Excellent, excellent, excellent, a real treat, thank you very much for that. What is it that you do to make money? Seems that's a good candidate for a mag piece. Cheers!
Thank you seastack. Im an electrician whom has always wanted to be a journalist but am seriously lacking in education in that department. Heck i would have trouble even spelling if it wasnt for the computer guiding me I often think i would like to study journalism part time though.
It seems to me that you ahve what us americans call the gift of gab.......I don't know how long it took you to knock out his story but it was well documented in both photos and text.....and yea even with spell check available we all have a tought time spelling...of course it would help if I wore my glasses when typing but I just hate bifokals...I loks so un kewl in them..........
Seriously you should just sit down and do a book on this Journey or the one to Glacier.....Dude you got the gift ......use it.
I clicked the reply button, then just stared at the keyboard for a couple of minutes trying to think of what to say.
I sat with you in Glacier and talked to you about your safari trip, some of the things that you had to trust others to do, to help take care of you and yours.
Your confidence in yourself and your family allow you to take such fantastic trips. I still don't know what to say.
Although I couldn't take a trip like this, (I'd starve to death without fast food) the thought of taking one is what every little boy fantasizes about.
You manage to bring your trips to life though your shots and your words.
Thanks for posting this thread, it was a really fun read.
And although your daughter might like the comforts of home, she's still out there with Mom and Dad, seeing the world that many of us will never see, except in photos.
As she gets to an age to were she starts telling stories to others, what stories do you think she'll tell?
So to sum it up, Gus, you're that man that a lot of us wanted to grow up to be.
Your wife is a saint, and your daughter will have the most interesting "What I did on my summer Vacation" paper ever.
I don't know what to say, but thank god Dave already said it. Thank you, Dave. Thank you, gus.
totally awesome mate, it reminds me of the time I have spent in Solomon Islands minus the volcano.
Getting out and mixing it with the native folk in their villages is the only way to get a true perspective of how they live. I wish I could go back with my digital camera
Tks Angelo. They could hide 10 feet in front of you & you have no idea they were there. They literally covered themselves in leaf litter & jumped up at you when you were about to step on them.
I'm certain if they did that right in front of me I'd create my own "litter" :lol4
Wow! I've been keeping up with this story since you started it. Several times I have started to reply, but all I could do was stare at the keyboard wishing words would come to me. I've enjoyed this thread every bit as much as a good Tom Robbins novel. What you lack in education (as you say) is more than compensated by captivating story telling ability.
Your story is my dream vacation. I feel better knowing there's still places on this over crowded glode where one can trust people.
A few years ago I "vacationed" for several weeks in Columbia and Equador. I actually went there to have a surgery my insurance would not cover after an injury. Your experience was what I hoped for. The people were similiar to your description for the most part: Beautiful, honest, caring, and loved hearing about the United States. I wsh I had went during a better political time. The few times I tried to get away from the city the police would make me return as soon as I was spotted due to guerilla activity. They said that caucasians were routinely kidnapped and held for ransom. After hearing of two whites being taken while I was there I quit pushing my luck and stayed in crowds. I hope I can return to another quiet, simple place. You're definately living a life I envy. Thanks again for sharing.
Having spent time with Gus, I can honestly say that his written stories are
every bit as good as the oral stories.
You say you haven't the education to be a journalist. But when I hear your
stories or read your writing, I would respectfully disagree. Yours is a writing
style that envelopes the reader in the story in a way I wish I could. Add to
that some fantastic photos...you certainly have a gift.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Wow, this was simply an amazing read. And those photos of the natives in leaf litter that jumped out at you as well as those close-up volcano shots just floored me. Absolutely stunning and gripping. The volcano bursts remind me of the shots of solar flares!
Wow, this was simply an amazing read. And those photos of the natives in leaf litter that jumped out at you as well as those close-up volcano shots just floored me. Absolutely stunning and gripping. The volcano bursts remind me of the shots of solar flares!
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited May 31, 2008
I hardly know what to say. It's rare enough to run across someone who has the riveting story-telling abilities you have. And for that someone to also possess the photographic skills you have is truly extraordinary.
I feel as though I was with you every step of the way on your journey and it's an escapade of life that I'll treasure forever.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It seems to me that you ahve what us americans call the gift of gab.......I don't know how long it took you to knock out his story but it was well documented in both photos and text.....and yea even with spell check available we all have a tought time spelling...of course it would help if I wore my glasses when typing
Seriously you should just sit down and do a book on this Journey or the one to Glacier.....Dude you got the gift ......use it.
Simply amazing!!
I don't know what to say, but thank god Dave already said it. Thank you, Dave. Thank you, gus.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
totally awesome mate, it reminds me of the time I have spent in Solomon Islands minus the volcano.
Getting out and mixing it with the native folk in their villages is the only way to get a true perspective of how they live. I wish I could go back with my digital camera
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Absolutely amazing images and adventure tale. You make me feel like I was actually there!
In addition to the fantastic volcano shots these two are indeed publication worthy
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I'm certain if they did that right in front of me I'd create my own "litter" :lol4
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Your story is my dream vacation. I feel better knowing there's still places on this over crowded glode where one can trust people.
A few years ago I "vacationed" for several weeks in Columbia and Equador. I actually went there to have a surgery my insurance would not cover after an injury. Your experience was what I hoped for. The people were similiar to your description for the most part: Beautiful, honest, caring, and loved hearing about the United States. I wsh I had went during a better political time. The few times I tried to get away from the city the police would make me return as soon as I was spotted due to guerilla activity. They said that caucasians were routinely kidnapped and held for ransom. After hearing of two whites being taken while I was there I quit pushing my luck and stayed in crowds. I hope I can return to another quiet, simple place. You're definately living a life I envy. Thanks again for sharing.
every bit as good as the oral stories.
You say you haven't the education to be a journalist. But when I hear your
stories or read your writing, I would respectfully disagree. Yours is a writing
style that envelopes the reader in the story in a way I wish I could. Add to
that some fantastic photos...you certainly have a gift.
Facebook Fan Page
Thank you so much for sharing.
I feel as though I was with you every step of the way on your journey and it's an escapade of life that I'll treasure forever.