Fraud Warning: VistaPrint
I read about that makes business cards, and I've recently ordered mine. Bad bad bad decision on my part....
I'm not even going to discuss the rip-off experience stemming directly from them regarding "free" shipping.... I ended up paying more for this hook and bait, AND ended up paying for the shipping. While I was fuming that I'd never do them another business, I just got an email from this co. called "Businessmax." It said it'll start automatically charging my credit card $14.99 a month. Not knowing who the f**k this is, I googled it. Lo and behold, they're tied with.... And I didn't even click on any of their trap buttons for a third-party offers of ANY kind. Here's the rip-off report:
and more, and more:
Save yourselves a headache, don't go near Vistaprint. There are LOTS of unhappy folks. I'm now wondering whether these folks have something to do with a recent letter I got from my credit card company that warned me of some fraudulent activities going on with my credit card. They're going to close my account and send me a new card for me...
I'm not even going to discuss the rip-off experience stemming directly from them regarding "free" shipping.... I ended up paying more for this hook and bait, AND ended up paying for the shipping. While I was fuming that I'd never do them another business, I just got an email from this co. called "Businessmax." It said it'll start automatically charging my credit card $14.99 a month. Not knowing who the f**k this is, I googled it. Lo and behold, they're tied with.... And I didn't even click on any of their trap buttons for a third-party offers of ANY kind. Here's the rip-off report:
and more, and more:
Save yourselves a headache, don't go near Vistaprint. There are LOTS of unhappy folks. I'm now wondering whether these folks have something to do with a recent letter I got from my credit card company that warned me of some fraudulent activities going on with my credit card. They're going to close my account and send me a new card for me...
Thanks for the heads up. I had clicked on their site at one point and now receive at LEAST two emails a day - driving me crazy - and I can't seem to get them to stop.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
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Here's their contact info (and then your next contact should be the FBI Internet Fraud Investigation Division):
CEO and President (soon to be jail inmate): Robert S. Keane
95 Hayden Ave
Lexington, MA 02421-7942
IR Contact: Angela White
Recent market price: $34.95
Over 1,200,000 new first-time paying customers
Over 33,000 orders PER DAY
Question of the day: why would a company that seems to be getting good business from a good number of customers resort to such seedy practices that are, indeed, fraudulent?
I've used Vista Print a number of times.
Designed my logo, ordered letterhead, second sheets, business cards several times, presentation folders, rubber stamps, envelopes multiple times and kinds.
One set of envelopes came misprinted due to a text overlap and I called Customer Service and that week had a replacement order.
Never any issue with credit card problems etc. I will use them again without hesitation. Sorry to hear you had trouble.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
I have no issues whatsoever with anyone who wants to use their service. By all means. However, the problem doesn't seem to be isolated to just my case or a few others. If you read the links that I provided above, you'll see that the problem with VistaPrint IS more widespreaded than you'd give them credit for.
The modeling agency my daughter is with uses Vistaprint for all the postcards the models/actors send as 'thank yous' after auditions. (Each model orders their own cards. Not a single person so far has been dissatisfied yet.
Sorry you had a bad experience.
I too have placed three orders (two for business cards and one for return labels) and have not had any problems yet??!! Hopefully it will stay that way. As far as receiving annoying emails, just click "unsubscribe" and that should take care of your problem, right?
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I've used them a few times, used a credit card, didnt have any issues. You do have to read the fine print to avoid buying things you dont want, but its fairly the same on all internet based stores - even Amazon!
Actually cliking on the "unsubscribe" gutton or ticking an "unsubscribe" box can cause you to get a lot more unwanted email.....that is one way spammers verify good email addys..............
I wouldn't equate's ethical standards with that of VistaPrint. By the way, I read all the fine prints, AND I specifically DECLINED their third-party subscription offers. Made no difference, though. This type of sleezy practice is why VistaPrint now has "UNSATISFACTORY" rating at BBB site and the reason why they're prominently featured in Rip-Off and Consumer Affairs Reports whereas isn't. isn't going to be faced with a class action law suit, but judging by the way things are with VistaPrint, it looks like heading that way....
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Sorry that you had such a bad experience.
This issue was apart from the more significant problem of the automatic monthly charges on my credit card. That was a whole another conversation with him. He told me that the company will reimburse the sneaky charges but advised me to read the fine prints next time. In turn I advised him to seek a job with another company because, if the company continues doing the business as they've been, there's going to be a class action lawsuit and the FBI investigation judging by the number of complaints in BBB, Rip-Off Reports, Consumer Affairs Reports, and so on. I had the feeling that the fellow on the other line knew what I was talking about but couldn't be personal with me because I think the phone was being recorded.
Not saying they are not at fault but maybe the gentleman on the phone is correct and that you need to read the fine print. There may have been something that you needed to check or uncheck that you skipped over.
There is an old saying, "Most of the trouble you find yourself in is directly related to your own actions or inactions."
The fact they are clearing up the credit card billings should go a little ways towards appeasing you. My most recent 'cheap' business card order was with 123prints. No unexpected billings and no e-mails either.
Best of luck in the future but be sure to read the fine print on any transaction- especially online transactions.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I know you meant well with what you wrote, but your statements come off as saying that it's okay for companies like VistaPrint and others to mislead and defraud others -- and we're talking about hundreds and even thousands of victims here -- and fault these people for not having read the fine prints. Perhaps these hundreds and thousands of victims were just stupid folks who can't read and perhaps even illiterate.
As I wrote above, when a company clearly states "Free Shipping" if you place an extra 500 cards more, and you do so, was it my fault that I didn't read a tiny disclaimer tucked away somewhere not too noticeable? What does "Free Shipping" mean to you? I'm sure it's NOT a discount on the extra 500 cards, that's for sure. Yes, I do agree that it was MY fault for not having read to make sure that "Free Shipping" is "Free Shipping".... instead of something else totally. Why doesn't VistaPrint just come out clearly that you get a discount if you order 500 more? What's WRONG with that? They did what they did because they intend to defraud and mislead people in order to fatten their profit. That's why I claim that these hundreds and thousands of people were NOT at fault.
It's so sad to see that the standard for ethics in our society has deteriorated so much that companies like these are condoned and their practices acceptable.... Just amazing...
No I am not condoning it at all- but like you have already done- everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions as well.
The standard of self responsibility has also declined to the point where people want to sue because they were duped rather than saying- "Damn- I am an idiot! I should have caught that."
I feel for you and have been screwed a few times in the past as well. Take it as a learning experience and buyer beware- hopefully you are not out much money- just aggrivation.
More wisdom:
The blame falls on both ends- but you can only control one.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I consider myself an extremely careful online shopper, but there isn't too much one can do when you don't want to get sucker into some dubious subscriptions that they were offering with $10 enticement, which you DECLINE, and yet still get charged in a form of automatic monthly credit card bill.
Unless I'm GOD, there's a limit to self responsibility. I just don't understand how more I could have been responsible than DECLINING their enticing $10 offer for subscribing to the third-party stuff and still end up with a headache of closing down the credit card account and renew it and try to get the reimbursement from a comany that's hard to get hold of?
No offense, but according to your databank full of wisdom, how should I -- and for countless others like me -- have "controlled" this one?
Okay take a breath alright?
If you declined everything and did not give them your e-mail for a rewards program- and still ended up with a monthly charge- than yes you got screwed.
If you go back and look at your posts though not all of this information was put out in the beginning. There are several people that have posted on here having good experiences. Not saying they are right and you are wrong - just a different experience.
I do not put a lot of weight in complaints to consumer reports or rip off report because there is no factual data associated with it. Only complaints from random people. There are people with agendas, ex employees, and competitors that use sites like that to harm other companies. If you search Amazon and B&H there is a lot of complaints against them as well as any other high traffic business.
Point to think about- you jumped on here to voice a complaint and slammed the company pretty hard by calling them fraudulent and recommending no one use them. If they reimburse you everything and ship out the cards for free would you have come back on and said the company resolved the situation? Granted, it is not the way you expected it to be but it will be resolved right?
That is the problem with reporting agencies- most people do not post again saying if the company resolved the situation.
Here are some stats from the Better Business Bureau which actually follows up on both the complaining person and the business. Even these should be judged with a grain a salt as some companies are partners and some are not which unfortunately may have an impact on the rating.
Vista Print = Unsatisfactory
Amazon = Satisfactory (online partner- lots of complaints though)
B&H Photo = Satisfactory (also an online partner)
Overnight Prints (recommnded by Andy) = CCC rating
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
So, what's your point? Yea, I came here to post a warning. Some folks had a good service from VistaPrint, and they might think twice about using them again or continue to use them. I have no problem with them nor did I get into argument with them. Now, you appear with your database full of wisdom and with your ethical relativity theory and blah blah blah with the rolling icon thrown in... So, what's your point again? Oh, you mean Enron was a great company that screwed so many elderly of their retirement money and life time savings. It's the people's fault for not being aware of what the crooks were doing, right? Are you the kind of person who doesn't mind misleading and defrauding others as long as you can get away with it, because, well, after all, it's the stupid people who deserved being duped, right?
If you like VistaPrint, go ahead and buy lots of their stock shares. Nasdaq symbol is VPRT. They're really hot right now with ever climbing share performance. Since you like icons thrown in, here's one for ya.
Point to think about - How many people go through the tortuous way (surprise surprise) in which to contact VistaPrint to lodge their complaints and get their money back? How many actually give up trying to contact them? How many AREN'T even aware that there's money being leeched on a monthly basis from their credit card account or debit card from companies they had never even heard of?
Money they make using this dirty tactic MINUS money they spent on reimbursement (which isn't their money to begin with) = profit profit profit.
Again, I like your familiar relativity theory regarding BBB reports. That's pretty cute....
Do you realize HOW MANY folks must have complained enough to earn the distinction of UNSATISFACTORY on BBB site, not to mention various other medium -- and this, after having "resolved" the issues? ALL those folks are either crazy or just petty whiners like me but you're right, right?
So know how did you come to make a personal attack against me based on my comments?
You don't know me, have never met me, and if you did - you would know nothing could be further from the truth.
With the way this has gone it is utterly pointless to continue.
Hope you get your money back.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
For the record, that wasn't a personal attack. Based on your statements, I had to ask those questions. Just as using a rolling-laughing icon in a sarcastic manner isn't a personal attack, asking questions also isn't. You apparently don't like receiving the same treatment you give to others, that's all.
Speaking of the same treatment, before you leave here for good, let me impart my own dosage of "wisdom" to you that there's one big signifcant difference between VistaPrint and all those companies that you tried to put together in the same bed -- particularly and BH Photo. I'll challenge YOU to find a SYSTEMATIC, PERMANENT, and INTENTIONAL mechanism in anywhere in the or the BH's websites that attempt to HOOK, BAIT, and LEECH your money account.... UNBEKNOWNST to the customer and in the dark on a monthly, automatic basis....
You see, that's the problem people don't see when we grow up in a society that festers the growth of moralistic and ethical standards in relativistic terms.... We eventually fail to see the right from the wrong.
The rolling laugh was not in a sarcastic manner. I was actually laughing at your post in that you fail to see anyones point that disagrees with yours. I have no problem taking it as long as there is a point to it.
Go back and look at this thread. You are the only one in this thread that has had an issue with Vista Print. There are several that have used them on several occasions in a much greater capacity than you have. But you are the only one that was suspiciously hooked, baited, and leeched unbeknownst to you. And yet you still make the same claim instead of admitting there is a chance you made a mistake. Even after the customer service person said you didn't read the fine print- you fail to admit that is a possibility. Yes- you said you put him in his place and he didn't have a reply to your comment- but maybe he is just tired of getting the same call from people that didn't read the fine print.
Don't you see how that can be a little suspicious to everyone else?
Again hope you get your money but it is tough to believe you did absolutely everything correct and were still charged anyways. To be honest- I believe you missed something or misunderstood something just as the other complaints had. I am sure Vista Print receives 100's if not 1000's of orders a day and if they were commiting fraud it would not take long for them to be shut down.
As far as your wisdom - I only used companies that you mentioned or were mentioned in this very thread. I did not come up with any of my own- just used these to show that all companies receive complaints and I am sure all of them have received ones just like yours at some point or another.
I am sure you have several comments to make about this reply as well but lets be honest- is there even a point? You feel you were victim of fraud- others including myself disagree. Lets leave it at that and we all hope you get your money back and find a business card supplier that fits your needs.
Hopefully the next thread we cross paths in will be a more pleasant one.
How about posting some photos or your mug in one of the threads so we can all welcome you the right way?
Best of luck-
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Man, it's just amazing how you've missed the whole picture.... You're absolutely right about one thing, though, there's no point for us to continue with this silly tete-a-tete. So why don't you continue using VistaPrint and I don't? That's a pretty fair thing to say, wouldn't you agree? In fact, my own brother has used VistaPrint with absolutely no problems. The difference between you and my brother, however, is that he does pay heed to what the BBB, Rip-Off and Consumer Affairs have to say about VistaPrint instead of relativizing and trivializing the hordes of people coming out with their condemnation of the way the company conducts its business. Even if I had never been victimized by VistaPrint, my own natural instinct would instruct me to stay the hell away from the company with so many bad reports. But not YOU!!
Yea, I'm the ONLY one who came out to warn others about their seedy practice, so my report can't be all that important. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if everyone wants to continue using VistaPrint in spite of my warning. Actually, it'd be more fun to encourage more people to use VistaPrint, but my conscience won't allow it.
Nothing personal, as I don't know you as you stated earlier. You follow your own personal, inner antenna that is unique to you, and I follow mine. One thing I will introduce myself as such at this point is that I've always fought tirelessly against corruption and have always stood for consumer protectionism all my adult life. I hate corruption, period. No matter the source. And I hate with passion greedy practices by businesses and corporations where they've truly lost the distinction between what is right from wrong. People only live once. Might as well live clean and morally upright. Don't get me wrong, I'm not even a Christian.
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