shot though
36. The Old Timer: A Visual Pun – See these shots take the theme in different directions and I like this sort of thing. Clock face..old watch face. Good thinking. Not sure on the composition here and the conversion seems a bit flat but it’s a good clean shot. Background seems to distract a bit more creative and your on your way with this don’t stop thinking outside what the theme implies push your self out side the bounds of what immediately springs to mind with these themes.
37. Sands of Time – Interesting idea with a face in the sand although he seems rather unhappy at the moment possibly a bw conversion needed and some grey clouds with sun peaking through to give it some better light. This time of year is very difficult to get good light out side and this can be a tough go. This guy seems a bit flat to me and he can pop you just have to PS him a bit more to make him come out. Don’t be afraid to push the curves about and see what happens with it.
38. Broken – I do like these shots but many have done them so they have to really pop to make them stand out. This one seems a bit to warm for what would be a cold moment and his face is blending into the background to much. More light to his face to lower the impact of the background. Would like to see a bw conversion as he is younger and the warmer seems to go better with an older subject.
39. Sausages – great title on this one. Not sure if this one made the theme for me though. dof is shallow here and my eye drifts to the oof sausages in the back. Possibly a bit less contrast on this one and maybe a few inches back.
40. Frustration – Like the concept but again this one has been done so you need to make it stand out. I find my eyes looking to the stuff in the back ground the cup with fish on it and the heart frame in the back. The noise seems bit high for iso 100
41. Face of Innocence – cute shot – focal point seems to be more on the flower. I like the angle. This shot seems a bit flat and her hair is a bit out of focus. Needs to pop a bit more and some warm would bring this shot alive. The crop on this one is a bit tight and could be moved out a bit. Also may consider cloning out the other rose leaves above and below the main flower.
42. The time is near – To dark…crop is ick. The hand was fun to make. Wished I could have gotten the focus better on the index finger. Its very hard to hit that spot just couldn’t ever get the hand right ..blah..blah..blah. Gives me time to do this and focus on the final..ahhh
43. Strong Direction – See now this one is dark yet the hands pop so it becomes a great shot. I really like the tones in this one and the conversion is very nice.
44. Frozen in Time – Great capture on this one its almost sad to see details being weathered away on this statue. It is a very difficult shot to pull off as you are shooting another piece of art attempting to capture a moment of its time. The statue hair at the top and front seems a bit out of focus and for me the background seems a bit distracting as my eye is looking for more detail so it searches and finds the background. I like the composition here.
45. The Craftsman – I like the shot the noise adds a bit to it to give it some age. The light is very nice to my eye. Not sure on the front oof hand it seems to distract a bit and the white roll in the bottom front distracts a bit - not sure what the white roll is or if it could be removed. I wonder also what a different shot angle would do possibly up and to the right. Really nice shot though I like this one.
46. Cleansing – Wonderful light on this one I really like it. The composition on it is really nice as well and looks like you are off to a good second post. Congratulations on making it into the semi.
47. Shes moving tomorrow; our last day together – What a great shot here this one has a lot of great qualities about it and is one of my favorites. You had some really good advice when you in the pre – the crop is great the light is great the warmth is great the emotion fits and the tile should have been good bye Emily…J This one is just all around goodness. You did a good job with the clone out of the watch as well btw.
48. An Unusual Builders Upgrade – Like the idea on this one – these types of concepts do well but to make them you have to start out with something not so ordinary as this hallway. I really do like where you are going with this. I would consider this a test shot to a future project. If you can find the right Munsters looking hallway you might have a strong competitor here. Add some top hats or derbies and now you would really have something. Convert it to bw or a with a hint of sepia and watch out. There is a lot of place you could go with this one so don’t let go of that shot. This one grab my attention so you have to pay very close attention to the details such as integrating the arms into the walls.
49. The Photographer – Not sure if I liked the new crop better or the original crop – very nice conversion on this one make me want a Canon! Your shot pops but could pop a bit more seems the original had more pop to me but there is something to be said for this crop no doubt about it. This one screams of attitude and could easily see it in a canon tri-fold some where – nice shot.
50. Cold – This is one brisk shot crisp and cold skintones are well captured here. I wonder what this does in a bw conversion. The composition seems really pleasing to my eye although the frozen stache kind of grosses me out…is it frozen snot on there…is it soup from earlier..what is it…J love the shot.
51. Trust - Love the emotion on this one Gail it goes with a nice composition here. I really like the conversion the sepia may be a bit over done and may have added a bit of softness to it. I like the light with it but wondered about the shirt/sweater sleeves. Not sure this distracts me but just curious what it would be like with them not there. I see a hint of a shirt sleeve from the little one and a very nice warm sweater on mom’s arm.
52. Ent baby – Wow – that is really creepy. It took me a second to understand it but then when I saw it…well lets just say this will not be leaving me thoughts any time soon. Put this thing in a jar next the Sean’s hands and ewww. Nature does some funky things sometimes. Hmm which makes me think about shots like these. It’s a good shot with great natural light and a good composition. I wonder if people get caught on the ewww factor and can’t get by it. I like it and won’t soon forget it just because I am weird that way.
53. Our Future Is Bright – Nice capture here – Not sure about the back ground on this one and the light seems somewhat off. Skin tones look nice perhaps a bit soft. Definitely need to make this little one’s eyes pop more they are cute and can make or break your shot. Yes on second thought you need to get rid of the flowers in the back ground they are distracting. The focus now has me drifting to the flowers as they are sharper then this cutie pie in the front. Selective color on this one should be used very carefully and in short rare cases as it has been done.
54. Got virus? - Now I know where they come from!…Wonderful shot I love it. I want to see his face a bit more and just a tad more light on him. Only other though is he seems to be looking down rather the up onto his monitor…ooooh…just had a thought…would be neat to see a reflection in his sun glasses from the pc monitor with code streaming down or something like that. Nice shot…motion blur on fast fingers is a very nice touch as well.
55. Slap Me Five – I really like the idea here. Shot seems a bit flat and the dog seems a bit fuzzy…no pun intended. Hunter orange is not a good color choice although brown dog…brown orange its growing on me. Like the idea of the man/dog team here. Photo needs a bit more pop and possibly a different setting/backdrop.
56. Little Sleeping Hands – Very sweet shot I really love these ones. Conversion seems a bit flat and the blanket is slight distract. Crop seems a bit tight would like to see a bit more pop on the conversion and a bit more dof. You had some tough picks out of this series I enjoyed the others as well.
57. Blood on his hands… Not sure I fully grasp this one but it defiantly foreces an impression of sorts. Back ground leaves a bit to be desired and seems a bit dark this one needs to be shot in a green pasture. It is fun to try new things so don’t stop thinking outside. Like the floating orb things how was that done?...oh and put a shirt on him…ewww…icky J the fur in the middle is a bit much.
58. Freedom? Like the eyes on this shot and you pretty much nailed the focus on them which makes for a great shot. Catching the hand on the fence is a added bonus and clearly adds to the theme. May need a touch of fill flash to bring out the second eye back there in the back. Great shot.
59. Concentration.... Nice capture with the tongue sticking out. This is what I notice so this one has sort of missed the theme for me. Shot seems a bit flat to me with the back ground being somewhat blah possibly to much brown here. This one needs something to make it pop out. I wonder on a bw conversion here but with the black horse this might not go over so well. I love the horses so this one of coarse I love it just wished it had a bit more punch to it.
60. Heads – creativity here is good with the quarter – new spin on the faces heads theme. Bw conversion seems a tad flat but I like how the hand leads me to the quarter then I look up and see the face. I do like the light on this shot just needs a bit more pop. Why the quarter…hmmm now I am a bit confused about the quarter in your hand – seems out of place for some reason now.
Thanks all for taking time to give such valuable feedback. I jumped into LPS 11 and tried my hardest to scrape up a point. I think only one of my entries managed to do that. I'm looking forward to trying harder and getting better whenever LPS 2008 begins. In the meantime, keep up the great work you all!
Lets not forget...the picture is fun, and technical, but so is the critique. Critical analysis is reflective.. How cool is that. We judge others, and learn.
41. Face of Innocence – cute shot – focal point seems to be more on the flower. I like the angle. This shot seems a bit flat and her hair is a bit out of focus. Needs to pop a bit more and some warm would bring this shot alive. The crop on this one is a bit tight and could be moved out a bit. Also may consider cloning out the other rose leaves above and below the main flower.
Thank you for your analysis and advice. It was my first shot at this and trust me, there is still plenty to learn on my part.
**Taking the moments one shot at a time**
~Working with my Nikon D80~
<My dream is to be the kind of mother, my kids already think I am>
Thanks for all the feedback everyone, I know it takes alot of time and effort, its much apreciated to hear your thoughts and see your personal favorites.
80- Good use of dramatic off camera lighting. Creates a ncie depth to the subject. I love the "Willow Tree" figure sets. What a talented artist. The ability to communicate specific emotions without faces is great. We can learn a lot from her. Part of your challenge is capturing what the artist was able to express to you in 3D. You almost need a second soft light to the right to help identify the second character more. I also would like alittle more room on the left of the photo. That side feels just a little tight. The balance between the top dead space and the bottom crop feels unbalanced to me as well. Maybe a crop at the bottom of his shirt to just a little over his head (equal to the space between his head and the left side of the frame), plus a little extra space on the left side of the frame. Figures like these are great for practicing lighting technique, although a little tough due to size proportions to the light.
Shatch, I REALLY appreciate the feedback. One of the reasons I participated in this contest (where I am badly outclassed) is to get the experience and feedback from others. With Shay out of action for a while I have trully missed the consistent feedback.
This is the first time I have ever really tried to do a photo like that so while it did not turn out great, I am happy I tried.
I'll give this feedback thing a go.... a bit at a time. its 1 am here now and I am quickly running out of steam.
#2 HoofClix - The Beat Within
I have seen you grow so much throughout this contest! - Even though this image is soft there is something about it that I quite like, maybe its the combination of angle, motion and subtle composition that attracts me to it. I am drawn towards the face and it does fit the theme for me just not a strongly as some others. The main distraction is the bright underside of the left drum.
#3 DI-Joe - Unoriginal? Probably.
Your title certainly is original - I'm a sucker for a vignette and I like the angles in the shot. Where it falls apart for me is I feel constricted and want to see more. (less tight). The bottom left corner pulls me down and away from the eyes and out of the frame.
#4 douglas - I Know What You Did Last Summer
This was one of my favorites early on in the postings - and It still is. The creepy lighting and point of view are very well executed. I almost want to say I wish there was more detail in the shadows but there is a reason why it has this feeling and with more detail the feeling may be lost.
#5 tlee - Spotlight
This speaks hand very loudly and works well on many levels. Maybe a bit too much black space on the right? I like how the fingers point us up and over to the hat and then the lines in the hat pull us back down to the hair and then we bounce back to the hand.
#6 noeltykay - Mugshot
This photo makes me smile, it has a look of pure innocence. The space around the main subject at first makes me think -- why so much? but as I absorb the shot it takes on a life of its own. My main beef is the centered composition it just doesn't work for me here, even though centered can be very powerful at times, here I just cant get past it for some reason.
#7 imax - Controversy
I like the background in this - Again here I feel constricted and wish there was more to the story. In the end I feel this is more about a phone than a face. I end up being stuck looking at the phone and not really getting past it.
#8 shudderz - polly Want A Cracker
a recognizable image and it does have a face and a couple hands but it doesnt speak the theme very loud for me. Great color , and I like the motion blur on the parrots wing.
#9 bgaras2001 - tickleing the ivory
This image has so much going for it. I can see why it made #1 spot! Congratulations. Motion, hands, shadows , highlights, music, and emotion are all captured within. I love the radiating lines. I really like how your composition moves us through the image bit by bit and manages to guide the viewer to several areas before settling in the bottom right quadrant.
#10 MarkTodd - Nightmare Visage
Neat idea - For me the blue color bothers, not sure why at all. You have done a great job of giving us a mood. I am convinced I would not want to be near this figure.
#11 shatch - The Evening News
Your first incarnation of this image was both sharper and simpler in idea, I prefer it over the final version with the tears. There is certainly no question that you have a great talent for creating emotion and startling imagery. Your work pushes me that much harder and I thank you for the inspiration. That said ... I agree with your self evaluation that the tears look fake, but maybe that was intentional?
#12 Tentacion - Here's Your Sign
Crazy is certainly what I see here... That tongue and gaping mouth just totally grab me and make me go WTH - This fits the theme but it is not one of my favorite shots of yours. Normally you seem to have a very well thought out image - this one just seems spur of the moment.
Holy moley - that took me 45 minutes , time for some sleep, more tomorrow.
btw - the same standard disclaimer applies - its just my opinion.
hope that some of you get something out of it.
64- This likewise is a curious photo. The mystery to me is why the hands on the hands. I like the creative attention to the multiple themes (face of the watch, lots of hands). Strong contrasty BW conversion fits the mood of the photo. To make it stronger...Why did he fall? What is the significance of the hands on the hands? Could this be portrayed effectively to the viewer so as to draw me in more and help me become part of the photo?
First, a massive thanks for giving all the feedback, this is the first time I have had any comments on my photos and they are so welcome. Ok, perhaps I made the photograph a bit to ambiguous or dramatic. I have recently been diagnosed with a serious heart problem, so the main hand is my hand; stretching out to help myself (on the floor) but the hand is the wrong way round! So it could be rejecting the call for help, that’s up to the interpretation of the viewer. All the hands on my hand represent others in the community (I went round the town getting them) pharmacists, dentists, Dr’s, old & young, even barmen & drinkers-in the centre- representing my love for the old pint! Hence probably my heart condition lol. The hands on the watch is showing time fast ticking away and the contrast I gave it is the contrasting attitudes of us all towards others in need. So there you have it. Once again thank you for your feedback.
32- Creative entry. Only "face cards" in the set. I like the long shadows. A camera angle at table level may have made the cards seem larger than life. This along with a partial shadow being cast onto the other cards may have added some dimentionality to the composition. Fun approach and good idea.
SHatch, Feedback is much appriciated... I personally think this shot was a strech... I don't think it would have had a chance no matter how I shot it.
32. Notorious Aces…- Evil hand you have there – like the spin on hands and faces this is out of the norm. Seems a bit flat though something is missing my eyes wander to the wood table and I notice the grain patterns. Cards seem a bit washed out our not that they are clipped – the first ace seems a bit off focus only at the top of the card.
Thanks cmurph... Thats great how you interpreted the shot as a "hand"! I didn't even see that myself... "evil hand" would be a great title too...:D I was just thinking "faces" when I shot it... I concur with your critique... On to the semi final! and then the Grand fanale... I guess I'll give it my best shot!:D Winston
I got to my desk early this morning for a meeting and checked the status of this thread. Everyone certainly has been busy. I think it's great that others are jumping in and posting their comments. I think this is a huge step beyond just posting Top 10 and I hope we can continue this from now on. I know it's a lot of work but if we take bits and pieces I think we can help each other out.
from SHatch 48- Creative interpretation. Good job thinking out of the box. The composition and lighting draw my attention to the door. Maybe a close-up of the "custom hat holder" and simplification of the composition would be a stronger entry. A darkened background with the hand holders forefront in the photo and fading in the background to black and out of focus would be fun to see in comparison. Also, the shadows on the walls could be tweaked to be a little stronger which would help anchor the arms to the wall.
from VisualExpressions #48 This was a great idea! Poor execution though…
fromCMurph 48. An Unusual Builders Upgrade – Like the idea on this one – these types of concepts do well but to make them you have to start out with something not so ordinary as this hallway. I really do like where you are going with this. I would consider this a test shot to a future project. If you can find the right Munsters looking hallway you might have a strong competitor here. Add some top hats or derbies and now you would really have something. Convert it to bw or a with a hint of sepia and watch out. There is a lot of place you could go with this one so don’t let go of that shot. This one grab my attention so you have to pay very close attention to the details such as integrating the arms into the walls.
My turn for critique. Thanks for the comments. My intent was to try and take something very common and insert an unusual component to make it indirectly creepy. It didn't work obviously. I will take the suggestions to heart and work this type of idea in the future.
51. Trust - Love the emotion on this one Gail it goes with a nice composition here. I really like the conversion the sepia may be a bit over done and may have added a bit of softness to it. I like the light with it but wondered about the shirt/sweater sleeves. Not sure this distracts me but just curious what it would be like with them not there. I see a hint of a shirt sleeve from the little one and a very nice warm sweater on mom’s arm.
Thanks for your critque of my entry. I have to admit I never thought about the sleeves being a distraction. I wanted the slight softness that is represented in the shot as I felt it went along with the whole feeling of it but maybe I did a little too much. Again thanks for taking the time.:D
51 - Trust. Love the shot, Gail. Similar treatment to 'Strong Direction' but I liked that one a little better. The hand on the right to me is a little hot and so some of the details in the skin are lost.
Thanks Hawkeye, the treatment I have on this shot is not similar at all to strong direction but I consider that a compliment. As mentioned above, I really was going for a little softness in this shot. I originally had it sharpened but it seemed too much information was visible so I decided against it and in the end I was happy with my entry.:D
Peace, gail
Thanks to everyone doing critiquing. It is so welcome and appreciated.
Thanks, Shatch and VisualExpressions for your comments on my entry (#75: The Mathematician). I really appreciate the time and effort on your behalf and any critique/suggestion goes a long way in helping me improve.
I agree about the b/w conversion and lack of tonal contrast. I suck at it and am still figuring out how to do it - am great at it in the darkroom, need to see how to get it right in Lightroom I also realized that the b/g was distracting and meant to reshoot, but couldn't get around to it .
12. Here's Your Sign...... Crazy is spot on! Nice expression. This must have been a fun one to shoot. I like the idea here the blue back drop is a bit distracting perhaps a mental hospital? Seriously though my eyes are drift in his nostril caves…lol He does have some nice eyes and a bit of lighting to bring them out and hey is he flipping me the bird…
#12 Tentacion - Here's Your Sign
Crazy is certainly what I see here... That tongue and gaping mouth just totally grab me and make me go WTH - This fits the theme but it is not one of my favorite shots of yours. Normally you seem to have a very well thought out image - this one just seems spur of the moment.
Thank you all for your views and thought processes, it is MUCH appreciated.
First off I will say that Spur and Spontaneous are very different to me in photography, Spur would be more a "snapshot" and Spontaneous would be more of a "Thought out" capture but not posed.
With that being said, I will say Sher you were SPOT ON...the photo is very "Spontaneous". I decided to go with this, as the "more thought out" photos were taking me no
I decided to follow the advice of well known Fashion Photographer, Bruce Smith, and not pose the subjects but just capture the "Moments".
Recently, I did a music gig, and decided to not only capture the musicians and their energy (photos can be viewed at, but to capture some of the audience in their "moments".
This gentleman being one of them (I indiscreetly followed him around a little). His "craziness" was brought out by the concert and he did not care who saw him or what people thought of him...and yes, I would say he was sending a "subliminal" message, i.e. "hey is he flipping me the bird"
I am glad to see that many of you stated "IT FIT THE THEME". Isn't this what we as entrants were/are suppose(d) to accomplish? In my thought process, the judges are supposed to be judging by Theme, Composition, and Technicals, and not what met their "Favorite" criteria??? I would hate to feel that judging is done in part to "favorite" criteria. That would suck..
I really should take time to leave my feedback, but I am really tired by the time I get home, (NO Excuse I Know) but I write manuals all day, and by the time I get home, my hands are exhausted.
BUT But But
I do want to say......THANK YOU for taking time from your precious day and leaving your thought processes.
Best Wishes Always,:D
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
I've quoted all of the feedback on mine, and want to just comment on it a bit, especially since there are similar comments in all of them. I can answer some of the questions/comments here, next time it will make me look at it more from someone else's perspective.
22- Your dogs are beautiful. This expression creates visual tension. It makes the viewer ask, where are the ears? are they tied back? Is that why the eyes are narrow? Lots of questions which is good. I would like to have a story from the photo though. Is there something you could show to relate why your dog has the expression it does? Then some window light or off camera lighting to create depth to the photo will help set it off. Also, a deeper distance of focus from nose to eyes would help in this photo as well.
22. Yawn! – Not sure on this one. I think the first shot was more to my like/style. This one seems to have lost the theme for me as I am focusing on the growl more then its face or paws. The back ground is a bit to black and the dogs head is drifting on me. The color is a bit of distract as well. Seems the focus point him more close to the chest and the light seems to be more focused there as well. I’m sure he/she is a nice dog but she sure em..not so happy with this shoot.
#22 oh my god that dog looks pissed… I guess I would be pissed too if someone cut off my ears! Where are his ears?
The ears: Greyhound ears are usually in one of two positions, "rosebud ears" or "RADAR ears". Radar ears stick up like a radar dish, rosebud ears are folded up and back. Zephyr, the dog in that picture, almost always has rosebud ears. The low angle that I shot from on this one hid her ears since they were folded back. To look, here's a link to another shot of Saturn, mny other dog, from the side, showing ears like this: Saturn resting.
Focus point / depth of field: She really was in the middle of a yawn when I took this picture. There is enough movement there that it probably confised the autofocus on my camera a bit. Sometimes I really wish I had a DSLR...
Lighting comments: Thanks for input on this. I was using on-camera built in flash, not ideal. I took the shot because she had started having some funny interaction with one of the cats, but that was over before I had the camera. I had no time to set up anything, and of course it was at night. Usually I do everything I can to avoid flash.
Once again, thanks. And sorry I took so much time/space responding to the feedback.
57- This is a very well executed and stunning composit image. Very creative use of lighting as well as interpretation. Curious what the red balls are? Image provides a great visual pattern. The challenge I have with it for the competition, is I can't relate or draw myself in. I am missing the story but wowwed by the idea. I want to bond with the photo but can't. Love the creativity!
I am very pleased by your thoughts about "blood on his hands...", but most pleased that you seem to like it! Maybe what I have written below might help you approach it more closely?
'Bizarre' - I like that! And I like bizarre things! Of course you have seen this scene, or the parts of it, many times - in illustrations of jugglers and executioners and executionees, and dreamers!
Quote: cmurph
Blood on his hands… Not sure I fully grasp this one but it defiantly foreces an impression of sorts. Back ground leaves a bit to be desired and seems a bit dark this one needs to be shot in a green pasture. It is fun to try new things so don’t stop thinking outside. Like the floating orb things how was that done?...oh and put a shirt on him…ewww…icky the fur in the middle is a bit much.
Much appreciate your attention to this image! <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
A work colleague of mine as a hobby performs as a juggler and fire eater at children’s events. In these kinds of acts the attention of the audience is mostly on the hands and face of the performer. This was the starting point of the image.
Some classic circus/sideshow acts trace their origins to ancient times, when they were part of broadly religious festivals, so they have metaphysical implications. <An ancient Egyptian wall painting (c. 1994-1781 B.C) appears to depict jugglers. It was found in the 15th tomb of the Beni Hassan area, Egypt. According to Dr. Bianchi, associate curator of the Brooklyn Museum, "In tomb 15, the prince is looking on to things he enjoyed in life that he wishes to take to the next world. The fact that jugglers are represented in a tomb suggests religious significance." ... "round things were used to represent solar objects, birth and death."> (Taken from Wikipedia).
Still today both the terms/associations connected with juggling and fire eating are used metaphorically. So the image picked up the ideas of fate and death, and therefore the background in the image had to represent the night cosmos filled with moonlight, but so as to look like a performer's theatrical backdrop.
My colleague is a hulk of a man, as you can see. I began to see him as representing the cosmic forces that we all are juggled by and which we try to juggle in our turn, in particular the forces that are working to bring about the time, place and circumstances of our death. His figure then became a form of the Grim Reaper. The working title of the image thus became The Executioner.
Now the cosmic executioner was in the image, I expressed our lives which he juggles in his hands as juggler’s balls, red for life and the bright blood which gives life. Like Justice, the Grim Reaper-Executioner is impartial, no victim can plead special treatment. The Executioner closes his eyes.
In classic depictions of executioners, the torso is bared and the head covered. The victim’s head is also often covered. As well, the classic executioner is a beheader with an ax. The juggler’s balls gained a dimension as the heads of the victims of the executioner over which he has complete manipulative power. The balls thus grew to be more the size of heads, bloody heads, but also to carry the significance of one whole life coming full circle to its end. The figure needed to be lit in a macabre light to point up the contrast to the doomed vitality of the balls.
In the act of execution a unique relationship is created between the executioner and his victim, who might himself be a murderer. Both are united in the taking of life. The figure in the image became ambivalent - executioner or murderer?
The taking of life is the primal source of guilt, and guilt engenders nightmares. The image grew this new dimension of a dream, a dream about the relationship between the executioner and victim in which guilt is dynamically flowing, being juggled between the two. The face is now the impartial executioner and the dead face of his victim-murderer and the face of a dreamer, all of them together.
The final title “blood on his hands…” clinches this guilty dream-shared guilt-multiple personality dimension of the image.
The balls-heads-lives are thrown up by the hands of Fate the juggler and their fate depends on the hands of the Executioner. The balls and the hands make a dynamic “fate” triangle in one plane of the image.
There can be no guilt without guilty handiwork. In another plane of the image the hands are the base of another triangle of which the head is the apex. This is the plane of guilt, which lives behind the veil, the forehead and the closed eyes (guilt is always shadowy), caused by the actions of the hands.
The hands are fundamental to the operation of the image both symbolically and compositionally. This is the inarguable link to the theme of this LPS #20. Hands of Fate, hands of Guilt, and the connection between them.
Images of a real translucent acrylic juggler’s ball backlit through a red gel were shot. The figure was shot. The veiled face was shot. The moonlit cloudscape was shot. The figure’s arms and hands were spherised and enlarged. The balls were appropriately sized and rotated. The pieces were assembled.
Some more standard images in this competition were possibly subjected to more post processing than this image.
I hope I have shared my fascination with the creation of this image with you.
First, a massive thanks for giving all the feedback, this is the first time I have had any comments on my photos and they are so welcome. Ok, perhaps I made the photograph a bit to ambiguous or dramatic. I have recently been diagnosed with a serious heart problem, so the main hand is my hand; stretching out to help myself (on the floor) but the hand is the wrong way round! So it could be rejecting the call for help, that’s up to the interpretation of the viewer. All the hands on my hand represent others in the community (I went round the town getting them) pharmacists, dentists, Dr’s, old & young, even barmen & drinkers-in the centre- representing my love for the old pint! Hence probably my heart condition lol. The hands on the watch is showing time fast ticking away and the contrast I gave it is the contrasting attitudes of us all towards others in need. So there you have it. Once again thank you for your feedback.
Thanks for sharing the inspiration behind your photo. I was touched by your thoughtful process of creating your photo. The symbolism is amazing. The many hands on the helping hand is quite a touching story. About a year ago, I met a gentleman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My initial response was one of sympathy. He immediately told me he was sorry for me and went on to say that he lived every day with purpose because he knew his clock was ticking. His life had become so much more meaningful because he knew first hand how valuable it was. There wasn't a day he lived without purpose. He was kinder, more loving, and did the things that mattered most to him. That really made me think. The reality is each of us are dieing. We just don't know how long we have. It could be a car accident today that takes me, I don't know. But the reality is today I am a day closer to meeting my maker than I was yesterday. We all should live each day with more pupose. Thank you for reinspiring me about that reality. I pray you will have peace as you go through your trial. Thanks again for sharing. Your photo has become a special story.
Eventually i will get a comprehensive critical post of my own up there, but I feel another sort of comment coming on here, especially as this is the last of the LPS series.
It's about all of the approach methods I hear folks using while coming up with their entries. Some carry the camera around with them for two weeks. Some plan out something in the mind's eye, then go put it together like it's a construction project. Others just get a wild moment with a camera. Each of us is probably better at one method than the other, because our brains are not the same, but what I see time and again is that someone will finally get selected after they tried another approach. They were trying to use what I will call their "contrary" approach for a while, then went back to their natural approach, and suddenly it hits.
So my point is that we should all try to stretch next time by using our contrary approach, or at least varying our approaches... Perhaps I make sense, perhaps not....
I don't know if this is the right place for my comments; if not I apologize.
Thanks to all for the feedback and critiques. This is my very first staged photograph and I was struggling in post to not overdo it with crops and DR techs.
As for the "behind the scenes"; I was trying to portray a photographer in thought. Maybe composing a shot or choosing a subject out of many...
I would just like to say I am very impressed and appreciative of all of the terrific and constructive feedback. I've learned so much in so little time as a direct result of some very talented people taking a lot of time to comment on a TON of pictures. I truly thank you and am very lucky to have found this forum.
last bit...whew...done now! 61. A little scare – Maybe getting to late for me on this one. Not sure I am following along. This one is a bit dark for even my taste but I do like the shadows casting. Lettering on the top seems to take away from the face and seems a bit over powering. I must be way out of the loop but is this a martini with in a gothic glass…See this is one of the I am struggling to understand as I am not familiar with the subject which can work against you if the audience is not familiar with the subject.
62. King Clock – Welcome to dgrin and a fine first post. I like the imagination on this one. The stark blue sky leaves a bit and it seems to be tilted a bit to the right. It’s nice and sharp. Seems this one lacks emotion to bring me closer to it. Perhaps a fish eye or more wide angle lens would do this one more justice. As it stands the subject is maybe to in my face with a centered crop.
63. Idle Hands – great capture here I like the story with this one. The man shining the shoes seems almost to cheerful for the work he is doing. Not sure on the bw conversion here possibly the more light on the shoe shiner would help he seems to be in the shadow which cause me to focus more on the shoe and the persons getting the shines leg. This shot makes me wonder what the expression on the person getting the shoe shine has. The photo tells me he would not be happy and is wishing the shiner would do his thing so he could get on with his day – I almost wished I could see his face as well. Person in the background seems to distract a bit as well. I would definitely consider a re-shoot on this one as you have a good subject there.
64. Please help me – I like the idea here but I have to admit it made me think of the infomercial for the life I have fallen and I can’t get up! Seem you may have a few blown highlights on this one or possibly under exposed then pp’d the exposer up a bit much. The noise on the fallen persons hand is a bit of a distraction. I like the helpers hand but it blends a bit much into the chair and then my eyes begins to wander to the watch as it is a bit sharper and better able to focus on it.
65. Frost – Like the story line here on this shot. The lamp tells me this should have occurred way before the glove had ever been made and then the match box looks with the brighter color draws me away from the subject of the theme which is the hand. Also I am not sure about the vignette on this one. Perhaps a bw conversion here with a bit of sepia then remove the glove and put on some old flannel to make it a miners hand or which would go with the lantern.
66. Innocence – Really like the focus on the eyes on this one. I struggle between this one and the Ryan shot as they are both very nice. My only thing on this one was that I would like to see her faces a bit more seems a half/quarter inch closer to her with the lens would brought her in a bit more. The scarf/mitten? At the bottom with the blue/yellow/pink was my only distract here. Possibly warm here cheeks a bit but overall very nice shot she is very cute and sweet great expression.
67. Looking Up To John Wayne – howdy Mr. Wayne – nice angle on this shot I like the composition – seem statues are a hard one to pull off I have not shot one but I may avoid for reasons unknown to me yet - the light seem cold on this one perhaps it’s the bluish sky line that is doing this to me not sure. Crop on the left side seems a bit tight me eyes do move to his arm on this one.
68. In Your Face – Not sure this one did it for me the tongue is a bit overwhelming to me. I like the idea but the tongue actual kind of grosses me out a bit. Seems to over power the hands. With that said there is something fresh about this shot and it makes me like it anyway.
69. Furry, Loveable – Cute tree rat! The paw is a nice touch I didn’t notice it a first only his furry little face. Seen a lot of squirrels down my way which makes him a bit to ordinary. It’s a very crisp shot – possibly a bit of fill flash on him. The oof tree branch in the bottom right corner is a bit of distraction.
70. No title? - Welcome to dgrin! Got to remember to title theses shots. Like the composition on this one but the conversion left it a bit flat needs a bit more pop to it don’t hesitate to mess with the curves in pp. Possibly need some additional light on this shot left eyes seems a tad out of focus but the right is sharp in focus.
71. Rocking to the hip...hip...hip di di hop. – Head a bounce’n and not a care in the world seems this child has been sucked into the pc Cute shot! Motion blur on this one left me a bit dizzy. Baby bottle in the back and the pc may be a distract on this shot or possibly the flowers on the monitor seem to draw my eye away can’t quite put my finger on this one. Seems to have a bit of noise on it so possibly a bit more light here or a f/1.8 f/2.0 may do the trick as well.
72. Katie – This is strong shot I like the emotion in Katies face and the light is good but doesn’t seem to fit the scene almost seems as though she was added to this shot – 2 pictures? Trees/Telephone poles seem to distract my attention – I like the trees they add to the location – tele poles could be cloned out – also clone the light pole out between the trees. Hummm I wonder if the trees where closer to the telephone poles but leave Katie where she is. Like the sunset the tracks follow nicely as well.
73. Peace – Cute shot love the smile. Not sure on the conversion here she seems a bit flat maybe a full color on this one. Like the dof seems just about right and the angle takes me straight to her cute dimple.
74. it's hammer-time! – Love the angle on this one but the conversion in pp looks a bit funky on the fingers. Drums in the back are a bit of a distract. Not sure on the vignette he makes me it seem a bit tunnel like. Like the concept and the composition. You, might also consider cropping the mic on the right side. Seems you would have a good bit of color/contrast to work with here wouldn’t mind seeing a bw conversion on it as well.
75. The mathematician – wow if the shoe fits…you nailed the title here. Light seems a bit off or the conversion a bit flat not sure. Put this guy in front of a calk board with some oof 2x(3y+2z) = 43 or something to the effect and this would be a real winner. Love his expression would like to see his eyes a bit more. Trees in the back are a bit busy and lost me on it but this is a great subject.
76. "First Shoot" – Olan Mills back drop #01 black on black. – Sorry about that I just had a flash back to my high school year book shot J I am not a portrait shooter by any stretch but this one seems a bit cold. Seems this one needs some additional soft/light. Skin tones could be warmed up a bit as well. Sorry Debbie not sure I am much help here I just can’t do portraits and don’t do a lot of indoor shots so I know nothing of indoor lighting.
77. Dad: An Armchair Quarterback Turned Legend in His Own Mind – Great idea on this one but seems to fall short on the theme for me. Conversion is ok – may have a blown highlight on the shoulder. My is having a bit of trouble locating the focal point here and seems to settle on the elbow? Not sure about the boy I do like his expression he doesn’t seem to be having much fun helping pops become the football legend.
78. Abuela Fanita – Really like the subject here as I do with our elder generation. Would like to see a tri color done on this shot. It would also been nice to have seen some natural light cast on her half in a shadow I think. Background is nice and soft and good tones. Only distract would be her dress/shirt in the color version but in bw or tri color it would really be nice. I can never seem to find a subject like this so these are always ones I keep my eye out for. The older generation always seems to do well in photo contest as you simply have to respect them. Good capture.
79. Ice, Ice, Baby – wow this is a tough shot to pull off Ann way to stretch in new direction – I like the idea but the ice doesn’t give much contrast and I am having trouble making out the features on it. Not sure on the angle of this shot as my eyes drift back to the oof in the bottom right.
80. Treasured moment... – I like the single light source angled diagonal on this one. This is a nice staue but I am no longer sold on shots of other art works now. Composition is nice and the crop is spot on. It’s a good all around shot the subject just doesn’t work for me.
81. Dreaming the Night - Nice drama on this one not sure the title totally fits it. I like that you have stepped away from human hands on this one. For some reason I feel like I am sleeping on my bed and open my eyes to find this which scares me a tad…thank you for my nightmare tonight! I may have mentioned this previously but it seems the dark shots don’t seem to fair as well in this contest but I like the shot even if it gives me the hebeejebies…
82. Temptation – Not sure on the pp here or the dog choke chain around the apple. I like that you are attempting this shot as you can see that you are trying to find something fresh but with the late entry it makes me wonder if this was more about getting a shot into the contest. With that said there is a lot you can learn from a shot like this one and it may be better as a test shot rather then a final end. There is a lot here distracts with the orange motion blur to what seems like a black cloth showing under his this persons chin. The theme seems to be overshadowed by the apple so it sort of lost the hands face idea you where going for. What appeals to you about this shot? What made this one the best for you? Was this a late entry stab in the dark?
83. Intensity – cute kitty are you holding a fish in front of him? Exposure on this one seems nice but this could uses some fill flash to bring out the eyes as the can make a break a shot like this. Kitties are shot often so they have to be really strong to make a go of them.
84. Old.....who me? Nice title and expression to fit here this is a good capture. This could use a bit more light under that ball cap and something to make him pop a bit more. The car in the back would require a re-shoot for me on this one. Be careful when shoot to keep an eye out for things in the back that will distract from what would be a great shot.
85. The Fire Man – Love the concept here and the move away from the norm. Not sure on this one and apologize if this is actually full on amazing capture but this one seems to good to be true. Was some of the fire cloned out to shape that face…if not it’s a good capture but I was questioning it. This seems like a hard shot to do to make the flames. Not sure what the object is on the right third here but this and the red-ish line (ellipse) on the left in front of the face distracts a bit. Nice idea.
86. did you hear that? – Love the story here on this shot and the conversion if pretty good. Like the dof only wished the pinky finger was bit more in focus. I bit more pop on the conversion and a tad more light. Curious on a hi key conversion for this one or a color with dark red lipstick possibly. Good capture.
87. Cheers!...ah I needed this one. Nice ending shot that was nice timing. I lke the emotion in this shot but not sure I am sold on oof items in the front ground. Skin tones could be warmed up a bit prior to conversion and the head face in the background should be cloned out.
Well I hope I helped a bit – this was a lot of fun – good luck to the winners can’t wait to see this semi unfold as it will be a wild ride have fun all and see you in the final!
69. Furry, Loveable – Cute tree rat! The paw is a nice touch I didn’t notice it a first only his furry little face. Seen a lot of squirrels down my way which makes him a bit to ordinary. It’s a very crisp shot – possibly a bit of fill flash on him. The oof tree branch in the bottom right corner is a bit of distraction.
I am glad to see that many of you stated "IT FIT THE THEME". Isn't this what we as entrants were/are suppose(d) to accomplish? In my thought process, the judges are supposed to be judging by Theme, Composition, and Technicals, and not what met their "Favorite" criteria??? I would hate to feel that judging is done in part to "favorite" criteria. That would suck..
Donna, If I was judging I would be looking at your entry and everyone else's entry from a totally different perspective. Yes I would be concentrating on how well it met the theme(s) and all the other technical things that go along with a good photo. I also would be scrutinizing very closely how it stacked up against the others in the round.
In this case I am not a judge and so I thought my opinion of how I viewed this shot compared to some of your others might have been of value. Interestingly your goal was exactly that to become more spontaneous. - You succeeded and that in itself is a win!
OK, I'll start out with the first 20, and I promise to finish them as soon as possible! Hope it proves useful.
2: Well, what can I say. It’s my daughter, and I gotta love her!
3: The stare is really engaging in this one. In a portrait, be careful to use manual focus to get the eyeballs exactly in focus. Or use a narrower aperture to keep the eyes so truly in focus. For the theme, however, it doesn’t go far enough to stand out from others that went that way.
4: I like the color and the idea a lot, but the lighting on a shot from the outside looking in wouldn’t seem to come up from beneath, and the pose looks like a portrait through the window, not like a creeping tom…
5: I seem to remember the one that was in vertical orientation, but???? I liked the idea from the start, and the only thing I’d have added would be what was suggested, to light it so that there’s better separation from the background.
6: Very nice execution here, but nothing helps is stand out from other portraits. Perhaps move it left or right in the frame, and get some sort of expression, but perhaps the exact centering and neutral expression is what you wanted!
7: A happy face. News must have been happy. The lighting is even on the skin.
8: I love the color and the lack of noise. Of course, you Canon people have it over the Nikonites on that count. I didn’t have this idea when you asked in your advice thread, but for the theme, I might have cropped way in to isolate the faces.
9: This one certainly jumped out at me when I first saw it. It’s the most representative image of the round to me. I did like the color version first entered, thought this one hits the mark and I’d say that a BW conversion goes well with piano keys.
10: Erie. What I like about this is that the face isn’t just another portrait. I know that the suggestions were to sharpen it up, but I think it comes across well just as is.
11: Another masterful composite from the master of composites! Everything is so smoothly blended. Lighting, perfect. Focus, perfect. Concept, perfect. The only thing I’m still bothered by is my perception that the line down the nose comes in far to the right of the lip line, for whatever reason.
12: Fantastic! What I particularly like is how the use of the correct finger in holding the label to the forehead. Spontaneous planning at its best!
13: I’ve mentioned being averse to shots of statues in the past, but this one I think could work for the theme. However, even though the focus is on the eyes, I keep looking up to the slightly out of focus head. Find an angle that allows for either the hands or the head to be in focus, and the other to be more out of focus. That way there would be a definite drawing point and only a hint of the other.
14: There are standard equestrian “headshots” in the horse world, but this isn’t one of them. The flat of the face would be perfectly perpendicular to the ground, and the mouth would be closed. Equestrians even want to see a nice long slobber dripping and hanging on. That said, what does that matter? The wildness of the mane, the relaxed look of the hands, and the not-totally-taught reigns, and you have a happy combo there. All is well! Start with the next LPS1, and move on from there!
15: Love it! Do something with the face that isn’t normal, and crop in tight to make sure there’s nothing left to question.
16: Man, I sent a pm to sherstone with some critique, but I learned that I was all wet! Begs for some explanation, which he has given!
17: How many ways can Emily amaze us with a photo of her girl? I think there’s no end.
18: A striking image that I remembered from the first time it was entered, so it stands out. All of my attention is pulled to the eye, not to the face, not to the hands, so as for theme adherence…. I’m no better at this either, but choose what to focus on, hands or eye, or close up your diaphragm…
19: Mostly here I would say that, if the horse’s face is the interpretation, perhaps show all of it.
20 : The face shows character and a life lived. I’d be tempted to make the horizon disappear.
59- This is one of those "unstaged" shots that you either have to get it or you don't. Wow that sounded dumb! What I mean is it is like a wedding. You have to try and anticipate what is going to happen to position yourself in the best place for the best composition. I love the expression and it fits your title well. I would have loved to seen this same shot taken from under the horses mouth with the hands right in the screen with the concentration face in the background. This would also eliminate the competing stare of the horse. Some other angles would be fun as well. Color temporture seems just a little off. In using this photo, maybe a tigher crop of the horses nose to just below the horses eye and across to the cowboy might bring additional focus to the subject and titled theme.
WOW...what a wonderful, thoughtful critique!! You are so right....I did manage to get several shot but being "candid" I had "to get it". Love the thought of throwing myself at the feet of the horse to get that angle! !
Will try the crop fun to see your own photo thru someone else's eyes. We saw many similiar things but you sure saw them from another very creative angle! bow
Thanks again...I am working my way out of "the box",
Here are some more thoughts and "opinions" on some more entries.
#13 - leaforte - Quest
Serene and likable... more contrast is was is echoing in my head but that does not mean it really should have it I just happen to be a very contrasty person when it comes to my taste in images. (most times). Initially I look at the Out of focus head before I venture down to the hands. The lighting could have been modified to bring more attention to the hands I think.
#14 - cbsnet - Conversations - Yielding to the master's touch.
I mentioned earlier that my wife loves this shot. Her favorite part was the movement in the mane. I have grown to like this shot right down to the figure eight loop in the reigns. I have always wished for more of the master in this shot.
#15 - pemmett - Pondering Partisan Politics - you have made me laugh - certainly makes me smile. Not my favorite of the group but it is memorable and generated a response, so you probably achieved part of your goal with me.
#16 - sherstone - The Collection
uhhh yea... moving on... (You don't actually expect me to comment here do you?)
#17 - Greensquared - One in a Million
Right from the start of seeing this image I loved it. I was unable to detect how you created it and was extremely baffled as to how you were able to get your little one to look like a doll so well.
#18 - Llywellyn - Framed.
I see an eye. the hands and face are secondary to the shot here. I like how this mimics or possibly even pokes fun at photographers or painters and how they see the world. As your avatar it's awesome!
#19 - explorish - Please shut up
subtle for sure - without knowing the theme I wonder if I would say this was about a hand - I tend to look at the horse first, probably because of the white on its nose which draws my eye straight there.
#20 - Travis - Rough Rider
I want to see more. I like the contrast and processing. The background is a bit bright and takes our attention away from the main show.
#21 - Trasmc - The Devil's Workshop
creepy! - even thought the eye seems to be the centre of attention here the hands are unmistakably an integral part of this design. I find the tonal values are a bit on the flat side for some reason.
#22 - jziegler - Yawn!
Another smile - we owned a rescued greyhound several years ago and this image reminds me of her very much. Not sure how this fits the theme for my personal view of it. Teeth would be my interpretation.
#23 - AronNelson - shown
Nice drama! - fits the theme very well. I also liked your original version with the cosmic color in the background. Not much about this I do not like.
#24 - mycaptures - The future of Music
Very isolated DOF here - I'm not sure if more would be better, somehow I do not think so. I am draw into the frame and kind of wish the left higher hand was the one in focus. I like the sepia tones.
#25 - quark - Surprise!
I have liked this idea from the beginning of first seeing it. A successful dual theme image! The only nit is the hand on our left draws me out of the frame not into it.
#26 - anwms1 - An Amazing World Awaits
Yes ... yes it does... very nice!
#27 - PaulThomasMcKee - Ryan
The reflections in his eyes grab me immediately, great comp and nice tones. I saw your behind the scenes on this and agree that the wider works even better.
#28 - eoren1 - Diamonds are a girls best friend
I quite like this idea and its cute cute cute!!!! The background kills it for me my eye is drawn there and I find it really hard to stop looking at it.
#29 - Izzy Garavito - Remembrance of Things Past
I get it but oddly enough for some reason I am not sympathetic - maybe I'm just cold and lack emotion? The color in this seems to be the focus leaving the hand and face secondary. What I am impressed with is that you are able to communicate the tears so effectively.
#30 - Awais Yaqub - I was just like you hahaha...
Can emotion be any more apparent? --- this is one of my top favorites in this round.... I love the contrast. and the little sparkle and the unforgettable teeth.
#31 - achambers - The mechanic
Arrrrg don't you just hate that!!!!! --- Well I see it now so I can still comment on it. I like this better than your previous shot. Those sparks are crazy! I like the image but it doesn't speak the theme loud enough IMHO. The hand seems lost in the fury.
#32 - VisualXpressions - Notorious Aces...
My favorite part of this is the shadows. The composition is good. The wood grain is a bit distracting maybe?
#33 - MrsCue - The Look
Mesmerizing! - Composition, lighting, beauty, reflections. Very strong entry! One of my top favorites for sure!
#34 - rex - The other side
A wide eyed statement?
#35 - photogmomma - pruney fingers
AWWWWWWWW!!!!!! love this! my only concern is the composition. I am drawn to the left quite a bit. regardless... Spot on theme!
#36 - The Hobbyist - The Old Timer: A Visual Pun
Yep its a watch.. it reminds me of my fathers watch and triggers all sorts of memories for me so in that part it is a success. o\Otherwise it feels flat and a bit harsh in the lighting.
#37 - samsplace - Sands of Time
I can't help but wonder if this is one of those faces that is meant to be viewed both right side up and up side down young one way and old the next.
#38 Kezele - Broken
I feel that way sometimes!!!! I wonder if a cooler temperature and more of the hand in the shot would make me like this more. If the idea was to make me depressed by looking at the image then you certainly achieved that!
#39 swintonphoto - Sausages
details .... I know what I am seeing but I want to see more. more story more hand -- just more.
#40 ShepsMom - Frustration
Hey Don't take my picture.... I see blotchy green and an overall green cast here - is this how you meant it to look?
peace, gail
I think this is the last ten! What a great experience this has been for me. I highly recommend it to all. If you don't have the time to hit them all, write down ten random numbers between 2 and 87, then go critique them. I think it has been very well stated by some very capable Dgrinners that we are all qualified to critique and every honest critique will provide some useful helps to the recipient. This is great "homework" for the photographic eye. Take the next step and try it! You will be glad you did.
OK, on to the last ten.
71- Your idea and approach is good. Capture the head bobbin of a child listening to music. The element that took away from your effectiveness on this shot was although the head was caught bobbin, the rest of the picture comes across as out of focus. I like how you filled the frame with your subject, and used the rule of thirds. A couple of ideas to create for focus as well as technique are: 1) Shoot from a tripod to keep background in focus on longer exposure. 2) Dim lights in the background to minimize distractions there and bring more attention to subject. 3) Instead of computer, what if she were reading a CD sleve or something music oriented to tie her back to the theme/interpretation. Great idea and great start, now take the next step with it. Good job!
72- Beautifully executed urban portrait. Love the balanced lighting, composition, location, sky, trees, etc. The only two things I could comment on is the expression of the model is a little flat. I need that twinkle in her eye that will probably help her posture too. Also, the telephone poles don't add. A little crop there and BAM! Great portrait already! Love it.
73- Cute girl and cute shot. Love the sparkle in her eye and smile. Great angle. Thoughts to make it better: This is one of those photos that we are tempted to keep more in than we should. Her cute shirt reflects the message, but a tight crop of her face and hand may just come to life; even without the peace on her shirt. Remember when you are cropping to not cut off limbs at joints (lower hand). I love the emotion of this shot.
74- Well executed concert or practice shot. Photos sits well as is. I don't even mind the white vignetting. Post production brings a level of energy that is natural to the shot. Thoughts on making it stronger: It would be fun to see his hands in motion. The highlights on the drum are a little demanding visually. I'm a fan of black over white vignetting. Overall, great shot.
75- You captured the essence of the personality very well. It is so believable to look at him and think mathmatician! In fact, I look at him and wonder what quantum physic calculation he is formualting. Use of 3rds is great which gives him visual breathing room to the direction he is looking. Thoughts on improvement: Tree branch behind his head although OOF still has some attachement to his head. I also would like the BW conversion to show a wider dynamic range, especially into the whites. I would also like to see more of his shirt. The bottom of the photo feels just a hair tight visually. Overall, a great capture of intense personality.
76- From your title I am taking it that this is your first portrait photo shoot? They are fun aren't they? Great model. Love the hair lighting too. Genuine expression is nice. Thoughts for improvement: Include her shoulders in the photo/crop, it creates a visual base. Focus of the photo seems to be in the hair. On a portrait, the eyes are the most important thing to be focused. Increase your apature to 6-8 which will increase your Distance of Focus and allow you to more easily capture the eyes infocus. Use a directional Key or Main light to create more depth to the face (the hair has great depth). Place key light (soft box or reflector) close to the model for a soft light as well as a large, beautiful eye accent. Oh, love your avatar!
77- Great point of view on your photo. It invites the viewer into the event. Bw conversion is good. Nice framing of the "receiver". Couple of thoughts for improvement. 1) I know he is throwing something and I am guessing it is a football. I would like to see it though. 2) I would like to see the receiver in a more ready stance, not so casual as if not wanting to participate. 3) A blurring arm with football in the air could add some nice visual tension.
78- Beautiful. Oh, the stories she could tell us. What we could learn from her. Her expression begs an interview. I want to know more. Love the tone of the background and how the other colors/tones play well together. The angle of her head is very pleasing. It would have been fun to have either had a large reflector or off camera flash to provide some depth to her face. You get small hints of it on the left where the light is accenting some of her facial features. Cloning out the green bush behind her may also lend to more focus on her. Like it.
79- Good simple composition from a great visual angle. Subject is just tough to create an emotional bond with. I anticipate other angles were even tougher. If you would have gotten closer, it appears the details would have faded. It is my opinion that you were at about the right distance. This is just a tough shot to pull off something spectacular for a competition. Hummm. I wonder what would happen if you used multiple lights, some gelled for color, to do the shot. Would be interesting to see.
80- Good use of dramatic off camera lighting. Creates a ncie depth to the subject. I love the "Willow Tree" figure sets. What a talented artist. The ability to communicate specific emotions without faces is great. We can learn a lot from her. Part of your challenge is capturing what the artist was able to express to you in 3D. You almost need a second soft light to the right to help identify the second character more. I also would like alittle more room on the left of the photo. That side feels just a little tight. The balance between the top dead space and the bottom crop feels unbalanced to me as well. Maybe a crop at the bottom of his shirt to just a little over his head (equal to the space between his head and the left side of the frame), plus a little extra space on the left side of the frame. Figures like these are great for practicing lighting technique, although a little tough due to size proportions to the light.
Some of My Photos:
31. The Mechanic – sorry about the judging on this one. I remember seeing a drill press here before. I don’t know if the BW conversion on the previous was doing it for me. I do like this newer shot better. I think I have seen one similar to it in a previous challenge. Would like to see some additional light on the hand here and it seems there may be a bit of motion blur where the hand flinched due to hot metal…lava stuff that looks like that pain no gain though!
32. Notorious Aces…- Evil hand you have there – like the spin on hands and faces this is out of the norm. Seems a bit flat though something is missing my eyes wander to the wood table and I notice the grain patterns. Cards seem a bit washed out our not that they are clipped – the first ace seems a bit off focus only at the top of the card.
33. The Look - Nice capture here I like the angle and I would be curious to see a color conversion. Skin tones look nice maybe even a tad soft. One other thing I notice is the white ban in the upper left. I can not put my finger on it but for some reason the gradient of the back ground leads my eye up that way. She is a very pretty young woman and a bit more attitude in this shot and it would be really great. Something about it being half way in between possibly pout face (puffy lips) or real attitude leaves me struggling to figure out which you where going for.
34. The Other Side – I actually really liked this idea – Maybe a hand smear vs. what appears as a paint brush wipe…not sure. I like the conversion on it and your expression is pretty darn good. The eyes seem to be looking to the bottom left rather then straight on at me. I do like this one seems fresh to me and a bit out side the box so to speak.
35. pruney fingers – They do love to show of the pruney fingers don’t they. Very cute shot here. Perhaps just a bit more dof at f/2.0 – f/2.4 would have be interesting to see. Not sure I am crazy about the center shot here and wonder if her sweet hand was a bit more to the left third. Last seems like there is a bit of reflection/light coming out of her armpit J on the right side. Cute shot though
36. The Old Timer: A Visual Pun – See these shots take the theme in different directions and I like this sort of thing. Clock face..old watch face. Good thinking. Not sure on the composition here and the conversion seems a bit flat but it’s a good clean shot. Background seems to distract a bit more creative and your on your way with this don’t stop thinking outside what the theme implies push your self out side the bounds of what immediately springs to mind with these themes.
37. Sands of Time – Interesting idea with a face in the sand although he seems rather unhappy at the moment possibly a bw conversion needed and some grey clouds with sun peaking through to give it some better light. This time of year is very difficult to get good light out side and this can be a tough go. This guy seems a bit flat to me and he can pop you just have to PS him a bit more to make him come out. Don’t be afraid to push the curves about and see what happens with it.
38. Broken – I do like these shots but many have done them so they have to really pop to make them stand out. This one seems a bit to warm for what would be a cold moment and his face is blending into the background to much. More light to his face to lower the impact of the background. Would like to see a bw conversion as he is younger and the warmer seems to go better with an older subject.
39. Sausages – great title on this one. Not sure if this one made the theme for me though. dof is shallow here and my eye drifts to the oof sausages in the back. Possibly a bit less contrast on this one and maybe a few inches back.
40. Frustration – Like the concept but again this one has been done so you need to make it stand out. I find my eyes looking to the stuff in the back ground the cup with fish on it and the heart frame in the back. The noise seems bit high for iso 100
41. Face of Innocence – cute shot – focal point seems to be more on the flower. I like the angle. This shot seems a bit flat and her hair is a bit out of focus. Needs to pop a bit more and some warm would bring this shot alive. The crop on this one is a bit tight and could be moved out a bit. Also may consider cloning out the other rose leaves above and below the main flower.
42. The time is near – To dark…crop is ick. The hand was fun to make. Wished I could have gotten the focus better on the index finger. Its very hard to hit that spot just couldn’t ever get the hand right ..blah..blah..blah. Gives me time to do this and focus on the final..ahhh
43. Strong Direction – See now this one is dark yet the hands pop so it becomes a great shot. I really like the tones in this one and the conversion is very nice.
44. Frozen in Time – Great capture on this one its almost sad to see details being weathered away on this statue. It is a very difficult shot to pull off as you are shooting another piece of art attempting to capture a moment of its time. The statue hair at the top and front seems a bit out of focus and for me the background seems a bit distracting as my eye is looking for more detail so it searches and finds the background. I like the composition here.
45. The Craftsman – I like the shot the noise adds a bit to it to give it some age. The light is very nice to my eye. Not sure on the front oof hand it seems to distract a bit and the white roll in the bottom front distracts a bit - not sure what the white roll is or if it could be removed. I wonder also what a different shot angle would do possibly up and to the right. Really nice shot though I like this one.
46. Cleansing – Wonderful light on this one I really like it. The composition on it is really nice as well and looks like you are off to a good second post. Congratulations on making it into the semi.
47. Shes moving tomorrow; our last day together – What a great shot here this one has a lot of great qualities about it and is one of my favorites. You had some really good advice when you in the pre – the crop is great the light is great the warmth is great the emotion fits and the tile should have been good bye Emily…J This one is just all around goodness. You did a good job with the clone out of the watch as well btw.
48. An Unusual Builders Upgrade – Like the idea on this one – these types of concepts do well but to make them you have to start out with something not so ordinary as this hallway. I really do like where you are going with this. I would consider this a test shot to a future project. If you can find the right Munsters looking hallway you might have a strong competitor here. Add some top hats or derbies and now you would really have something. Convert it to bw or a with a hint of sepia and watch out. There is a lot of place you could go with this one so don’t let go of that shot. This one grab my attention so you have to pay very close attention to the details such as integrating the arms into the walls.
49. The Photographer – Not sure if I liked the new crop better or the original crop – very nice conversion on this one make me want a Canon! Your shot pops but could pop a bit more seems the original had more pop to me but there is something to be said for this crop no doubt about it. This one screams of attitude and could easily see it in a canon tri-fold some where – nice shot.
50. Cold – This is one brisk shot crisp and cold skintones are well captured here. I wonder what this does in a bw conversion. The composition seems really pleasing to my eye although the frozen stache kind of grosses me out…is it frozen snot on there…is it soup from earlier..what is it…J love the shot.
51. Trust - Love the emotion on this one Gail it goes with a nice composition here. I really like the conversion the sepia may be a bit over done and may have added a bit of softness to it. I like the light with it but wondered about the shirt/sweater sleeves. Not sure this distracts me but just curious what it would be like with them not there. I see a hint of a shirt sleeve from the little one and a very nice warm sweater on mom’s arm.
52. Ent baby – Wow – that is really creepy. It took me a second to understand it but then when I saw it…well lets just say this will not be leaving me thoughts any time soon. Put this thing in a jar next the Sean’s hands and ewww. Nature does some funky things sometimes. Hmm which makes me think about shots like these. It’s a good shot with great natural light and a good composition. I wonder if people get caught on the ewww factor and can’t get by it. I like it and won’t soon forget it just because I am weird that way.
53. Our Future Is Bright – Nice capture here – Not sure about the back ground on this one and the light seems somewhat off. Skin tones look nice perhaps a bit soft. Definitely need to make this little one’s eyes pop more they are cute and can make or break your shot. Yes on second thought you need to get rid of the flowers in the back ground they are distracting. The focus now has me drifting to the flowers as they are sharper then this cutie pie in the front. Selective color on this one should be used very carefully and in short rare cases as it has been done.
54. Got virus? - Now I know where they come from!…Wonderful shot I love it. I want to see his face a bit more and just a tad more light on him. Only other though is he seems to be looking down rather the up onto his monitor…ooooh…just had a thought…would be neat to see a reflection in his sun glasses from the pc monitor with code streaming down or something like that. Nice shot…motion blur on fast fingers is a very nice touch as well.
55. Slap Me Five – I really like the idea here. Shot seems a bit flat and the dog seems a bit fuzzy…no pun intended. Hunter orange is not a good color choice although brown dog…brown orange its growing on me. Like the idea of the man/dog team here. Photo needs a bit more pop and possibly a different setting/backdrop.
56. Little Sleeping Hands – Very sweet shot I really love these ones. Conversion seems a bit flat and the blanket is slight distract. Crop seems a bit tight would like to see a bit more pop on the conversion and a bit more dof. You had some tough picks out of this series I enjoyed the others as well.
57. Blood on his hands… Not sure I fully grasp this one but it defiantly foreces an impression of sorts. Back ground leaves a bit to be desired and seems a bit dark this one needs to be shot in a green pasture. It is fun to try new things so don’t stop thinking outside. Like the floating orb things how was that done?...oh and put a shirt on him…ewww…icky J the fur in the middle is a bit much.
58. Freedom? Like the eyes on this shot and you pretty much nailed the focus on them which makes for a great shot. Catching the hand on the fence is a added bonus and clearly adds to the theme. May need a touch of fill flash to bring out the second eye back there in the back. Great shot.
59. Concentration.... Nice capture with the tongue sticking out. This is what I notice so this one has sort of missed the theme for me. Shot seems a bit flat to me with the back ground being somewhat blah possibly to much brown here. This one needs something to make it pop out. I wonder on a bw conversion here but with the black horse this might not go over so well. I love the horses so this one of coarse I love it just wished it had a bit more punch to it.
60. Heads – creativity here is good with the quarter – new spin on the faces heads theme. Bw conversion seems a tad flat but I like how the hand leads me to the quarter then I look up and see the face. I do like the light on this shot just needs a bit more pop. Why the quarter…hmmm now I am a bit confused about the quarter in your hand – seems out of place for some reason now.
Thank you for your analysis and advice. It was my first shot at this and trust me, there is still plenty to learn on my part.
Shatch, I REALLY appreciate the feedback. One of the reasons I participated in this contest (where I am badly outclassed) is to get the experience and feedback from others. With Shay out of action for a while I have trully missed the consistent feedback.
This is the first time I have ever really tried to do a photo like that so while it did not turn out great, I am happy I tried.
#2 HoofClix - The Beat Within
I have seen you grow so much throughout this contest! - Even though this image is soft there is something about it that I quite like, maybe its the combination of angle, motion and subtle composition that attracts me to it. I am drawn towards the face and it does fit the theme for me just not a strongly as some others. The main distraction is the bright underside of the left drum.
#3 DI-Joe - Unoriginal? Probably.
Your title certainly is original
#4 douglas - I Know What You Did Last Summer
This was one of my favorites early on in the postings - and It still is. The creepy lighting and point of view are very well executed. I almost want to say I wish there was more detail in the shadows but there is a reason why it has this feeling and with more detail the feeling may be lost.
#5 tlee - Spotlight
This speaks hand very loudly and works well on many levels. Maybe a bit too much black space on the right? I like how the fingers point us up and over to the hat and then the lines in the hat pull us back down to the hair and then we bounce back to the hand.
#6 noeltykay - Mugshot
This photo makes me smile, it has a look of pure innocence. The space around the main subject at first makes me think -- why so much? but as I absorb the shot it takes on a life of its own. My main beef is the centered composition it just doesn't work for me here, even though centered can be very powerful at times, here I just cant get past it for some reason.
#7 imax - Controversy
I like the background in this - Again here I feel constricted and wish there was more to the story. In the end I feel this is more about a phone than a face. I end up being stuck looking at the phone and not really getting past it.
#8 shudderz - polly Want A Cracker
a recognizable image and it does have a face and a couple hands but it doesnt speak the theme very loud for me. Great color , and I like the motion blur on the parrots wing.
#9 bgaras2001 - tickleing the ivory
This image has so much going for it. I can see why it made #1 spot! Congratulations. Motion, hands, shadows , highlights, music, and emotion are all captured within. I love the radiating lines. I really like how your composition moves us through the image bit by bit and manages to guide the viewer to several areas before settling in the bottom right quadrant.
#10 MarkTodd - Nightmare Visage
Neat idea - For me the blue color bothers, not sure why at all. You have done a great job of giving us a mood. I am convinced I would not want to be near this figure.
#11 shatch - The Evening News
Your first incarnation of this image was both sharper and simpler in idea, I prefer it over the final version with the tears. There is certainly no question that you have a great talent for creating emotion and startling imagery. Your work pushes me that much harder and I thank you for the inspiration. That said ... I agree with your self evaluation that the tears look fake, but maybe that was intentional?
#12 Tentacion - Here's Your Sign
Crazy is certainly what I see here... That tongue and gaping mouth just totally grab me and make me go WTH - This fits the theme but it is not one of my favorite shots of yours. Normally you seem to have a very well thought out image - this one just seems spur of the moment.
Holy moley - that took me 45 minutes , time for some sleep, more tomorrow.
btw - the same standard disclaimer applies - its just my opinion.
hope that some of you get something out of it.
First, a massive thanks for giving all the feedback, this is the first time I have had any comments on my photos and they are so welcome. Ok, perhaps I made the photograph a bit to ambiguous or dramatic. I have recently been diagnosed with a serious heart problem, so the main hand is my hand; stretching out to help myself (on the floor) but the hand is the wrong way round! So it could be rejecting the call for help, that’s up to the interpretation of the viewer. All the hands on my hand represent others in the community (I went round the town getting them) pharmacists, dentists, Dr’s, old & young, even barmen & drinkers-in the centre- representing my love for the old pint! Hence probably my heart condition lol. The hands on the watch is showing time fast ticking away and the contrast I gave it is the contrasting attitudes of us all towards others in need. So there you have it. Once again thank you for your feedback.
SHatch, Feedback is much appriciated... I personally think this shot was a strech... I don't think it would have had a chance no matter how I shot it.
32. Notorious Aces…- Evil hand you have there – like the spin on hands and faces this is out of the norm. Seems a bit flat though something is missing my eyes wander to the wood table and I notice the grain patterns. Cards seem a bit washed out our not that they are clipped – the first ace seems a bit off focus only at the top of the card.
Thanks cmurph... Thats great how you interpreted the shot as a "hand"! I didn't even see that myself... "evil hand" would be a great title too...:D I was just thinking "faces" when I shot it... I concur with your critique...
On to the semi final! and then the Grand fanale... I guess I'll give it my best shot!:D
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Thanks for your critque on my entry. I appreciate that you took the time.
peace, gail
Thanks for your critque of my entry. I have to admit I never thought about the sleeves being a distraction. I wanted the slight softness that is represented in the shot as I felt it went along with the whole feeling of it but maybe I did a little too much. Again thanks for taking the time.:D
Thanks Hawkeye, the treatment I have on this shot is not similar at all to strong direction but I consider that a compliment. As mentioned above, I really was going for a little softness in this shot. I originally had it sharpened but it seemed too much information was visible so I decided against it and in the end I was happy with my entry.:D
Peace, gail
Thanks to everyone doing critiquing. It is so welcome and appreciated.
I agree about the b/w conversion and lack of tonal contrast. I suck at it and am still figuring out how to do it - am great at it in the darkroom, need to see how to get it right in Lightroom
Cheers and thanks again,
Thank you all for your views and thought processes, it is MUCH appreciated.
First off I will say that Spur and Spontaneous are very different to me in photography, Spur would be more a "snapshot" and Spontaneous would be more of a "Thought out" capture but not posed.
With that being said, I will say Sher you were SPOT ON...the photo is very "Spontaneous". I decided to go with this, as the "more thought out" photos were taking me no
I decided to follow the advice of well known Fashion Photographer, Bruce Smith, and not pose the subjects but just capture the "Moments".
Recently, I did a music gig, and decided to not only capture the musicians and their energy (photos can be viewed at, but to capture some of the audience in their "moments".
This gentleman being one of them (I indiscreetly followed him around a little). His "craziness" was brought out by the concert and he did not care who saw him or what people thought of him...and yes, I would say he was sending a "subliminal" message, i.e. "hey is he flipping me the bird"
I am glad to see that many of you stated "IT FIT THE THEME". Isn't this what we as entrants were/are suppose(d) to accomplish? In my thought process, the judges are supposed to be judging by Theme, Composition, and Technicals, and not what met their "Favorite" criteria??? I would hate to feel that judging is done in part to "favorite" criteria. That would suck..
I really should take time to leave my feedback, but I am really tired by the time I get home, (NO Excuse I Know) but I write manuals all day, and by the time I get home, my hands are exhausted.
BUT But But
I do want to say......THANK YOU for taking time from your precious day and leaving your thought processes.
Best Wishes Always,:D
I've quoted all of the feedback on mine, and want to just comment on it a bit, especially since there are similar comments in all of them. I can answer some of the questions/comments here, next time it will make me look at it more from someone else's perspective.
The ears: Greyhound ears are usually in one of two positions, "rosebud ears" or "RADAR ears". Radar ears stick up like a radar dish, rosebud ears are folded up and back. Zephyr, the dog in that picture, almost always has rosebud ears. The low angle that I shot from on this one hid her ears since they were folded back. To look, here's a link to another shot of Saturn, mny other dog, from the side, showing ears like this: Saturn resting.
Focus point / depth of field: She really was in the middle of a yawn when I took this picture. There is enough movement there that it probably confised the autofocus on my camera a bit. Sometimes I really wish I had a DSLR...
Lighting comments: Thanks for input on this. I was using on-camera built in flash, not ideal. I took the shot because she had started having some funny interaction with one of the cats, but that was over before I had the camera. I had no time to set up anything, and of course it was at night. Usually I do everything I can to avoid flash.
Once again, thanks. And sorry I took so much time/space responding to the feedback.
57- This is a very well executed and stunning composit image. Very creative use of lighting as well as interpretation. Curious what the red balls are? Image provides a great visual pattern. The challenge I have with it for the competition, is I can't relate or draw myself in. I am missing the story but wowwed by the idea. I want to bond with the photo but can't. Love the creativity!
I am very pleased by your thoughts about "blood on his hands...", but most pleased that you seem to like it! Maybe what I have written below might help you approach it more closely?
Thanks for giving so generously here! <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Quote: visualXpressions
#57 Just plain bizarre! I feel like I have seen this scene somewhere before? Any way I applaud your execution… very artistic!
Very generous of you to take the trouble to comment on this image, thank you! <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
'Bizarre' - I like that! And I like bizarre things! Of course you have seen this scene, or the parts of it, many times - in illustrations of jugglers and executioners and executionees, and dreamers!
Quote: cmurph
Blood on his hands… Not sure I fully grasp this one but it defiantly foreces an impression of sorts. Back ground leaves a bit to be desired and seems a bit dark this one needs to be shot in a green pasture. It is fun to try new things so don’t stop thinking outside. Like the floating orb things how was that done?...oh and put a shirt on him…ewww…icky the fur in the middle is a bit much.
Perversely pleased you found it creepy! Trust you kept grin'n! <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
Much appreciate your attention to this image! <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
A work colleague of mine as a hobby performs as a juggler and fire eater at children’s events. In these kinds of acts the attention of the audience is mostly on the hands and face of the performer. This was the starting point of the image.
Some classic circus/sideshow acts trace their origins to ancient times, when they were part of broadly religious festivals, so they have metaphysical implications. <An ancient Egyptian wall painting (c. 1994-1781 B.C) appears to depict jugglers. It was found in the 15th tomb of the Beni Hassan area, Egypt. According to Dr. Bianchi, associate curator of the Brooklyn Museum, "In tomb 15, the prince is looking on to things he enjoyed in life that he wishes to take to the next world. The fact that jugglers are represented in a tomb suggests religious significance." ... "round things were used to represent solar objects, birth and death."> (Taken from Wikipedia).
Still today both the terms/associations connected with juggling and fire eating are used metaphorically. So the image picked up the ideas of fate and death, and therefore the background in the image had to represent the night cosmos filled with moonlight, but so as to look like a performer's theatrical backdrop.
My colleague is a hulk of a man, as you can see. I began to see him as representing the cosmic forces that we all are juggled by and which we try to juggle in our turn, in particular the forces that are working to bring about the time, place and circumstances of our death. His figure then became a form of the Grim Reaper. The working title of the image thus became The Executioner.
Now the cosmic executioner was in the image, I expressed our lives which he juggles in his hands as juggler’s balls, red for life and the bright blood which gives life. Like Justice, the Grim Reaper-Executioner is impartial, no victim can plead special treatment. The Executioner closes his eyes.
In classic depictions of executioners, the torso is bared and the head covered. The victim’s head is also often covered. As well, the classic executioner is a beheader with an ax. The juggler’s balls gained a dimension as the heads of the victims of the executioner over which he has complete manipulative power. The balls thus grew to be more the size of heads, bloody heads, but also to carry the significance of one whole life coming full circle to its end. The figure needed to be lit in a macabre light to point up the contrast to the doomed vitality of the balls.
In the act of execution a unique relationship is created between the executioner and his victim, who might himself be a murderer. Both are united in the taking of life. The figure in the image became ambivalent - executioner or murderer?
The taking of life is the primal source of guilt, and guilt engenders nightmares. The image grew this new dimension of a dream, a dream about the relationship between the executioner and victim in which guilt is dynamically flowing, being juggled between the two. The face is now the impartial executioner and the dead face of his victim-murderer and the face of a dreamer, all of them together.
The final title “blood on his hands…” clinches this guilty dream-shared guilt-multiple personality dimension of the image.
The balls-heads-lives are thrown up by the hands of Fate the juggler and their fate depends on the hands of the Executioner. The balls and the hands make a dynamic “fate” triangle in one plane of the image.
There can be no guilt without guilty handiwork. In another plane of the image the hands are the base of another triangle of which the head is the apex. This is the plane of guilt, which lives behind the veil, the forehead and the closed eyes (guilt is always shadowy), caused by the actions of the hands.
The hands are fundamental to the operation of the image both symbolically and compositionally. This is the inarguable link to the theme of this LPS #20. Hands of Fate, hands of Guilt, and the connection between them.
Images of a real translucent acrylic juggler’s ball backlit through a red gel were shot. The figure was shot. The veiled face was shot. The moonlit cloudscape was shot. The figure’s arms and hands were spherised and enlarged. The balls were appropriately sized and rotated. The pieces were assembled.
Some more standard images in this competition were possibly subjected to more post processing than this image.
I hope I have shared my fascination with the creation of this image with you.
Thanks for sharing the inspiration behind your photo. I was touched by your thoughtful process of creating your photo. The symbolism is amazing. The many hands on the helping hand is quite a touching story. About a year ago, I met a gentleman who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. My initial response was one of sympathy. He immediately told me he was sorry for me and went on to say that he lived every day with purpose because he knew his clock was ticking. His life had become so much more meaningful because he knew first hand how valuable it was. There wasn't a day he lived without purpose. He was kinder, more loving, and did the things that mattered most to him. That really made me think. The reality is each of us are dieing. We just don't know how long we have. It could be a car accident today that takes me, I don't know. But the reality is today I am a day closer to meeting my maker than I was yesterday. We all should live each day with more pupose. Thank you for reinspiring me about that reality. I pray you will have peace as you go through your trial. Thanks again for sharing. Your photo has become a special story.
Some of My Photos:
It's about all of the approach methods I hear folks using while coming up with their entries. Some carry the camera around with them for two weeks. Some plan out something in the mind's eye, then go put it together like it's a construction project. Others just get a wild moment with a camera. Each of us is probably better at one method than the other, because our brains are not the same, but what I see time and again is that someone will finally get selected after they tried another approach. They were trying to use what I will call their "contrary" approach for a while, then went back to their natural approach, and suddenly it hits.
So my point is that we should all try to stretch next time by using our contrary approach, or at least varying our approaches... Perhaps I make sense, perhaps not.... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Thank you for the feedback! He did chase a flock of birds out of the feeder so I think they will agree with you on fierceness and attitude
Thanks to all for the feedback and critiques. This is my very first staged photograph and I was struggling in post to not overdo it with crops and DR techs.
As for the "behind the scenes"; I was trying to portray a photographer in thought. Maybe composing a shot or choosing a subject out of many...
Anyways; thanks again to all
Thanks Again,
61. A little scare – Maybe getting to late for me on this one. Not sure I am following along. This one is a bit dark for even my taste but I do like the shadows casting. Lettering on the top seems to take away from the face and seems a bit over powering. I must be way out of the loop but is this a martini with in a gothic glass…See this is one of the I am struggling to understand as I am not familiar with the subject which can work against you if the audience is not familiar with the subject.
62. King Clock – Welcome to dgrin and a fine first post. I like the imagination on this one. The stark blue sky leaves a bit and it seems to be tilted a bit to the right. It’s nice and sharp. Seems this one lacks emotion to bring me closer to it. Perhaps a fish eye or more wide angle lens would do this one more justice. As it stands the subject is maybe to in my face with a centered crop.
63. Idle Hands – great capture here I like the story with this one. The man shining the shoes seems almost to cheerful for the work he is doing. Not sure on the bw conversion here possibly the more light on the shoe shiner would help he seems to be in the shadow which cause me to focus more on the shoe and the persons getting the shines leg. This shot makes me wonder what the expression on the person getting the shoe shine has. The photo tells me he would not be happy and is wishing the shiner would do his thing so he could get on with his day – I almost wished I could see his face as well. Person in the background seems to distract a bit as well. I would definitely consider a re-shoot on this one as you have a good subject there.
64. Please help me – I like the idea here but I have to admit it made me think of the infomercial for the life I have fallen and I can’t get up! Seem you may have a few blown highlights on this one or possibly under exposed then pp’d the exposer up a bit much. The noise on the fallen persons hand is a bit of a distraction. I like the helpers hand but it blends a bit much into the chair and then my eyes begins to wander to the watch as it is a bit sharper and better able to focus on it.
65. Frost – Like the story line here on this shot. The lamp tells me this should have occurred way before the glove had ever been made and then the match box looks with the brighter color draws me away from the subject of the theme which is the hand. Also I am not sure about the vignette on this one. Perhaps a bw conversion here with a bit of sepia then remove the glove and put on some old flannel to make it a miners hand or which would go with the lantern.
66. Innocence – Really like the focus on the eyes on this one. I struggle between this one and the Ryan shot as they are both very nice. My only thing on this one was that I would like to see her faces a bit more seems a half/quarter inch closer to her with the lens would brought her in a bit more. The scarf/mitten? At the bottom with the blue/yellow/pink was my only distract here. Possibly warm here cheeks a bit but overall very nice shot she is very cute and sweet great expression.
67. Looking Up To John Wayne – howdy Mr. Wayne – nice angle on this shot I like the composition – seem statues are a hard one to pull off I have not shot one but I may avoid for reasons unknown to me yet - the light seem cold on this one perhaps it’s the bluish sky line that is doing this to me not sure. Crop on the left side seems a bit tight me eyes do move to his arm on this one.
68. In Your Face – Not sure this one did it for me the tongue is a bit overwhelming to me. I like the idea but the tongue actual kind of grosses me out a bit. Seems to over power the hands. With that said there is something fresh about this shot and it makes me like it anyway.
69. Furry, Loveable – Cute tree rat! The paw is a nice touch I didn’t notice it a first only his furry little face. Seen a lot of squirrels down my way which makes him a bit to ordinary. It’s a very crisp shot – possibly a bit of fill flash on him. The oof tree branch in the bottom right corner is a bit of distraction.
70. No title? - Welcome to dgrin! Got to remember to title theses shots. Like the composition on this one but the conversion left it a bit flat needs a bit more pop to it don’t hesitate to mess with the curves in pp. Possibly need some additional light on this shot left eyes seems a tad out of focus but the right is sharp in focus.
71. Rocking to the hip...hip...hip di di hop. – Head a bounce’n and not a care in the world seems this child has been sucked into the pc Cute shot! Motion blur on this one left me a bit dizzy. Baby bottle in the back and the pc may be a distract on this shot or possibly the flowers on the monitor seem to draw my eye away can’t quite put my finger on this one. Seems to have a bit of noise on it so possibly a bit more light here or a f/1.8 f/2.0 may do the trick as well.
72. Katie – This is strong shot I like the emotion in Katies face and the light is good but doesn’t seem to fit the scene almost seems as though she was added to this shot – 2 pictures? Trees/Telephone poles seem to distract my attention – I like the trees they add to the location – tele poles could be cloned out – also clone the light pole out between the trees. Hummm I wonder if the trees where closer to the telephone poles but leave Katie where she is. Like the sunset the tracks follow nicely as well.
73. Peace – Cute shot love the smile. Not sure on the conversion here she seems a bit flat maybe a full color on this one. Like the dof seems just about right and the angle takes me straight to her cute dimple.
74. it's hammer-time! – Love the angle on this one but the conversion in pp looks a bit funky on the fingers. Drums in the back are a bit of a distract. Not sure on the vignette he makes me it seem a bit tunnel like. Like the concept and the composition. You, might also consider cropping the mic on the right side. Seems you would have a good bit of color/contrast to work with here wouldn’t mind seeing a bw conversion on it as well.
75. The mathematician – wow if the shoe fits…you nailed the title here. Light seems a bit off or the conversion a bit flat not sure. Put this guy in front of a calk board with some oof 2x(3y+2z) = 43 or something to the effect and this would be a real winner. Love his expression would like to see his eyes a bit more. Trees in the back are a bit busy and lost me on it but this is a great subject.
76. "First Shoot" – Olan Mills back drop #01 black on black. – Sorry about that I just had a flash back to my high school year book shot J I am not a portrait shooter by any stretch but this one seems a bit cold. Seems this one needs some additional soft/light. Skin tones could be warmed up a bit as well. Sorry Debbie not sure I am much help here I just can’t do portraits and don’t do a lot of indoor shots so I know nothing of indoor lighting.
77. Dad: An Armchair Quarterback Turned Legend in His Own Mind – Great idea on this one but seems to fall short on the theme for me. Conversion is ok – may have a blown highlight on the shoulder. My is having a bit of trouble locating the focal point here and seems to settle on the elbow? Not sure about the boy I do like his expression he doesn’t seem to be having much fun helping pops become the football legend.
78. Abuela Fanita – Really like the subject here as I do with our elder generation. Would like to see a tri color done on this shot. It would also been nice to have seen some natural light cast on her half in a shadow I think. Background is nice and soft and good tones. Only distract would be her dress/shirt in the color version but in bw or tri color it would really be nice. I can never seem to find a subject like this so these are always ones I keep my eye out for. The older generation always seems to do well in photo contest as you simply have to respect them. Good capture.
79. Ice, Ice, Baby – wow this is a tough shot to pull off Ann way to stretch in new direction – I like the idea but the ice doesn’t give much contrast and I am having trouble making out the features on it. Not sure on the angle of this shot as my eyes drift back to the oof in the bottom right.
80. Treasured moment... – I like the single light source angled diagonal on this one. This is a nice staue but I am no longer sold on shots of other art works now. Composition is nice and the crop is spot on. It’s a good all around shot the subject just doesn’t work for me.
81. Dreaming the Night - Nice drama on this one not sure the title totally fits it. I like that you have stepped away from human hands on this one. For some reason I feel like I am sleeping on my bed and open my eyes to find this which scares me a tad…thank you for my nightmare tonight! I may have mentioned this previously but it seems the dark shots don’t seem to fair as well in this contest but I like the shot even if it gives me the hebeejebies…
82. Temptation – Not sure on the pp here or the dog choke chain around the apple. I like that you are attempting this shot as you can see that you are trying to find something fresh but with the late entry it makes me wonder if this was more about getting a shot into the contest. With that said there is a lot you can learn from a shot like this one and it may be better as a test shot rather then a final end. There is a lot here distracts with the orange motion blur to what seems like a black cloth showing under his this persons chin. The theme seems to be overshadowed by the apple so it sort of lost the hands face idea you where going for. What appeals to you about this shot? What made this one the best for you? Was this a late entry stab in the dark?
83. Intensity – cute kitty are you holding a fish in front of him? Exposure on this one seems nice but this could uses some fill flash to bring out the eyes as the can make a break a shot like this. Kitties are shot often so they have to be really strong to make a go of them.
84. Old.....who me? Nice title and expression to fit here this is a good capture. This could use a bit more light under that ball cap and something to make him pop a bit more. The car in the back would require a re-shoot for me on this one. Be careful when shoot to keep an eye out for things in the back that will distract from what would be a great shot.
85. The Fire Man – Love the concept here and the move away from the norm. Not sure on this one and apologize if this is actually full on amazing capture but this one seems to good to be true. Was some of the fire cloned out to shape that face…if not it’s a good capture but I was questioning it. This seems like a hard shot to do to make the flames. Not sure what the object is on the right third here but this and the red-ish line (ellipse) on the left in front of the face distracts a bit. Nice idea.
86. did you hear that? – Love the story here on this shot and the conversion if pretty good. Like the dof only wished the pinky finger was bit more in focus. I bit more pop on the conversion and a tad more light. Curious on a hi key conversion for this one or a color with dark red lipstick possibly. Good capture.
87. Cheers!...ah I needed this one. Nice ending shot that was nice timing. I lke the emotion in this shot but not sure I am sold on oof items in the front ground. Skin tones could be warmed up a bit prior to conversion and the head face in the background should be cloned out.
Well I hope I helped a bit – this was a lot of fun – good luck to the winners can’t wait to see this semi unfold as it will be a wild ride have fun all and see you in the final!
Thank you very much! Is what I needed to know.
Donna, If I was judging I would be looking at your entry and everyone else's entry from a totally different perspective. Yes I would be concentrating on how well it met the theme(s) and all the other technical things that go along with a good photo. I also would be scrutinizing very closely how it stacked up against the others in the round.
In this case I am not a judge and so I thought my opinion of how I viewed this shot compared to some of your others might have been of value. Interestingly your goal was exactly that to become more spontaneous. - You succeeded and that in itself is a win!
2: Well, what can I say. It’s my daughter, and I gotta love her!
3: The stare is really engaging in this one. In a portrait, be careful to use manual focus to get the eyeballs exactly in focus. Or use a narrower aperture to keep the eyes so truly in focus. For the theme, however, it doesn’t go far enough to stand out from others that went that way.
4: I like the color and the idea a lot, but the lighting on a shot from the outside looking in wouldn’t seem to come up from beneath, and the pose looks like a portrait through the window, not like a creeping tom…
5: I seem to remember the one that was in vertical orientation, but???? I liked the idea from the start, and the only thing I’d have added would be what was suggested, to light it so that there’s better separation from the background.
6: Very nice execution here, but nothing helps is stand out from other portraits. Perhaps move it left or right in the frame, and get some sort of expression, but perhaps the exact centering and neutral expression is what you wanted!
7: A happy face. News must have been happy. The lighting is even on the skin.
8: I love the color and the lack of noise. Of course, you Canon people have it over the Nikonites on that count. I didn’t have this idea when you asked in your advice thread, but for the theme, I might have cropped way in to isolate the faces.
9: This one certainly jumped out at me when I first saw it. It’s the most representative image of the round to me. I did like the color version first entered, thought this one hits the mark and I’d say that a BW conversion goes well with piano keys.
10: Erie. What I like about this is that the face isn’t just another portrait. I know that the suggestions were to sharpen it up, but I think it comes across well just as is.
11: Another masterful composite from the master of composites! Everything is so smoothly blended. Lighting, perfect. Focus, perfect. Concept, perfect. The only thing I’m still bothered by is my perception that the line down the nose comes in far to the right of the lip line, for whatever reason.
12: Fantastic! What I particularly like is how the use of the correct finger in holding the label to the forehead. Spontaneous planning at its best!
13: I’ve mentioned being averse to shots of statues in the past, but this one I think could work for the theme. However, even though the focus is on the eyes, I keep looking up to the slightly out of focus head. Find an angle that allows for either the hands or the head to be in focus, and the other to be more out of focus. That way there would be a definite drawing point and only a hint of the other.
14: There are standard equestrian “headshots” in the horse world, but this isn’t one of them. The flat of the face would be perfectly perpendicular to the ground, and the mouth would be closed. Equestrians even want to see a nice long slobber dripping and hanging on. That said, what does that matter? The wildness of the mane, the relaxed look of the hands, and the not-totally-taught reigns, and you have a happy combo there. All is well! Start with the next LPS1, and move on from there!
15: Love it! Do something with the face that isn’t normal, and crop in tight to make sure there’s nothing left to question.
16: Man, I sent a pm to sherstone with some critique, but I learned that I was all wet! Begs for some explanation, which he has given!
17: How many ways can Emily amaze us with a photo of her girl? I think there’s no end.
18: A striking image that I remembered from the first time it was entered, so it stands out. All of my attention is pulled to the eye, not to the face, not to the hands, so as for theme adherence…. I’m no better at this either, but choose what to focus on, hands or eye, or close up your diaphragm…
19: Mostly here I would say that, if the horse’s face is the interpretation, perhaps show all of it.
20 : The face shows character and a life lived. I’d be tempted to make the horizon disappear. / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
WOW...what a wonderful, thoughtful critique!! You are so right....I did manage to get several shot but being "candid" I had "to get it". Love the thought of throwing myself at the feet of the horse to get that angle!
Will try the crop fun to see your own photo thru someone else's eyes. We saw many similiar things but you sure saw them from another very creative angle!
Thanks again...I am working my way out of "the box",
Here are some more thoughts and "opinions" on some more entries.
#13 - leaforte - Quest
Serene and likable... more contrast is was is echoing in my head but that does not mean it really should have it I just happen to be a very contrasty person when it comes to my taste in images. (most times). Initially I look at the Out of focus head before I venture down to the hands. The lighting could have been modified to bring more attention to the hands I think.
#14 - cbsnet - Conversations - Yielding to the master's touch.
I mentioned earlier that my wife loves this shot. Her favorite part was the movement in the mane. I have grown to like this shot right down to the figure eight loop in the reigns. I have always wished for more of the master in this shot.
#15 - pemmett - Pondering Partisan Politics
#16 - sherstone - The Collection
uhhh yea... moving on... (You don't actually expect me to comment here do you?)
#17 - Greensquared - One in a Million
Right from the start of seeing this image I loved it. I was unable to detect how you created it and was extremely baffled as to how you were able to get your little one to look like a doll so well.
#18 - Llywellyn - Framed.
I see an eye. the hands and face are secondary to the shot here. I like how this mimics or possibly even pokes fun at photographers or painters and how they see the world. As your avatar it's awesome!
#19 - explorish - Please shut up
subtle for sure - without knowing the theme I wonder if I would say this was about a hand - I tend to look at the horse first, probably because of the white on its nose which draws my eye straight there.
#20 - Travis - Rough Rider
I want to see more. I like the contrast and processing. The background is a bit bright and takes our attention away from the main show.
#21 - Trasmc - The Devil's Workshop
creepy! - even thought the eye seems to be the centre of attention here the hands are unmistakably an integral part of this design. I find the tonal values are a bit on the flat side for some reason.
#22 - jziegler - Yawn!
Another smile - we owned a rescued greyhound several years ago and this image reminds me of her very much. Not sure how this fits the theme for my personal view of it. Teeth would be my interpretation.
#23 - AronNelson - shown
Nice drama! - fits the theme very well. I also liked your original version with the cosmic color in the background. Not much about this I do not like.
#24 - mycaptures - The future of Music
Very isolated DOF here - I'm not sure if more would be better, somehow I do not think so. I am draw into the frame and kind of wish the left higher hand was the one in focus. I like the sepia tones.
#25 - quark - Surprise!
I have liked this idea from the beginning of first seeing it. A successful dual theme image! The only nit is the hand on our left draws me out of the frame not into it.
#26 - anwms1 - An Amazing World Awaits
Yes ... yes it does... very nice!
#27 - PaulThomasMcKee - Ryan
The reflections in his eyes grab me immediately, great comp and nice tones. I saw your behind the scenes on this and agree that the wider works even better.
#28 - eoren1 - Diamonds are a girls best friend
I quite like this idea and its cute cute cute!!!! The background kills it for me my eye is drawn there and I find it really hard to stop looking at it.
#29 - Izzy Garavito - Remembrance of Things Past
I get it but oddly enough for some reason I am not sympathetic - maybe I'm just cold and lack emotion? The color in this seems to be the focus leaving the hand and face secondary. What I am impressed with is that you are able to communicate the tears so effectively.
#30 - Awais Yaqub - I was just like you hahaha...
Can emotion be any more apparent? --- this is one of my top favorites in this round.... I love the contrast. and the little sparkle and the unforgettable teeth.
#31 - achambers - The mechanic
Arrrrg don't you just hate that!!!!! --- Well I see it now so I can still comment on it. I like this better than your previous shot. Those sparks are crazy! I like the image but it doesn't speak the theme loud enough IMHO. The hand seems lost in the fury.
#32 - VisualXpressions - Notorious Aces...
My favorite part of this is the shadows. The composition is good. The wood grain is a bit distracting maybe?
#33 - MrsCue - The Look
Mesmerizing! - Composition, lighting, beauty, reflections. Very strong entry! One of my top favorites for sure!
#34 - rex - The other side
A wide eyed statement?
#35 - photogmomma - pruney fingers
AWWWWWWWW!!!!!! love this! my only concern is the composition. I am drawn to the left quite a bit. regardless... Spot on theme!
#36 - The Hobbyist - The Old Timer: A Visual Pun
Yep its a watch.. it reminds me of my fathers watch and triggers all sorts of memories for me so in that part it is a success. o\Otherwise it feels flat and a bit harsh in the lighting.
#37 - samsplace - Sands of Time
I can't help but wonder if this is one of those faces that is meant to be viewed both right side up and up side down young one way and old the next.
#38 Kezele - Broken
I feel that way sometimes!!!! I wonder if a cooler temperature and more of the hand in the shot would make me like this more. If the idea was to make me depressed by looking at the image then you certainly achieved that!
#39 swintonphoto - Sausages
details .... I know what I am seeing but I want to see more. more story more hand -- just more.
#40 ShepsMom - Frustration
Hey Don't take my picture.... I see blotchy green and an overall green cast here - is this how you meant it to look?
--- thats almost half way through.
more tomorrow.