> The Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges - General Discussion



  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2011
    I've found that sometimes SmugMug chokes on file sizes depending on which uploader you're using. Try a different uploader option first. If that doesn't work, try saving your image as JPEG 10 to help reduce the file size without killing it with compression (don't use "Save for Web" as it will strip out the all-important EXIF info). Let us know if that works!
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2011
    Merfman wrote: »
    I'm trying to enter into my first challenge and I'm certain I'm doing something incorrectly... when I try to upload the image, I get an error message that says the image is too large to be uploaded. I've perused the rules and didn't see a restriction on file size but even so, is there a size restriction? Thanks in advance for any guidance!

    How big is the image in bytes? What format is the image? The gallery is set to display at 1024x768 pixels so anything larger will not be displayed. You can also try using a different uploader, you can choose a new one by clicking the link in the bottom left of the window.
  • MerfmanMerfman Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited September 30, 2011
    sherstone wrote: »
    How big is the image in bytes? What format is the image? The gallery is set to display at 1024x768 pixels so anything larger will not be displayed. You can also try using a different uploader, you can choose a new one by clicking the link in the bottom left of the window.

    The filesize is 1.75Mb and it's in a JPG format. I'm suspecting the uploader at this point, I'll try another browser or uploader. Thanks for the hints all!

    EDIT - The Olde Faithful uploader seems to have worked! Thanks everyone!
  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2011
    I have received that same error message when uploading an image to a challenge gallery. It was confusing at first because I always use the same uploader and it works perfectly when uploading to my personal smugmug galleries but doesn't work for the challenge galleries. The solution is simply to switch to a different uploader. The 'simple' one or 'old faithful' should upload your image just fine. Or, at least that works for me!

  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited January 24, 2012
    Your ATTENTION is mandatory!
    I am going to edit this and bring it to the top. Seriously I think we have gotten even more new ppl who just do not want to read the rules in full! It is MANDATORY for all entrants to read the sticky at the top of this forum, but if your having a hard time finding it click this ----> http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=162655 and then click on Rules! :deadhorse

    <old post>
    Ok I thought I would start this in a new thread just to get your attention, however I will most likely merge this conversation in with the DSS discussion thread in a few days.

    Last night Sean and I worked on going through entries, putting up the poll and setting up new challenges. I am very grateful to Sean for all the work he has put into streamlining the process as much as possible, for there is a lot to do just to run these challenges behind the scenes that make them run so smoothly for you all to enjoy.

    One thing we noted was a large increase in new entrants to the challenge. This is an awesome thing and we are glad that the challenges are still growing in numbers. With new people comes a lot of DQ's though. Most likely from them not reading or not following the rules. Which is almost expected, but really shouldn't have to be that way.

    However, what really suprised me was that there are quite a few ppl that have been doing the challenges for quite some time and have ignored certain rules. The rule in this instance is Rule #7:

    UPE's: Unidentified Photo Entries. Photos uploaded to the gallery that do not have a valid dgrinner username in the caption will be deleted at the close of the challenge period. *Please use this standard format for captioning your entry: username - title

    Now I have highlighted the last two words because it is very simple request. The reason this was written in as a rule and not a suggestion is that we need it to be this format in order to copy and paste it. It does not say to use a ~ or -- or : or ; or ... for a reason.

    I myself have been doing DSS challenges since they started at #1 and I use to do the ~. But I stopped when it was asked the last time that people please follow this format and it was written in the rules as such.

    So, those ppl that are ignoring this rule, Sean has been changing it for you so you do not get disqualified. However, I will not. There is so many things we have to look for in order to make this as fair as possible and that all rules are followed. It is really hard for us mods to have to disqualify an image, especially if the image is extremely good and its disqualified for something that seems so trivial. But if you look at it from this side... those few extra clicks we have to do to correct something that shouldn't even be an issue in the first place, can really add up when you have several ppl in a field of 60+ entries to go through.

    Do you understand what I am saying? It really isn't a difficult or an unusual rule! Please follow it, I promise your individuality will not be compromised!

    The other thing I would like to bring up is rule number #8:

    Watermarks: Photos may not exhibit branding or watermarks. However, a small signature and copyright at the bottom of the image are encouraged.

    This was discussed a few years ago but I will bring it up again because it is another one of those things that seems to confuse ppl. BRANDING is anything that has .com or the word PHOTO or business name in it. Before this rule I used to put JAGCreations on my images. It is very explicit wording in the rules; ...small signature and copyright at the bottom of the image...

    SIGNATURE means YOUR name. Not your business name, not your nick name, not your galleries name. If you need an example, click HERE.

    We are going on our 4th year of DSS challenges. The rules are really minimum so not to suck the creativity out of you all! So these two rules that are usually the hardest to dq someone for are now going to be on the DQ list for sure. Yes they seem to not be a problem to the photo, however they were put in place for reasons way back when and the reason the branding/watermark one was put on was because they were getting too big and fancy and distracting from the image itself.

    I have entered many competitions outside of DSS on other sites, and they do not even allow any signature or branding/watermark at all! So this is not a difficult rule to comply with if you choose to mark your image some way. I am glad that it was put in the rules!

    So consider this thread a friendly warning to all those who simply have ignored or not seen these two rules. I will be DQ'ing without any other warnings. deal.gif

    For all newbies to the challenges...PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE RULES! And all you repeaters might reread for a refresher! thumb.gif

    PS...I would like to thank Sean for all his work he has done these past couple years on the Challenges. And thanks for taking the few hours last night to talk me through the process! Your awesomeness is showing through!clap.gif
  • dniednie Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 1,351 Major grins
    edited January 24, 2012
    :D Seems reasonable to me.
    Thank you for taking the job on, I know it is more work than I imagine (and I figure it is a lot) so anything to help make it easier for the mods is a good thing.
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited January 24, 2012
    dnie wrote: »
    :D Seems reasonable to me.
    Thank you for taking the job on, I know it is more work than I imagine (and I figure it is a lot) so anything to help make it easier for the mods is a good thing.

  • CHANDLERJACHANDLERJA Registered Users Posts: 400 Major grins
    edited January 24, 2012
    dnie wrote: »
    :D Seems reasonable to me.
    Thank you for taking the job on, I know it is more work than I imagine (and I figure it is a lot) so anything to help make it easier for the mods is a good thing.

    Light is everything in life and photography.
  • kdotaylorkdotaylor Registered Users Posts: 1,280 Major grins
    edited January 24, 2012
    Yes, thanks for your explanation--makes it easier to follow the rules :)
    I appreciate all your work!
    "You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited January 25, 2012
    JAG wrote: »
    PS...I would like to thank Sean for all his work he has done these past couple years on the Challenges. And thanks for taking the few hours last night to talk me through the process! Your awesomeness is showing through!clap.gif

    "AWE" thanks. mwink.gif

    If we didn't already have so many stickies this thread would be a good one to stick. deal.gif
  • GretaPicsGretaPics Registered Users Posts: 373 Major grins
    edited January 26, 2012
    I appreciate you going over the rules and continue to be in "awe" of the time spent by you moderators! Thanks, GP
  • Moving PicturesMoving Pictures Registered Users Posts: 384 Major grins
    edited January 26, 2012
    Never understood why some folks have such a problem heeding rules. I mean, I'm a new guy here, but I've entered twice, both without incident. Why? Because I read the damn rules.

    I have no sympathy for folks that don't grasp the basics of what is, really, a simple concept.
    Newspaper photogs specialize in drive-by shootings.
    Forum for Canadian shooters: www.canphoto.net
  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited January 27, 2012
    Thanks for stepping up, Joyce! Many hands make light work. We can help out those who have trouble following the rules. :D
  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited January 30, 2012
    I noticed one of the entries in DSS 95 has it in the format username-title, with no space on either side of the dash. Is this acceptable or is one space required on either side of the dash?
  • Art ScottArt Scott Registered Users Posts: 8,959 Major grins
    edited January 30, 2012
    I never understood people that want to enter any type of photo contest / salon and want to watermark or have any identifier on the image itself....the many International Salons I have entered do not allow for ANY sig, watermark...nothing at all...all info is too be on the back of the image...if matting is allowed you still canot have anything written on the from of the mat... I do not do any online contests or salons due to the ease of theft off any site and if my images are lifted without permission then I want my watermark to go with it...it is imple follow the rules or do not enter... I also have had to DQ many an image that did not follow the rules of the salon and it really sux to send a DQ out for any image just because of a dumb mistake ... ... ... the reasoning behind a NO sig, watermark etc on the front of an image is so that it does not influence the judges and I was very surprised at how many people here in Wichita could tell who someone was from Bulgaria just by a simple pen scratch...but when people enter over and over into the salons you learn style and all and you can easily start to recognize peoples work

    Keep up the great work Joyce and Sean ... ... ... ...
    "Genuine Fractals was, is and will always be the best solution for enlarging digital photos." ....Vincent Versace ... ... COPYRIGHT YOUR WORK ONLINE ... ... My Website

  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited January 30, 2012
    WhatSheSaw wrote: »
    I noticed one of the entries in DSS 95 has it in the format username-title, with no space on either side of the dash. Is this acceptable or is one space required on either side of the dash?

    As long as they have it with the - in it, I will not be counting spaces.deal.gif
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited January 30, 2012
    Art Scott wrote: »
    I never understood people that want to enter any type of photo contest / salon and want to watermark or have any identifier on the image itself....the many International Salons I have entered do not allow for ANY sig, watermark...nothing at all...all info is too be on the back of the image...if matting is allowed you still canot have anything written on the from of the mat... I do not do any online contests or salons due to the ease of theft off any site and if my images are lifted without permission then I want my watermark to go with it...it is imple follow the rules or do not enter... I also have had to DQ many an image that did not follow the rules of the salon and it really sux to send a DQ out for any image just because of a dumb mistake ... ... ... the reasoning behind a NO sig, watermark etc on the front of an image is so that it does not influence the judges and I was very surprised at how many people here in Wichita could tell who someone was from Bulgaria just by a simple pen scratch...but when people enter over and over into the salons you learn style and all and you can easily start to recognize peoples work

    Keep up the great work Joyce and Sean ... ... ... ...

    This is why I was glad they kept the signature thing in it. I do not want my images on the net without the tag. However there are always risks and ways that the signature can be easily removed. So for the most part, it always is a gamble. But there are times I do not put a signature because of the occasional provision of SOOC, in those cases I figure the image as lost and even though legally it belongs to me, I mentally in my mind, disown the image. Unless of course its sellable.
  • tinamarie52tinamarie52 Registered Users Posts: 954 Major grins
    edited February 2, 2012
    JOyce and Sean... repeated thanks. Rule are rules, not sorta rules. thanks for taking even more of your time to explain and remind. Above and beyond the call, but appreciated.


    When you come to a door... walk through it.
    If it's locked... find an open window.
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited February 5, 2012
    Bumping this thread up to help people see it as they enter images into the galleries!
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited February 18, 2012
    Bump! :bash
  • PedalGirlPedalGirl Registered Users Posts: 794 Major grins
    edited February 18, 2012
    Thanks Joyce for this... I for the life of me can't understand why people can't read the rules... drives me up a wall and I'm not even a MOD. Also, this clears up my question on what constitutes "branding" vs. a signature for challenge purposes. I will continue to either enter clean copies or use just my name and the © symbol.

    Thanks to both you and Sean for all the time and effort you put into the challenges. You do a great job! I have so much fun with these challenges and have learned a ton!
    Pho-tog-ra-pher (n) 1. One who practices photography 2. one obsessed with capturing life with their camera. 3. One who eats, sleeps and breathes photographs. 4. One who sees the world in 4x6.
  • fjcvisualfjcvisual Registered Users Posts: 201 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    JAG, I appreciate the work you and Sean do behind the scenes to make this happen. I personally find the process helpful and the feedback from other Dgrinners very valuable.

    I would just like to add, that in the future if you change a rule, that you consider how you are disseminate that information. Those of us who do understand the rules do not necessarily reread all of the rules before each challenge except for the theme and the editing instructions. In this last challenge I spent a significant amount of time and effort for my entry. However, as it was a holiday weekend I was pressed for time to get back to post my entry only to find out that the deadline changed from 9:00pm to 8:00pm. I posted my entry at 8:38pm only to find out I was DQ'd because of 38 minutes.

    Don't get me wrong, this is not intended to slam anyone, and technically this is my fault. This is just a gentle suggestion that a seemingly trivial change can cause problems for us putting a lot of time into these challenges only to have it washed away. We are all busy and I know that as a Mod you are volunteering your time and I appreciate that. These challenges are important otherwise we would not put the time into them as we do, but a little flexibility would be appreciated.

    Thank you again for the time you spend on the challenges.

  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited February 21, 2012
    fjcvisual wrote: »
    JAG, I appreciate the work you and Sean do behind the scenes to make this happen. I personally find the process helpful and the feedback from other Dgrinners very valuable.

    I would just like to add, that in the future if you change a rule, that you consider how you are disseminate that information. Those of us who do understand the rules do not necessarily reread all of the rules before each challenge except for the theme and the editing instructions. In this last challenge I spent a significant amount of time and effort for my entry. However, as it was a holiday weekend I was pressed for time to get back to post my entry only to find out that the deadline changed from 9:00pm to 8:00pm. I posted my entry at 8:38pm only to find out I was DQ'd because of 38 minutes.

    Don't get me wrong, this is not intended to slam anyone, and technically this is my fault. This is just a gentle suggestion that a seemingly trivial change can cause problems for us putting a lot of time into these challenges only to have it washed away. We are all busy and I know that as a Mod you are volunteering your time and I appreciate that. These challenges are important otherwise we would not put the time into them as we do, but a little flexibility would be appreciated.

    Thank you again for the time you spend on the challenges.


    Jim, as far as I know, every mod including me have given notice of changes to rules. Usually it is noted in the current DSS Challenge when there is a change and in the case of yours, it was noted at the top right under the time/dates.

    There is no more notification that is viable for us as mods to do. We cannot make ppl read the rules or even read the DSS challenge requirements. All we can do is post them and enforce them. Again, I am sorry you got dq'ed, but I hope that a lesson of "read thoroughly" the DSS Challenges thread because if there is a change it will be noted there.
  • MarkRMarkR Registered Users Posts: 2,099 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    I've wondered if it's possible to put the entire Official Rules (instead of just a link) on each Challenge page. Just a thot.
  • BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    I thought the rules made sense. I even went back and edited my post to hopefully make it match. I do appreciate the effort you and all the mods put into the forum. I do hope that if I made a mistake in the entry process that someone would let me know so I do not make the same mistake again.

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  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited February 21, 2012
    MarkR wrote: »
    I've wondered if it's possible to put the entire Official Rules (instead of just a link) on each Challenge page. Just a thot.

    Thanks for that thought. However, putting the rules in the dss challenge thread each time will not only make the post really long, but will complicate the 'challenge requirements' with actual rules.

    I think it would make it even more difficult for ppl to see minor changes for the challenge requirments (which are the things that change the most). I have now made it more obvious on where to find the rules by accentuating the Rules link and also have made the time change note a little more pronounced.

    I can only recommend ppl to read the dss challenges thoroughly each time, before entering.deal.gif
  • MarkRMarkR Registered Users Posts: 2,099 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    JAG wrote: »
    Thanks for that thought. However, putting the rules in the dss challenge thread each time will not only make the post really long, but will complicate the 'challenge requirements' with actual rules.

    I think it would make it even more difficult for ppl to see minor changes for the challenge requirments (which are the things that change the most). I have now made it more obvious on where to find the rules by accentuating the Rules link and also have made the time change note a little more pronounced.

    I can only recommend ppl to read the dss challenges thoroughly each time, before entering.deal.gif

    Alternately, if there is a rule change/clarification, maybe list just the rule changes for an entry or three, with a link to the complete rules. ne_nau.gif
  • Troy RaymondTroy Raymond Registered Users Posts: 171 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Something that seems obvious to me about a simple time change... With two weeks to complete an image, why wait until the last noted hour? I have a family with two at home children, I work a normal job with 12 hour days 6 days a week and can still find time to enter early... and find time to tweak and re-enter if needed. This way if I don't have time to enter the 'latest version' at least an image is still entered. Any rule changes are usually mentioned, but only mentioned the week they are changed. If I get DQ'd, it's no ones fault but myself. Every time I enter, I read the rules just to make sure its 'by the book' just in case I forget something.

    I appreciate the challenges and everything the mods do. As a supermod on another forum I understand all the work involved and this forum requires even more work than usual. Thank You JAG for taking us all on. lol thumb.gif
  • fjcvisualfjcvisual Registered Users Posts: 201 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    Something that seems obvious to me about a simple time change... With two weeks to complete an image, why wait until the last noted hour? I have a family with two at home children, I work a normal job with 12 hour days 6 days a week and can still find time to enter early... and find time to tweak and re-enter if needed. This way if I don't have time to enter the 'latest version' at least an image is still entered. Any rule changes are usually mentioned, but only mentioned the week they are changed. If I get DQ'd, it's no ones fault but myself. Every time I enter, I read the rules just to make sure its 'by the book' just in case I forget something.

    I appreciate the challenges and everything the mods do. As a supermod on another forum I understand all the work involved and this forum requires even more work than usual. Thank You JAG for taking us all on. lol thumb.gif

    I don't want to make this a confrontational thread, but your comments are misplaced. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss it.
  • Troy RaymondTroy Raymond Registered Users Posts: 171 Major grins
    edited February 21, 2012
    No need to discuss, simply my opinion. Dgrin is one of the few forums where drama is minimal-zero.
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