Weekly Discussion Thread: Best of 2009

How about we dig in our photo archives and share our Best of 2009 Photos?
I usually prepare an extra slide show and post it on my blog sometime between Christmas & New Years ... so, mine is still in the works ... :wink
How about you guys? Do you have anything you'd be willing to share? A slide show / or maybe a link to your favorite wedding from this year (blog or gallery)? :lust
>> Shhhhhhht. Wanna see the other weekly threads? Click HERE.
I usually prepare an extra slide show and post it on my blog sometime between Christmas & New Years ... so, mine is still in the works ... :wink
How about you guys? Do you have anything you'd be willing to share? A slide show / or maybe a link to your favorite wedding from this year (blog or gallery)? :lust
>> Shhhhhhht. Wanna see the other weekly threads? Click HERE.
But here is the links for my fav sessions.
Favorite wedding slideshow
Favorite engagement Session slideshow
Galleries of the videos and photographs!
I really need to upgrade my smugmug to pro to upload higher res. videos. Needs.. moneys..
If I may ask ... how did you do it? (I haven't ever created a slide show with smugmug, been using other services ...)
Did you create it with a specific program and then upload it as a movie to a gallery?
Eric and Liz:
This is actually two photos quickly snapped from the same place. Seconding is cool, but most of the time they're not looking at me when the principal was posing them, so I really like moments like these:
And I like this one coz she looks soooo chill:
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
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Pro-Exclusive Styles are here:
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
But I'm lazy and I'm not gonna bother doing all THAT!
Dude..I'm far from lazy.....I'm just not one to toot my own horn...
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
What should I say ... awesome photos (didn't expect anything else)!!!
Thanks for sharing
Heh, sorry, I meant that *I* am the lazy one. Thanks for posting, the shots are great! I think the collective shots from everyone are what makes threads like this great.
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
some sweet 2009s!
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
The MoxieBlog
The MoxieBlog
Edited to explain that it is my Best of 2009 Slideshow! It does take a second to load.
Oh, Heather. FANTASTIC. What else can one say?
What song was that?
CTU Photography
Was yours like an extended version of the song? I found it on iTunes, but yours seemed way longer, and didn't hear yours repeat (at least I thought I didn't
CTU Photography
Haha.. that is the heathersneakyfeather at work! It has some loops in there and doubles the length. Otherwise the photos go by so fast.... And I had a hard enough time narrowing it down to 250 from 30K+. I am not made for that kind of pain!
Narrowing it down to 1200, huh? Life is rough for you, I can tell. And they are ALL amazing! Very sneaky to do 2 photos on one slide. I'm gonna have to figure out how you do that and save some time!
Check out by Best Of-s on my blog. I posted a couple of different shows, depending on how much time you have
Haha. Well, I wanted to post an option for a smaller version on my blog, before people kill me on here.
The 2 photos on a slide are actually "one picture" (put 2 photos onto one pic in photoshop). I don't think there is an other way to do it
Have to say, yours flows better. Still a bit annoyed I couldn't narrow them down even more, but I'm just really the worst when it comes to deleting photos + I figured it would be nice to see all of my couples .... so ...
Compiled from our 2009 weddings, yeah it's a lot of pictures, I am not good at critiqueing my own stuff so I like them all...does that make me a bad person lol..