First, thank you to the judges and the mods for bringing our beloved competition/challenge back!
Here are my favorites based on how much I liked the photo and whether I thought it fit the theme:
24 - Released - jeffreaux2
I thought this was one of the best takes on the theme and is a great picture on its own.
17 - The Power of Moving Foward - VelvtRide
I love the flames and what I thought were clouds in the sky behind the truck, but is really smoke?
12 - She's going the distance... - Travis
I thought you used just enough motion blur to great effect for the theme. I like how her legs are a little blurry but her face is crisp so we can clearly see the expression. My conclusion is she must have been peddling fast!
22 - Baby Steps - eoren1
I'm not big fan of black and white or baby pictures, but I really like this one, even more so for the theme. Not trying to attack your style or anything, heh, just trying to say I think it's a great pic in spite of myself...?
I guess I'm too serious or something, because I normally don't select photos because I find them humorous; but in this case, I can't help it. It also definitely conveys movement. Well done and great captioning.
13 - Another Year Older - MrsCue
As I said above, just as a personal preference, I don't normally get too much out of baby/children pictures, but I thought this was a great capture - great timing with the shot, a wonderful moment, and perfect for the theme.
I WAS going to photoshop the bg a little more, even change my entry for my daughters prom picture, Her night to shine, or, my daughter running toward some white cliffs, Runaway but I thought, no leave it.
I rather like the Runaway. But than again, I myself went for a more literal interpretation for the theme.
57. Jwill; I really like this photo and I like your take on the theme. I noticed the pack of cigarettes right away and knew what you were saying. I am an exsmoker so I can relate. Well done!! I probably would have voted for this if it made it to the poll.
Thanks Karrie. Its good to know it worked for someone. All the best in the poll
Pat664422 - new growth: nice image, but a little generic.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
While I was given pause for a second from the bluntness of your critique, it really made me think about my image and what I could have done to make a more interesting budding-flower image. I now have an idea which I hope will expand on this and make a more interesting picture. Thanks for not pulling punches.... I hope, heh. <o:p></o:p>
7 Pat664422 - new growth: Would have liked to see this one with a wider aperture to give a more pleasing bokeh/isolation of the flower.<o:p></o:p>
Eoren... thanks for your input. I was a bit worried about the background. The lens I shot it with, the 105 VR usually gives me wonderful backgrounds and isolation, so it's pretty much just user error on my part. I did have the same image shot with a one stop wider aperature, but that left the flower not completely in focus. Also, in classic fashion for myself, this picture and most of the others I took that day at EPCOT during the flower and garden festival were taken with the wrong metering option on in the middle of the afternoon. This resulted in most of the shots being overexposed. It was so bright, I couldn't tell what was wrong on the LCD until we finally got inside. Thankfully shooting RAW allowed me to recover the image enough to have something to enter.
7. Pat664422; Nice composition but the background is distracting.
Karrie, Thanks for the kind words... As I said above I was a bit worried about the background but wasn't able to come up with a better reshoot in time. <o:p></o:p>
#7 – Pat664422 – new growth<o:p></o:p> Lovely delicate image with nice composition. Still a bit of a stretch on the theme for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:State w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">me.</st1:place></st1:State>
Green, thanks for your kind words and critique. After reading your method, I do understand your decision that it wasn't strong on the theme. I would agree if I saw it without the title. My idea was to find a pretty physical example of a growth as a symbol for one of the objectives of our new challenges. Also, I had just gotten my new 105 vr lens and the main reason I got it was to shoot flower pictures, so that was a pretty strong motivator as well
Thanks to everyone who took the time to provide feedback. Really glad things are rolling again in this forum.
<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p><o:p></o:p> I have been down with the flu for the past few days and have had plenty of time to observe the images involved and thought I would share my thoughts on the ones I liked.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
Pyroprints: Fit the theme perfect. Simple and to the point. Nicely done<o:p></o:p>
Shatch: Right where you left off. Wouldn’t expect anything less<o:p></o:p>
DaveV: Perfect fit to the theme. Blown up would make a great poster<o:p></o:p>
Travis: Like it but would have liked to have seen more of her while riding<o:p></o:p>
Jeffreaux2: Loved it when I first saw it. Got my vote<o:p></o:p>
<o:p></o:p> As for the following critiques on my image Debt Consolidation<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Judge Vandana: 38. Imax- debt consolidation - Interesting take on the theme. Like it.<o:p></o:p> Shudderz<o:p></o:p> CSwinton: Debt Consolidation - imax
This image was a creative take on the theme which I liked a lot. The white ash is nicely contrasted with the color from the card and the flames, drawing your attention to those areas. The composition is balanced and the eye moves around the frame without many distractions.<o:p></o:p> Pyroprints: imax - Debt Consolidation: maybe almost too conceptual?<o:p></o:p> Eoren1: 38 imax - debt consolidation: A good concept that is very well captured. Just missed my top10<o:p></o:p> Jag: #38....imax....a very strong photo composition! Nice work!<o:p></o:p> NeilL: Imax #38 Debt Consolidation - Strongly visually stimulating, captures the magical attraction of fire and destruction. This image is a kind of mosaic. The sight of the chains around our necks of bills and demon credit cards being consumed and becoming ash evokes a sigh of relief and a sensation of release which are at the core of the meaning of “Moving Forward”. Congratulations!<o:p></o:p> Greensquared: #38 – imax – Debt Consolidation
Without reading the title this seems more like "Debt Elimination", which would pull the theme in stronger for me personally. It definitely hits on emotions though, as we all have specific feelings regarding debt. Overall, it works. <o:p></o:p> Karrie Mcd: 38. imax; great job with the theme and the photo!<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Thank you all for your critiques. I was actually going through a lot of old business files from 2003 and there was no way a shredder was going to deal with the paperwork so I decided to burn it. I came across some old credit cards that I have been saving for nothing and the idea just kind of popped into my head. I thought after losing all my Canon gear to the tax man that I would not be motivated for the challenges. I found out differently. Thanks again for all the wonderful feedback and comments. Joe<o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p>
thank you!!!To those that found the humor in my shot and took the time to comment --the feed back in these challenges is almost as much fun as winning and when you hear that folks GET you shot it is heart warming .I love what I do and wildlife shooting has been a real challenge trying to get a shot that fits the theme but it is great fun . With the critiques in these all of us have a chance to learn . Thank you again Jeff and now off to vote
#24 – jeffreaux2 – Released<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Spot on the theme! Great lighting and detail. I would probably crop off the left portion including the walkway to strengthen the comp and perhaps remove the bright overhead spotlights. <o:p></o:p>
Thanks for the feedback. I cropped several different ways before settling here. I decided that the spotlights and ALL of the faces added to the drama and story...and so was reluctant to lose a single one.
Ah I was not able to put my pic online Sunday night for this. Busy weekend. I'd just like to note my favorites.
jwear - Out the way!
Kubben - High Seas
Jeffreaux - Released
eoren1 - Baby Steps
VelvtRide - Power!!
davev - moving on
pyroprints - O
KurtPreston - Precision and Grace
tag - Waterfall
I think all the entries were nice, but these stood out to me and I felt fit the theme well.
I am pleased to see I made your list of favorites...Thanks a ton. Also, did you notice I did monotone so I wouldn't have to chance you giving me the skintones are green tinted scare again!
Seriously, I value your opinion and sense of humour. Thanks!!
First, thank you to the judges and the mods for bringing our beloved competition/challenge back!
Here are my favorites based on how much I liked the photo and whether I thought it fit the theme:
24 - Released - jeffreaux2
I thought this was one of the best takes on the theme and is a great picture on its own.
I appreciate that Pat. It has even more meaning to my community that I have not alluded to here in the forums. I will give out that piece of information once all the votes are tallied....but know this...there is a bigger story here than just some kids getting diplomas!!!
I have been down with the flu for the past few days and have had plenty of time to observe the images involved and thought I would share my thoughts on the ones I liked.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p>
Pyroprints: Fit the theme perfect. Simple and to the point. Nicely done<o:p></o:p>
Shatch: Right where you left off. Wouldn’t expect anything less<o:p></o:p>
DaveV: Perfect fit to the theme. Blown up would make a great poster<o:p></o:p>
Travis: Like it but would have liked to have seen more of her while riding<o:p></o:p>
Jeffreaux2: Loved it when I first saw it. Got my vote<o:p></o:p>
I am flattered to recieve a single vote in such a fine gallery of images. There are some extremely talented folks here in the forum...and many of those did not participate. I hope that ensuing challenges will have more participation. The competition is fun I guess, but the real thrill is seeing the variety of interpretations on a given topic. It can only help to improve each of us in our art.
Thanks again....
Also thank you aktse for including my image in your list of favorites.
I felt a little hurt that my work was described as "snap shot quality".
Not to worry Mrs. C, your photo was not snap shotty, it is a wonderful capture, and as you stated, you are more appreciative of that photo now.....OH MY...9 children.....May the Great Spirit Keep You in His Grace, and may you always have that extra potatoe for the pot.
Mine was not liked either..but I am satisfied knowing that my clients loved it, I captured what they wanted and needed...The Heat/Intensity of the game.
Take Care and Be Well!!
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
It is always a little intimidating to attempt to provide some sort of feedback, but as long as each of you understand that I am just providing my opinionated biased thoughts on your photos and you don't mind, then here we go.
Overall, the level of photos this round was extremely high. It seems the bar continues to rise.
1- Pyroprints - O, that way madness lies
You always provide a great entry and this one doesn't disappoint. Simple message, great tonal photo with nice visual lines. Just needed that extra message to compete with the top entries of this round. Overall...great photo that I could see in an ad.
2- Jeffmeyers - The New Day Wars Against the Darkness
This is an amazing cloud shot. I love the depth of the lighting. I would have loved to see more ground with it which would have allowed a visual base to work from. The message wasn't as strong as some of the other entries, but a beautiful cloud photo. Inspiring.
3- darkdragon - "Enron Style"
Good angle and point of perspective. Theme works well for me. I like the double tone in lighting between the background lighting and the flash on the subject. I would have liked to see a little more dimensional lighting on the subject. Someone else mentioned a flashlight kind of look. I think that would be fun. Overall, great interpretation and point of view.
4- shatch - A change of heart
5- Netgarden - For Survival
Amazing photo. I love the expression on the face of the fish. I would like to know how long you waited for this shot. I love it. It does appear a little grainy, most likely from a high ISO and/or tight crop, but I like it a lot. Nice capture and addition to your portfolio.
6- Pat664422 - New Growth
This is a beautiful flower shot. I like the water droplets on it, the bokeh is great, composition is good. Theme is good, just not as strong as some of the other entries. It stinks when you shoot a great photo and someone else appeals to a story more than your great shot. I like it.
7- davev - Moving On
Two thumbs up. Great evening capture. Your timing of night was great. It is a small window where you can balance out the night sky with the building lights. You did a great job. But we expected that...your Dave! Well done.
8- ifocus - The Moment prior
This is a very emotional photo to me. The tone of your BW is very contributing to the feel. I feel drawn in quickly, but I would like to see his face so I can read more into the story. Is it sad, angry, depressed, many different potential interpretations.
9- The Moment prior - Steppin' Through
Welcome to DGRIN! Great use of framing with this photo. The leading lines as well draw you to your subject. Good photo, just not enough story or emotion to land you in the top 15. Like the BW conversion.
10- pemmet - For the cause
This reminds me of a movie poster. I like the dark PP and theme. Looks like a fun afternoon of target practice. I want more story though. Give me enough to lead me to the answer of, "Why?" Fun photo and it appears to be something new for you. I like it.
11- Travis - "She's going the distance, she's going for speed"
I think it is time to change your signature. Your work is looking great! I love her expression, the motion, the lighting, everything. Great shot, looks like you had a fun afternoon shooting creatively. Keep it coming.
12- MrsQ - Another year older
Candle lit shots are hard and you did a good job! It is so hard for a camera to get the right focus, it's hard to get a good balance in your background light, and you did it. It could be a little sharper, but it's good. It would also be fun to see another angle for comparison shot from the table up past the candle lit cake to the birthday child. I like your timing of the photo as well. Good job!
13- mmmatt - Waiting for her world to change.
Very nice photo. The framing you used draws my eye very strongly to the bride. It feels complete to me. It is easy to finish the story. Her pose is nice and engaging. I like your PP treatment of the photo as well.
14- achambers - Waiting for her world to change.
I like your action shot. This photo is better than your initial entry also. I would like to see a version dragging the shutter longer with a rear curtain flash sync. This would create a very cool motion rich, yet frozen subject (with motion streaks behind him). As fun as the photo is though, the interpretation of the theme wasn't strong enough for a top 15. Makes me want to break out the jeep and find a mud hole. Wait...I don't have a jeep. Better add that one to the list.
15- tag- Waterfall forward into summer
Welcome to DGRIN. This is a beautiful waterfall shot. I like your exposure. The only thing I would change is getting rid of the man-made stuff to make it more a natural looking falls.
16- velvtride - The Power of Moving Forward.
I already PM my thoughts on this one. This is a poster shot. The driver would gladly pay for a wall sized mural of this. Deceptively cool!! Not clouds, but they look like it. Great composition (a slight crop may be the only thing I would change). High end. Love it!
17- redkulas - "GO"ing Home (GO Trains)
Nice action capture. Like the urban setting. The subject does get lost in the photo. It would be good to figure out a way to bring more attention and focus to your subject; different angle, tighter crop, something. I like your exposure.
18- Tentation - I Feel the Need For SPEED
Tough conditions to shoot in. Dark and motion together. I like the interplay between the two skaters, almost rythmic. Good composition. Maybe a simplification of background to eliminate distractions. This may be a fun photo to drag the shutter combined with a rear curtain sync. If you try it, post your results. I would love to see them.
19- jvismara - all together now...
Very engaging photo. I love the syncranicity(sp) of the group and your composition, lighting, exposure of this shot. Tells a good story.
20- crayzphotography - to get to the Other side...
Great shot and play on an old age theme. I love the silhouette and the tones of the shot. Composition is very engaging as well. Well done.
21- eorin1 - Baby Steps
Break out the coffee book 'cause this needs to be in it. Very engaging photo with a highly emotional story. Well done!
22- Vanquiz - Fly to the Sun
Fun zoom shot. Did you use your zoom lens or post to make it? Effective use of bringing the viewer into the photo. I like your colorization of the photo as well. To make it better...what is the story for the reader. Why? Would the same theory work better if you were zooming toward a different object?
23- jeffreaux2 - Released
Page 12 in Time Magazine. That is what it looks like to me. This is great photojournalism. This would be perfect on a cover of a newspaper, story in a magazine, etc. Great real capture of an emotional story. Easy to relate to. Well done!
24-puzzledpaul - Life after the 'op'
This has to have a great story behind it. It isn't as obvious as I want it to be. I am guessing that is an artificial hip. Am I right? How could you paint the picture easier for the uneducated viewer like me? I like the composition, I just want a more understandable story.
25- dcorrin - Soaring Eastward
Beautiful sunset/sunrise. Story is there as well. Just not strong enough to compete with the top 15. I love the color and the composition. It would be fun to have a little boy dressed up in a pilot hat staring toward the plane. That would get me. Of course, I love airplanes to.
26- hawkeye978 - Renewal
You picked a hard subject to hit a home run with. The blossoms have finally come out here in Idaho and I love them. This is a good photo. The challenge is how to sell the viewer on the theme and make it stand out against the other entries. I don't know the answer. A different angle maybe? A macro shot of a blossom proudly opened? A blurred shot with a flash to freeze the photo making it look like the branch is growing? Hummmmm. More questions than answers. Way to take on the tough challenge. You have me thinking now. Might not be able to sleep tonight.
27- Shudderz - Soul Flight
Love it. Very emotional and hits the theme. The subject is very artistic and provides a visual line that leads you further into the photo. Your PP of the photo works very well also. Nice shot. Well done.
28- wescott - Contemplating
This is a thought provoking photo. Makes me ask "What is the story?" Composition is good. Was this a foggy day? It almost seems as if it was right during the time when the fog was burning off. If so, I would have loved to see this with a little fog effect in the foreground, or a deep blue sky.
29- barrotj - Out of the Dark
Beautiful Flower. I like the black/dark background. The horizontal leaf distracts from the subject. It would also be fun to play more with the theme by having the stem blend into the total darkness. Maybe a little more aggressive angle to emphasize the movement out of the dark.
30- jrnylst - Warm Up
Great telephoto shot. Easy for the viewer to get involved in the photo. I'm getting cold chills thinking about it. I could see this is Biking Magazine. Well done.
31- KurtPreston - Smartly, with Precision and Grace
Oh the Blue Angles!! Someday I hope to get a ride. Might as well dream big right? This photo makes you look carefully to determine what is really going on. I like that. I would love to see more tone in the photo. Really make it pop! The bold colors scream to me and I want them to scream like the blistering rip of a high speed fly by.
32- kwalsh - Forwards, Backwards and Sideways
Same airshow? Very creative capture. Makes me wish I was on the bus. Your photo provides some great visual tension and a good story. Good timing.
33- Cmurph - Trot on
Another difficult location shot and you did well. The posture of the horse is amazing! Great timing!
34- jware - Move out of the way
I love it! This is one of the photos that I bet you are just wishing to have one more shot at it for focus. The angle, the expression, the framing, lighting, everything but the focus is great. Great eye and capture. A real keeper.
35- Jag - ..and jumping for joy in the rain
I would like to try shooting horses. I like your photo. For the theme, I would love to see this in a more "forward" pose. Maybe shot from 4 feet in front of the rail (of course off to the side) and from down low...even ground level. Really make the horse look like it is airborne.
36- NikonsandVstroms - Porter
Great photo. Love the composition and PP treatment. A real portfolio addition. Well done.
37- IMAX - Debt Consolidation
This is Great! What ever you are shooting with now...keep using it. This is first class! I love the story it implies and the visual elements of the shot are perfect. Well done.
38- Hoofclix - With Full Hind Sight.
I love the tension of the horse being in the air. It just makes me look and look again. Great capture.
39- SwintonPhoto - Burning Pain
Your story is very moving. To be there first hand to witness such a tragic event has to be life changing. You captured the emotion and tradition of a people very well.
40- Karrie McD - One Life/One Step At A Time
This is a fun photo. I bet you enjoyed creating this shot. I like the movement you captured among the surrounding foundational base. Good photo. Fun creativity.
41- explorish - No Parking
I like the BW treatment. The buildings provide a nice visual flow and I like the sky. It is a beautifully done photo. For some reason I'm not sold on the story though. Maybe I need to see the front end loader in motion...creating more tention and pending mahem.
42- thegreenegg - Moving On by Moving Forward.
Great composition with convincing subjects. The lighting works well for the story. Makes me wonder about the fight that preceded this shot. At least that is my interpretation. What ever it was, it was not a casual discussion. Would like to see the shot a little crisper. Shot in a dark theater though, it is tough to nail the focus.
43- NeilL - Breakthrough!
Very neat photo. The photo itself is a breakthrough. Very engaging and great composition. I like it.
44- Samsplace - Moving Force-First, Second, & Third Gear
Now that is my kind of six pack! Great engine, great photo. I don't believe it hits the theme hard enough. I see potential energy...and a lot of it, ready to scream to life. But it hasn't yet. BTW, what kind of Mopar is it?
45- CSwinton - Learning to Stand
Great photo. Very emotional and very identifiable to the theme. I also like your post work.
46- Dee - Fast Forward
This is a great shot. Your timing was just right. I like the visual lines created by the movement of the windsurfer. I would like to see more pop from the photo and a richer color expression.
47- The Curious Camel - Full Speed Ahead...
Hi Gail! Was this boat part of your crew? This is a fun photo. I like the attention the viewer has to give it. It almost says, "Watch out". Great capture of motion.
48- mwgrice - Stride
Great composition and color. Definitely shows movement. I would like something stable though. Maybe shot from a tripod with the ground in focus and the legs in movement.
49- Kubben - Paddling the high seas
Man...hold your breath, I'm about in the sink! Great pov! Demands viewer engagement. BTW, welcome to DGRIN. I like your photo. I just need more story with it, or motion. Either one I think would really pull this together.
50- Sunsetsailor - Braving the Elements
What a fun photo. I want to change your title to "Slowly and Timidly". I like your angle, POV, and depth of focus. Well done. I can relate somedays very well to this creature.
51- Eric&Susan - A kid at heart
Love the idea and the photo. Very identifiable and yes, I love to swing still. If only my kids would let me ride instead of push. I would love to see this as you are getting higher in your arc. I would like to see sky. OK, I know that is tough since you are trying to hold the camera and the swing at the same time. Oh yah, you have to press a shutter also. Great photo.
52- RoguePhotographer -Time Goes On
Simple interpretation, simple photo. Technically correct. Now for the story. What can you do to pull the reader in? Why is the clock important. Why is it the time it is? This could be a fun project to explore. Lots of fun interpretations to be had. Play with it and show us some more.
53- TPBinKC - Looking Up
What an amazing building! I like the photo. Good play between the building spire and the space of the airplane. I like the richness of the photo. Well executed.
54- fashiznitsngrins -Onward And Upward - One Leg At A Time
Great theme interpretation. It would be fun to see a macro or at least an even closer shot of this from behind the centipede. Like the richness of the colors.
55- Aktse - Full Speed Ahead
Tension. I'm about to get hit! Great engaging photo. It would be fun to be even more involved such as placing the puck on the ice (stationary) and have the skater skating toward you in the background with a slight focus blur on the skater.
56-JWill - The Final Parting
Excellent theme interpretation! I had to look for a while to get it but when I did...:D . Just need to isolate the cigs from the background and you have a homerun. Great creativity and POV.
57-JFreeman - A Clean Shave?
Fantastic execution of this photo. The expression is great, the it. The only thing I would change is place the razor on his face to change the expression from anticipation to pain. Great photo.
That's it. Whew! Don't know if I can do that again. I really shouldn't have, but too many of you are providing such great remarks that I felt obligated...and it is a great experience in helping me to grow photographically as well.
A Change of Heart - shatch
This photo fits the theme very well and was a well executed composition. The photo has an ethereal feel to it - I love the emotion conveyed and the feeling of movement. The lighting was used creatively and adds to the theme. A unique and impressive photo.
Thank you for your feedback and vote. The detail response is nice to read. Thanks.
5 shatch - Change of Heart: Well made! Took me a while before I noticed those subtle details - the face in profile sitting in the blur. And, for some reason, what looks like a puppy to me on the right side of the blur... Top10
Thanks eoren1 for the detailed feedback. Congrats to you on a great entry!
Shatch #5 A Change of Heart - An image with visual and emotional punch. Makes visible an emotional-psychological process which we recognise as "Moving Forward" (though some changes of heart might not be quite so easy as 1-2!). Very pared-down yet keeping the eye’s attention to repeatedly scan back and forth. Beautiful handling of all the elements of subject, color, shade and movement. Congratulations!<o:p></o:p>
Thanks NeilL for your detailed feedback. It is always fun to read your poetic and detailed analysis.
I am pleased to see I made your list of favorites...Thanks a ton. Also, did you notice I did monotone so I wouldn't have to chance you giving me the skintones are green tinted scare again!
Seriously, I value your opinion and sense of humour. Thanks!!
Haha! I'm just glad you appreciate my humor. Never know how people are going to take things on forums, especially one I still feel fairly new to and I don't feel I post enough of my own pics for people to bash on. You have a consistency and a signature style to your images yet they are fresh!
Keep it up!
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43- NeilL - Breakthrough!
Very neat photo. The photo itself is a breakthrough. Very engaging and great composition. I like it.
Thanks for the encouragement, shatch! I'm glad I didn't have to C&C Breakthrough, I don't think I would have known what to say!
With hard-won skill and a bit of luck someone can bag a great shot. Maybe most often we tart up what we get in PP. Then there are the times when an image has to be built in stages to express an idea. This last is one of the great opportunities that digital offers.
Breakthrough was not very complicated: a B&W conversion, tessellation of the background with an area of the water in the shot, a bit of rainbow. I was pleased that it was theme-inspired, like your own image, a breakthrough being what has to happen for us to be able to move forward.
Some were possibly confused because the subject and water might have been a straight shot but yet something was strange, or because they found the image as a composite not completely naturalistic. Had I had more time I would have made the image even more ambiguous, so that the water had characteristics of both liquid and solid, with fragments of it shattering away from the explosion of the face breaking through it.
47- The Curious Camel - Full Speed Ahead...
Hi Gail! Was this boat part of your crew? This is a fun photo. I like the attention the viewer has to give it. It almost says, "Watch out". Great capture of motion.
Thanks alot of taking the time to critque everyone entry.
No, not mine. My husband and I just happened upon these guys, young and old playing with their toys in the water. Wasn't expecting to enter this round but I thought it would be good exercise.
Hi Everyone....Thanks all for the feedback, it is always very interesting to see what different eyes percieve, the feedback has been different from all.
I just had to come back...Mrs. Cue...your feeling bad that your shot was critiqued as snap shotty....but I had to come back and CONGRATULATE you.
What a wonderful accomplishment....Not 1 but 2 photos of yours have been accepted by Kodak this month as POTD and are going to be displayed on the Big Screen in Times Square in New York....I don't know about anyone else...but that to me says LOADS!! You are Alison Greenwood in the UK? RIght??
Again, Congratulations, you are blessed, not once, but 9x's plus...:D
On another note:
Hey Askte...thanks for the made me smile!
Shatch, could you do me a big favor and elaborate on the technique...I tried to do "rear" sync but the lighting was horrible...perhaps I did not do it correctly...Send me an email...PLEASE or message me here...Thanks
To all Keep CLicking...I look forward to the next round and the rising intensity as we continue to submit entries.....Whoohooooo
You're only as good as your next photo....
One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
even if the tragedy did not happen i think this image speaks volumes...
it sets a mood in me, it has a power over me to reflect on many issues besides the tragedy.
nikonsandvstroms porter
the textures, & symmetry are great!...i enjoy this image also because it reminds me of travels ive had...
i really enjoy the atmosphere you created here.all your treatments agree with me. and i like the thoughts that are invoked by placement of subject...
i do not like the guessing you did not mean for it to be tilting to the right...right?:D
my wife really liked : eoren1 baby steps (i did too! )
I just had to come back...Mrs. Cue...your feeling bad that your shot was critiqued as snap shotty....but I had to come back and CONGRATULATE you.
What a wonderful accomplishment....Not 1 but 2 photos of yours have been accepted by Kodak this month as POTD and are going to be displayed on the Big Screen in Times Square in New York....I don't know about anyone else...but that to me says LOADS!! You are Alison Greenwood in the UK? RIght??
Again, Congratulations, you are blessed, not once, but 9x's plus...:D
Yeah that's me Donna. Thank you for the congrats
Just one thing...apart from stating the obvious, and looking at the kodak site etc, how did you find out?
Canon EOS 40D, Canon EOS 350D, 50mm 1.8 MKII prime lens, 17-40mm f/4 L lens, 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS lens, 430 EX speedlite, Tungsten Continuous studio light, Pocket Wizards, Gary Fong Lightsphere, Stofen Omni bounce diffuser, 5in1 reflector
First, thank you to the judges and the mods for bringing our beloved competition/challenge back!
Here are my favorites based on how much I liked the photo and whether I thought it fit the theme:
24 - Released - jeffreaux2
I thought this was one of the best takes on the theme and is a great picture on its own.
17 - The Power of Moving Foward - VelvtRide
I love the flames and what I thought were clouds in the sky behind the truck, but is really smoke?
12 - She's going the distance... - Travis
I thought you used just enough motion blur to great effect for the theme. I like how her legs are a little blurry but her face is crisp so we can clearly see the expression. My conclusion is she must have been peddling fast!
22 - Baby Steps - eoren1
I'm not big fan of black and white or baby pictures, but I really like this one, even more so for the theme. Not trying to attack your style or anything, heh, just trying to say I think it's a great pic in spite of myself...?
I guess I'm too serious or something, because I normally don't select photos because I find them humorous; but in this case, I can't help it. It also definitely conveys movement. Well done and great captioning.
13 - Another Year Older - MrsCue
As I said above, just as a personal preference, I don't normally get too much out of baby/children pictures, but I thought this was a great capture - great timing with the shot, a wonderful moment, and perfect for the theme.
I rather like the Runaway. But than again, I myself went for a more literal interpretation for the theme.
That's the spirit The Photo Section
Thanks Karrie. Its good to know it worked for someone. All the best in the poll
While I was given pause for a second from the bluntness of your critique, it really made me think about my image and what I could have done to make a more interesting budding-flower image. I now have an idea which I hope will expand on this and make a more interesting picture. Thanks for not pulling punches.... I hope, heh.
Eoren... thanks for your input. I was a bit worried about the background. The lens I shot it with, the 105 VR usually gives me wonderful backgrounds and isolation, so it's pretty much just user error on my part. I did have the same image shot with a one stop wider aperature, but that left the flower not completely in focus. Also, in classic fashion for myself, this picture and most of the others I took that day at EPCOT during the flower and garden festival were taken with the wrong metering option on in the middle of the afternoon. This resulted in most of the shots being overexposed. It was so bright, I couldn't tell what was wrong on the LCD until we finally got inside. Thankfully shooting RAW allowed me to recover the image enough to have something to enter.
Karrie, Thanks for the kind words... As I said above I was a bit worried about the background but wasn't able to come up with a better reshoot in time.
<o:p></o:p> Green, thanks for your kind words and critique. After reading your method, I do understand your decision that it wasn't strong on the theme. I would agree if I saw it without the title. My idea was to find a pretty physical example of a growth as a symbol for one of the objectives of our new challenges. Also, I had just gotten my new 105 vr lens and the main reason I got it was to shoot flower pictures, so that was a pretty strong motivator as well
Thanks to everyone who took the time to provide feedback. Really glad things are rolling again in this forum.
I have been down with the flu for the past few days and have had plenty of time to observe the images involved and thought I would share my thoughts on the ones I liked.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
- Pyroprints: Fit the theme perfect. Simple and to the point. Nicely done<o:p></o:p>
- Shatch: Right where you left off. Wouldn’t expect anything less<o:p></o:p>
- DaveV: Perfect fit to the theme. Blown up would make a great poster<o:p></o:p>
- Travis: Like it but would have liked to have seen more of her while riding<o:p></o:p>
- Jeffreaux2: Loved it when I first saw it. Got my vote<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>As for the following critiques on my image Debt Consolidation<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Judge Vandana: 38. Imax- debt consolidation - Interesting take on the theme. Like it.<o:p></o:p>
CSwinton: Debt Consolidation - imax
This image was a creative take on the theme which I liked a lot. The white ash is nicely contrasted with the color from the card and the flames, drawing your attention to those areas. The composition is balanced and the eye moves around the frame without many distractions.<o:p></o:p>
Pyroprints: imax - Debt Consolidation: maybe almost too conceptual?<o:p></o:p>
Eoren1: 38 imax - debt consolidation: A good concept that is very well captured. Just missed my top10<o:p></o:p>
Jag: #38....imax....a very strong photo composition! Nice work!<o:p></o:p>
NeilL: Imax #38 Debt Consolidation - Strongly visually stimulating, captures the magical attraction of fire and destruction. This image is a kind of mosaic. The sight of the chains around our necks of bills and demon credit cards being consumed and becoming ash evokes a sigh of relief and a sensation of release which are at the core of the meaning of “Moving Forward”. Congratulations!<o:p></o:p>
Greensquared: #38 – imax – Debt Consolidation
Without reading the title this seems more like "Debt Elimination", which would pull the theme in stronger for me personally. It definitely hits on emotions though, as we all have specific feelings regarding debt. Overall, it works. <o:p></o:p>
Karrie Mcd: 38. imax; great job with the theme and the photo!<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Thank you all for your critiques. I was actually going through a lot of old business files from 2003 and there was no way a shredder was going to deal with the paperwork so I decided to burn it. I came across some old credit cards that I have been saving for nothing and the idea just kind of popped into my head.
I thought after losing all my Canon gear to the tax man that I would not be motivated for the challenges. I found out differently. Thanks again for all the wonderful feedback and comments.
<o:p> </o:p>
Yup! Really, really.
Thank you for the kind words.
Thanks for the feedback. I cropped several different ways before settling here. I decided that the spotlights and ALL of the faces added to the drama and story...and so was reluctant to lose a single one.
Sheesh sure know how to build a guy's confidence with one word dontcha!:D
I am pleased to see I made your list of favorites...Thanks a ton. Also, did you notice I did monotone so I wouldn't have to chance you giving me the skintones are green tinted scare again!
Seriously, I value your opinion and sense of humour. Thanks!!
I appreciate that Pat. It has even more meaning to my community that I have not alluded to here in the forums. I will give out that piece of information once all the votes are tallied....but know this...there is a bigger story here than just some kids getting diplomas!!!
I am flattered to recieve a single vote in such a fine gallery of images. There are some extremely talented folks here in the forum...and many of those did not participate. I hope that ensuing challenges will have more participation. The competition is fun I guess, but the real thrill is seeing the variety of interpretations on a given topic. It can only help to improve each of us in our art.
Thanks again....
Also thank you aktse for including my image in your list of favorites.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
Not to worry Mrs. C, your photo was not snap shotty, it is a wonderful capture, and as you stated, you are more appreciative of that photo now.....OH MY...9 children.....May the Great Spirit Keep You in His Grace, and may you always have that extra potatoe for the pot.
Mine was not liked either..but I am satisfied knowing that my clients loved it, I captured what they wanted and needed...The Heat/Intensity of the game.
Take Care and Be Well!!
Thanks... I appreciate being one of your favorites.
Overall, the level of photos this round was extremely high. It seems the bar continues to rise.
1- Pyroprints - O, that way madness lies
You always provide a great entry and this one doesn't disappoint. Simple message, great tonal photo with nice visual lines. Just needed that extra message to compete with the top entries of this round. Overall...great photo that I could see in an ad.
2- Jeffmeyers - The New Day Wars Against the Darkness
This is an amazing cloud shot. I love the depth of the lighting. I would have loved to see more ground with it which would have allowed a visual base to work from. The message wasn't as strong as some of the other entries, but a beautiful cloud photo. Inspiring.
3- darkdragon - "Enron Style"
Good angle and point of perspective. Theme works well for me. I like the double tone in lighting between the background lighting and the flash on the subject. I would have liked to see a little more dimensional lighting on the subject. Someone else mentioned a flashlight kind of look. I think that would be fun. Overall, great interpretation and point of view.
4- shatch - A change of heart
5- Netgarden - For Survival
Amazing photo. I love the expression on the face of the fish. I would like to know how long you waited for this shot. I love it. It does appear a little grainy, most likely from a high ISO and/or tight crop, but I like it a lot. Nice capture and addition to your portfolio.
6- Pat664422 - New Growth
This is a beautiful flower shot. I like the water droplets on it, the bokeh is great, composition is good. Theme is good, just not as strong as some of the other entries. It stinks when you shoot a great photo and someone else appeals to a story more than your great shot. I like it.
7- davev - Moving On
Two thumbs up. Great evening capture. Your timing of night was great. It is a small window where you can balance out the night sky with the building lights. You did a great job. But we expected that...your Dave! Well done.
8- ifocus - The Moment prior
This is a very emotional photo to me. The tone of your BW is very contributing to the feel. I feel drawn in quickly, but I would like to see his face so I can read more into the story. Is it sad, angry, depressed, many different potential interpretations.
9- The Moment prior - Steppin' Through
Welcome to DGRIN! Great use of framing with this photo. The leading lines as well draw you to your subject. Good photo, just not enough story or emotion to land you in the top 15. Like the BW conversion.
10- pemmet - For the cause
This reminds me of a movie poster. I like the dark PP and theme. Looks like a fun afternoon of target practice. I want more story though. Give me enough to lead me to the answer of, "Why?" Fun photo and it appears to be something new for you. I like it.
11- Travis - "She's going the distance, she's going for speed"
I think it is time to change your signature. Your work is looking great! I love her expression, the motion, the lighting, everything. Great shot, looks like you had a fun afternoon shooting creatively. Keep it coming.
12- MrsQ - Another year older
Candle lit shots are hard and you did a good job! It is so hard for a camera to get the right focus, it's hard to get a good balance in your background light, and you did it. It could be a little sharper, but it's good. It would also be fun to see another angle for comparison shot from the table up past the candle lit cake to the birthday child. I like your timing of the photo as well. Good job!
13- mmmatt - Waiting for her world to change.
Very nice photo. The framing you used draws my eye very strongly to the bride. It feels complete to me. It is easy to finish the story. Her pose is nice and engaging. I like your PP treatment of the photo as well.
14- achambers - Waiting for her world to change.
I like your action shot. This photo is better than your initial entry also. I would like to see a version dragging the shutter longer with a rear curtain flash sync. This would create a very cool motion rich, yet frozen subject (with motion streaks behind him). As fun as the photo is though, the interpretation of the theme wasn't strong enough for a top 15. Makes me want to break out the jeep and find a mud hole. Wait...I don't have a jeep. Better add that one to the list.
15- tag- Waterfall forward into summer
Welcome to DGRIN. This is a beautiful waterfall shot. I like your exposure. The only thing I would change is getting rid of the man-made stuff to make it more a natural looking falls.
16- velvtride - The Power of Moving Forward.
I already PM my thoughts on this one. This is a poster shot. The driver would gladly pay for a wall sized mural of this. Deceptively cool!! Not clouds, but they look like it. Great composition (a slight crop may be the only thing I would change). High end. Love it!
17- redkulas - "GO"ing Home (GO Trains)
Nice action capture. Like the urban setting. The subject does get lost in the photo. It would be good to figure out a way to bring more attention and focus to your subject; different angle, tighter crop, something. I like your exposure.
18- Tentation - I Feel the Need For SPEED
Tough conditions to shoot in. Dark and motion together. I like the interplay between the two skaters, almost rythmic. Good composition. Maybe a simplification of background to eliminate distractions. This may be a fun photo to drag the shutter combined with a rear curtain sync. If you try it, post your results. I would love to see them.
19- jvismara - all together now...
Very engaging photo. I love the syncranicity(sp) of the group and your composition, lighting, exposure of this shot. Tells a good story.
20- crayzphotography - to get to the Other side...
Great shot and play on an old age theme. I love the silhouette and the tones of the shot. Composition is very engaging as well. Well done.
21- eorin1 - Baby Steps
Break out the coffee book 'cause this needs to be in it. Very engaging photo with a highly emotional story. Well done!
22- Vanquiz - Fly to the Sun
Fun zoom shot. Did you use your zoom lens or post to make it? Effective use of bringing the viewer into the photo. I like your colorization of the photo as well. To make it better...what is the story for the reader. Why? Would the same theory work better if you were zooming toward a different object?
23- jeffreaux2 - Released
Page 12 in Time Magazine. That is what it looks like to me. This is great photojournalism. This would be perfect on a cover of a newspaper, story in a magazine, etc. Great real capture of an emotional story. Easy to relate to. Well done!
24-puzzledpaul - Life after the 'op'
This has to have a great story behind it. It isn't as obvious as I want it to be. I am guessing that is an artificial hip. Am I right? How could you paint the picture easier for the uneducated viewer like me? I like the composition, I just want a more understandable story.
25- dcorrin - Soaring Eastward
Beautiful sunset/sunrise. Story is there as well. Just not strong enough to compete with the top 15. I love the color and the composition. It would be fun to have a little boy dressed up in a pilot hat staring toward the plane. That would get me. Of course, I love airplanes to.
26- hawkeye978 - Renewal
You picked a hard subject to hit a home run with. The blossoms have finally come out here in Idaho and I love them. This is a good photo. The challenge is how to sell the viewer on the theme and make it stand out against the other entries. I don't know the answer. A different angle maybe? A macro shot of a blossom proudly opened? A blurred shot with a flash to freeze the photo making it look like the branch is growing? Hummmmm. More questions than answers. Way to take on the tough challenge. You have me thinking now. Might not be able to sleep tonight.
27- Shudderz - Soul Flight
Love it. Very emotional and hits the theme. The subject is very artistic and provides a visual line that leads you further into the photo. Your PP of the photo works very well also. Nice shot. Well done.
28- wescott - Contemplating
This is a thought provoking photo. Makes me ask "What is the story?" Composition is good. Was this a foggy day? It almost seems as if it was right during the time when the fog was burning off. If so, I would have loved to see this with a little fog effect in the foreground, or a deep blue sky.
29- barrotj - Out of the Dark
Beautiful Flower. I like the black/dark background. The horizontal leaf distracts from the subject. It would also be fun to play more with the theme by having the stem blend into the total darkness. Maybe a little more aggressive angle to emphasize the movement out of the dark.
30- jrnylst - Warm Up
Great telephoto shot. Easy for the viewer to get involved in the photo. I'm getting cold chills thinking about it. I could see this is Biking Magazine. Well done.
31- KurtPreston - Smartly, with Precision and Grace
Oh the Blue Angles!! Someday I hope to get a ride. Might as well dream big right? This photo makes you look carefully to determine what is really going on. I like that. I would love to see more tone in the photo. Really make it pop! The bold colors scream to me and I want them to scream like the blistering rip of a high speed fly by.
32- kwalsh - Forwards, Backwards and Sideways
Same airshow? Very creative capture. Makes me wish I was on the bus. Your photo provides some great visual tension and a good story. Good timing.
33- Cmurph - Trot on
Another difficult location shot and you did well. The posture of the horse is amazing! Great timing!
34- jware - Move out of the way
I love it! This is one of the photos that I bet you are just wishing to have one more shot at it for focus. The angle, the expression, the framing, lighting, everything but the focus is great. Great eye and capture. A real keeper.
35- Jag - ..and jumping for joy in the rain
I would like to try shooting horses. I like your photo. For the theme, I would love to see this in a more "forward" pose. Maybe shot from 4 feet in front of the rail (of course off to the side) and from down low...even ground level. Really make the horse look like it is airborne.
36- NikonsandVstroms - Porter
Great photo. Love the composition and PP treatment. A real portfolio addition. Well done.
37- IMAX - Debt Consolidation
This is Great! What ever you are shooting with now...keep using it. This is first class! I love the story it implies and the visual elements of the shot are perfect. Well done.
38- Hoofclix - With Full Hind Sight.
I love the tension of the horse being in the air. It just makes me look and look again. Great capture.
39- SwintonPhoto - Burning Pain
Your story is very moving. To be there first hand to witness such a tragic event has to be life changing. You captured the emotion and tradition of a people very well.
40- Karrie McD - One Life/One Step At A Time
This is a fun photo. I bet you enjoyed creating this shot. I like the movement you captured among the surrounding foundational base. Good photo. Fun creativity.
41- explorish - No Parking
I like the BW treatment. The buildings provide a nice visual flow and I like the sky. It is a beautifully done photo. For some reason I'm not sold on the story though. Maybe I need to see the front end loader in motion...creating more tention and pending mahem.
42- thegreenegg - Moving On by Moving Forward.
Great composition with convincing subjects. The lighting works well for the story. Makes me wonder about the fight that preceded this shot. At least that is my interpretation. What ever it was, it was not a casual discussion. Would like to see the shot a little crisper. Shot in a dark theater though, it is tough to nail the focus.
43- NeilL - Breakthrough!
Very neat photo. The photo itself is a breakthrough. Very engaging and great composition. I like it.
44- Samsplace - Moving Force-First, Second, & Third Gear
Now that is my kind of six pack! Great engine, great photo. I don't believe it hits the theme hard enough. I see potential energy...and a lot of it, ready to scream to life. But it hasn't yet. BTW, what kind of Mopar is it?
45- CSwinton - Learning to Stand
Great photo. Very emotional and very identifiable to the theme. I also like your post work.
46- Dee - Fast Forward
This is a great shot. Your timing was just right. I like the visual lines created by the movement of the windsurfer. I would like to see more pop from the photo and a richer color expression.
47- The Curious Camel - Full Speed Ahead...
Hi Gail! Was this boat part of your crew? This is a fun photo. I like the attention the viewer has to give it. It almost says, "Watch out". Great capture of motion.
48- mwgrice - Stride
Great composition and color. Definitely shows movement. I would like something stable though. Maybe shot from a tripod with the ground in focus and the legs in movement.
49- Kubben - Paddling the high seas
Man...hold your breath, I'm about in the sink! Great pov! Demands viewer engagement. BTW, welcome to DGRIN. I like your photo. I just need more story with it, or motion. Either one I think would really pull this together.
50- Sunsetsailor - Braving the Elements
What a fun photo. I want to change your title to "Slowly and Timidly". I like your angle, POV, and depth of focus. Well done. I can relate somedays very well to this creature.
51- Eric&Susan - A kid at heart
Love the idea and the photo. Very identifiable and yes, I love to swing still. If only my kids would let me ride instead of push. I would love to see this as you are getting higher in your arc. I would like to see sky. OK, I know that is tough since you are trying to hold the camera and the swing at the same time. Oh yah, you have to press a shutter also. Great photo.
52- RoguePhotographer -Time Goes On
Simple interpretation, simple photo. Technically correct. Now for the story. What can you do to pull the reader in? Why is the clock important. Why is it the time it is? This could be a fun project to explore. Lots of fun interpretations to be had. Play with it and show us some more.
53- TPBinKC - Looking Up
What an amazing building! I like the photo. Good play between the building spire and the space of the airplane. I like the richness of the photo. Well executed.
54- fashiznitsngrins -Onward And Upward - One Leg At A Time
Great theme interpretation. It would be fun to see a macro or at least an even closer shot of this from behind the centipede. Like the richness of the colors.
55- Aktse - Full Speed Ahead
Tension. I'm about to get hit! Great engaging photo. It would be fun to be even more involved such as placing the puck on the ice (stationary) and have the skater skating toward you in the background with a slight focus blur on the skater.
56-JWill - The Final Parting
Excellent theme interpretation! I had to look for a while to get it but when I did...:D . Just need to isolate the cigs from the background and you have a homerun. Great creativity and POV.
57-JFreeman - A Clean Shave?
Fantastic execution of this photo. The expression is great, the it. The only thing I would change is place the razor on his face to change the expression from anticipation to pain. Great photo.
That's it. Whew! Don't know if I can do that again. I really shouldn't have, but too many of you are providing such great remarks that I felt obligated...and it is a great experience in helping me to grow photographically as well.
Best wishes to you all!!
Some of My Photos:
Thanks for the judging! Greensquared, thanks for the vote and feedback.
Some of My Photos:
Heather, Thanks for including me! That was very kind.
Some of My Photos:
Thank you for your feedback and vote. The detail response is nice to read. Thanks.
Some of My Photos:
Thanks PyroPrints for the comments.
Some of My Photos:
Thanks eoren1 for the detailed feedback. Congrats to you on a great entry!
Some of My Photos:
Wow, Thanks for including me!
Some of My Photos:
Thanks NeilL for your detailed feedback. It is always fun to read your poetic and detailed analysis.
Some of My Photos:
Boy! I'm glad you didn't enter! You would have knocked some of us out! Beautiful photo of a graceful maneuver. Thanks for sharing!
Some of My Photos:
Thanks Karrie McD! Glad I could be in your favorites list. Thanks!:D
Some of My Photos:
Thanks for making part of your cool photo montage!
Some of My Photos:
Thanks Imax. Congrats again on a great entry.
Some of My Photos:
Haha! I'm just glad you appreciate my humor. Never know how people are going to take things on forums, especially one I still feel fairly new to and I don't feel I post enough of my own pics for people to bash on. You have a consistency and a signature style to your images yet they are fresh!
Keep it up!
Thanks for the encouragement, shatch! I'm glad I didn't have to C&C Breakthrough, I don't think I would have known what to say!
With hard-won skill and a bit of luck someone can bag a great shot. Maybe most often we tart up what we get in PP. Then there are the times when an image has to be built in stages to express an idea. This last is one of the great opportunities that digital offers.
Breakthrough was not very complicated: a B&W conversion, tessellation of the background with an area of the water in the shot, a bit of rainbow. I was pleased that it was theme-inspired, like your own image, a breakthrough being what has to happen for us to be able to move forward.
Some were possibly confused because the subject and water might have been a straight shot but yet something was strange, or because they found the image as a composite not completely naturalistic. Had I had more time I would have made the image even more ambiguous, so that the water had characteristics of both liquid and solid, with fragments of it shattering away from the explosion of the face breaking through it.
Best wishes to you, and happy photoexperimenting!
Thanks alot of taking the time to critque everyone entry.
No, not mine. My husband and I just happened upon these guys, young and old playing with their toys in the water. Wasn't expecting to enter this round but I thought it would be good exercise.
Again thanks, I appreciate you opinion.
Peace to you always. gail
I just had to come back...Mrs. Cue...your feeling bad that your shot was critiqued as snap shotty....but I had to come back and CONGRATULATE you.
What a wonderful accomplishment....Not 1 but 2 photos of yours have been accepted by Kodak this month as POTD and are going to be displayed on the Big Screen in Times Square in New York....I don't know about anyone else...but that to me says LOADS!! You are Alison Greenwood in the UK? RIght??
Again, Congratulations, you are blessed, not once, but 9x's plus...:D
On another note:
Hey Askte...thanks for the made me smile!
Shatch, could you do me a big favor and elaborate on the technique...I tried to do "rear" sync but the lighting was horrible...perhaps I did not do it correctly...Send me an email...PLEASE or message me here...Thanks
To all Keep CLicking...I look forward to the next round and the rising intensity as we continue to submit entries.....Whoohooooo
even if the tragedy did not happen i think this image speaks volumes...
it sets a mood in me, it has a power over me to reflect on many issues besides the tragedy.
nikonsandvstroms porter
the textures, & symmetry are great!...i enjoy this image also because it reminds me of travels ive had...
i really enjoy the atmosphere you created here.all your treatments agree with me. and i like the thoughts that are invoked by placement of subject...
i do not like the guessing you did not mean for it to be tilting to the right...right?:D
Yeah that's me Donna. Thank you for the congrats
Just one thing...apart from stating the obvious, and looking at the kodak site etc, how did you find out?