Thank you so much, Steven! (On a side note, in my head you're "Shatch", which is not easy to pronounce! !)
As for processing, on the second one, I used a preset in LR that's called "contrasty - strong" which really ups the contrast. I did a minor crop, some small adjustments to exposure and the black clipping and that's it. The exciting thing for me with that shot is that it came out exactly as I'd envisioned with very little tweaking.
The first shot was a little more difficult. I used the same preset with no additional tweaking at first, but that ended up blowing out the tub spigot too much so I layered the same photo on itself in two different exposures and brought back some of the spigot to make it more obvious. Some minor cloning to remove the overflow drain and a towel rack and that's it! (You can see the original untouched here.)
if anyone is interested in the LR preset, just email me at
Thanks for the PP insgiht. I emailed you for the preset. Thanks!!
I'll just sit here in awe....awe shucks....awe gee whiz....awe man.....awe, how do you compete with that?.....awe.....entered anyway.. Pretty special images there dudes and dudettes.
Perhaps I was a bit late to the sneak peak but how about a little sneak peak into the behind the scenes maybe?….this could be taboo but why not. Great shots so far everyone yah just got to love this!
The right small step for giant leap for his ego!
Shoot to ride, ride to live...<!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
What a great costume! I bet your son loves to play in it. Fun entry as well. Love the lighting and location.
Wow, you too! what a tough call, both amazing shots
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Thanks for the PP insgiht. I emailed you for the preset. Thanks!!
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I'll just sit here in awe....awe shucks....awe gee whiz....awe man.....awe, how do you compete with that?.....awe.....entered anyway..
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
What a great costume! I bet your son loves to play in it. Fun entry as well. Love the lighting and location.
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Looking forward to seeing them, Awais!
He was in deep thoughts outside a shrine while polititions are wandering in cities to win hearts of voters
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