- The Power Of Moving Forward-VelvtRide- Excellent exposure and theme fitting as well. I think it could be better if the truck and flames weren't centered, but I still get the sensation of movement. Nice job!
And I thought about that, too! In the end, I left it centered because of how the background was. Thanks for the feedback.
Here's the original image:
And how far away I really was:
(cropped bottom off)
That makes more sense, i though it was some kinda climbing gear
this is the same thing everyone said when i had them look at his shot no one knew with the shot explained it is way different thanks for all your feed back but one ??? what do you mean by "very interesting"
eoren1-- 35 jwear - Out the way: Very humorous. Wish the guy in the foreground was a bit sharper though.
you-- how do you think I feel that kind of shot you do the best you can no set up time . thanks for taking time to make all the comments on the shots great job
jwear - Move OUT THE WAY ---PUT DOWN THAT DAM CAMERA AND HELP ME: very interesting and funny shot
thanks for all the feed back I know it is not that easy
#35...jwear....that is such a priceless capture! Nice you had a camera handy! It brought a smile to my face.
jag thanks a great photo --no-- but a capture the folks that shoot there that I showed the shot too said yep that shows the spirit of the geese thanks for getting it your comment made my day now back to judging oh the thing was that I almost always have my 500 on but I just swapped with the 70/200 not 1 minute before they blew by me --it was my shot
convoluted << this is the same thing everyone said when i had them look at his shot no one knew <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/headscratch.gif" border="0" alt="" > with the shot explained it is way different >>
Jeff - thx for this - glad someone 'got it' in the end
Didn't want to go the 'physical movement' route and remembered I'd got some of these hip joints (from local scrapyard, possible custom ball head use!).
Decided to try to convey what someone was hoping to be able to do (in life) as the result of a successful op(eration)
Centred this on the ball (as most crucial part of the device) - hence map / compass reflection and being the lightest part of the image (light at end of tunnel aspect) - thus bg de-saturation / slight blurring.
Was an interesting (and useful) 'light tent' exercise (as had to make something) controlling / lighting the ball reflections - so nowt lost there - but I obviously overdid the bit about wanting ppl to have to look more than once to 'get' what's happening
Unsure what I'll vote for atm - but there's an obvious clue to the preferred type of image above ...
I much enjoyed the challenge. Thanks to all the other entrants!
Overall, my feeling was that the entries which developed the emotional-psychological meaning of the words “Moving Forward” better satisfied the theme title as it is most commonly used and understood. My impression of some entries was that they were entered on the strength of their photographic qualities almost to the disregard of the meaning of the theme, with only a forced and literal connection. I found that disappointing because I feel that the potential challenge in the theme title to represent the typical meaning of the words “Moving Forward” was not really taken on board. And so an opportunity was lost.
My three favs are –
Shatch #5 A Change of Heart - An image with visual and emotional punch. Makes visible an emotional-psychological process which we recognise as "Moving Forward" (though some changes of heart might not be quite so easy as 1-2!). Very pared-down yet keeping the eye’s attention to repeatedly scan back and forth. Beautiful handling of all the elements of subject, color, shade and movement. Congratulations!
MrsCue #5 Another year older - Beautiful chiaroscuro! Intimate. Very still, yet with that rush of a child’s breath which we can see will finally extinguish the candle flames, like the force of time which extinguishes to our relief some of the past in those timeless moments which mark our “Moving Forward”. Congratulations!
Imax #38 Debt Consolidation - Strongly visually stimulating, captures the magical attraction of fire and destruction. This image is a kind of mosaic. The sight of the chains around our necks of bills and demon credit cards being consumed and becoming ash evokes a sigh of relief and a sensation of release which are at the core of the meaning of “Moving Forward”. Congratulations!
57 Jwill - final parting: Great capture - can’t believe you managed to get the Dunhill in such focus! A great concept for the theme. The yellow is distracting and I can’t help but wonder how this would have played in black and white.
Thanks Eoren1 - 'tis my first competition:D. That was captured the night before - I was hoping the colour might give the Dunhill packet a bit more pop, but twas not to be.
I love your shot, congratulations on making it to the top 10
Notes on my voting system:
I have stayed away from all of the challenge threads for the past two weeks (the hard part!). I had my husband download all of the images with titles only and remove any copyrights after the entry thread closed. I had no idea whose image was whose. I individually looked at every image, giving points for technique, creativity, styling, composition, originality and meeting the theme. I then wrote feedback for the image before moving on to the next. When I was completely finished doing this for every entry, I then pulled my top ten highest scorers. At that point I went to the entry thread and assigned names (that was the coolest part!).
It has been an honor judging all of your work!
Here are my top 10. It's been difficult choosing these. Some pics that are not here were technically perfect but didn't excite an emotion in me. Others I felt didn't fit the theme. In order of entry -
Discuss! Discuss!!
Great Job Ladies...I was happy to see that a few that I chose were in the top ten.
Greensquared...Loved how you came to your method of choosing top 10...Kudos to your hubby for helping you out....!!
Looking forward to the next round and congrats to the qualifying finalists!!
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
Howdy Tentacion. So nice to read that you like my entry. Thanks!
Don't laugh, but your photo reminded me of "Birth" yeah I know strange analogy of your photo.
Nice to see ya around Professor
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
eoren148 The Curious Camel - Full speed ahead: Took me a second to realize this was a toy boat. Very nice capture with the boat moving toward the viewer. Nice spray. Well composed and captured. Just missed my top10
I want to thank the judges for their time and for all those who have commented on the other photos. It's always great to get some feedback to help you move forward with your own photography.
Thanks so much for everyone's kind comments on my Paddling shot. I'm always amazed at seeing all of the great photos that get entered in these contests, and I'm so honored to have made the top 10 in both judge's lists. Good luck to everyone!! (And Thanks, Gail)
Feedback on remaining entries<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #3 – jeffmyers - The New Day Wars Against the Darkness<o:p></o:p> Awesome sky shot! A little weak on theme, but still really cool.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #4 – darkdragon – Enron Style<o:p></o:p> I don't see this one really speaking the theme, so it's difficult to get past that. It's a neat angle, but I feel the lighting could be better…a flashlight perhaps?<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #6 – Netgarden – for Survival<o:p></o:p> Great capture. A lot of noise though, so I'm assuming this was heavily cropped? Would like to see sharper detail, which I know is always easier said than done!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #7 – Pat664422 – new growth<o:p></o:p> Lovely delicate image with nice composition. Still a bit of a stretch on the theme for me.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #8 – davev – Moving On<o:p></o:p> Fantastically exposed night shot. Definitely hits the theme.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #9 – ifocus – The Moment Prior<o:p></o:p> I love the feel of this image. Truly well done. Your subject's body posture seems quite relaxed though, saying more "contemplation" to me. Without the title I would assume he is having a peaceful moment watching the sunrise.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #10 – ConfusedUs – Steppin’ Through<o:p></o:p> Really nice leading lines and great B&W conversion. The only thing I can think that would have made this image stronger emotionally would have been to have the subjects be a man and a woman, perhaps holding hands. This could have tied the image in to the theme metaphorically as well as literally.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #11 – pemmett – For the cause <o:p></o:p> Very highly styled image, great pp choices. The message here does not meet the theme for me unfortunately, but I love the image regardless.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #12 – Travis – She’s going the distance, she’s going for speed<o:p></o:p> Great shot showing will and determination. Definitely strong on the and technically very well done. Personally I would prefer a smidgen more space above her head, but otherwise great job.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #13 – MrsCue – Another year older<o:p></o:p> What a special moment! I love the colors in this image and the light is nice. The focal point seems a bit off though. I'd really like to see the eyes and candles sharper. A tighter crop may also push this image further.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #14 – mmmatt – Waiting for her world to change<o:p></o:p> Very nice dreamy feel, great interpretation of the theme. Nice pp choices.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #15 – achambers – Out of the Mud<o:p></o:p> What a blast! Definitely moving forward! The lighting could be better and you may want to darken the foreground to help with that. Removing the bright light in the top right corner may also help to strengthen the image.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #16 – tag – Waterfall forward into summer<o:p></o:p> Definitely meets theme with powerful forward motion. Love Snoqualmie. I think I'd prefer a little more detail at the bottom of the image, but a beautiful portrayal of a beautiful area.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #19 – Tentacion – I feel the need for SPEED<o:p></o:p> Meets the theme and the comp is fine, but the light isn't working for me (on camera flash?). You may want to try reducing the saturation way down, or even total B&W, and playing with curves. You may also want to clone out the window in the background.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #23 – Vanquiz – Fly to the Sun<o:p></o:p> Good creative idea. The color and motion are working for me. There seem to be some issues with artifacts here though, which may be due to the tricky exposure.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #24 – jeffreaux2 – Released<o:p></o:p> Spot on the theme! Great lighting and detail. I would probably crop off the left portion including the walkway to strengthen the comp and perhaps remove the bright overhead spotlights. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #25 – puzzledpaul – Life after the op<o:p></o:p> Okay, so I had to Google the numbers on this thing to figure out what it was. A hip replacement device, right? So if you've had the op, why is it sitting on your shoes? I must be missing something here. Technically the shot is good and the comp is too. I really like the window in the reflection.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #26 – dcorrin – SOARING EASTWARD<o:p></o:p> Really nice sunset image, great colors and exposure. Says "Moving Upward" more than "Moving Forward" to me, however.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #27 – hawkeye978 – Renewal<o:p></o:p> Really lovely image with a painterly quality. A bit of a stretch on the theme for me.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #28 – Shudderz – Soul Flight<o:p></o:p> Very nice exposure and love the message. Personally I think making this more of a vertical crop may strengthen the image, removing the left half. Nice work with the vignette.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #29 – wesscott – Contemplation<o:p></o:p> Really lovely composition and feel. Contemplation seems more of a pause in life as opposed to moving forward, however. There is some strange coloration in the sky as though something was removed and I'm having a little trouble with the tree looking "cut out" because of that. Overall, very nice image though.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #30 – barrotj – Life<o:p></o:p> Lovely floral shot. A bit of a stretch on the theme for me. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #31 – jrnylst – Warm Up<o:p></o:p> Dang that guy looks way too happy for being out in those conditions! Very nice comp and definitely meets the theme.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #32 – KurtPreston – Smartly with Precision and Grace<o:p></o:p> Great colors and feel. I only wish there were more separation between the planes as it makes the image a tad confusing. Definitely on theme.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #33 – kwalsh – Forwards, Backwards and Sideways<o:p></o:p> Cool shot! I think it may benefit from more of a horizontal crop.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #34 – cmurph – trot on<o:p></o:p> Great pose…I know shooting in these conditions can be really tough. Very well done.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #35 – jwear – Move<o:p></o:p> Oh man, what a great moment! Love the comp, crop and color, just wish the sharpness were there. Made me laugh like crazy though! <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #36 – JAG – And jumping for joy in the rain<o:p></o:p> You've captured a wonderful moment here, exhibiting intense concentration. Exposure looks good, but I think I'd try a vertical crop and placing the subject off center.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #38 – imax – Debt Consolidation<o:p></o:p> Without reading the title this seems more like "Debt Elimination", which would pull the theme in stronger for me personally. It definitely hits on emotions though, as we all have specific feelings regarding debt. Overall, it works.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #40 – swintonphoto – Burning Pain<o:p></o:p> Great image, nice comp and exposure. Not quite sure how this one fits the theme though. (Note: After going through and reading the supporting information, I now understand how it fits the theme. Very touching, high-quality photojournalism.)<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #41 – Karrie McD – One Life/One Step at a Time<o:p></o:p> Really wonderful light and exposure. Not really strong on the theme for me. I think cropping some off the left may help push this image further, as well as removing the bright red object on the stairs.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #42 – explorish – no parking<o:p></o:p> This image is strong for me, although the car coming towards the viewer confuses the message a little. Could do with a little more contrast, especially in the foreground tire. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #43 – thegreenegg – Moving On by Moving Forward<o:p></o:p> While this image is emotion evoking, it's message says more of "depression, sorrow, somber", than "Moving Forward" for me. The dof is really good, as is the exposure, but you may want to try working on the colors. (Note: Once again, I viewed the supporting information as an after fact.)<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #44 – NeilL – Breakthrough<o:p></o:p> Interesting interpretation of the theme and definitely marks for originality. I am having difficulty with the composite work, however, and the loss of detail in the hair. Very creative though.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #45 – Samsplace – Moving Force – First Second & Third Gear<o:p></o:p> Technically good, A stationary engine just doesn't say "Moving Forward" to me, however. Put that puppy on the road and open it up…now we'd be talking!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #46 – Cswinton – Learning to Stand<o:p></o:p> Another cute baby shot! Love it. I'd probably try cropping a little off the left so it wasn't quite so centered. Those toes are adorable!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #47 – Dee – Fast Forward<o:p></o:p> I love the water in this. Really great capture. The noise on the guy is quite troublesome, however. Playing with the curves on him might help.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #48 – The Curious Camel – Full Speed Ahead<o:p></o:p> I like it! Great comp. I wish the light was not quite so "middle of the day" looking, but otherwise a great, fun image and very well done.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #49 – mwgrice – Stride<o:p></o:p> Great unique take on the theme. Definitely implies motion (even if it makes me a little motion sick to look at!!). I like it though and feel it works well.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #51 – SunsetSailor – Braving the Elements<o:p></o:p> Great detail in the face, however, this one is a bit of a stretch on the theme for me. It could use a little more dof, and the bright corners are distracting. I'd probably try cropping some off the bottom, which will also help strengthen the composition, and then darken the remaining bright outer areas.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #52 – Eric&Susan – A Kid At Heart<o:p></o:p> Fun interpretation of the theme. Technically it falls a little short for me, however. The focus seems to be more on the shorts than on the feet and the image needs straightening. Personally I would also wish for softer light (golden hour). <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #53 – RoguePhotographer – Time Goes On<o:p></o:p> Definitely meets the theme, but some creative styling might help to push this image further (antique clock, motion in the second hand, creative light).<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #54 – TPBinKC – Looking Up<o:p></o:p> Wow…awesome shot. Really love the whole thing. I'm seeing a lot of artifacts in the sky, which is a shame. Not super strong on theme, but it works.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #55 – fashiznitsngrins – Onward and Upward – One Leg at a Time<o:p></o:p> Cool bug shot and definitely meets the theme. Great color, comp & crop, could use a little more sharpness though. I'm also finding the bright foliage in the top left corner and bottom right edge distracting, so you may want to consider removing those.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #56 – aktse – Full Speed Ahead<o:p></o:p> Definitely hits the theme and has great composition. I am thinking it would look great with a good black and white conversion.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #57 – Jwill – The Final Parting<o:p></o:p> This one takes a little looking at. The comp is generally good, but without reading the title, I was tempted to think he had just run out and was on his way to the shops to get more. Perhaps showing the box open and full? I think it would also help if the box were a little closer to the garbage can to help distinguish it. Great concept though.<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> #58 – Jfreeman – A Clean Shave<o:p></o:p> Wonderful exposure here…really excellent on technique. Expression is spot on. My main suggestion is a heavier duty razor, otherwise, super interpretation. Oh, and just because I couldn't enter doesn't mean I had an excuse not to shoot! <o:p> </o:p> <o:p></o:p>
#45 – Samsplace – Moving Force – First Second & Third Gear<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Technically good, A stationary engine just doesn't say "Moving Forward" to me, however. Put that puppy on the road and open it up…now we'd be talking!<o:p></o:p>
Hi Emily
Thank you for your review. The puppy can do that, but the the clean up afterwards is time consuming.
Take Nothing But Memories:rofl Kill Nothing But Time :clap Leave Nothing But Footprints :thumb
Thank you
This is fun, I am glad to be a part of this forum, I get a lot from it!
I have gone through all the entries. I know I like to hear what people have to say about my photo so I just want to return the favor. I tend to lean towards photos that stir up some kind of emotion in me. However, that is very subjective and it should not be taken personal if I have said your photo does not stand out for me.
2. pyroPrints; I love this photo. It fits the theme well. I like the darkness of the photo…adds to the mystery of what lies ahead.
3. Jeffmeyers; I really like the intensity of the clouds and nice framing with the trees.
4. darkdragon; Nice composition and humor.
5. Shatch; Wow! One of my favorites.
6. Netgarden; Nice capture! Very good photo but doesn’t work for me on fitting well in the theme.
7. Pat664422; Nice composition but the background is distracting.
8. Davev; I really like this photo. Great job…good composition.
9. Ifocus; This is a great-thought-provoking photo but, for me, it doesn’t fit the theme.
10. ConfusedUs; fun pattern photo, nice composition
11. pemmet; A neat photo but I really don’t get it. Could you please explain what the cause is…and how is this moving forward? Thanks
12. Travis; Great photo, well done and fits the theme perfect. I don’t understand why she looks mad though.
13. Mrs. Cue; I really like this one a lot. Great capture and I like the lighting. Fits the theme.
14. mmmatt; fits the theme perfectly and the photo is pretty good. It seems a little slanted and the noise is a little distracting.
15. achambers; fits the theme but the photo just doesn’t stand out for me. I think I like the other one you had up a little better.
16. tag; pretty waterfall picture but doesn’t fit the theme
17. velvtRide; way cool shot. Not something you see everyday… fits the theme very well!!
18. redkulas; got my vote, would crop out the bar at the bottom though.
19. tentacion; fits the theme but…I don’t know…just doesn’t do anything for me.
20. jvismara; very interesting and thought provoking photo.
21. crazyphotography; funny. Good photo great composition. Would like to see a little more detail in the chicken though.
22. eoren1; one of my favorites. Well done and fits the theme great.
23. Vanquiz; neat photo well done, I get the sensation of flying into the sun…but I don’t see the theme here
24. jeffreaux2; perfect
25. puzzledpaul; this photo had me puzzled…couldn’t figure it out. However, after reading your replies to some of the comments I understand now.
26. dcorrin; very pretty photo…just doesn’t stand out for me though
27. hawkeye978; nice photo, good composition but doesn’t fit the theme all that great for me.
28. shudderz; very well done, very pretty and interesting. Love the pp
29. wesscott; this photo provokes thought but doesn’t fit the theme and would like to see different pp…something to make it a stronger photo a better sky would do the job I think.
30. barrotj; nice flower shot, good composition….as far as the theme goes -just doesn’t stand out for me.
31. jrnylst; well…it is a good photo but just doesn’t really do anything for me…maybe a different angle would make it more interesting.
32. KurtPreston; neat shot I think it would have been stronger if they were more to the right of the photo –giving them more room to fly
33. kwalsh; I like this photo…I can look at it for a while but I think it is a stretch on fitting the theme…you added to much to the concept I think.
34. cmurph; this photo makes me smile…it seems a bit humorous to me even though I don’t think humor was intended.
35. jwear; ha ha ha too funny…good capture
36. jag; would like to see from a different angle…I know probably not much you could have done about that though.
37. nikonsandVstroms; way to cool, I love this photo it is sooooo neat…however, because of my own ignorance I didn’t see how it represented moving forward…I don’t think I know what porter means.
38. imax; great job with the theme and the photo!
39. HoorClix; fits the theme, nice angle, good timing you’ve got a floating horse.
40. swintonphoto; very interesting and touching photo well done!
41. Mine… thanks for the comments!! This is a cemetary in Fredericksburg VA. There is a candle or two lit for every grave. Each grave has at least one American soldier in it. Most of them are unknown. I wish I would have taken another exposure for the candles so they would not have been blown out in the photograph. My thought on the theme was that each one American life gone = one step forward in American history. I just wanted to provoke thought.
42. explorish; neat photo but I don’t see the theme here.
43. thegreenegg; without your explanation I would not have understood why you entered this photo.
44. NeilL; wow…beautiful…really great job…I am intrigued.
45. samsplace; nice colors, but I don’t know anything about engines so I wouldn’t have got the theme in this photo without the title.
46. CSWinton; too cute! Fits the theme great.
47. Dee; I can’t see the photo.
48. The Curious Camel; nice picture of a little boat, fits the theme well but doesn’t stand out for me.
49. mwgrice; maybe would have been better if there was a little less motion blur and the crop was a little different.
50. kubben; beautiful…I said wow the first time I looked at it!
51. sunsetsailor; very nice photo but it doesn’t fit the theme for me.
52. Eric&Susan; well you sure did captured moving forward alright!
53. RoguePhotographer; I think this would have been a little better if you had shown some motion blur on the second hand. Doesn’t really stand out for me though.
54. TPBinKC; this is my favorite photo. Great job beautiful photograph! I would hang it on my wall!!! (it’s not the most creative as far as the theme goes though)
55. flashiznitsngrins; very good photo, well done…the colors stand out well. I’m not one for insects though.
56. aktse; fits the theme but doesn’t stir any emotion in me.
57. Jwill; I really like this photo and I like your take on the theme. I noticed the pack of cigarettes right away and knew what you were saying. I am an exsmoker so I can relate. Well done!! I probably would have voted for this if it made it to the poll.
58. JFreeman; this photo makes me smile. Well done!! I’m just not sure what your moving forward message is though.
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."
Ah I was not able to put my pic online Sunday night for this. Busy weekend. I'd just like to note my favorites.
jwear - Out the way!
Kubben - High Seas
Jeffreaux - Released
eoren1 - Baby Steps
VelvtRide - Power!! :wow
davev - moving on
pyroprints - O
KurtPreston - Precision and Grace
tag - Waterfall
I think all the entries were nice, but these stood out to me and I felt fit the theme well.
Canon 40D : Canon 400D : Canon Elan 7NE : Canon 580EX : 2 x Canon 430EX : Canon 24-70 f2.8L : Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM : Canon 28-135mm f/3.5 IS : 18-55mm f/3.5 : 4GB Sandisk Extreme III : 2GB Sandisk Extreme III : 2 x 1GB Sandisk Ultra II : Sekonik L358
#44 – NeilL – Breakthrough<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I am having difficulty with the composite work.
I felt a little hurt that my work was described as "snap shot quality".
Maybe it was because I have been put through the ringer this month with my family. Maybe I am feeling a little more sensitive than usual after finding out I am pregnant again! With child number 9! My 16 yr old daughters prom. My 19 yr old daughter getting knocked down by a car. My son having dental treatment.
And then thought to myself, it's all subjective, shrug it off and wait to see what others have to say.
I had to leave it until now anyway, because I had to focus on my 4 year old son who had to have two teeth out today. Hearing the words, "your child may pass away while he is under anaesthetic", made the words "snap shot quality" seem miniscule.
And having that picture brings an even greater meaning to me, today, than it did before.
I WAS going to photoshop the bg a little more, even change my entry for my daughters prom picture, Her night to shine, or, my daughter running toward some white cliffs, Runaway but I thought, no leave it.
It said everything to me. Moving forward another year as well as moving forward to blow out her candles, as well as the flames being blown forward.
Oh well, roll on the next challenge. Maybe I will have a better month with my family and maybe I will do better image wise.
Thank you EVERYONE for your cc. For the positive as well as the negative.
I get knocked down, I pick myself back up, I dust myself off and learn from it all. I "move forward". (Hehe sorry couldn't resist that )
Canon EOS 40D, Canon EOS 350D, 50mm 1.8 MKII prime lens, 17-40mm f/4 L lens, 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS lens, 430 EX speedlite, Tungsten Continuous studio light, Pocket Wizards, Gary Fong Lightsphere, Stofen Omni bounce diffuser, 5in1 reflector
He has 3 jet engines behind that truck. Absolutely amazing!
And I thought about that, too! In the end, I left it centered because of how the background was. Thanks for the feedback.
Here's the original image:
And how far away I really was:
(cropped bottom off)
It was insane how much smoke he created!
this is the same thing everyone said when i had them look at his shot no one knew
you-- how do you think I feel
jwear - Move OUT THE WAY ---PUT DOWN THAT DAM CAMERA AND HELP ME: very interesting and funny shot
thanks for all the feed back I know it is not that easy
#35...jwear....that is such a priceless capture! Nice you had a camera handy! It brought a smile to my face.
jag thanks a great photo --no-- but a capture
<< this is the same thing everyone said when i had them look at his shot no one knew <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/headscratch.gif" border="0" alt="" > with the shot explained it is way different >>
Jeff - thx for this - glad someone 'got it' in the end
Didn't want to go the 'physical movement' route and remembered I'd got some of these hip joints (from local scrapyard, possible custom ball head use!).
Decided to try to convey what someone was hoping to be able to do (in life) as the result of a successful op(eration)
Centred this on the ball (as most crucial part of the device) - hence map / compass reflection and being the lightest part of the image (light at end of tunnel aspect) - thus bg de-saturation / slight blurring.
Was an interesting (and useful) 'light tent' exercise (as had to make something) controlling / lighting the ball reflections - so nowt lost there - but I obviously overdid the bit about wanting ppl to have to look more than once to 'get' what's happening
Unsure what I'll vote for atm - but there's an obvious clue to the preferred type of image above ...
Overall, my feeling was that the entries which developed the emotional-psychological meaning of the words “Moving Forward” better satisfied the theme title as it is most commonly used and understood. My impression of some entries was that they were entered on the strength of their photographic qualities almost to the disregard of the meaning of the theme, with only a forced and literal connection. I found that disappointing because I feel that the potential challenge in the theme title to represent the typical meaning of the words “Moving Forward” was not really taken on board. And so an opportunity was lost.
My three favs are –
Shatch #5 A Change of Heart - An image with visual and emotional punch. Makes visible an emotional-psychological process which we recognise as "Moving Forward" (though some changes of heart might not be quite so easy as 1-2!). Very pared-down yet keeping the eye’s attention to repeatedly scan back and forth. Beautiful handling of all the elements of subject, color, shade and movement. Congratulations!
MrsCue #5 Another year older - Beautiful chiaroscuro! Intimate. Very still, yet with that rush of a child’s breath which we can see will finally extinguish the candle flames, like the force of time which extinguishes to our relief some of the past in those timeless moments which mark our “Moving Forward”. Congratulations!
Imax #38 Debt Consolidation - Strongly visually stimulating, captures the magical attraction of fire and destruction. This image is a kind of mosaic. The sight of the chains around our necks of bills and demon credit cards being consumed and becoming ash evokes a sigh of relief and a sensation of release which are at the core of the meaning of “Moving Forward”. Congratulations!
Let's all give them a great big thank you!
...and don't forget to vote.
Thanks Eoren1 - 'tis my first competition:D. That was captured the night before - I was hoping the colour might give the Dunhill packet a bit more pop, but twas not to be.
I love your shot, congratulations on making it to the top 10
Howdy Tentacion. So nice to read that you like my entry. Thanks!
Dear JAG, I'm delighted to be in your list of favs! Thanks!
Great Job Ladies...I was happy to see that a few that I chose were in the top ten.
Greensquared...Loved how you came to your method of choosing top 10...Kudos to your hubby for helping you out....!!
Looking forward to the next round and congrats to the qualifying finalists!!
Don't laugh, but your photo reminded me of "Birth" yeah I know strange analogy of your photo.
Nice to see ya around Professor
Birth? Yeah! That's spot on, don'cha know! Now, if that ain't movin' forward... hehe!
I must say your entry captured a lot of energy. The intensity in that girl speedball's face is summit to b-e-h-o-l-d!
Best regards to you!
Congrats to all in the top ten.
Thank you for your kind critque.
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
peace, gail
<o:p> </o:p>
#3 – jeffmyers - The New Day Wars Against the Darkness<o:p></o:p>
Awesome sky shot! A little weak on theme, but still really cool.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#4 – darkdragon – Enron Style<o:p></o:p>
I don't see this one really speaking the theme, so it's difficult to get past that. It's a neat angle, but I feel the lighting could be better…a flashlight perhaps?<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#6 – Netgarden – for Survival<o:p></o:p>
Great capture. A lot of noise though, so I'm assuming this was heavily cropped? Would like to see sharper detail, which I know is always easier said than done!<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#7 – Pat664422 – new growth<o:p></o:p>
Lovely delicate image with nice composition. Still a bit of a stretch on the theme for me.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#8 – davev – Moving On<o:p></o:p>
Fantastically exposed night shot. Definitely hits the theme.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#9 – ifocus – The Moment Prior<o:p></o:p>
I love the feel of this image. Truly well done. Your subject's body posture seems quite relaxed though, saying more "contemplation" to me. Without the title I would assume he is having a peaceful moment watching the sunrise.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#10 – ConfusedUs – Steppin’ Through<o:p></o:p>
Really nice leading lines and great B&W conversion. The only thing I can think that would have made this image stronger emotionally would have been to have the subjects be a man and a woman, perhaps holding hands. This could have tied the image in to the theme metaphorically as well as literally.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#11 – pemmett – For the cause <o:p></o:p>
Very highly styled image, great pp choices. The message here does not meet the theme for me unfortunately, but I love the image regardless.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#12 – Travis – She’s going the distance, she’s going for speed<o:p></o:p>
Great shot showing will and determination. Definitely strong on the and technically very well done. Personally I would prefer a smidgen more space above her head, but otherwise great job.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#13 – MrsCue – Another year older<o:p></o:p>
What a special moment! I love the colors in this image and the light is nice. The focal point seems a bit off though. I'd really like to see the eyes and candles sharper. A tighter crop may also push this image further.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#14 – mmmatt – Waiting for her world to change<o:p></o:p>
Very nice dreamy feel, great interpretation of the theme. Nice pp choices.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#15 – achambers – Out of the Mud<o:p></o:p>
What a blast! Definitely moving forward! The lighting could be better and you may want to darken the foreground to help with that. Removing the bright light in the top right corner may also help to strengthen the image.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#16 – tag – Waterfall forward into summer<o:p></o:p>
Definitely meets theme with powerful forward motion. Love Snoqualmie. I think I'd prefer a little more detail at the bottom of the image, but a beautiful portrayal of a beautiful area.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#19 – Tentacion – I feel the need for SPEED<o:p></o:p>
Meets the theme and the comp is fine, but the light isn't working for me (on camera flash?). You may want to try reducing the saturation way down, or even total B&W, and playing with curves. You may also want to clone out the window in the background.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#23 – Vanquiz – Fly to the Sun<o:p></o:p>
Good creative idea. The color and motion are working for me. There seem to be some issues with artifacts here though, which may be due to the tricky exposure.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#24 – jeffreaux2 – Released<o:p></o:p>
Spot on the theme! Great lighting and detail. I would probably crop off the left portion including the walkway to strengthen the comp and perhaps remove the bright overhead spotlights. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#25 – puzzledpaul – Life after the op<o:p></o:p>
Okay, so I had to Google the numbers on this thing to figure out what it was. A hip replacement device, right? So if you've had the op, why is it sitting on your shoes? I must be missing something here. Technically the shot is good and the comp is too. I really like the window in the reflection.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#26 – dcorrin – SOARING EASTWARD<o:p></o:p>
Really nice sunset image, great colors and exposure. Says "Moving Upward" more than "Moving Forward" to me, however.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#27 – hawkeye978 – Renewal<o:p></o:p>
Really lovely image with a painterly quality. A bit of a stretch on the theme for me.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#28 – Shudderz – Soul Flight<o:p></o:p>
Very nice exposure and love the message. Personally I think making this more of a vertical crop may strengthen the image, removing the left half. Nice work with the vignette.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#29 – wesscott – Contemplation<o:p></o:p>
Really lovely composition and feel. Contemplation seems more of a pause in life as opposed to moving forward, however. There is some strange coloration in the sky as though something was removed and I'm having a little trouble with the tree looking "cut out" because of that. Overall, very nice image though.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#30 – barrotj – Life<o:p></o:p>
Lovely floral shot. A bit of a stretch on the theme for me. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#31 – jrnylst – Warm Up<o:p></o:p>
Dang that guy looks way too happy for being out in those conditions! Very nice comp and definitely meets the theme.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#32 – KurtPreston – Smartly with Precision and Grace<o:p></o:p>
Great colors and feel. I only wish there were more separation between the planes as it makes the image a tad confusing. Definitely on theme.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#33 – kwalsh – Forwards, Backwards and Sideways<o:p></o:p>
Cool shot! I think it may benefit from more of a horizontal crop.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#34 – cmurph – trot on<o:p></o:p>
Great pose…I know shooting in these conditions can be really tough. Very well done.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#35 – jwear – Move<o:p></o:p>
Oh man, what a great moment! Love the comp, crop and color, just wish the sharpness were there. Made me laugh like crazy though! <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#36 – JAG – And jumping for joy in the rain<o:p></o:p>
You've captured a wonderful moment here, exhibiting intense concentration. Exposure looks good, but I think I'd try a vertical crop and placing the subject off center.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#38 – imax – Debt Consolidation<o:p></o:p>
Without reading the title this seems more like "Debt Elimination", which would pull the theme in stronger for me personally. It definitely hits on emotions though, as we all have specific feelings regarding debt. Overall, it works.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#40 – swintonphoto – Burning Pain<o:p></o:p>
Great image, nice comp and exposure. Not quite sure how this one fits the theme though. (Note: After going through and reading the supporting information, I now understand how it fits the theme. Very touching, high-quality photojournalism.)<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#41 – Karrie McD – One Life/One Step at a Time<o:p></o:p>
Really wonderful light and exposure. Not really strong on the theme for me. I think cropping some off the left may help push this image further, as well as removing the bright red object on the stairs.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#42 – explorish – no parking<o:p></o:p>
This image is strong for me, although the car coming towards the viewer confuses the message a little. Could do with a little more contrast, especially in the foreground tire. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#43 – thegreenegg – Moving On by Moving Forward<o:p></o:p>
While this image is emotion evoking, it's message says more of "depression, sorrow, somber", than "Moving Forward" for me. The dof is really good, as is the exposure, but you may want to try working on the colors. (Note: Once again, I viewed the supporting information as an after fact.)<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#44 – NeilL – Breakthrough<o:p></o:p>
Interesting interpretation of the theme and definitely marks for originality. I am having difficulty with the composite work, however, and the loss of detail in the hair. Very creative though.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#45 – Samsplace – Moving Force – First Second & Third Gear<o:p></o:p>
Technically good, A stationary engine just doesn't say "Moving Forward" to me, however. Put that puppy on the road and open it up…now we'd be talking!<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#46 – Cswinton – Learning to Stand<o:p></o:p>
Another cute baby shot! Love it. I'd probably try cropping a little off the left so it wasn't quite so centered. Those toes are adorable!<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#47 – Dee – Fast Forward<o:p></o:p>
I love the water in this. Really great capture. The noise on the guy is quite troublesome, however. Playing with the curves on him might help.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#48 – The Curious Camel – Full Speed Ahead<o:p></o:p>
I like it! Great comp. I wish the light was not quite so "middle of the day" looking, but otherwise a great, fun image and very well done.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#49 – mwgrice – Stride<o:p></o:p>
Great unique take on the theme. Definitely implies motion (even if it makes me a little motion sick to look at!!). I like it though and feel it works well.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#51 – SunsetSailor – Braving the Elements<o:p></o:p>
Great detail in the face, however, this one is a bit of a stretch on the theme for me. It could use a little more dof, and the bright corners are distracting. I'd probably try cropping some off the bottom, which will also help strengthen the composition, and then darken the remaining bright outer areas.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#52 – Eric&Susan – A Kid At Heart<o:p></o:p>
Fun interpretation of the theme. Technically it falls a little short for me, however. The focus seems to be more on the shorts than on the feet and the image needs straightening. Personally I would also wish for softer light (golden hour). <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#53 – RoguePhotographer – Time Goes On<o:p></o:p>
Definitely meets the theme, but some creative styling might help to push this image further (antique clock, motion in the second hand, creative light).<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#54 – TPBinKC – Looking Up<o:p></o:p>
Wow…awesome shot. Really love the whole thing. I'm seeing a lot of artifacts in the sky, which is a shame. Not super strong on theme, but it works.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#55 – fashiznitsngrins – Onward and Upward – One Leg at a Time<o:p></o:p>
Cool bug shot and definitely meets the theme. Great color, comp & crop, could use a little more sharpness though. I'm also finding the bright foliage in the top left corner and bottom right edge distracting, so you may want to consider removing those.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#56 – aktse – Full Speed Ahead<o:p></o:p>
Definitely hits the theme and has great composition. I am thinking it would look great with a good black and white conversion.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#57 – Jwill – The Final Parting<o:p></o:p>
This one takes a little looking at. The comp is generally good, but without reading the title, I was tempted to think he had just run out and was on his way to the shops to get more. Perhaps showing the box open and full? I think it would also help if the box were a little closer to the garbage can to help distinguish it. Great concept though.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
#58 – Jfreeman – A Clean Shave<o:p></o:p>
Wonderful exposure here…really excellent on technique. Expression is spot on. My main suggestion is a heavier duty razor, otherwise, super interpretation.
Oh, and just because I couldn't enter doesn't mean I had an excuse not to shoot!
<o:p> </o:p>
Peace, gail
Technically good, A stationary engine just doesn't say "Moving Forward" to me, however. Put that puppy on the road and open it up…now we'd be talking!<o:p></o:p>
Hi Emily
Thank you for your review. The puppy can do that, but the the clean up afterwards is time consuming.
Kill Nothing But Time :clap
Leave Nothing But Footprints :thumb
Good luck to all the others!
thanks all for the critique effort. as usual the most rewarding thing in these challenges.
like the baby steps photo a lot.
This is fun, I am glad to be a part of this forum, I get a lot from it!
I have gone through all the entries. I know I like to hear what people have to say about my photo so I just want to return the favor. I tend to lean towards photos that stir up some kind of emotion in me. However, that is very subjective and it should not be taken personal if I have said your photo does not stand out for me.
2. pyroPrints; I love this photo. It fits the theme well. I like the darkness of the photo…adds to the mystery of what lies ahead.
3. Jeffmeyers; I really like the intensity of the clouds and nice framing with the trees.
4. darkdragon; Nice composition and humor.
5. Shatch; Wow! One of my favorites.
6. Netgarden; Nice capture! Very good photo but doesn’t work for me on fitting well in the theme.
7. Pat664422; Nice composition but the background is distracting.
8. Davev; I really like this photo. Great job…good composition.
9. Ifocus; This is a great-thought-provoking photo but, for me, it doesn’t fit the theme.
10. ConfusedUs; fun pattern photo, nice composition
11. pemmet; A neat photo but I really don’t get it. Could you please explain what the cause is…and how is this moving forward? Thanks
12. Travis; Great photo, well done and fits the theme perfect. I don’t understand why she looks mad though.
13. Mrs. Cue; I really like this one a lot. Great capture and I like the lighting. Fits the theme.
14. mmmatt; fits the theme perfectly and the photo is pretty good. It seems a little slanted and the noise is a little distracting.
15. achambers; fits the theme but the photo just doesn’t stand out for me. I think I like the other one you had up a little better.
16. tag; pretty waterfall picture but doesn’t fit the theme
17. velvtRide; way cool shot. Not something you see everyday… fits the theme very well!!
18. redkulas; got my vote, would crop out the bar at the bottom though.
19. tentacion; fits the theme but…I don’t know…just doesn’t do anything for me.
20. jvismara; very interesting and thought provoking photo.
21. crazyphotography; funny. Good photo great composition. Would like to see a little more detail in the chicken though.
22. eoren1; one of my favorites. Well done and fits the theme great.
23. Vanquiz; neat photo well done, I get the sensation of flying into the sun…but I don’t see the theme here
24. jeffreaux2; perfect
25. puzzledpaul; this photo had me puzzled…couldn’t figure it out. However, after reading your replies to some of the comments I understand now.
26. dcorrin; very pretty photo…just doesn’t stand out for me though
27. hawkeye978; nice photo, good composition but doesn’t fit the theme all that great for me.
28. shudderz; very well done, very pretty and interesting. Love the pp
29. wesscott; this photo provokes thought but doesn’t fit the theme and would like to see different pp…something to make it a stronger photo a better sky would do the job I think.
30. barrotj; nice flower shot, good composition….as far as the theme goes -just doesn’t stand out for me.
31. jrnylst; well…it is a good photo but just doesn’t really do anything for me…maybe a different angle would make it more interesting.
32. KurtPreston; neat shot I think it would have been stronger if they were more to the right of the photo –giving them more room to fly
33. kwalsh; I like this photo…I can look at it for a while but I think it is a stretch on fitting the theme…you added to much to the concept I think.
34. cmurph; this photo makes me smile…it seems a bit humorous to me even though I don’t think humor was intended.
35. jwear; ha ha ha too funny…good capture
36. jag; would like to see from a different angle…I know probably not much you could have done about that though.
37. nikonsandVstroms; way to cool, I love this photo it is sooooo neat…however, because of my own ignorance I didn’t see how it represented moving forward…I don’t think I know what porter means.
38. imax; great job with the theme and the photo!
39. HoorClix; fits the theme, nice angle, good timing you’ve got a floating horse.
40. swintonphoto; very interesting and touching photo well done!
41. Mine… thanks for the comments!! This is a cemetary in Fredericksburg VA. There is a candle or two lit for every grave. Each grave has at least one American soldier in it. Most of them are unknown. I wish I would have taken another exposure for the candles so they would not have been blown out in the photograph. My thought on the theme was that each one American life gone = one step forward in American history. I just wanted to provoke thought.
42. explorish; neat photo but I don’t see the theme here.
43. thegreenegg; without your explanation I would not have understood why you entered this photo.
44. NeilL; wow…beautiful…really great job…I am intrigued.
45. samsplace; nice colors, but I don’t know anything about engines so I wouldn’t have got the theme in this photo without the title.
46. CSWinton; too cute! Fits the theme great.
47. Dee; I can’t see the photo.
48. The Curious Camel; nice picture of a little boat, fits the theme well but doesn’t stand out for me.
49. mwgrice; maybe would have been better if there was a little less motion blur and the crop was a little different.
50. kubben; beautiful…I said wow the first time I looked at it!
51. sunsetsailor; very nice photo but it doesn’t fit the theme for me.
52. Eric&Susan; well you sure did captured moving forward alright!
53. RoguePhotographer; I think this would have been a little better if you had shown some motion blur on the second hand. Doesn’t really stand out for me though.
54. TPBinKC; this is my favorite photo. Great job beautiful photograph! I would hang it on my wall!!! (it’s not the most creative as far as the theme goes though)
55. flashiznitsngrins; very good photo, well done…the colors stand out well. I’m not one for insects though.
56. aktse; fits the theme but doesn’t stir any emotion in me.
57. Jwill; I really like this photo and I like your take on the theme. I noticed the pack of cigarettes right away and knew what you were saying. I am an exsmoker so I can relate. Well done!! I probably would have voted for this if it made it to the poll.
58. JFreeman; this photo makes me smile. Well done!! I’m just not sure what your moving forward message is though.
jwear - Out the way!
Kubben - High Seas
Jeffreaux - Released
eoren1 - Baby Steps
VelvtRide - Power!! :wow
davev - moving on
pyroprints - O
KurtPreston - Precision and Grace
tag - Waterfall
I think all the entries were nice, but these stood out to me and I felt fit the theme well.
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/headscratch.gif" border="0" alt="" > hehehe... not much for me to go on?????
Thanks for the critque.
Also two of the people I encouraged to enter are in the top ten so I feel good about that.
Peace, gail
Maybe it was because I have been put through the ringer this month with my family. Maybe I am feeling a little more sensitive than usual after finding out I am pregnant again! With child number 9! My 16 yr old daughters prom. My 19 yr old daughter getting knocked down by a car. My son having dental treatment.
And then thought to myself, it's all subjective, shrug it off and wait to see what others have to say.
I had to leave it until now anyway, because I had to focus on my 4 year old son who had to have two teeth out today. Hearing the words, "your child may pass away while he is under anaesthetic", made the words "snap shot quality" seem miniscule.
And having that picture brings an even greater meaning to me, today, than it did before.
I WAS going to photoshop the bg a little more, even change my entry for my daughters prom picture, Her night to shine, or, my daughter running toward some white cliffs, Runaway but I thought, no leave it.
It said everything to me. Moving forward another year as well as moving forward to blow out her candles, as well as the flames being blown forward.
Oh well, roll on the next challenge. Maybe I will have a better month with my family and maybe I will do better image wise.
Thank you EVERYONE for your cc. For the positive as well as the negative.
I get knocked down, I pick myself back up, I dust myself off and learn from it all. I "move forward". (Hehe sorry couldn't resist that
9 kids, wow! I thought your image displayed the theme great.
I am sad that mine wasn't chosen too. I'll just have to keep entering. Can't please all the people allthe time, right?
Really great shots in here, congrats to everyone who made the final list!
Well, now they're swell words to read, Karrie! Thank you! I'm glad to have done something you appreciate.