Washington DC cherry blossoms

Anyone interested in hooking up for a photo shoot of the cherry blosoms in our Nation's Capital? The predicted peak this year is March 27th - April 3rd... Here are a few shots from 2 years ago...

If interested... let me know which day works best... I think the blosoms should be good through the 9th of April...

If interested... let me know which day works best... I think the blosoms should be good through the 9th of April...
As I commute into SW DC, I drive by the Tidal Basin every day. The Cherry Blossoms are just starting to bloom. I think by next week they'll be at peak. Hopefully the weather will be nice, and keep them on the trees as long as possible. Parking around there continues to be a major pain. The lot closest to the Tidal Basin is now closed, but they've opened a new lot on Haines Point, with free shuttle buses. If you're planning to drive in, come early. Subway is always a good option; Smithsonian station is closest to the blooms, about a 6-8 block walk. Also several Tour Bus options available. Many have stops near major Metro Stations, like Union Station, and circulate amongst the popular sights. And you can get day passes to hop on & off the bus all day.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
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Lots of wet, cloudy weather is predicted for the next few days, unfortunately, although Sat. and Sun. might be okay. Doesn't help commuters like me though, nor does the lunchtime light when I do get a chance to go walk-about.
How much of a trip is it from Boston to DC?
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I would love to meet up down there!
I went down yesterday to check out the trees and was disappointed to see how few had blossomed. The ones on the mall seem to be near peak though.
I think Saturday/Sunday should offer us full bloom provided we don't loose any over the next two days of rain.
I'm planning to visit again very early Saturday morning. My 2 year old will wake me at 6 and I'm hoping to be out the door by 7 to snag one of the few parking spots.
Don't forget, the kite festival is this Saturday as well.
ps: here's a webcam of the tidal basin (I can only get it to work in Internet Explorer):
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Yikes that's quite a trip! About 9-10 hours, I would estimate. Not including traffic.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Guess I was thinking of using an airplane!
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The Cherry Blossom Parade is actually on April 12th this year. There should still be plenty of blossoms but they will have passed their peak. The trees will likely be less full but it is still a great time to visit DC.
The flight is very easy. US Airways runs real planes as opposed to the 20 person planes from American and United.
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If going the airplane route I would give substantial preference to flying into Regan National instead of the other Baltimore/DC area airports (BWI and Dulles). The Metro (DC Subway system) has a station at Regan National. With the other airports you are looking at 1) Renting a car (and you don't want to be driving in DC during Cherry Blossom time), 2) Taking a Taxi, or 3) Taking a shuttle bus from the airport to the metro and vice versa.
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I can do Saturday and I can pick you up (and drop you off) at any of the local airports, but if the parade is going on I'd probably suggest metro for actually going around DC. I have a smarttrip card for parking and they have little paper temp cards. There's a metro stop a short walk from the tidal basin right on the mall. I'll remember my allergy medicine!
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I might actually be up for something like this. I have a dislike of DC and it's traffic, but Dgrinners make everything better.
Don't know yet if I'll be in town (were you talking about tomorrow or 2-3 weeks from now?) but send up the flare when you're sure.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
April 12th (evening of the 11th maybe). I'll see about flying out of DC rather than Boston.
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or 2 -3 hours on AMTRAK
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Hey Angelo - I checked. It is 6hrs+ by Amtrak and within $20 either side of airfare on United. Train might be fun way to spend some time though..
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FYI: Good lunch can be had at the American Indian Museum. Much, much better than any other museum eatery. It may well be packed that day, but just giving food for thought.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Basically, bloom period from the 26th of March to the 9th of April, with peaks predicted to be from the 27th through the 3rd.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Even if you miss the cherry blossoms there is still PLENTY to shoot in D.C. In addition to "touristy" stuff like the monuments and museums you have things like the national arboretum, and the national zoo, including giant pandas, and admission to both is free. I wish I didn't have significant prior commitments that weekend, because I keep seeing the number of Mid-Atlantic dgrinners that we have on here, and keep thinking that we need to organize some sort of meet and shoot in the area...
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
I'll reply first - I can!
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I made it down to the tidal basing just in time for sunrise this morning (with my not-at-all pleased two year old son in tow. The blossoms aren't yet at peak but look much better than they did when I scouted the area two days ago. I'm planning on going back for sunrise either Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully will be able to shoot a sunset as well.
Not sure where these shots 'fit' but thought I would post them here.
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Gorgeous shot. Thanks for posting.
Mike Mattix
Tulsa, OK
"There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown
That is a really great shot! Mind sharing some info on it (location, time, settings)?
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I'm currently scheduled to work that Friday night until 6pm. So depending on flight time and where you're landing I may need to rearrange that with someone at work, but either way I'm still good to go!
It'd be great to see some other dgrinners too! And, Ann, I know a Tapa place in DC since the one in Canada was closed when we were there.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
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Oh I called the other person at work and I'm good to go at 4pm!
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
I can make it on the 12th as well... Let me know where and what time everyone wants to meet?